Themes and Insights

The God You Know

True Giving Reflects God’s Nature When we offer love, acceptance, peace, and safety to others, we are not giving of ourselves but allowing God to work through us. These virtues originate from God and are not ours to claim credit for.

Universal Human Struggle and Judgment Every person, at some point, has harbored wrath, resentment, or judgment. Recognizing this truth humbles us and reminds us that we, too, have needed grace. Therefore, we should not judge others but instead extend the same mercy God has given us.

God’s Work Is Beyond Our Control Some will accept what we offer, while others will reject it or abuse it. But this is not our burden to bear—God determines who receives and who does not. Our role is simply to share what has been given to us, without seeking validation or reward.

Fear, Rejection, and Seeking God Those who reject love and mock faith often do so out of fear and uncertainty. Even in their denial, they are still seeking God, wrestling with the possibility of truth. Our response should be patience, not resentment.

Surrendering Self to Grow in God True spiritual growth comes when we remove pride, judgment, and the need for recognition. In doing so, we make room for God to work through us, becoming more of who we were always meant to be—aligned with His love and purpose.

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The God You Know

When we give another love – we give God to them.

When we give another acceptance – we give God to them.

When we give another peace – we give God to them.

When we give another a place of safety – we give God to them.

Many rail against the notion of such beautiful principles because others care not, others take advantage of it, others lie and cheat and steal and use God against us. There are those who enjoy to harm and enjoy to wound and enjoy setting stumbling blocks and frustrating your life. Still more defame and gossip and ruin and cause hardship and embarrass and upset and argue and spew wrath and curse you even to your face.

So why then be so foolish as to give love and acceptance and peace and safety to these?

Well – let us not be so quick to call God foolish. Yes, to think it foolish and unwise is to call God foolish and unwise. For it was God in the first place who offered all this to everyone even as they murdered Him.

And let us accept another truth. Every single human who ever walked the earth has done every horrible thing I listed above. Some will say never! Yes, inside our heart and desire we have, at one time or another. We have punished and cursed and felt glee in the imagining of it, and even wished death upon another in our hearts and minds. Whether spoke openly or internally to ourselves it is still spoken before God. If this cannot be humbly admitted… then none of my words will be heard.

These beautiful things we offer. Some will desire it honestly even while they curse us to our face and others will lie that they desire it in order to wound and harm even further. But fear not, for the principles they are abusing are not ours, but God’s, and when the time is right God himself will remove those people from our lives and shut their mouths. And fear not, for those who desire it, but curse and wound and speak all manner of evil against us, will continue to desire it honestly and will soon awaken to the gift of God offered by our continual offering of it.

And fear not also. For no one can give the gift of love and acceptance and peace and a safety unless God is the one offering it through us. For many also shall pretend to do such things in order to puff up themselves and get self gain of importance, because they believe they have no importance, and must gain it from you. So let us accept another truth… none of us have importance without God. God is what is important just as oxygen is important. There is no life without that which is life and that gave life to us. God is life. I didn’t form my own bones in my mother’s body… life did. I don’t get to decide the moment even of my birth… if I did I would know it. So we cannot do these wonderful things honestly and openly unless God does it through us.

And if it is God doing it through us, then those meant to receive will receive and those meant not to, will not. It no longer is a matter of our own opinion. Our opinion doesn’t matter. For we do not do the work, we just offer what we have been given. The work is what was given to us and we pass it on. Some will also pick it up and others will laugh. Love does the work. Peace does the work.

Let us accept another truth. None of this is about us. We get no credit at all. If credit mattered, then we are not offering it because of God or because of Love, but because we want to feel important and be worshipped ourselves. We want the respect for principles that are not ours. If we need acknowledgment or respect or accreditation… we are not actually loving or accepting or peaceful or safe… we are salesmen selling a product we know nothing about. We are liars and cheats.

God is the master of these wonderful principles. They existed long before us. We have recieved them and all their wonderment and power. So we offer it also to others. And when we let God speak these wonderful principles through us, we no longer are offended by those who don’t want it and laugh at us and isolate us from them. For we too at one time did not want them, even if just for a split second of our life. Others will want them because others are seeking God. And fear not, for even those who curse and laugh and mock are seeking God. For they feared there was nothing and have accepted their fear as true and have become comfortable with it as normal and therefore must scoff at an alternative, otherwise they could be wrong, and then they must admit their fear.

