Themes and Insights

Grave Temptation

Temptation and Resistance: A vivid portrayal of six worldly temptations—glory, lust, power, rulership, secrecy, and influence—and the resolve to reject them by seeking God.

Faith and Humility: The protagonist’s journey of being humbled through loss and poverty, uncovering the deeper purpose of life beyond material success.

Spiritual Vision and Truth: The unveiling of the deceptive nature of worldly desires, with an emphasis on God’s truth as the path to freedom and enlightenment.

Divine Connection and Guidance: A testament to God’s protective and guiding hand through trials, leading to spiritual awakening and clarity of purpose.

Love and Eternal Purpose: A call to prioritize love, compassion, and service to others, recognizing these as the only lasting values in a fleeting world.

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Grave Temptation

I was lifted up
Shown all the world of glory
Placed at my feet to rule
Offered with praise and enticement
If I would only accept it

I was lifted up
And shown all the world of lust
Offered with sensuality and desire
Perpetual enticement they pleaded
If I would only accept it

I was lifted up
And shown the world of brutal power
Offered to me to command them all
With trust and honor they prepared
If I would only accept it

I was lifted up
And shown the world of dark rulers
Offered to me to lord over them
With great faith they had waited on me
If only I would accept it

I was lifted up
And shown the world of open rulers
Offered to me to guide as I wished
With great hope they desired my way
If only I would accept it

Again I was lifted up
And shown the world of secrets
Offered to me to join and direct
With great effort they sought me out
If only I would accept it

Turn away from me oh deception
Get behind me you darkness
Six times you did set your trap
Six times did I depart from it
Six times was my test

I called on God and received a gift
The spotlight faded from me
A path to righteousness
Was placed at my feet
And I began to walk

I called on God and received word
To do righteousness even in iniquity
To do goodness even in wickedness
To love others as equal and sacred
And I began to love

I called on God and was released
Taken to a place of safety
Far from those who sought me
Communing with God instead
In those forests we built our bond

I called on God and saw the truth
That even the men who offered
Knew not their true commander
Nor were they any less my brother
Worth much to my spirit are they

I called on God and saw the pattern
To put me away in darkness
To lead me away in self bondage
To riddle me with the world
So that I would speak not God’s name

I was humbled
Shown the path of life and death
Revealed to of my struggles
Offered everlasting life in righteousness
And of this I did accept

I thank you God
For the years of greatness
Before the eyes men
Revealing the whole world to me
Of darkness and wickedness
Desire and will and bent power
That you showed me the trap

And the lie of its existence

I thank you Father
For the following years of poverty
As a fool before men am I
As a lost soul they do judge
As a nothing and nobody am I seen
I thank you for humbling me
Yet you instructed and protected me

Even that I would not be alone

In our steps and in our days
All the world will present itself
To entice you away from yourself
To blind you from your truth
So that we know not who we are
So that we see not true worth
So that we know not love

All the days of our life
We will strive to endure the world
To accomplish and succeed
Only to lose it all in the blink of an eye
Only to see in the end it is nothing
Only to long to be good and to love
Only to cry out to God for mercy

But mercy and truth and love
Is ours right now if we so choose
And we need not give ear to the world
Nor must we fall victim of it
For God will give us a way out
And fight our battles for us
And restore our vision of who we are

For nothing matters of the world
Except who we love and bond
And who we have given love to
Who we have blessed and helped
Who we have clothed and housed
Who we have given food and drink to

As all else departs at the grave

The offerings of my demise
We’re beautiful, desired & powerful
In the eyes of my flesh and heart
Indeed all who lived so understand
And each of them end in bitterness
Each of them cost my spirit

But the gift of God is eternal
Truly beautiful it is and awakening
To see the Kingdom on earth
And to walk fearlessly among all
With everlasting joy at the purpose
And comprehension of its worth

God has a hand in guiding every step
But the choice is always ours
Wether we worship life and live
Or wether we worship our desires
Of these though are we ignorant
For we know not they are hollow

All the while I wanted to be lifted up
To conquer all I put my hand to
But it was my humbling and loss
Which freed me and saved me
Revealing truth and purpose
Offering a greater reality than man
For God is the only LIFE there is.

