Themes and Insights
Revelation Within
The Dichotomy of Life and DeathThe choice between life and death underpins every action and belief. As society labels death desirable and life burdensome, the distinction blurs, leaving individuals questioning true value.
Incomprehensible EternityNeither everlasting life nor death is fully understood by humanity. Both are unfathomable within the confines of earthly knowledge, inviting a faith that seeks beyond visible proof.
The Search for Purpose Beyond RepetitionIn a world where patterns repeat without substantial change, individuals ponder whether real change is possible and who, if anyone, will end the cycle.
Faith and Belief Beyond UnderstandingAccepting the limitations of human comprehension, the choice is to place faith in the unknown, a higher power beyond understanding, as a path to transcend the endless cycle.
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Revelation Within
Millions came before us
Million come after us
Millions are with us
Who will change the tune?
I’ll have my way
And you’ll have your way
And someone will say we can’t
And someone will say we can
And someone will say we are real
And some will say we are a figment of our own imagination
Tell that to the Lego under my foot.
The world continues always to play out the same pattern
Over a few thousand years
Rebuilds, conquers, annihilates, rebuilds
This is enmity with eternity because it is a broken record
Skipping every so many thousand years
They who claim to secure eternity
Do so by the divining of circular tools
Just like the pattern before
And the people of that pattern before
They who claim the moment
Do so by the divining of circular tools
Just like the pattern before
And the people of the pattern before
They who conform to the ways of the world
Do so as they who did before
And they who rebel to the ways of the world
Do so as they who did before
And they who birth a revolution
Have watched it also fade
And they who also did long before
Even the NAME describes the pattern
As the parent enforces strictly
The child grows to parent without discipline
To his child who grows to enforce strictly
To that child who is like his grandfather.
We have the age of birth
And the age of growth
And the age of reason
And the age of darkness
And the age of renaissance
And the age of lovers
And the age of industry
And the age of technology
And the age of information
And the age of decay
And the age of awakening
Into the age of foundations built on sand – where life appears as death and death as life.
(Because it has always fallen apart)
Back into the age of birth
Over and over and over again
The rain waters the earth
Then poisons the earth
Then freezes the earth
Then melts on earth
Then waters the earth…
My wallet is empty
And then my wallet is full
And then my wallet is empty
And then my wallet is full
And I have purchased enough couches to fill a castle
And I have blessed enough people to make me a saint
And I have cursed enough people to make me evil
And I have given enough to make me just
And I have taken enough to make me a thief
And I have been honest enough to make me clean
And I have self-deluded enough to whither my bones
And who is any different?
Even now?
Even before?
Even LONG before
Even after us?
What difference has ANY of it made?
But before me still
Is the same question and same choice
As all they before me
LIFE or DEATH – the dichotomy
And how do we choose
In the age that protects death and war and borders and self-accumulation
Thinking these things to be life and desirable?
Where also they who believe otherwise…
That protection from death and war and worry and doubt
Is also life and desirable
While taking your liberty and knowledge and choice and logic?
And how do we choose
When they who say we are gods and make our own destiny
Forget about the hidden Lego under their own foot?
Or when they who say we are beast and flesh and exist only now
Forget about the desire they have for feelings and a voice?
How do we choose in the age
Where life is Death and Death is Life?
When Death looks so pleasing in its surety?
And Life looks so meaningless in its randomness?
And death looks so logical in its ignorance?
And life looks so irrational in its forgotten story of life?
How do we choose
In a world where MEN can say they understand the nature of nature
When they live for 80 years
In a natural environment with a life cycle of BILLIONS of years?
How do we choose
In a world where MEN can say they are qualified to direct the wisdom of God
When they teach for 40 years
About a God that has been, is and always will be everlasting?
Does not he who endures for the growth of his own wealth
Whatever that wealth may be
Over look the growth of another respect?
Does not he who endures for the progression of his own family
Whatever that quality may be
Overlook the progression of another respect?
Truly someone as myself
Who scores a zero in good and bad (even in my own ignorant understanding)
Must come to realize that while ON EARTH
Everlasting LIFE is nothing I have ever seen or been shown or know
Because it is incomprehensible
And Everlasting DEATH is nothing I have ever seen or been shown or know
Because it is incomprehensible
In a world that doesn’t remember either one as it is
Because it is simply skipping on a broken record
In the age before the fall into our belief that it is great even though it isn’t.
Who will change that TUNE?
SO I will pray to a God that I can’t believe in
Because none of us can make belief of God believable.
And I will offer myself to a God that I can’t understand
Because none of us can offer understandable understanding of God.
And I will give my faith to a God that I don’t have faith in
Because none of us can comprehend faith faithfully.
And I will offer my life to death
And I will offer my death to life
Because I will choose the Everlasting Life that is unfathomable to me
Because the everlasting death is also unfathomable to me.
This is the Revelation Within
The revolution is over… forever.
