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Ancient Wisdom
Fear Nothing
We ARE going to have our hearts broken, so let no moment of your truth be hidden. Tell them how [...]
Riddle of Orion
Transfer of rite of 2005 While the world looked on at storms Seeing none of what awaited Sleeping to the [...]
Light in the Sky
That we are of our own conspiracy laced within one another shhh speak not the words we all know As [...]
Stair Síoraí – Uimh cloch dearmad
We have forgotten more knowledge Than we hold in our hands today What do you think? Do you not know [...]
Gateway of the Traveler
How can mankind see the perception Of their perception Between the common two worlds? With eyes that cannot see We [...]
Great Scot
Not else the land itself Without Highland sky Or Lowland lochs The power began before Ye what a land above [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal [...]
The Eyes of Desire
With the eyes of desire we do seek our own pleasure. With the words of love we do cast our [...]
If the Village Burns
If the village burns and the dogs run wild I will speak into the ancients of men. There once was [...]
Ancient Wisdom
Fear Nothing
We ARE going to have our hearts broken, so let no moment of your truth be hidden. Tell them how you feel, put it all out there, hold back nothing, [...]
Riddle of Orion
Transfer of rite of 2005 While the world looked on at storms Seeing none of what awaited Sleeping to the constructed facade He that arose did so to prepare Alter [...]
Light in the Sky
That we are of our own conspiracy laced within one another shhh speak not the words we all know As it is that the shouters of peace could dare be [...]
Stair Síoraí – Uimh cloch dearmad
We have forgotten more knowledge Than we hold in our hands today What do you think? Do you not know that all things are counted? Thousands of years ago There [...]
Gateway of the Traveler
How can mankind see the perception Of their perception Between the common two worlds? With eyes that cannot see We seek And with ears that cannot hear Do we set [...]
Great Scot
Not else the land itself Without Highland sky Or Lowland lochs The power began before Ye what a land above all In the realm of the spirits call Where gods [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal To bless the memory of the Righteous (As the Righteous [...]
The Eyes of Desire
With the eyes of desire we do seek our own pleasure. With the words of love we do cast our spells. With the will of our spirits we force our [...]
If the Village Burns
If the village burns and the dogs run wild I will speak into the ancients of men. There once was a man who had many children. He had grown very [...]