If we do these things for God and not for ourselves, we will grow every single day even in the midst of hardship and trouble. Every single day will we find a new perspective and understanding acceptable to us… even in hell… if we give God to others as God gave Himself to us.

Our judgment condemns us. For not one of us are without wrath. But fear not… we need not judge. We need only remove ourselves from opinion and judgment of others. And also opinion and judgment of ourselves. God judged us and gave Himself to save us. We cannot open for God to speak for us unless we ourselves are out of the way. Why? Because we have that choice. You can be me, me, me, all you want until the end if you like. But if you are out of the way, you ironically become even more – and the more you become is most certainly more of who you always wanted to be. You yourself will agree with yourself and who you are. This must be, for God is the one flowing through us. Life is flowing through us – the very life you depend on daily to live.

Let us love and accept and be at peace and safety for one another. Those who choose against us will leave us anyway if God is doing the speaking. If we are doing the speaking then our pride will bring more against us until we are so insane and so angry and crazy that we surrender, humbled, or become dark ourselves. We can give God to others, or we can give them our selfish desire for praise.

And consider this… what have I said you didn’t actually already know?

Ryan o0o

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The God You Know

When we give another love – we give God to them.

When we give another acceptance – we give God to them.

When we give another peace – we give God to them.

When we give another a place of safety – we give God to them.

Many rail against the notion of such beautiful principles because others care not, others take advantage of it, others lie and cheat and steal and use God against us. There are those who enjoy to harm and enjoy to wound and enjoy setting stumbling blocks and frustrating your life. Still more defame and gossip and ruin and cause hardship and embarrass and upset and argue and spew wrath and curse you even to your face.

So why then be so foolish as to give love and acceptance and peace and safety to these?

Well – let us not be so quick to call God foolish. Yes, to think it foolish and unwise is to call God foolish and unwise. For it was God in the first place who offered all this to everyone even as they murdered Him.

And let us accept another truth. Every single human who ever walked the earth has done every horrible thing I listed above. Some will say never! Yes, inside our heart and desire we have, at one time or another. We have punished and cursed and felt glee in the imagining of it, and even wished death upon another in our hearts and minds. Whether spoke openly or internally to ourselves it is still spoken before God. If this cannot be humbly admitted… then none of my words will be heard.

These beautiful things we offer. Some will desire it honestly even while they curse us to our face and others will lie that they desire it in order to wound and harm even further. But fear not, for the principles they are abusing are not ours, but God’s, and when the time is right God himself will remove those people from our lives and shut their mouths. And fear not, for those who desire it, but curse and wound and speak all manner of evil against us, will continue to desire it honestly and will soon awaken to the gift of God offered by our continual offering of it.

And fear not also. For no one can give the gift of love and acceptance and peace and a safety unless God is the one offering it through us. For many also shall pretend to do such things in order to puff up themselves and get self gain of importance, because they believe they have no importance, and must gain it from you. So let us accept another truth… none of us have importance without God. God is what is important just as oxygen is important. There is no life without that which is life and that gave life to us. God is life. I didn’t form my own bones in my mother’s body… life did. I don’t get to decide the moment even of my birth… if I did I would know it. So we cannot do these wonderful things honestly and openly unless God does it through us.

And if it is God doing it through us, then those meant to receive will receive and those meant not to, will not. It no longer is a matter of our own opinion. Our opinion doesn’t matter. For we do not do the work, we just offer what we have been given. The work is what was given to us and we pass it on. Some will also pick it up and others will laugh. Love does the work. Peace does the work.

Let us accept another truth. None of this is about us. We get no credit at all. If credit mattered, then we are not offering it because of God or because of Love, but because we want to feel important and be worshipped ourselves. We want the respect for principles that are not ours. If we need acknowledgment or respect or accreditation… we are not actually loving or accepting or peaceful or safe… we are salesmen selling a product we know nothing about. We are liars and cheats.

