Themes and Insights

Kingdom Within

The Eternal Nature of True Wealth:Earthly riches and status are fleeting, while spiritual treasures are eternal and immeasurable. The poem underscores the insignificance of material possessions compared to the wealth of the spirit, which is incorruptible and infinite.

The Choice Between Light and Darkness:Humanity is presented with a choice—embracing light, love, and life or succumbing to darkness, deception, and death. The poem highlights the power of even a small spark of light to conquer the darkest lies.

The Spirit as the True Treasure:God’s spirit, the ultimate source of love, wisdom, and peace, is the greatest treasure available to humanity. It transcends all worldly values, offering freedom and fulfillment to those who genuinely seek it.

The Parables of the Spirit:The teachings of Christ are revealed as lessons for the spirit, not the flesh. The poem emphasizes the universal truth of love and the ability of honest introspection to awaken individuals to their divine purpose.

The Power of Divine Love:God’s love, demonstrated through His Son, is the key to understanding life’s meaning. It is a call to awaken from spiritual slumber, reject pride and material illusions, and embrace grace and joy as the path to eternal peace.

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Kingdom Within

I will not die a paupers fate
Nor walk alone in my steps
For the wealth of all the universe
Has been laid out before me
And the riches of such is incalculable

Who can hold a gem and say “this is mine”?
Does it go with us when we fall?
Have we need of stones in spirit?
Are the coffers of Heaven empty?
Does it add measure to my eternal fate?

Or who can claim their earthly stature
Has purpose beyond the flesh?
For of riches do we eat
Of monuments do they crumble
So too is our pride of nothing in death

Truly it is better to suffer mankind
With comforts and fine robes
Yet none of them are needed where we go
And not one prepares us for what awaits
Indeed they are rags before God’s wonder.

More truly is the wealth of spirit!
No man can take that treasure from you
Nor can the darkness enter into it
For it is the palace of the Most High
Freely open to all who honestly seek it

Beyond rubies and diamonds and gold
Beyond property and prestige
Beyond the respect of family and friends
Beyond the love of man or woman
Is the greatest treasure of all in God

For my Father is a God of all peace
And His Son is the King of all love
Not the punishing angry old man
Nor the hypocrite of mans interpretation
But a Spirit of life that has given you life

Upon awakening to the lesson of love
With the reality of such an experience
Does one see the err of man
That they cannot see for trying
Yet it is plain as day to all who wish to see!

The parable is not of flesh
But of the spirit does it reveal
And the teaching is not of the earth
But to our spirit does it speak
The sin of the world is darkness, not man

For this truth cannot be untold
As wickedness is a choice
So too is goodness and grace
As life is a choice of ours
So too is death a choice presented.

But darkness wishes not for you to know
As the blind cannot see the choice
And fall victim instead to the master
Of that very darkness of lies
That deceived the whole world.

Therefore must there also be light
And one small candle disperses the dark
That candle is not of earth
But of the Spirit that wishes your freedom
And the very same who causes peace.

Even a tiny portion of that spirit
Shatters darkness to flee in fear
For the Father owns them both
Light and dark are His
And His spirit is the power of all things

So He sent our brother that we would know
That we would see and hear
To awaken the sleeping
And sober the drunkard
And bring us the true treasure of life!

I will not die a paupers death
For my Father holds all the keys
Owns all the universal storehouses
And offers grace and wisdom and joy
To all who open their spirit to Life.

Love is the way, and honesty awakens it.

Ryan o0o

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Kingdom Within

I will not die a paupers fate
Nor walk alone in my steps
For the wealth of all the universe
Has been laid out before me
And the riches of such is incalculable

Who can hold a gem and say “this is mine”?
Does it go with us when we fall?
Have we need of stones in spirit?
Are the coffers of Heaven empty?
Does it add measure to my eternal fate?

Or who can claim their earthly stature
Has purpose beyond the flesh?
For of riches do we eat
Of monuments do they crumble
So too is our pride of nothing in death

Truly it is better to suffer mankind
With comforts and fine robes
Yet none of them are needed where we go
And not one prepares us for what awaits
Indeed they are rags before God’s wonder.

More truly is the wealth of spirit!
No man can take that treasure from you
Nor can the darkness enter into it
For it is the palace of the Most High
Freely open to all who honestly seek it

Beyond rubies and diamonds and gold
Beyond property and prestige
Beyond the respect of family and friends
Beyond the love of man or woman
Is the greatest treasure of all in God

For my Father is a God of all peace
And His Son is the King of all love
Not the punishing angry old man
Nor the hypocrite of mans interpretation
But a Spirit of life that has given you life

Upon awakening to the lesson of love
With the reality of such an experience
Does one see the err of man
That they cannot see for trying
Yet it is plain as day to all who wish to see!

The parable is not of flesh
But of the spirit does it reveal
And the teaching is not of the earth
But to our spirit does it speak
The sin of the world is darkness, not man

For this truth cannot be untold
As wickedness is a choice
So too is goodness and grace
As life is a choice of ours
So too is death a choice presented.

But darkness wishes not for you to know
As the blind cannot see the choice
And fall victim instead to the master
Of that very darkness of lies
That deceived the whole world.

