Themes and Insights
Holy War
The Internal Holy War: The true battle is within ourselves—abandoning old beliefs and surrendering to God's will.
God's Restorative Power: Healing, wisdom, and authority come through grace and personal transformation.
Spiritual Awakening: By shedding the old self, one becomes open to divine truth, life, and peace.
Victory in Christ: The ultimate victory has already been won through Jesus, offering eternal hope to all who seek Him.
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Holy War
It is the unrighteous
Who long for righteousness
And the wicked
Who seek true comfort
As the deaf do wish to hear
And the blind do wish to see
So too is the Word of God
For those trapped in darkness
And who are they that God would care?
They are the children of the Most High
Deceived by the ancient sons song
That they are unworthy of Holiness
Though they were made holy
By their Father who is Holy and pure
Redeemed by our First born Brother King
At our Father’s great desire to love.
Who can make peace
But he who was at war?
And who can build love
But he who once loved not?
Who can shed hope
But they who were once hopeless?
And who can speak in the dark places
But he who has lived deep within them?
For truly the wicked of earth
Trust not the men of human righteousness
For they know it is a written play
Set forth by lies to amuse themselves!
Neither do the unrighteous give ear
To they who proclaim their own worth
For without experience and wisdom
Of all manner of sick, they cannot heal!
But take the unwanted man of earth
Who has rotted his own bones in filth
And raise him up to God’s grace
And you will find no other
With such authority of speech.
Neither can the righteous argue him
Without revealing their own ignorance
For it was God who healed him.
Lo, he walks without fear
In the valley of death
For he once grew his crops there
And he may journey anywhere
Within the heart of other men
For they know he has no judgment of them
He may speak of the gates of hell
For he has unlocked its horrid door
Within his experienced journey to light
Is the answer sought by the forgotten
And with his desire to find his brothers
Are they once again not alone
For he knows the hidden secrets
That the proud must always deny
Yet he may share of them freely
For God has restored his spirit
My brothers fear not
At the folly of your life
For by the Righteousness of God
Is it made well and of value
Shame yourself not
At the wickedness of your hands
For by the love of God
Shall He restore your works to life.
Seek instead the All Powerful Spirit
Lay your past at God’s feet
Look to no other but the Greatest Love
For entered into you daily it lives.
Accept your flesh as it is
So that your spirit may be given command
By the right and honor of life itself
Truly our spirit is a portion of God
For we who have fallen deep
Know we cannot shame another
How therefore can we shame ourselves
Whom God has accepted as His?
And we who have been reborn in spirit
Know the struggles of our minds will
But with our Father’s guidance
Does it sleep without rule of us.
This my brother is the holy war
Not against your neighbour
Not against your sister
Not against the world of men
Nor against the darkness of evil
Not even against those who hate us
But that of ourselves do we surrender
That of our former beliefs do we abandon
For you are the channel that must be open
As God does not teach
What you believe you already know
And God will not enter
Where you have shut the door
It is we who must pour out our old self
That God may pour in the new knowledge
And awaken your spirit to wonder.
Truly I say to you my brother
That God will answer your call for help!
And His great power
Will fight your war for you
As it is not a battle of the world
But a battle of your eternal life in spirit
And a war for which our King and Brother
Has already won for us.
For I was a wretched man of darkness
And will be so all the days of my flesh
But that insanity flees far from me
At the very moment I call on God
And the desire for truth grows in me
With every passing day I trust Him
And God’s promise is full-filled always
Simply at my honest seeking of Him.
There is One source of Heaven
Where love and truth, wisdom and grace
Goodness and joy, all knowledge of all
Justice and life, Transformation and health
Peace and understanding everlasting
Does Originate and spring forth!
That One is your Father who made you
May you find the Kingdom of Life!
Ryan o0o
Holy War
It is the unrighteous
Who long for righteousness
And the wicked
Who seek true comfort
As the deaf do wish to hear
And the blind do wish to see
So too is the Word of God
For those trapped in darkness
And who are they that God would care?
They are the children of the Most High
Deceived by the ancient sons song
That they are unworthy of Holiness
Though they were made holy
By their Father who is Holy and pure
Redeemed by our First born Brother King
At our Father’s great desire to love.
Who can make peace
But he who was at war?
And who can build love
But he who once loved not?
Who can shed hope
But they who were once hopeless?
And who can speak in the dark places
But he who has lived deep within them?
For truly the wicked of earth
Trust not the men of human righteousness
For they know it is a written play
Set forth by lies to amuse themselves!
Neither do the unrighteous give ear
To they who proclaim their own worth
For without experience and wisdom
Of all manner of sick, they cannot heal!
But take the unwanted man of earth
Who has rotted his own bones in filth
And raise him up to God’s grace
And you will find no other
With such authority of speech.
Neither can the righteous argue him
Without revealing their own ignorance
For it was God who healed him.
Lo, he walks without fear
In the valley of death
For he once grew his crops there
And he may journey anywhere
Within the heart of other men
For they know he has no judgment of them
He may speak of the gates of hell
For he has unlocked its horrid door
Within his experienced journey to light
Is the answer sought by the forgotten
And with his desire to find his brothers
Are they once again not alone
For he knows the hidden secrets
That the proud must always deny
Yet he may share of them freely
For God has restored his spirit
My brothers fear not
At the folly of your life
For by the Righteousness of God
Is it made well and of value
Shame yourself not
At the wickedness of your hands
For by the love of God
Shall He restore your works to life.
Seek instead the All Powerful Spirit
Lay your past at God’s feet
Look to no other but the Greatest Love
For entered into you daily it lives.