Ryan o0o

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Grave Temptation

I was lifted up
Shown all the world of glory
Placed at my feet to rule
Offered with praise and enticement
If I would only accept it

I was lifted up
And shown all the world of lust
Offered with sensuality and desire
Perpetual enticement they pleaded
If I would only accept it

I was lifted up
And shown the world of brutal power
Offered to me to command them all
With trust and honor they prepared
If I would only accept it

I was lifted up
And shown the world of dark rulers
Offered to me to lord over them
With great faith they had waited on me
If only I would accept it

I was lifted up
And shown the world of open rulers
Offered to me to guide as I wished
With great hope they desired my way
If only I would accept it

Again I was lifted up
And shown the world of secrets
Offered to me to join and direct
With great effort they sought me out
If only I would accept it

Turn away from me oh deception
Get behind me you darkness
Six times you did set your trap
Six times did I depart from it
Six times was my test

I called on God and received a gift
The spotlight faded from me
A path to righteousness
Was placed at my feet
And I began to walk

I called on God and received word
To do righteousness even in iniquity
To do goodness even in wickedness
To love others as equal and sacred
And I began to love

I called on God and was released
Taken to a place of safety
Far from those who sought me
Communing with God instead
In those forests we built our bond

I called on God and saw the truth
That even the men who offered
Knew not their true commander
Nor were they any less my brother
Worth much to my spirit are they

I called on God and saw the pattern
To put me away in darkness
To lead me away in self bondage
To riddle me with the world
So that I would speak not God’s name

I was humbled
Shown the path of life and death
Revealed to of my struggles
Offered everlasting life in righteousness
And of this I did accept

I thank you God
For the years of greatness
Before the eyes men
Revealing the whole world to me
Of darkness and wickedness
Desire and will and bent power
That you showed me the trap

And the lie of its existence

I thank you Father
For the following years of poverty
As a fool before men am I
As a lost soul they do judge
As a nothing and nobody am I seen
I thank you for humbling me
Yet you instructed and protected me

Even that I would not be alone

In our steps and in our days
All the world will present itself
To entice you away from yourself
To blind you from your truth
So that we know not who we are
So that we see not true worth
So that we know not love

All the days of our life
We will strive to endure the world
To accomplish and succeed
Only to lose it all in the blink of an eye
Only to see in the end it is nothing
Only to long to be good and to love
Only to cry out to God for mercy

But mercy and truth and love
Is ours right now if we so choose
And we need not give ear to the world
Nor must we fall victim of it
For God will give us a way out
And fight our battles for us
And restore our vision of who we are

For nothing matters of the world
Except who we love and bond
And who we have given love to
Who we have blessed and helped
Who we have clothed and housed
Who we have given food and drink to

As all else departs at the grave

The offerings of my demise
We’re beautiful, desired & powerful
In the eyes of my flesh and heart
Indeed all who lived so understand
And each of them end in bitterness
Each of them cost my spirit

But the gift of God is eternal
Truly beautiful it is and awakening
To see the Kingdom on earth
And to walk fearlessly among all
With everlasting joy at the purpose
And comprehension of its worth

God has a hand in guiding every step
But the choice is always ours
Wether we worship life and live
Or wether we worship our desires
Of these though are we ignorant
For we know not they are hollow

All the while I wanted to be lifted up
To conquer all I put my hand to
But it was my humbling and loss
Which freed me and saved me
Revealing truth and purpose
Offering a greater reality than man
For God is the only LIFE there is.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Grave Temptation

Temptation and Resistance: A vivid portrayal of six worldly temptations—glory, lust, power, rulership, secrecy, and influence—and the resolve to reject them by seeking God.

Faith and Humility: The protagonist’s journey of being humbled through loss and poverty, uncovering the deeper purpose of life beyond material success.

Spiritual Vision and Truth: The unveiling of the deceptive nature of worldly desires, with an emphasis on God’s truth as the path to freedom and enlightenment.

Divine Connection and Guidance: A testament to God’s protective and guiding hand through trials, leading to spiritual awakening and clarity of purpose.

Love and Eternal Purpose: A call to prioritize love, compassion, and service to others, recognizing these as the only lasting values in a fleeting world.