Therefore must there also be light
And one small candle disperses the dark
That candle is not of earth
But of the Spirit that wishes your freedom
And the very same who causes peace.

Even a tiny portion of that spirit
Shatters darkness to flee in fear
For the Father owns them both
Light and dark are His
And His spirit is the power of all things

So He sent our brother that we would know
That we would see and hear
To awaken the sleeping
And sober the drunkard
And bring us the true treasure of life!

I will not die a paupers death
For my Father holds all the keys
Owns all the universal storehouses
And offers grace and wisdom and joy
To all who open their spirit to Life.

Love is the way, and honesty awakens it.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Kingdom Within

The Eternal Nature of True Wealth:Earthly riches and status are fleeting, while spiritual treasures are eternal and immeasurable. The poem underscores the insignificance of material possessions compared to the wealth of the spirit, which is incorruptible and infinite.

The Choice Between Light and Darkness:Humanity is presented with a choice—embracing light, love, and life or succumbing to darkness, deception, and death. The poem highlights the power of even a small spark of light to conquer the darkest lies.

The Spirit as the True Treasure:God’s spirit, the ultimate source of love, wisdom, and peace, is the greatest treasure available to humanity. It transcends all worldly values, offering freedom and fulfillment to those who genuinely seek it.

The Parables of the Spirit:The teachings of Christ are revealed as lessons for the spirit, not the flesh. The poem emphasizes the universal truth of love and the ability of honest introspection to awaken individuals to their divine purpose.

The Power of Divine Love:God’s love, demonstrated through His Son, is the key to understanding life’s meaning. It is a call to awaken from spiritual slumber, reject pride and material illusions, and embrace grace and joy as the path to eternal peace.

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Kingdom Within

I will not die a paupers fate
Nor walk alone in my steps
For the wealth of all the universe
Has been laid out before me
And the riches of such is incalculable

Who can hold a gem and say “this is mine”?
Does it go with us when we fall?
Have we need of stones in spirit?
Are the coffers of Heaven empty?
Does it add measure to my eternal fate?

Or who can claim their earthly stature
Has purpose beyond the flesh?
For of riches do we eat
Of monuments do they crumble
So too is our pride of nothing in death

Truly it is better to suffer mankind
With comforts and fine robes
Yet none of them are needed where we go
And not one prepares us for what awaits
Indeed they are rags before God’s wonder.

More truly is the wealth of spirit!
No man can take that treasure from you
Nor can the darkness enter into it
For it is the palace of the Most High
Freely open to all who honestly seek it

Beyond rubies and diamonds and gold
Beyond property and prestige
Beyond the respect of family and friends
Beyond the love of man or woman
Is the greatest treasure of all in God

For my Father is a God of all peace
And His Son is the King of all love
Not the punishing angry old man
Nor the hypocrite of mans interpretation
But a Spirit of life that has given you life

Upon awakening to the lesson of love
With the reality of such an experience
Does one see the err of man
That they cannot see for trying
Yet it is plain as day to all who wish to see!

The parable is not of flesh
But of the spirit does it reveal
And the teaching is not of the earth
But to our spirit does it speak
The sin of the world is darkness, not man

For this truth cannot be untold
As wickedness is a choice
So too is goodness and grace
As life is a choice of ours
So too is death a choice presented.

But darkness wishes not for you to know
As the blind cannot see the choice
And fall victim instead to the master
Of that very darkness of lies
That deceived the whole world.

Therefore must there also be light
And one small candle disperses the dark
That candle is not of earth
But of the Spirit that wishes your freedom
And the very same who causes peace.

Even a tiny portion of that spirit
Shatters darkness to flee in fear
For the Father owns them both
Light and dark are His
And His spirit is the power of all things

So He sent our brother that we would know
That we would see and hear
To awaken the sleeping
And sober the drunkard
And bring us the true treasure of life!

I will not die a paupers death
For my Father holds all the keys
Owns all the universal storehouses
And offers grace and wisdom and joy
To all who open their spirit to Life.

Love is the way, and honesty awakens it.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Kingdom Within

The Eternal Nature of True Wealth:Earthly riches and status are fleeting, while spiritual treasures are eternal and immeasurable. The poem underscores the insignificance of material possessions compared to the wealth of the spirit, which is incorruptible and infinite.

The Choice Between Light and Darkness:Humanity is presented with a choice—embracing light, love, and life or succumbing to darkness, deception, and death. The poem highlights the power of even a small spark of light to conquer the darkest lies.

The Spirit as the True Treasure:God’s spirit, the ultimate source of love, wisdom, and peace, is the greatest treasure available to humanity. It transcends all worldly values, offering freedom and fulfillment to those who genuinely seek it.

The Parables of the Spirit:The teachings of Christ are revealed as lessons for the spirit, not the flesh. The poem emphasizes the universal truth of love and the ability of honest introspection to awaken individuals to their divine purpose.

The Power of Divine Love:God’s love, demonstrated through His Son, is the key to understanding life’s meaning. It is a call to awaken from spiritual slumber, reject pride and material illusions, and embrace grace and joy as the path to eternal peace.

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