Themes and Insights

God’s Peace

Peace as Divine Origin: True peace is not man-made but a spiritual gift from God.

Folly of Fleshly Peace: Human attempts to control peace often result in strife, as true peace transcends fleshly desires.

Actions of Peace: Peace is cultivated through understanding, acceptance, unity, and friendship.

Individual Responsibility: Peace begins with personal choice and surrender to God’s will, not reliance on others.

The Eternal Value of Peace: Peace enriches the soul, providing strength, hope, and wisdom beyond material wealth.

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God’s Peace

What challenge we have with Peace!
How unpopular it is with the flesh
Since with man there is much to accomplish
But with God it is not so

Yet even the lawless have their friends
And the wicked have their allies
Indeed the violent have their cohorts
All gathered together in their brotherhood

How do they not see
that even they desire peace?
For in their ranks they establish it
By their laws they demand it
Break one principle and suffer demise

Because even the unrighteous desire peace

What folly of man that we think peace is ours!
For in that formula do we create strife
Building rules and regulations of conduct
In order to force the peace of one mans idea! HA!

Peace is of God
And we do not own it
Indeed peace is a discovery of spirit
And it comes to us when we let go

Peace is made by actions of peace
Peace is made by acceptance of others
Peace is made by seeking to understand
Peace is made by the desire to unify
Peace is made by offering friendship

Peace is a cornerstone of Love

It takes not a village
Nor must one wait upon another
It requires not the cooperation of our enemy
It seeks not the negotiation of another

Peace is our personal choice

We need not gather an army of peaceful warriors
We need not raise our flags of peaceful justice
We need not convince anyone of our cause for peace
We need not rely on the qualifications of support

For God is the founder of Peace – and our support

The value of peace, even wholly if alone
Is greater than rubies and diamonds and fine gold
It fires the imagination to greatness
It rallies hope in the darkest places
It gathers resources of spirit found deep the heart
And awakens solutions above our own wisdom

Peace is of the spirit
And it is contrary to the will of the flesh
Since all flesh does perish and toil in angst
At the building of its idea of self interested peace

For the spirit itself knows peace
And in our quietness do we hear ourselves speak
It is the very will of God that we remember
We have always known it is so

Therefore ask He whom you call Holy
To act in peace through you
For many men have been killed
To show us the way
And many more have given all
That we may know peace
In a world that has not yet found it

But in the hands of one man
Who does trust in the Spirit of God
Peace becomes inevitable
And peace becomes profitable
Truly peace becomes desired so for every soul
That for all we may bring them this peace
Instead of seeking their peace for us!

The Father of Heaven is all about peace
And His Son did reveal the true nature of it
Though man still discerns not – especially in cloth
While the righteous condemn others of sin
In their flesh wisdom they try to control it

Peace cannot be controlled
Nor can it be stolen
In truth it is a treasure of Heaven
In the gift of grace it is offered to all
Who do humbly seeks God’s Peace.

Ryan o0o

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God’s Peace

What challenge we have with Peace!
How unpopular it is with the flesh
Since with man there is much to accomplish
But with God it is not so

Yet even the lawless have their friends
And the wicked have their allies
Indeed the violent have their cohorts
All gathered together in their brotherhood

How do they not see
that even they desire peace?
For in their ranks they establish it
By their laws they demand it
Break one principle and suffer demise

Because even the unrighteous desire peace

What folly of man that we think peace is ours!
For in that formula do we create strife
Building rules and regulations of conduct
In order to force the peace of one mans idea! HA!

Peace is of God
And we do not own it
Indeed peace is a discovery of spirit
And it comes to us when we let go

Peace is made by actions of peace
Peace is made by acceptance of others
Peace is made by seeking to understand
Peace is made by the desire to unify
Peace is made by offering friendship

Peace is a cornerstone of Love

It takes not a village
Nor must one wait upon another
It requires not the cooperation of our enemy
It seeks not the negotiation of another

Peace is our personal choice

We need not gather an army of peaceful warriors
We need not raise our flags of peaceful justice
We need not convince anyone of our cause for peace
We need not rely on the qualifications of support

For God is the founder of Peace – and our support

The value of peace, even wholly if alone
Is greater than rubies and diamonds and fine gold
It fires the imagination to greatness
It rallies hope in the darkest places
It gathers resources of spirit found deep the heart
And awakens solutions above our own wisdom

Peace is of the spirit
And it is contrary to the will of the flesh
Since all flesh does perish and toil in angst
At the building of its idea of self interested peace

For the spirit itself knows peace
And in our quietness do we hear ourselves speak
It is the very will of God that we remember
We have always known it is so

Therefore ask He whom you call Holy
To act in peace through you
For many men have been killed
To show us the way
And many more have given all
That we may know peace
In a world that has not yet found it

But in the hands of one man
Who does trust in the Spirit of God
Peace becomes inevitable
And peace becomes profitable
Truly peace becomes desired so for every soul
That for all we may bring them this peace
Instead of seeking their peace for us!

