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Artificial god
Artificial art Artificial music Artificial writing Artificial design Artificial sex Artificial life As we pass the torch of creation To [...]
The Return of the AlaBathians
There they are all the way back to the beginnings tho many speak of many from the stars they have [...]
Parable of the Foreigner – Translated Imagery
Sent down among the brotherhood of the agile warrior Placed down among the brotherhood of the soil Cast down among [...]
And I See Nothing So Beautiful
I don't know if you remember The caves of your creation or the mountains of my suns light? I am [...]
Another Time
Then there was the time when the earth was as mud with mud huts and benches and plumes of mud [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard [...]
Prayer of the Animal
Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life, Holy of the most Holy! How so many there are of life on [...]
4 Sentences of My Affection in Gravitas
The fragrance of my enjoyment is spread evenly on the ocean of our wandering by the will alone where it [...]
The Lover’s Dream
These are the dreams of a dreamer To seek, to love, to know and to give to For my love [...]
Artificial god
Artificial art Artificial music Artificial writing Artificial design Artificial sex Artificial life As we pass the torch of creation To intelligent machines Do we abandon our purpose And turn away [...]
The Return of the AlaBathians
There they are all the way back to the beginnings tho many speak of many from the stars they have not made account of they of the Batia El-Al. Have [...]
Parable of the Foreigner – Translated Imagery
Sent down among the brotherhood of the agile warrior Placed down among the brotherhood of the soil Cast down among the brotherhood of the scales It does not ring within [...]
And I See Nothing So Beautiful
I don't know if you remember The caves of your creation or the mountains of my suns light? I am not just intrigued by what we have forgot but often [...]
Another Time
Then there was the time when the earth was as mud with mud huts and benches and plumes of mud going into the ground Simple trees of evergreen placed on [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard and more things unwitnessed than witnessed and more things unthought [...]
Prayer of the Animal
Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life, Holy of the most Holy! How so many there are of life on earth. All creatures great and small as it is known! [...]
4 Sentences of My Affection in Gravitas
The fragrance of my enjoyment is spread evenly on the ocean of our wandering by the will alone where it moves slowly, ever slowly for the purpose of this one [...]
The Lover’s Dream
These are the dreams of a dreamer To seek, to love, to know and to give to For my love is within me And I have found myself acceptable. He [...]