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Generation of Hope
To the young who still dream To those who are honing their skill To those who are learning to build [...]
Far Behind the Foresight
What secrets have I let loose Behind the veil of the keys? Was it not a thousand lifetimes ago? I [...]
Make Believe
OK so when the Aliens arrive en-mass… what will you do? No seriously, let’s say for a moment (take a [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not [...]
Edge of the Cliff
I don't feel like posting one of my insane rambling rants tonight. Oh i do have them still... and could [...]
This Realm’s Awakening
I was 7 when you first appeared in a dream Nothing to hide your arms open wide you spoke as [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the [...]
The Sleeping Man
I was a man asleep. Not knowing. Every man knows his desires Every man knows the woman in his heart. [...]
In Gratitude
Not many are given the chance to touch the dreams of their youth. I was as a wonderer on the [...]
The World of Lovers
I live in the world of lovers. Where Light and Dark collide. Where God and Beast are one. Where Heaven [...]
The Lover’s Dream
These are the dreams of a dreamer To seek, to love, to know and to give to For my love [...]
Generation of Hope
To the young who still dream To those who are honing their skill To those who are learning to build To those who are educating themselves To those who are [...]
Far Behind the Foresight
What secrets have I let loose Behind the veil of the keys? Was it not a thousand lifetimes ago? I can feel it as if it were now That soul [...]
Make Believe
OK so when the Aliens arrive en-mass… what will you do? No seriously, let’s say for a moment (take a leap of imagination) and ask yourself. What will it change? [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not of my intellect And experiences Unknown to my days There [...]
Edge of the Cliff
I don't feel like posting one of my insane rambling rants tonight. Oh i do have them still... and could write one out right now with all the thoughts in [...]
This Realm’s Awakening
I was 7 when you first appeared in a dream Nothing to hide your arms open wide you spoke as a whisper Then another of you after you also approaches [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the edge of a black rock cliff overlooking the waters. I [...]
The Sleeping Man
I was a man asleep. Not knowing. Every man knows his desires Every man knows the woman in his heart. Not every man knows he is asleep. How do we [...]
In Gratitude
Not many are given the chance to touch the dreams of their youth. I was as a wonderer on the earth drifting in and out of lives seeking longing yearning. [...]
The World of Lovers
I live in the world of lovers. Where Light and Dark collide. Where God and Beast are one. Where Heaven and Hell are both open. Where Love and Lust are [...]
The Lover’s Dream
These are the dreams of a dreamer To seek, to love, to know and to give to For my love is within me And I have found myself acceptable. He [...]