The Father of Heaven is all about peace
And His Son did reveal the true nature of it
Though man still discerns not – especially in cloth
While the righteous condemn others of sin
In their flesh wisdom they try to control it

Peace cannot be controlled
Nor can it be stolen
In truth it is a treasure of Heaven
In the gift of grace it is offered to all
Who do humbly seeks God’s Peace.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

God’s Peace

Peace as Divine Origin: True peace is not man-made but a spiritual gift from God.

Folly of Fleshly Peace: Human attempts to control peace often result in strife, as true peace transcends fleshly desires.

Actions of Peace: Peace is cultivated through understanding, acceptance, unity, and friendship.

Individual Responsibility: Peace begins with personal choice and surrender to God’s will, not reliance on others.

The Eternal Value of Peace: Peace enriches the soul, providing strength, hope, and wisdom beyond material wealth.

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God’s Peace

What challenge we have with Peace!
How unpopular it is with the flesh
Since with man there is much to accomplish
But with God it is not so

Yet even the lawless have their friends
And the wicked have their allies
Indeed the violent have their cohorts
All gathered together in their brotherhood

How do they not see
that even they desire peace?
For in their ranks they establish it
By their laws they demand it
Break one principle and suffer demise

Because even the unrighteous desire peace

What folly of man that we think peace is ours!
For in that formula do we create strife
Building rules and regulations of conduct
In order to force the peace of one mans idea! HA!

Peace is of God
And we do not own it
Indeed peace is a discovery of spirit
And it comes to us when we let go

Peace is made by actions of peace
Peace is made by acceptance of others
Peace is made by seeking to understand
Peace is made by the desire to unify
Peace is made by offering friendship

Peace is a cornerstone of Love

It takes not a village
Nor must one wait upon another
It requires not the cooperation of our enemy
It seeks not the negotiation of another

Peace is our personal choice

We need not gather an army of peaceful warriors
We need not raise our flags of peaceful justice
We need not convince anyone of our cause for peace
We need not rely on the qualifications of support

For God is the founder of Peace – and our support

The value of peace, even wholly if alone
Is greater than rubies and diamonds and fine gold
It fires the imagination to greatness
It rallies hope in the darkest places
It gathers resources of spirit found deep the heart
And awakens solutions above our own wisdom

Peace is of the spirit
And it is contrary to the will of the flesh
Since all flesh does perish and toil in angst
At the building of its idea of self interested peace

For the spirit itself knows peace
And in our quietness do we hear ourselves speak
It is the very will of God that we remember
We have always known it is so

Therefore ask He whom you call Holy
To act in peace through you
For many men have been killed
To show us the way
And many more have given all
That we may know peace
In a world that has not yet found it

But in the hands of one man
Who does trust in the Spirit of God
Peace becomes inevitable
And peace becomes profitable
Truly peace becomes desired so for every soul
That for all we may bring them this peace
Instead of seeking their peace for us!

The Father of Heaven is all about peace
And His Son did reveal the true nature of it
Though man still discerns not – especially in cloth
While the righteous condemn others of sin
In their flesh wisdom they try to control it

Peace cannot be controlled
Nor can it be stolen
In truth it is a treasure of Heaven
In the gift of grace it is offered to all
Who do humbly seeks God’s Peace.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

God’s Peace

Peace as Divine Origin: True peace is not man-made but a spiritual gift from God.

Folly of Fleshly Peace: Human attempts to control peace often result in strife, as true peace transcends fleshly desires.

Actions of Peace: Peace is cultivated through understanding, acceptance, unity, and friendship.

Individual Responsibility: Peace begins with personal choice and surrender to God’s will, not reliance on others.

The Eternal Value of Peace: Peace enriches the soul, providing strength, hope, and wisdom beyond material wealth.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!



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