Ryan o0o
Revelation Within
Millions came before us
Million come after us
Millions are with us
Who will change the tune?
I’ll have my way
And you’ll have your way
And someone will say we can’t
And someone will say we can
And someone will say we are real
And some will say we are a figment of our own imagination
Tell that to the Lego under my foot.
The world continues always to play out the same pattern
Over a few thousand years
Rebuilds, conquers, annihilates, rebuilds
This is enmity with eternity because it is a broken record
Skipping every so many thousand years
They who claim to secure eternity
Do so by the divining of circular tools
Just like the pattern before
And the people of that pattern before
They who claim the moment
Do so by the divining of circular tools
Just like the pattern before
And the people of the pattern before
They who conform to the ways of the world
Do so as they who did before
And they who rebel to the ways of the world
Do so as they who did before
And they who birth a revolution
Have watched it also fade
And they who also did long before
Even the NAME describes the pattern
As the parent enforces strictly
The child grows to parent without discipline
To his child who grows to enforce strictly
To that child who is like his grandfather.
We have the age of birth
And the age of growth
And the age of reason
And the age of darkness
And the age of renaissance
And the age of lovers
And the age of industry
And the age of technology
And the age of information
And the age of decay
And the age of awakening
Into the age of foundations built on sand – where life appears as death and death as life.
(Because it has always fallen apart)
Back into the age of birth
Over and over and over again
The rain waters the earth
Then poisons the earth
Then freezes the earth
Then melts on earth
Then waters the earth…
My wallet is empty
And then my wallet is full
And then my wallet is empty
And then my wallet is full
And I have purchased enough couches to fill a castle
And I have blessed enough people to make me a saint
And I have cursed enough people to make me evil
And I have given enough to make me just
And I have taken enough to make me a thief
And I have been honest enough to make me clean
And I have self-deluded enough to whither my bones
And who is any different?
Even now?
Even before?
Even LONG before
Even after us?
What difference has ANY of it made?
But before me still
Is the same question and same choice
As all they before me
LIFE or DEATH – the dichotomy
And how do we choose
In the age that protects death and war and borders and self-accumulation
Thinking these things to be life and desirable?
Where also they who believe otherwise…
That protection from death and war and worry and doubt
Is also life and desirable
While taking your liberty and knowledge and choice and logic?
And how do we choose
When they who say we are gods and make our own destiny
Forget about the hidden Lego under their own foot?
Or when they who say we are beast and flesh and exist only now
Forget about the desire they have for feelings and a voice?
How do we choose in the age
Where life is Death and Death is Life?
When Death looks so pleasing in its surety?
And Life looks so meaningless in its randomness?
And death looks so logical in its ignorance?
And life looks so irrational in its forgotten story of life?
How do we choose
In a world where MEN can say they understand the nature of nature
When they live for 80 years
In a natural environment with a life cycle of BILLIONS of years?
How do we choose
In a world where MEN can say they are qualified to direct the wisdom of God
When they teach for 40 years
About a God that has been, is and always will be everlasting?
Does not he who endures for the growth of his own wealth
Whatever that wealth may be
Over look the growth of another respect?
Does not he who endures for the progression of his own family
Whatever that quality may be
Overlook the progression of another respect?
Truly someone as myself
Who scores a zero in good and bad (even in my own ignorant understanding)
Must come to realize that while ON EARTH
Everlasting LIFE is nothing I have ever seen or been shown or know
Because it is incomprehensible
And Everlasting DEATH is nothing I have ever seen or been shown or know
Because it is incomprehensible
In a world that doesn’t remember either one as it is
Because it is simply skipping on a broken record
In the age before the fall into our belief that it is great even though it isn’t.
Who will change that TUNE?
SO I will pray to a God that I can’t believe in
Because none of us can make belief of God believable.
And I will offer myself to a God that I can’t understand
Because none of us can offer understandable understanding of God.
And I will give my faith to a God that I don’t have faith in
Because none of us can comprehend faith faithfully.
And I will offer my life to death
And I will offer my death to life
Because I will choose the Everlasting Life that is unfathomable to me
Because the everlasting death is also unfathomable to me.
This is the Revelation Within
The revolution is over… forever.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Revelation Within
The Dichotomy of Life and DeathThe choice between life and death underpins every action and belief. As society labels death desirable and life burdensome, the distinction blurs, leaving individuals questioning true value.
Incomprehensible EternityNeither everlasting life nor death is fully understood by humanity. Both are unfathomable within the confines of earthly knowledge, inviting a faith that seeks beyond visible proof.
The Search for Purpose Beyond RepetitionIn a world where patterns repeat without substantial change, individuals ponder whether real change is possible and who, if anyone, will end the cycle.
Faith and Belief Beyond UnderstandingAccepting the limitations of human comprehension, the choice is to place faith in the unknown, a higher power beyond understanding, as a path to transcend the endless cycle.