God is the master of these wonderful principles. They existed long before us. We have recieved them and all their wonderment and power. So we offer it also to others. And when we let God speak these wonderful principles through us, we no longer are offended by those who don’t want it and laugh at us and isolate us from them. For we too at one time did not want them, even if just for a split second of our life. Others will want them because others are seeking God. And fear not, for even those who curse and laugh and mock are seeking God. For they feared there was nothing and have accepted their fear as true and have become comfortable with it as normal and therefore must scoff at an alternative, otherwise they could be wrong, and then they must admit their fear.

If we do these things for God and not for ourselves, we will grow every single day even in the midst of hardship and trouble. Every single day will we find a new perspective and understanding acceptable to us… even in hell… if we give God to others as God gave Himself to us.

Our judgment condemns us. For not one of us are without wrath. But fear not… we need not judge. We need only remove ourselves from opinion and judgment of others. And also opinion and judgment of ourselves. God judged us and gave Himself to save us. We cannot open for God to speak for us unless we ourselves are out of the way. Why? Because we have that choice. You can be me, me, me, all you want until the end if you like. But if you are out of the way, you ironically become even more – and the more you become is most certainly more of who you always wanted to be. You yourself will agree with yourself and who you are. This must be, for God is the one flowing through us. Life is flowing through us – the very life you depend on daily to live.

Let us love and accept and be at peace and safety for one another. Those who choose against us will leave us anyway if God is doing the speaking. If we are doing the speaking then our pride will bring more against us until we are so insane and so angry and crazy that we surrender, humbled, or become dark ourselves. We can give God to others, or we can give them our selfish desire for praise.

And consider this… what have I said you didn’t actually already know?

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

The God You Know

True Giving Reflects God’s Nature When we offer love, acceptance, peace, and safety to others, we are not giving of ourselves but allowing God to work through us. These virtues originate from God and are not ours to claim credit for.

Universal Human Struggle and Judgment Every person, at some point, has harbored wrath, resentment, or judgment. Recognizing this truth humbles us and reminds us that we, too, have needed grace. Therefore, we should not judge others but instead extend the same mercy God has given us.

God’s Work Is Beyond Our Control Some will accept what we offer, while others will reject it or abuse it. But this is not our burden to bear—God determines who receives and who does not. Our role is simply to share what has been given to us, without seeking validation or reward.

Fear, Rejection, and Seeking God Those who reject love and mock faith often do so out of fear and uncertainty. Even in their denial, they are still seeking God, wrestling with the possibility of truth. Our response should be patience, not resentment.

Surrendering Self to Grow in God True spiritual growth comes when we remove pride, judgment, and the need for recognition. In doing so, we make room for God to work through us, becoming more of who we were always meant to be—aligned with His love and purpose.

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The God You Know

When we give another love – we give God to them.

When we give another acceptance – we give God to them.

When we give another peace – we give God to them.

When we give another a place of safety – we give God to them.

Many rail against the notion of such beautiful principles because others care not, others take advantage of it, others lie and cheat and steal and use God against us. There are those who enjoy to harm and enjoy to wound and enjoy setting stumbling blocks and frustrating your life. Still more defame and gossip and ruin and cause hardship and embarrass and upset and argue and spew wrath and curse you even to your face.

So why then be so foolish as to give love and acceptance and peace and safety to these?

Well – let us not be so quick to call God foolish. Yes, to think it foolish and unwise is to call God foolish and unwise. For it was God in the first place who offered all this to everyone even as they murdered Him.

And let us accept another truth. Every single human who ever walked the earth has done every horrible thing I listed above. Some will say never! Yes, inside our heart and desire we have, at one time or another. We have punished and cursed and felt glee in the imagining of it, and even wished death upon another in our hearts and minds. Whether spoke openly or internally to ourselves it is still spoken before God. If this cannot be humbly admitted… then none of my words will be heard.

These beautiful things we offer. Some will desire it honestly even while they curse us to our face and others will lie that they desire it in order to wound and harm even further. But fear not, for the principles they are abusing are not ours, but God’s, and when the time is right God himself will remove those people from our lives and shut their mouths. And fear not, for those who desire it, but curse and wound and speak all manner of evil against us, will continue to desire it honestly and will soon awaken to the gift of God offered by our continual offering of it.

