Themes and Insights

Righteous Judgment

Human Judgment vs. Divine JudgmentHumans lack the wisdom to judge righteously, as true judgment belongs only to God and Christ.

The Dangers of Self-RighteousnessSelf-righteousness blinds individuals to their flaws, causing harm to others and distancing them from God’s love.

The Role of Love in RighteousnessTrue righteousness is found in love, humility, and service to others, reflecting the teachings of Christ.

Spiritual Perspective Over Fleshly PerspectiveThose who live in the Spirit transcend the limitations of earthly experiences, finding peace and understanding in God’s light.

The Universality of SalvationGod’s work through Christ ensures that all can be saved, emphasizing unity and the redemption of even the most wayward souls.

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Righteous Judgment

You have heard and so it is read
Judge not unrighteously
But judge with righteousness
For these are the words of the Lord

Time has lost its meaning
Man has altered its purpose
By their desire they use God
To make their own pride just

Who is good that they may judge?
Who is without self importance?
Who can say they are righteous?
Even the Lord said only The Father!

All judgment from man is unrighteous
For none are righteous on the earth
All judgment is self serving
For man cannot see past himself

As it is so – not one speaks
Because of the manner of others
But from their own mouth
Projects their singular perspective

A man may walk in the rain
Blessing every drop of cool water
And another may do likewise
Cursing the wetness he endures

He who enjoys God’s rain
Creates a river of peace in his heart
And he who curses the rain
Creates a well of darkness within

Who then can judge the rain?

Those who linger in flesh
Are vexed by degrees of comfort
Those who live in spirit
Are not bound alone by their experience

For they who live in God’s light
Are free of doubt and shame
Stand not offended or cursing
Seek not to praise themselves

Only the Father may judge all
And the Lord who was given authority
So we look to the judgment of God
And find understanding within

The Lord came to perform His will
As the Father commanded He did
His command was to save all life
That not one should perish in darkness

This my brothers is our command
If we follow the path of our Savior
That we employ righteous judgment
Given to us by the Father and the King

Thus we turn away none who seek
Nor place condition upon their hope
We carry the message of Christ to all
As His angels will seperate the fish

Who can say they are wise to know?
When God Himself said we are not!
Even Solomon in wisdom did decree
Our greatest wisdom is as foolishness

Judgment is the right of God
Taught to us that we would know
And He who judges another
Stands himself above God

Behaviour we can easily discern
For it is of life or it is of death
Words we can easily recognize
For it is of blessing or of cursing

But God himself decides who is His
Converting murderers such as Paul
That His glory of life may be known
Proving we lack wisdom to judge

So let us be clear

He who judges another
To be beneath himself
Has put himself
beneath he whom he judged

He who places himself
As servant to his fellow man
Has followed his Lords work
And placed a crown upon his own head

He who believes himself pure
Turns away the heart of the innocent
And he who humbles himself
Is surrounded by a host of friends

For Christ made all men one blood
And by His work paid every price
Even the most wicked and vile man
Is made clean by it if he chooses

God gives authority
And God takes it away
God gives life
And God takes it away

Man can only kill the flesh
But Christ holds our spirit
He within the hand of the Father
Cannot be taken by our judgment

Shut the voice
of our self righteousness
For it was given to us
By the adversary

Cast it away when it speaks in you
For it convinced you it was you
And used you to harm others
So that neither would know God

Let us remember
God loved all of life
And has chosen to save us all
That is the work of love before us

Love is righteousness

Ryan o0o

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Righteous Judgment

You have heard and so it is read
Judge not unrighteously
But judge with righteousness
For these are the words of the Lord

Time has lost its meaning
Man has altered its purpose
By their desire they use God
To make their own pride just

Who is good that they may judge?
Who is without self importance?
Who can say they are righteous?
Even the Lord said only The Father!

All judgment from man is unrighteous
For none are righteous on the earth
All judgment is self serving
For man cannot see past himself

As it is so – not one speaks
Because of the manner of others
But from their own mouth
Projects their singular perspective

A man may walk in the rain
Blessing every drop of cool water
And another may do likewise
Cursing the wetness he endures

He who enjoys God’s rain
Creates a river of peace in his heart
And he who curses the rain
Creates a well of darkness within

Who then can judge the rain?

Those who linger in flesh
Are vexed by degrees of comfort
Those who live in spirit
Are not bound alone by their experience

For they who live in God’s light
Are free of doubt and shame
Stand not offended or cursing
Seek not to praise themselves

Only the Father may judge all
And the Lord who was given authority
So we look to the judgment of God
And find understanding within

The Lord came to perform His will
As the Father commanded He did
His command was to save all life
That not one should perish in darkness

This my brothers is our command
If we follow the path of our Savior
That we employ righteous judgment
Given to us by the Father and the King

Thus we turn away none who seek
Nor place condition upon their hope
We carry the message of Christ to all
As His angels will seperate the fish

Who can say they are wise to know?
When God Himself said we are not!
Even Solomon in wisdom did decree
Our greatest wisdom is as foolishness

Judgment is the right of God
Taught to us that we would know
And He who judges another
Stands himself above God