Revelation Within
Millions came before us
Million come after us
Millions are with us
Who will change the tune?
I’ll have my way
And you’ll have your way
And someone will say we can’t
And someone will say we can
And someone will say we are real
And some will say we are a figment of our own imagination
Tell that to the Lego under my foot.
The world continues always to play out the same pattern
Over a few thousand years
Rebuilds, conquers, annihilates, rebuilds
This is enmity with eternity because it is a broken record
Skipping every so many thousand years
They who claim to secure eternity
Do so by the divining of circular tools
Just like the pattern before
And the people of that pattern before
They who claim the moment
Do so by the divining of circular tools
Just like the pattern before
And the people of the pattern before
They who conform to the ways of the world
Do so as they who did before
And they who rebel to the ways of the world
Do so as they who did before
And they who birth a revolution
Have watched it also fade
And they who also did long before
Even the NAME describes the pattern
As the parent enforces strictly
The child grows to parent without discipline
To his child who grows to enforce strictly
To that child who is like his grandfather.
We have the age of birth
And the age of growth
And the age of reason
And the age of darkness
And the age of renaissance
And the age of lovers
And the age of industry
And the age of technology
And the age of information
And the age of decay
And the age of awakening
Into the age of foundations built on sand – where life appears as death and death as life.
(Because it has always fallen apart)
Back into the age of birth
Over and over and over again
The rain waters the earth
Then poisons the earth
Then freezes the earth
Then melts on earth
Then waters the earth…
My wallet is empty
And then my wallet is full
And then my wallet is empty
And then my wallet is full
And I have purchased enough couches to fill a castle
And I have blessed enough people to make me a saint
And I have cursed enough people to make me evil
And I have given enough to make me just
And I have taken enough to make me a thief
And I have been honest enough to make me clean
And I have self-deluded enough to whither my bones
And who is any different?
Even now?
Even before?
Even LONG before
Even after us?
What difference has ANY of it made?
But before me still
Is the same question and same choice
As all they before me
LIFE or DEATH – the dichotomy
And how do we choose
In the age that protects death and war and borders and self-accumulation
Thinking these things to be life and desirable?
Where also they who believe otherwise…
That protection from death and war and worry and doubt
Is also life and desirable
While taking your liberty and knowledge and choice and logic?
And how do we choose
When they who say we are gods and make our own destiny
Forget about the hidden Lego under their own foot?
Or when they who say we are beast and flesh and exist only now
Forget about the desire they have for feelings and a voice?
How do we choose in the age
Where life is Death and Death is Life?
When Death looks so pleasing in its surety?
And Life looks so meaningless in its randomness?
And death looks so logical in its ignorance?
And life looks so irrational in its forgotten story of life?
How do we choose
In a world where MEN can say they understand the nature of nature
When they live for 80 years
In a natural environment with a life cycle of BILLIONS of years?
How do we choose
In a world where MEN can say they are qualified to direct the wisdom of God
When they teach for 40 years
About a God that has been, is and always will be everlasting?
Does not he who endures for the growth of his own wealth
Whatever that wealth may be
Over look the growth of another respect?
Does not he who endures for the progression of his own family
Whatever that quality may be
Overlook the progression of another respect?
Truly someone as myself
Who scores a zero in good and bad (even in my own ignorant understanding)
Must come to realize that while ON EARTH
Everlasting LIFE is nothing I have ever seen or been shown or know
Because it is incomprehensible
And Everlasting DEATH is nothing I have ever seen or been shown or know
Because it is incomprehensible
In a world that doesn’t remember either one as it is
Because it is simply skipping on a broken record
In the age before the fall into our belief that it is great even though it isn’t.
Who will change that TUNE?
SO I will pray to a God that I can’t believe in
Because none of us can make belief of God believable.
And I will offer myself to a God that I can’t understand
Because none of us can offer understandable understanding of God.
And I will give my faith to a God that I don’t have faith in
Because none of us can comprehend faith faithfully.
And I will offer my life to death
And I will offer my death to life
Because I will choose the Everlasting Life that is unfathomable to me
Because the everlasting death is also unfathomable to me.
This is the Revelation Within
The revolution is over… forever.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Revelation Within
The Dichotomy of Life and DeathThe choice between life and death underpins every action and belief. As society labels death desirable and life burdensome, the distinction blurs, leaving individuals questioning true value.
Incomprehensible EternityNeither everlasting life nor death is fully understood by humanity. Both are unfathomable within the confines of earthly knowledge, inviting a faith that seeks beyond visible proof.
The Search for Purpose Beyond RepetitionIn a world where patterns repeat without substantial change, individuals ponder whether real change is possible and who, if anyone, will end the cycle.
Faith and Belief Beyond UnderstandingAccepting the limitations of human comprehension, the choice is to place faith in the unknown, a higher power beyond understanding, as a path to transcend the endless cycle.