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To My Beloved: A 16-Year Journey Together
I love you This will never change Though it awakens always in truth How could I have known That my [...]
Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not How much I wished to love Nor did it make any difference That I desired to be [...]
Gift of Prayer
Greetings to all brethren in Christ Jesus. Through much prayer and meditation and study, it has come to me, in [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the [...]
I Need You
For my Wife, May blessings and mercy pour themselves upon her. I need you because: I am not me without [...]
Just Because
My care for you goes beyond what I hope for myself. My desire for you lives in a special place [...]
The Heart’s Absolution
I found the greatest gift in Her What need shall I seek of others? When she also knows my honor [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it [...]
Erosen Askatasun Eternala
As a war that men fight, and lay down their lives, through the span of time, my brothers have died. [...]
I speak of our heart openly, for to you it was closed so very long. It is within my desires [...]
Devoted to One
Deep within all humans is the truth about their devotions. It is not a matter of choice, or a decision [...]
The World of Lovers
I live in the world of lovers. Where Light and Dark collide. Where God and Beast are one. Where Heaven [...]
Paradise Found
How does one know the longing? How do they listen to their voice? How does one know the meaning? How [...]
In the Arms of Bliss
7 Days Journey away from your flesh. Oh how our spirits did soar, even more our hearts did join as [...]
A Letter to Eve
My Eve, Man is born with a sorrowful pit inside his belly. He finds all that he can to fill [...]
To My Beloved: A 16-Year Journey Together
I love you This will never change Though it awakens always in truth How could I have known That my love for you Would grow as it has become? Where [...]
Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not How much I wished to love Nor did it make any difference That I desired to be decent I am a man born of flesh and blood [...]
Gift of Prayer
Greetings to all brethren in Christ Jesus. Through much prayer and meditation and study, it has come to me, in prayer, that I am not required to zealously humble myself [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the edge of a black rock cliff overlooking the waters. I [...]
I Need You
For my Wife, May blessings and mercy pour themselves upon her. I need you because: I am not me without you. You complete me. I have someone to love and [...]
Just Because
My care for you goes beyond what I hope for myself. My desire for you lives in a special place in me set aside for you. My dreams for you [...]
The Heart’s Absolution
I found the greatest gift in Her What need shall I seek of others? When she also knows my honor When she also reflects my integrity When she also values [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it up, nor shall I condemn myself for it. It is [...]
Erosen Askatasun Eternala
As a war that men fight, and lay down their lives, through the span of time, my brothers have died. Committed to Liberty, they sacrificed all, May the mothers of [...]
I speak of our heart openly, for to you it was closed so very long. It is within my desires to praise you continually. And to bring you the soul's [...]
Devoted to One
Deep within all humans is the truth about their devotions. It is not a matter of choice, or a decision of what we are devoted to, because that lingers only [...]
The World of Lovers
I live in the world of lovers. Where Light and Dark collide. Where God and Beast are one. Where Heaven and Hell are both open. Where Love and Lust are [...]
Paradise Found
How does one know the longing? How do they listen to their voice? How does one know the meaning? How do they find their everlasting? Deep inside the hearts of [...]
In the Arms of Bliss
7 Days Journey away from your flesh. Oh how our spirits did soar, even more our hearts did join as one. But how tender the flesh we left for 7 [...]
A Letter to Eve
My Eve, Man is born with a sorrowful pit inside his belly. He finds all that he can to fill this place of emptiness. His hands do work to satisfy [...]