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Mine all Mine – Son of God or Man
The church laid the foundation of what God is and what God isn't, and then ironically departed from their Creator. [...]
Lesson of the All-Seeing Eye
What can we say today that we set our hearts upon a new vision or inspire at a new thought [...]
Spiritual Evolution
Would it be that we live in caves? Yet the caves were life, safety, warmth, home. Would it be that [...]
Spoken Unspoken
I cannot write what cannot be written About the Riddle of the Shapes With 1 Foundation With 2 Perspectives With [...]
They Seek a Sign
They seek a sign, And look without. Look within. They seek love, And look to an outsider. Look inside. They [...]
Mine all Mine – Son of God or Man
The church laid the foundation of what God is and what God isn't, and then ironically departed from their Creator. The family laid the foundation of what is good and [...]
Lesson of the All-Seeing Eye
What can we say today that we set our hearts upon a new vision or inspire at a new thought in order to bring about the wish of a dream [...]
Spiritual Evolution
Would it be that we live in caves? Yet the caves were life, safety, warmth, home. Would it be that we live in lean-to tents? Yet the tents were private, [...]
Spoken Unspoken
I cannot write what cannot be written About the Riddle of the Shapes With 1 Foundation With 2 Perspectives With 3 Directions With 4 Corners And 5 Faces Or the [...]
They Seek a Sign
They seek a sign, And look without. Look within. They seek love, And look to an outsider. Look inside. They seek hope, And look to another. Look to your eyes. [...]