Behaviour we can easily discern
For it is of life or it is of death
Words we can easily recognize
For it is of blessing or of cursing

But God himself decides who is His
Converting murderers such as Paul
That His glory of life may be known
Proving we lack wisdom to judge

So let us be clear

He who judges another
To be beneath himself
Has put himself
beneath he whom he judged

He who places himself
As servant to his fellow man
Has followed his Lords work
And placed a crown upon his own head

He who believes himself pure
Turns away the heart of the innocent
And he who humbles himself
Is surrounded by a host of friends

For Christ made all men one blood
And by His work paid every price
Even the most wicked and vile man
Is made clean by it if he chooses

God gives authority
And God takes it away
God gives life
And God takes it away

Man can only kill the flesh
But Christ holds our spirit
He within the hand of the Father
Cannot be taken by our judgment

Shut the voice
of our self righteousness
For it was given to us
By the adversary

Cast it away when it speaks in you
For it convinced you it was you
And used you to harm others
So that neither would know God

Let us remember
God loved all of life
And has chosen to save us all
That is the work of love before us

Love is righteousness

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Righteous Judgment

Human Judgment vs. Divine JudgmentHumans lack the wisdom to judge righteously, as true judgment belongs only to God and Christ.

The Dangers of Self-RighteousnessSelf-righteousness blinds individuals to their flaws, causing harm to others and distancing them from God’s love.

The Role of Love in RighteousnessTrue righteousness is found in love, humility, and service to others, reflecting the teachings of Christ.

Spiritual Perspective Over Fleshly PerspectiveThose who live in the Spirit transcend the limitations of earthly experiences, finding peace and understanding in God’s light.

The Universality of SalvationGod’s work through Christ ensures that all can be saved, emphasizing unity and the redemption of even the most wayward souls.

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Righteous Judgment

You have heard and so it is read
Judge not unrighteously
But judge with righteousness
For these are the words of the Lord

Time has lost its meaning
Man has altered its purpose
By their desire they use God
To make their own pride just

Who is good that they may judge?
Who is without self importance?
Who can say they are righteous?
Even the Lord said only The Father!

All judgment from man is unrighteous
For none are righteous on the earth
All judgment is self serving
For man cannot see past himself

As it is so – not one speaks
Because of the manner of others
But from their own mouth
Projects their singular perspective

A man may walk in the rain
Blessing every drop of cool water
And another may do likewise
Cursing the wetness he endures

He who enjoys God’s rain
Creates a river of peace in his heart
And he who curses the rain
Creates a well of darkness within

Who then can judge the rain?

Those who linger in flesh
Are vexed by degrees of comfort
Those who live in spirit
Are not bound alone by their experience

For they who live in God’s light
Are free of doubt and shame
Stand not offended or cursing
Seek not to praise themselves

Only the Father may judge all
And the Lord who was given authority
So we look to the judgment of God
And find understanding within

The Lord came to perform His will
As the Father commanded He did
His command was to save all life
That not one should perish in darkness

This my brothers is our command
If we follow the path of our Savior
That we employ righteous judgment
Given to us by the Father and the King

Thus we turn away none who seek
Nor place condition upon their hope
We carry the message of Christ to all
As His angels will seperate the fish

Who can say they are wise to know?
When God Himself said we are not!
Even Solomon in wisdom did decree
Our greatest wisdom is as foolishness

Judgment is the right of God
Taught to us that we would know
And He who judges another
Stands himself above God

Behaviour we can easily discern
For it is of life or it is of death
Words we can easily recognize
For it is of blessing or of cursing

But God himself decides who is His
Converting murderers such as Paul
That His glory of life may be known
Proving we lack wisdom to judge

So let us be clear

He who judges another
To be beneath himself
Has put himself
beneath he whom he judged

He who places himself
As servant to his fellow man
Has followed his Lords work
And placed a crown upon his own head

He who believes himself pure
Turns away the heart of the innocent
And he who humbles himself
Is surrounded by a host of friends

For Christ made all men one blood
And by His work paid every price
Even the most wicked and vile man
Is made clean by it if he chooses

God gives authority
And God takes it away
God gives life
And God takes it away

Man can only kill the flesh
But Christ holds our spirit
He within the hand of the Father
Cannot be taken by our judgment

Shut the voice
of our self righteousness
For it was given to us
By the adversary

Cast it away when it speaks in you
For it convinced you it was you
And used you to harm others
So that neither would know God

Let us remember
God loved all of life
And has chosen to save us all
That is the work of love before us

Love is righteousness

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Righteous Judgment

Human Judgment vs. Divine JudgmentHumans lack the wisdom to judge righteously, as true judgment belongs only to God and Christ.

The Dangers of Self-RighteousnessSelf-righteousness blinds individuals to their flaws, causing harm to others and distancing them from God’s love.

The Role of Love in RighteousnessTrue righteousness is found in love, humility, and service to others, reflecting the teachings of Christ.

Spiritual Perspective Over Fleshly PerspectiveThose who live in the Spirit transcend the limitations of earthly experiences, finding peace and understanding in God’s light.

The Universality of SalvationGod’s work through Christ ensures that all can be saved, emphasizing unity and the redemption of even the most wayward souls.

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For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!



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