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Divine Guidance
The Faith of Children
The cost of faith can be ever high Committed to without knowing the price Dearly we pay in human experience [...]
Failure of the Flesh
God would have us know We are His children Indeed all life and all things Are God's Nothing which exists [...]
Mystery Mother
The silent voice is heard The hidden hand is seen Babylon harlot the great awakes For her binder cage is [...]
The Peasant’s Prayer
Lift my eyes to truth oh Father Cast away the shadow of doubt Embrace me in Your arms my God [...]
Grave Temptation
I was lifted up Shown all the world of glory Placed at my feet to rule Offered with praise and [...]
The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth Silence the doubtful mind Cleanse the heart of selfish reason Depart from the cry [...]
Daily Cross
Daily rise the denial of self Daily open the lesson of self Daily humble the offering of self Daily acceptance [...]
A Look in the Mirror
As open as can be As honest as can be As vulnerable as can be As loving as can be [...]
Before Sleep
The time it calls to remind us all Of that which is good and just For the eyes do see [...]
The King’s Patience
Surely my fall could no light be found Nor in ever essence of will belief Entombed alone in the darkness [...]
Visions of the Great One
I cried out to the angel of He who comforts, And I looked and behold the earth! How beautiful she [...]
Let God be the Judge
The Throne of Power is within the soul of an individual life. The Seat of Grace is within the chambers [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if [...]
What Man has Forgot
What man has forgot, his Father will reveal. Inside his own home, his work, his play, his sanctuaries are filled [...]
Divine Guidance
The Faith of Children
The cost of faith can be ever high Committed to without knowing the price Dearly we pay in human experience Quietly we wait often for meaning But that is not [...]
Failure of the Flesh
God would have us know We are His children Indeed all life and all things Are God's Nothing which exists that we know Is outside of God's possession Nothing that [...]
Mystery Mother
The silent voice is heard The hidden hand is seen Babylon harlot the great awakes For her binder cage is torn Command commence the pit of lies While tides swept [...]
The Peasant’s Prayer
Lift my eyes to truth oh Father Cast away the shadow of doubt Embrace me in Your arms my God Bring peace to the children of men Ay! The world [...]
Grave Temptation
I was lifted up Shown all the world of glory Placed at my feet to rule Offered with praise and enticement If I would only accept it I was lifted [...]
The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth Silence the doubtful mind Cleanse the heart of selfish reason Depart from the cry of the flesh Give ear unto your spirit Close the [...]
Daily Cross
Daily rise the denial of self Daily open the lesson of self Daily humble the offering of self Daily acceptance the receiving of God They who desire to walk with [...]
A Look in the Mirror
As open as can be As honest as can be As vulnerable as can be As loving as can be Still one heart beats alone Still one experience is known [...]
Before Sleep
The time it calls to remind us all Of that which is good and just For the eyes do see the folly of man And the ears are filled with [...]
The King’s Patience
Surely my fall could no light be found Nor in ever essence of will belief Entombed alone in the darkness well Of lost hope left all before me Yet of [...]
Visions of the Great One
I cried out to the angel of He who comforts, And I looked and behold the earth! How beautiful she is - as if being healed And to the right [...]
Let God be the Judge
The Throne of Power is within the soul of an individual life. The Seat of Grace is within the chambers of a single heart. The Hall of Fellowship is within [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if pride be my god, and selfishness my comforter If arrogance [...]
What Man has Forgot
What man has forgot, his Father will reveal. Inside his own home, his work, his play, his sanctuaries are filled with confusions. There are principles of destruction for which man [...]