Themes and Insights
Sacred Intimacy
Spiritual Nourishment as a Daily Necessity Just as the body needs food, the spirit must be fed through devotion and connection with God, or else the flesh will rule over it.
Divine Guidance in Love and Marriage True faithfulness and love are only possible through God's guidance; human will alone is insufficient to uphold sacred commitments.
The Transformative Power of Surrender By surrendering to God and accepting His will, one can experience an awakening that brings strength, peace, and the ability to love fully and honestly.
Sacred Intimacy as a Divine Gift The deepest connection in marriage comes not from human effort alone but from God's spirit, which empowers integrity, faithfulness, and the fulfillment of true love.
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Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not
How much I wished to love
Nor did it make any difference
That I desired to be decent
I am a man born of flesh and blood
Taught to control myself
Taught to be at peace
Taught to be calm and patient
Yet no amount of knowledge
No amount of discipline
No amount of effort
Indeed no amount of desire, helped
Years I tried to be honorable
Decades I tried to be faithful
A lifetime I tried to love
But in the end…
Was I still a secret adulterer & liar
I had no power in my spirit
To live by the hope in my heart
That I could be a good man
To a good and beautiful woman
To the forest I went
To commune with God
And finally express my truth
And begged for His power
And there among the trees
Surrounded by creatures
Did God reveal a way for me
And opened my eyes to life
“Just as your flesh needs daily food
In order to have power to act,
So to is your spirit required to be fed
Through daily devotion to life.”
“Just as your flesh is weak without,
So too is your spirit weak without,
And the flesh will rule the spirit
Without the Holy Spirit of God”
Thus did I offer myself to God
And asked what I can do for His will
And hope entered into me
An awakening took place in my spirit
Shortly there after did someone appear
A most beautiful soul, unique
A powerful life of uncommon art
A woman unlike any I ever knew…
Except in the dreams of my youth
“Just love her” – Was God’s advice
“You can be as you have hoped
When you call on Me to guide you
For of yourself alone, you’ll fall”
13 years now have we been married
13 years I turn myself over to God
13 years have I been faithful
As daily do I accept God’s spirit
The will of flesh is strong and devious
It convinces us of needs we don’t need
And wants we don’t actually want
Until it’s too late – after the fall
Whatever powerlessness we do find
There is One with all power
That One I call God and Dad
The creator and savior of life
Regardless of my desire to be just
I could not command my own flesh
Without the power God gives
To our spirit and our real selves
For the flesh is born and dies of earth
But the spirit is the life from God
When His spirit enters mine
Do I have power over my flesh
It is through the Love & salvation
Of the blessing of our Lord & God
Where honesty and integrity reside
Where power and peace expound
Of that gift I did not qualify
Simply did I ask for God’s help
To be a faithful and honorable man
To a deserving wife and friend
And if my Father in Heaven
Would give this daily to a man as me
So that I could love another in truth
Indeed would He give this to all…
Who honestly call on Him for help
Of myself I am a wretch and fool
But with God as the source of Will
I am filled daily with compassion
And love and desire and strength…
For the wonderful woman
I call Mrs Ranney.
It is not us who fixes us
For I cannot fix a broken mind
With the very same broken mind
Nor can the flesh power the spirit
But God can restore anyone
The Holy Spirit supersedes all flesh
And reveals the path with light
Towards the realm of sacred intimacy
Ryan o0o
Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not
How much I wished to love
Nor did it make any difference
That I desired to be decent
I am a man born of flesh and blood
Taught to control myself
Taught to be at peace
Taught to be calm and patient
Yet no amount of knowledge
No amount of discipline
No amount of effort
Indeed no amount of desire, helped
Years I tried to be honorable
Decades I tried to be faithful
A lifetime I tried to love
But in the end…
Was I still a secret adulterer & liar
I had no power in my spirit
To live by the hope in my heart
That I could be a good man
To a good and beautiful woman
To the forest I went
To commune with God
And finally express my truth
And begged for His power
And there among the trees
Surrounded by creatures
Did God reveal a way for me
And opened my eyes to life
“Just as your flesh needs daily food
In order to have power to act,
So to is your spirit required to be fed
Through daily devotion to life.”
“Just as your flesh is weak without,
So too is your spirit weak without,
And the flesh will rule the spirit
Without the Holy Spirit of God”
Thus did I offer myself to God
And asked what I can do for His will
And hope entered into me
An awakening took place in my spirit
Shortly there after did someone appear
A most beautiful soul, unique
A powerful life of uncommon art
A woman unlike any I ever knew…
Except in the dreams of my youth
“Just love her” – Was God’s advice
“You can be as you have hoped
When you call on Me to guide you
For of yourself alone, you’ll fall”
13 years now have we been married
13 years I turn myself over to God
13 years have I been faithful
As daily do I accept God’s spirit
The will of flesh is strong and devious
It convinces us of needs we don’t need
And wants we don’t actually want
Until it’s too late – after the fall
Whatever powerlessness we do find
There is One with all power
That One I call God and Dad
The creator and savior of life
Regardless of my desire to be just
I could not command my own flesh
Without the power God gives
To our spirit and our real selves
For the flesh is born and dies of earth
But the spirit is the life from God
When His spirit enters mine
Do I have power over my flesh
It is through the Love & salvation
Of the blessing of our Lord & God
Where honesty and integrity reside
Where power and peace expound
Of that gift I did not qualify
Simply did I ask for God’s help
To be a faithful and honorable man
To a deserving wife and friend
And if my Father in Heaven
Would give this daily to a man as me
So that I could love another in truth
Indeed would He give this to all…
Who honestly call on Him for help
Of myself I am a wretch and fool
But with God as the source of Will
I am filled daily with compassion
And love and desire and strength…
For the wonderful woman
I call Mrs Ranney.