Accept your flesh as it is
So that your spirit may be given command
By the right and honor of life itself
Truly our spirit is a portion of God
For we who have fallen deep
Know we cannot shame another
How therefore can we shame ourselves
Whom God has accepted as His?
And we who have been reborn in spirit
Know the struggles of our minds will
But with our Father’s guidance
Does it sleep without rule of us.
This my brother is the holy war
Not against your neighbour
Not against your sister
Not against the world of men
Nor against the darkness of evil
Not even against those who hate us
But that of ourselves do we surrender
That of our former beliefs do we abandon
For you are the channel that must be open
As God does not teach
What you believe you already know
And God will not enter
Where you have shut the door
It is we who must pour out our old self
That God may pour in the new knowledge
And awaken your spirit to wonder.
Truly I say to you my brother
That God will answer your call for help!
And His great power
Will fight your war for you
As it is not a battle of the world
But a battle of your eternal life in spirit
And a war for which our King and Brother
Has already won for us.
For I was a wretched man of darkness
And will be so all the days of my flesh
But that insanity flees far from me
At the very moment I call on God
And the desire for truth grows in me
With every passing day I trust Him
And God’s promise is full-filled always
Simply at my honest seeking of Him.
There is One source of Heaven
Where love and truth, wisdom and grace
Goodness and joy, all knowledge of all
Justice and life, Transformation and health
Peace and understanding everlasting
Does Originate and spring forth!
That One is your Father who made you
May you find the Kingdom of Life!
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Holy War
The Internal Holy War: The true battle is within ourselves—abandoning old beliefs and surrendering to God's will.
God's Restorative Power: Healing, wisdom, and authority come through grace and personal transformation.
Spiritual Awakening: By shedding the old self, one becomes open to divine truth, life, and peace.
Victory in Christ: The ultimate victory has already been won through Jesus, offering eternal hope to all who seek Him.
Holy War
It is the unrighteous
Who long for righteousness
And the wicked
Who seek true comfort
As the deaf do wish to hear
And the blind do wish to see
So too is the Word of God
For those trapped in darkness
And who are they that God would care?
They are the children of the Most High
Deceived by the ancient sons song
That they are unworthy of Holiness
Though they were made holy
By their Father who is Holy and pure
Redeemed by our First born Brother King
At our Father’s great desire to love.
Who can make peace
But he who was at war?
And who can build love
But he who once loved not?
Who can shed hope
But they who were once hopeless?
And who can speak in the dark places
But he who has lived deep within them?
For truly the wicked of earth
Trust not the men of human righteousness
For they know it is a written play
Set forth by lies to amuse themselves!
Neither do the unrighteous give ear
To they who proclaim their own worth
For without experience and wisdom
Of all manner of sick, they cannot heal!
But take the unwanted man of earth
Who has rotted his own bones in filth
And raise him up to God’s grace
And you will find no other
With such authority of speech.
Neither can the righteous argue him
Without revealing their own ignorance
For it was God who healed him.
Lo, he walks without fear
In the valley of death
For he once grew his crops there
And he may journey anywhere
Within the heart of other men
For they know he has no judgment of them
He may speak of the gates of hell
For he has unlocked its horrid door
Within his experienced journey to light
Is the answer sought by the forgotten
And with his desire to find his brothers
Are they once again not alone
For he knows the hidden secrets
That the proud must always deny
Yet he may share of them freely
For God has restored his spirit
My brothers fear not
At the folly of your life
For by the Righteousness of God
Is it made well and of value
Shame yourself not
At the wickedness of your hands
For by the love of God
Shall He restore your works to life.
Seek instead the All Powerful Spirit
Lay your past at God’s feet
Look to no other but the Greatest Love
For entered into you daily it lives.
Accept your flesh as it is
So that your spirit may be given command
By the right and honor of life itself
Truly our spirit is a portion of God
For we who have fallen deep
Know we cannot shame another
How therefore can we shame ourselves
Whom God has accepted as His?
And we who have been reborn in spirit
Know the struggles of our minds will
But with our Father’s guidance
Does it sleep without rule of us.
This my brother is the holy war
Not against your neighbour
Not against your sister
Not against the world of men
Nor against the darkness of evil
Not even against those who hate us
But that of ourselves do we surrender
That of our former beliefs do we abandon
For you are the channel that must be open
As God does not teach
What you believe you already know
And God will not enter
Where you have shut the door
It is we who must pour out our old self
That God may pour in the new knowledge
And awaken your spirit to wonder.
Truly I say to you my brother
That God will answer your call for help!
And His great power
Will fight your war for you
As it is not a battle of the world
But a battle of your eternal life in spirit
And a war for which our King and Brother
Has already won for us.
For I was a wretched man of darkness
And will be so all the days of my flesh
But that insanity flees far from me
At the very moment I call on God
And the desire for truth grows in me
With every passing day I trust Him
And God’s promise is full-filled always
Simply at my honest seeking of Him.
There is One source of Heaven
Where love and truth, wisdom and grace
Goodness and joy, all knowledge of all
Justice and life, Transformation and health
Peace and understanding everlasting
Does Originate and spring forth!
That One is your Father who made you
May you find the Kingdom of Life!
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Holy War
The Internal Holy War: The true battle is within ourselves—abandoning old beliefs and surrendering to God's will.
God's Restorative Power: Healing, wisdom, and authority come through grace and personal transformation.
Spiritual Awakening: By shedding the old self, one becomes open to divine truth, life, and peace.
Victory in Christ: The ultimate victory has already been won through Jesus, offering eternal hope to all who seek Him.