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The Temple of God’s Light
Greetings to the all around the world who seek the Kingdom of God, the wisdom and understand of Jesus Christ, [...]
Revelation of the Lost Children
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a [...]
Embracing Faith in Troubling Times
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom [...]
Race and God
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love [...]
Pride – the Hidden Sin
Greetings to all brethren seeking our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mercy. I, a fellow servant of our God and [...]
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, [...]
For Judah and Israel
Greetings to all the brethren in the Body of Christ. I, a servant of our Lord, Christ Jesus and His [...]
The Temple of God’s Light
Greetings to the all around the world who seek the Kingdom of God, the wisdom and understand of Jesus Christ, And the grace and love of our Father in Heaven [...]
Revelation of the Lost Children
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven. My words tonight are both [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a single tree Missing the forest around him Whereas the tree [...]
Embracing Faith in Troubling Times
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven. Brothers and Sisters, we do [...]
Race and God
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Much around the world today [...]
Pride – the Hidden Sin
Greetings to all brethren seeking our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mercy. I, a fellow servant of our God and King do humbly beseech you my brothers and sisters to [...]
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, King of all Kings, and Creator of Life from the [...]
For Judah and Israel
Greetings to all the brethren in the Body of Christ. I, a servant of our Lord, Christ Jesus and His Father in Heaven do come to you after the stillness, [...]