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God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice. Who can provide mercy [...]
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the [...]
Peace is of The Spirit
My spirit seeks out peace While my flesh plots justice My spirit seeks out brotherhood While my flesh plots judgment [...]
What Does it Matter?
It matters not What people see or say of us It matters not What they think or judge of us [...]
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips The curtain is drawn back The realm of the wake do sleep While the valley [...]
Prayer Omnipotent
Who can mock prayer By claiming science? For science knows That thoughts are energy Which travels the world In the [...]
Loving God with all Our Heart
Greetings to all brethren of Jesus Christ around the world I, a servant of our Lord God, do humbly continue [...]
The Source of Goodness
Greetings to all brothers and sisters in Christ, who by way of faith have sought after righteousness. If our Father [...]
Spiritual War
It is what is to be expected When the mind dreams Of its dreaming of things That we would know [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if [...]
Oh, the Irony of it All
Those who taught me religion, taught me to worship the devil. Those who taught me lust and filth, taught me [...]
God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice. Who can provide mercy and care except He who created it? Who can restore [...]
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the way of hate The way of faith or the way [...]
Peace is of The Spirit
My spirit seeks out peace While my flesh plots justice My spirit seeks out brotherhood While my flesh plots judgment My spirit seeks out humility While my flesh plots hubris [...]
What Does it Matter?
It matters not What people see or say of us It matters not What they think or judge of us It matters not What people give or take from us [...]
Multiverse of Mankind
The veil of reality slips The curtain is drawn back The realm of the wake do sleep While the valley of rest does awaken Oh that man could see with [...]
Prayer Omnipotent
Who can mock prayer By claiming science? For science knows That thoughts are energy Which travels the world In the blink of an eye Enter a room as two had [...]
Loving God with all Our Heart
Greetings to all brethren of Jesus Christ around the world I, a servant of our Lord God, do humbly continue the work set forth for me to perform by the [...]
The Source of Goodness
Greetings to all brothers and sisters in Christ, who by way of faith have sought after righteousness. If our Father can take one such as myself, who had not only [...]
Spiritual War
It is what is to be expected When the mind dreams Of its dreaming of things That we would know this place or that From this time and then Around [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if pride be my god, and selfishness my comforter If arrogance [...]
Oh, the Irony of it All
Those who taught me religion, taught me to worship the devil. Those who taught me lust and filth, taught me to Follow God. Those who taught me to conform, taught [...]