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Grave Temptation

I was lifted up
Shown all the world of glory
Placed at my feet to rule
Offered with praise and enticement
If I would only accept it

I was lifted up
And shown all the world of lust
Offered with sensuality and desire
Perpetual enticement they pleaded
If I would only accept it

I was lifted up
And shown the world of brutal power
Offered to me to command them all
With trust and honor they prepared
If I would only accept it

I was lifted up
And shown the world of dark rulers
Offered to me to lord over them
With great faith they had waited on me
If only I would accept it

I was lifted up
And shown the world of open rulers
Offered to me to guide as I wished
With great hope they desired my way
If only I would accept it

Again I was lifted up
And shown the world of secrets
Offered to me to join and direct
With great effort they sought me out
If only I would accept it

Turn away from me oh deception
Get behind me you darkness
Six times you did set your trap
Six times did I depart from it
Six times was my test

I called on God and received a gift
The spotlight faded from me
A path to righteousness
Was placed at my feet
And I began to walk

I called on God and received word
To do righteousness even in iniquity
To do goodness even in wickedness
To love others as equal and sacred
And I began to love

I called on God and was released
Taken to a place of safety
Far from those who sought me
Communing with God instead
In those forests we built our bond

I called on God and saw the truth
That even the men who offered
Knew not their true commander
Nor were they any less my brother
Worth much to my spirit are they

I called on God and saw the pattern
To put me away in darkness
To lead me away in self bondage
To riddle me with the world
So that I would speak not God’s name

I was humbled
Shown the path of life and death
Revealed to of my struggles
Offered everlasting life in righteousness
And of this I did accept

I thank you God
For the years of greatness
Before the eyes men
Revealing the whole world to me
Of darkness and wickedness
Desire and will and bent power
That you showed me the trap

And the lie of its existence

I thank you Father
For the following years of poverty
As a fool before men am I
As a lost soul they do judge
As a nothing and nobody am I seen
I thank you for humbling me
Yet you instructed and protected me

Even that I would not be alone

In our steps and in our days
All the world will present itself
To entice you away from yourself
To blind you from your truth
So that we know not who we are
So that we see not true worth
So that we know not love

All the days of our life
We will strive to endure the world
To accomplish and succeed
Only to lose it all in the blink of an eye
Only to see in the end it is nothing
Only to long to be good and to love
Only to cry out to God for mercy

But mercy and truth and love
Is ours right now if we so choose
And we need not give ear to the world
Nor must we fall victim of it
For God will give us a way out
And fight our battles for us
And restore our vision of who we are

For nothing matters of the world
Except who we love and bond
And who we have given love to
Who we have blessed and helped
Who we have clothed and housed
Who we have given food and drink to

As all else departs at the grave

The offerings of my demise
We’re beautiful, desired & powerful
In the eyes of my flesh and heart
Indeed all who lived so understand
And each of them end in bitterness
Each of them cost my spirit

But the gift of God is eternal
Truly beautiful it is and awakening
To see the Kingdom on earth
And to walk fearlessly among all
With everlasting joy at the purpose
And comprehension of its worth

God has a hand in guiding every step
But the choice is always ours
Wether we worship life and live
Or wether we worship our desires
Of these though are we ignorant
For we know not they are hollow

All the while I wanted to be lifted up
To conquer all I put my hand to
But it was my humbling and loss
Which freed me and saved me
Revealing truth and purpose
Offering a greater reality than man
For God is the only LIFE there is.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Grave Temptation

Temptation and Resistance: A vivid portrayal of six worldly temptations—glory, lust, power, rulership, secrecy, and influence—and the resolve to reject them by seeking God.

Faith and Humility: The protagonist’s journey of being humbled through loss and poverty, uncovering the deeper purpose of life beyond material success.

Spiritual Vision and Truth: The unveiling of the deceptive nature of worldly desires, with an emphasis on God’s truth as the path to freedom and enlightenment.

Divine Connection and Guidance: A testament to God’s protective and guiding hand through trials, leading to spiritual awakening and clarity of purpose.

Love and Eternal Purpose: A call to prioritize love, compassion, and service to others, recognizing these as the only lasting values in a fleeting world.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

