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A Time of Brothers
(For two friends) What is this life if not a mere beginning? The shortness of which does question For as [...]
Fear Nothing
We ARE going to have our hearts broken, so let no moment of your truth be hidden. Tell them how [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning [...]
Returning Home
There is a place in us all that we call home. Many of us are as yet unaware of what [...]
Everyone Knows what Love is.
Everyone knows what love is. Some will doubt these words heavily, and this I understand to be common. Often in [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
Fallen Angel
Why must I fall so far from my own heart? Why must I feel the awesome power of my own [...]
A Time of Brothers
(For two friends) What is this life if not a mere beginning? The shortness of which does question For as one generation comes, and another departs So then are we [...]
Fear Nothing
We ARE going to have our hearts broken, so let no moment of your truth be hidden. Tell them how you feel, put it all out there, hold back nothing, [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning Discern the truth Grasp the reality The wisdom of our [...]
Returning Home
There is a place in us all that we call home. Many of us are as yet unaware of what home is. Even so, we all know something inside us [...]
Everyone Knows what Love is.
Everyone knows what love is. Some will doubt these words heavily, and this I understand to be common. Often in my past I too believed I did not know love. [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
Fallen Angel
Why must I fall so far from my own heart? Why must I feel the awesome power of my own isolation? Why must I own such powerlessness of expression to [...]