It is not us who fixes us
For I cannot fix a broken mind
With the very same broken mind
Nor can the flesh power the spirit
But God can restore anyone
The Holy Spirit supersedes all flesh
And reveals the path with light
Towards the realm of sacred intimacy
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Sacred Intimacy
Spiritual Nourishment as a Daily Necessity Just as the body needs food, the spirit must be fed through devotion and connection with God, or else the flesh will rule over it.
Divine Guidance in Love and Marriage True faithfulness and love are only possible through God's guidance; human will alone is insufficient to uphold sacred commitments.
The Transformative Power of Surrender By surrendering to God and accepting His will, one can experience an awakening that brings strength, peace, and the ability to love fully and honestly.
Sacred Intimacy as a Divine Gift The deepest connection in marriage comes not from human effort alone but from God's spirit, which empowers integrity, faithfulness, and the fulfillment of true love.
Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not
How much I wished to love
Nor did it make any difference
That I desired to be decent
I am a man born of flesh and blood
Taught to control myself
Taught to be at peace
Taught to be calm and patient
Yet no amount of knowledge
No amount of discipline
No amount of effort
Indeed no amount of desire, helped
Years I tried to be honorable
Decades I tried to be faithful
A lifetime I tried to love
But in the end…
Was I still a secret adulterer & liar
I had no power in my spirit
To live by the hope in my heart
That I could be a good man
To a good and beautiful woman
To the forest I went
To commune with God
And finally express my truth
And begged for His power
And there among the trees
Surrounded by creatures
Did God reveal a way for me
And opened my eyes to life
“Just as your flesh needs daily food
In order to have power to act,
So to is your spirit required to be fed
Through daily devotion to life.”
“Just as your flesh is weak without,
So too is your spirit weak without,
And the flesh will rule the spirit
Without the Holy Spirit of God”
Thus did I offer myself to God
And asked what I can do for His will
And hope entered into me
An awakening took place in my spirit
Shortly there after did someone appear
A most beautiful soul, unique
A powerful life of uncommon art
A woman unlike any I ever knew…
Except in the dreams of my youth
“Just love her” – Was God’s advice
“You can be as you have hoped
When you call on Me to guide you
For of yourself alone, you’ll fall”
13 years now have we been married
13 years I turn myself over to God
13 years have I been faithful
As daily do I accept God’s spirit
The will of flesh is strong and devious
It convinces us of needs we don’t need
And wants we don’t actually want
Until it’s too late – after the fall
Whatever powerlessness we do find
There is One with all power
That One I call God and Dad
The creator and savior of life
Regardless of my desire to be just
I could not command my own flesh
Without the power God gives
To our spirit and our real selves
For the flesh is born and dies of earth
But the spirit is the life from God
When His spirit enters mine
Do I have power over my flesh
It is through the Love & salvation
Of the blessing of our Lord & God
Where honesty and integrity reside
Where power and peace expound
Of that gift I did not qualify
Simply did I ask for God’s help
To be a faithful and honorable man
To a deserving wife and friend
And if my Father in Heaven
Would give this daily to a man as me
So that I could love another in truth
Indeed would He give this to all…
Who honestly call on Him for help
Of myself I am a wretch and fool
But with God as the source of Will
I am filled daily with compassion
And love and desire and strength…
For the wonderful woman
I call Mrs Ranney.
It is not us who fixes us
For I cannot fix a broken mind
With the very same broken mind
Nor can the flesh power the spirit
But God can restore anyone
The Holy Spirit supersedes all flesh
And reveals the path with light
Towards the realm of sacred intimacy
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Sacred Intimacy
Spiritual Nourishment as a Daily Necessity Just as the body needs food, the spirit must be fed through devotion and connection with God, or else the flesh will rule over it.
Divine Guidance in Love and Marriage True faithfulness and love are only possible through God's guidance; human will alone is insufficient to uphold sacred commitments.
The Transformative Power of Surrender By surrendering to God and accepting His will, one can experience an awakening that brings strength, peace, and the ability to love fully and honestly.
Sacred Intimacy as a Divine Gift The deepest connection in marriage comes not from human effort alone but from God's spirit, which empowers integrity, faithfulness, and the fulfillment of true love.