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The Hidden Father
A son who lost a Father And a Father who lost a son Join together in mutual need Bond together [...]
If even there were a chance To tell a beautiful soul While they were shattered with fear That their life [...]
Sacred Forest
El-air devolition pontelegrio In Familia Bestowed upon thee is grace. Is it not so that lover stands with lover? Like [...]
Edge of the Cliff
I don't feel like posting one of my insane rambling rants tonight. Oh i do have them still... and could [...]
Exposed in an Instant
First like a drifting cloud remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind. "Hear me" "See me" "Touch me" As [...]
And I See Nothing So Beautiful
I don't know if you remember The caves of your creation or the mountains of my suns light? I am [...]
Another Time
Then there was the time when the earth was as mud with mud huts and benches and plumes of mud [...]
Time’s Descendant
Sometimes I wonder what everything before was all about? In my spirit there has only been one home one place [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly [...]
More Beautiful Every Day
Her words reach into me deeper with each passing moment. Her glances pierce further into my bones. Her heart expresses [...]
Undiscovered Country
In these our darkened days Where harlots play with truth I cannot help but cherish our morning embrace With grace [...]
The City of Gold
There among the solitary moment, in the evening of my reckless thoughts, I awaited inspiration. Battles of wit and will [...]
Brothers of Peace
"I look and see into my brothers, their eyes speak spirits of their intent." "I grapple with thee for untold [...]
Morning Star
She is the Morning Star who gazes last upon the opening day of my awakening. When all others have faded [...]
The Two Hunters
Does she know the terror she has unleashed? Does he know the power of the victims role? Does she know [...]
Sharing a Soul
Set against the backdrop of our life, We find a greater love within our bliss. She is my word. Set [...]
Returning Home
There is a place in us all that we call home. Many of us are as yet unaware of what [...]
This One Woman
Thank you Father for the love of this Woman. Thank you for her heart, Thank you for her understanding, Thank [...]
She is My Desire
From the beginning there lay the gifts to bestow upon her. Of love, of Prowess, of Passion, of Desire, of [...]
Loving is the Greatest of All
Loving someone is the greatest salvation of mankind. Loving someone is the greatest gift. Loving someone is the greatest joy [...]
Masks and other Great Intentions
It is said and we have been told that life is an illusion. It has been said and we have [...]
Heaven Within Her
There is no pain in Her embrace, There is no sorrow, No remorse, No noise, No war, No dispute, No [...]
A Letter to Eve
My Eve, Man is born with a sorrowful pit inside his belly. He finds all that he can to fill [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
To Kiss You
To kiss you is heaven To kiss you is love Your lips have been given From heaven above To kiss [...]
The Woman and the Man
How the woman and man make a picture of God, Nobody knows, nobody knows. The woman has lost belief in [...]
An Intimate Moment
Like a flower among thorns, So too is my lover Among all the daughters of the world. Behold you are [...]
The Lover’s Dream
These are the dreams of a dreamer To seek, to love, to know and to give to For my love [...]
The Hidden Father
A son who lost a Father And a Father who lost a son Join together in mutual need Bond together in mutual trust For what makes a man a father? [...]
If even there were a chance To tell a beautiful soul While they were shattered with fear That their life has meaning Or when another cannot see the road ahead [...]
Sacred Forest
El-air devolition pontelegrio In Familia Bestowed upon thee is grace. Is it not so that lover stands with lover? Like two trees sharing the earth beneath them Their roots firmly [...]
Edge of the Cliff
I don't feel like posting one of my insane rambling rants tonight. Oh i do have them still... and could write one out right now with all the thoughts in [...]
Exposed in an Instant
First like a drifting cloud remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind. "Hear me" "See me" "Touch me" As if with the orbiting of my eyes in jest I [...]
And I See Nothing So Beautiful
I don't know if you remember The caves of your creation or the mountains of my suns light? I am not just intrigued by what we have forgot but often [...]
Another Time
Then there was the time when the earth was as mud with mud huts and benches and plumes of mud going into the ground Simple trees of evergreen placed on [...]
Time’s Descendant
Sometimes I wonder what everything before was all about? In my spirit there has only been one home one place of safety one moment of peace one goal one purpose. [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly it would be interesting To forget who I was And [...]
More Beautiful Every Day
Her words reach into me deeper with each passing moment. Her glances pierce further into my bones. Her heart expresses greater love from this moment to that. Her soul asks [...]
Undiscovered Country
In these our darkened days Where harlots play with truth I cannot help but cherish our morning embrace With grace upon us When cold rains fill the sky And clouds [...]
The City of Gold
There among the solitary moment, in the evening of my reckless thoughts, I awaited inspiration. Battles of wit and will sprang out before my eyes from the terrors of lost [...]
Brothers of Peace
"I look and see into my brothers, their eyes speak spirits of their intent." "I grapple with thee for untold reasons, I wrestle with thee since Adam." Give of your [...]
Morning Star
She is the Morning Star who gazes last upon the opening day of my awakening. When all others have faded and fallen to the light, she shines still evermore into [...]
The Two Hunters
Does she know the terror she has unleashed? Does he know the power of the victims role? Does she know the prowess she has encountered? Does he know the vehemence [...]
Sharing a Soul
Set against the backdrop of our life, We find a greater love within our bliss. She is my word. Set against the bliss of our love, We find a greater [...]
Returning Home
There is a place in us all that we call home. Many of us are as yet unaware of what home is. Even so, we all know something inside us [...]
This One Woman
Thank you Father for the love of this Woman. Thank you for her heart, Thank you for her understanding, Thank you for her kindness, and thank you for her charity. [...]
She is My Desire
From the beginning there lay the gifts to bestow upon her. Of love, of Prowess, of Passion, of Desire, of Meaning and Want was put into her. Given by God [...]
Loving is the Greatest of All
Loving someone is the greatest salvation of mankind. Loving someone is the greatest gift. Loving someone is the greatest joy there is. Loving someone is the greatest of all journeys. [...]
Masks and other Great Intentions
It is said and we have been told that life is an illusion. It has been said and we have been told that we all wear masks. It has been [...]
Heaven Within Her
There is no pain in Her embrace, There is no sorrow, No remorse, No noise, No war, No dispute, No upset, No bitterness, No hatred, No tears of sadness, No [...]
A Letter to Eve
My Eve, Man is born with a sorrowful pit inside his belly. He finds all that he can to fill this place of emptiness. His hands do work to satisfy [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
To Kiss You
To kiss you is heaven To kiss you is love Your lips have been given From heaven above To kiss you is life To kiss you divine I feel all [...]
The Woman and the Man
How the woman and man make a picture of God, Nobody knows, nobody knows. The woman has lost belief in us, For we have lost belief in ourselves. The woman [...]
An Intimate Moment
Like a flower among thorns, So too is my lover Among all the daughters of the world. Behold you are fair my love! You have the eyes of saints behind [...]
The Lover’s Dream
These are the dreams of a dreamer To seek, to love, to know and to give to For my love is within me And I have found myself acceptable. He [...]