And fear not also. For no one can give the gift of love and acceptance and peace and a safety unless God is the one offering it through us. For many also shall pretend to do such things in order to puff up themselves and get self gain of importance, because they believe they have no importance, and must gain it from you. So let us accept another truth… none of us have importance without God. God is what is important just as oxygen is important. There is no life without that which is life and that gave life to us. God is life. I didn’t form my own bones in my mother’s body… life did. I don’t get to decide the moment even of my birth… if I did I would know it. So we cannot do these wonderful things honestly and openly unless God does it through us.

And if it is God doing it through us, then those meant to receive will receive and those meant not to, will not. It no longer is a matter of our own opinion. Our opinion doesn’t matter. For we do not do the work, we just offer what we have been given. The work is what was given to us and we pass it on. Some will also pick it up and others will laugh. Love does the work. Peace does the work.

Let us accept another truth. None of this is about us. We get no credit at all. If credit mattered, then we are not offering it because of God or because of Love, but because we want to feel important and be worshipped ourselves. We want the respect for principles that are not ours. If we need acknowledgment or respect or accreditation… we are not actually loving or accepting or peaceful or safe… we are salesmen selling a product we know nothing about. We are liars and cheats.

God is the master of these wonderful principles. They existed long before us. We have recieved them and all their wonderment and power. So we offer it also to others. And when we let God speak these wonderful principles through us, we no longer are offended by those who don’t want it and laugh at us and isolate us from them. For we too at one time did not want them, even if just for a split second of our life. Others will want them because others are seeking God. And fear not, for even those who curse and laugh and mock are seeking God. For they feared there was nothing and have accepted their fear as true and have become comfortable with it as normal and therefore must scoff at an alternative, otherwise they could be wrong, and then they must admit their fear.

If we do these things for God and not for ourselves, we will grow every single day even in the midst of hardship and trouble. Every single day will we find a new perspective and understanding acceptable to us… even in hell… if we give God to others as God gave Himself to us.

Our judgment condemns us. For not one of us are without wrath. But fear not… we need not judge. We need only remove ourselves from opinion and judgment of others. And also opinion and judgment of ourselves. God judged us and gave Himself to save us. We cannot open for God to speak for us unless we ourselves are out of the way. Why? Because we have that choice. You can be me, me, me, all you want until the end if you like. But if you are out of the way, you ironically become even more – and the more you become is most certainly more of who you always wanted to be. You yourself will agree with yourself and who you are. This must be, for God is the one flowing through us. Life is flowing through us – the very life you depend on daily to live.

Let us love and accept and be at peace and safety for one another. Those who choose against us will leave us anyway if God is doing the speaking. If we are doing the speaking then our pride will bring more against us until we are so insane and so angry and crazy that we surrender, humbled, or become dark ourselves. We can give God to others, or we can give them our selfish desire for praise.

And consider this… what have I said you didn’t actually already know?

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

The God You Know

True Giving Reflects God’s Nature When we offer love, acceptance, peace, and safety to others, we are not giving of ourselves but allowing God to work through us. These virtues originate from God and are not ours to claim credit for.

Universal Human Struggle and Judgment Every person, at some point, has harbored wrath, resentment, or judgment. Recognizing this truth humbles us and reminds us that we, too, have needed grace. Therefore, we should not judge others but instead extend the same mercy God has given us.

God’s Work Is Beyond Our Control Some will accept what we offer, while others will reject it or abuse it. But this is not our burden to bear—God determines who receives and who does not. Our role is simply to share what has been given to us, without seeking validation or reward.

Fear, Rejection, and Seeking God Those who reject love and mock faith often do so out of fear and uncertainty. Even in their denial, they are still seeking God, wrestling with the possibility of truth. Our response should be patience, not resentment.

Surrendering Self to Grow in God True spiritual growth comes when we remove pride, judgment, and the need for recognition. In doing so, we make room for God to work through us, becoming more of who we were always meant to be—aligned with His love and purpose.

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