Themes and Insights
God of Life
The Deception of Fleshly Power Humanity often mistakes its own inherent strength as something self-generated or supernatural, while true power comes only from God.
Religious Hypocrisy vs. True Seeking Many who claim to represent God distort His gifts through fear and control, while those born in darkness may be more open to the truth when it is revealed in love.
The Journey of Faith and Spiritual Awakening Finding God requires an active pursuit—faith without works is dead. The path to truth is built one step at a time, like constructing a home or nurturing a seed to grow.
The Eternal Nature of Life vs. the Futility of Death The enemy gives nothing; all worldly power is fleeting. Only God, as the source of true life, gives endlessly, desiring for all to know and receive His abundance.
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God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice.
Who can provide mercy and care except He who created it? Who can restore love and kindness except He who fashioned it? As darkness cannot withstand the smallest flame, neither can death restore one’s strength.
For the children of the dark enrage their flesh upon themselves, believing they have generated or captured and been given a power, knowing not that power they feel was already within the flesh of everyone, not created new, but simply released from the storage within the mind and bones. As lust exists in all flesh, and excitement of gain was instilled in the beginning, to where mere mention of gain releases the doors of excitement and mere thought of enticement awakens the flesh to respond.
Whereas the foolishness of man denies that which was God given to the flesh to be good, as it could “lead to dancing” though it was meant to be ours in the mature joy of experience via a foundation of love through music and art and fun and togetherness and intimacy with our spouses, etc. Did not even Solomon write an entire book of his love? And through the denial of God’s gift, by curses of religious men, does the flesh rebel to hide its desire, creating all manner of sin and abuse both of self and others which they then hide in darkness; inciting the father of darkness to become their god.
At least they who have openly chosen darkness and chosen to seek the father of hell have done so without hiding it under a lie of righteous piety and religious authoritarian deception. Is it any wonder they were of value to give truth to by Christ over those who hid their greed under the cloak of religious pride, who created images of themselves as holy for their congregations to worship their authority?
For the children of darkness were born to it, knowing not yet the love of God, and many of them born to it by the abuses of spirit, mind and flesh, by the very men who claim the love of God. Who shall carry the greater woe? Indeed they who have harmed the little ones are accountable. As the little ones are not alone children, but any of they who have yet to experience the love of God through their own choice to seek it honestly. And they then turn away from seeking because of the damnation and fear and doctrine of punishment given to them by the very house and homes and churches and synagogues that proclaim God.
The levels upon levels of deception is enlightening of the intellect, and power and mastery of death the evil one has over the simple human mind of man. We are as fools even before the lowest of demons. As many who also abuse have themselves been abused, causing now the inability in the mind of men to be able to determine those who choose wickedness with desirous intent, over those who are succumb to it through the addiction of need and fear of disobeying what they have been taught. Tell me then who can judge except He who determine the heart?
Thus who among us is wise enough to restore his own self without falling victim to the lie of the aforementioned personal flesh power within, that we believe to be other worldly, though it is common?
I realize this is difficult, for Paul himself was vexed to explain.
Indeed the flesh mind cannot rise above the flesh mind, just as a broken hammer cannot repair a broken hammer. Only they who have been given power within their spirit may awaken to the truth of their slavery and bondage to self, and to the slavery of the lord of the earth, revealing the futility not only of the effort to overcome, but also the loss of joy from a lifetime of fearing God’s gifts to the flesh that were intentionally created for the good, and twisted by fear through the lies of the father of lies. Is not good food good to eat? Is not good drink good to drink? Is not a hug shared in love wonderful? Is not an honest and equal smile of interest between two in love wonderful? Is not breathing itself wonderful to the body and lungs as we take in air? Why do we deny God?
But he who desires to know God’s truth will find it. For God does not hide himself from those who honestly seek Him. Yet no one will find a pearl without opening oysters. Desire is but the beginning, but desire is required to begin. This is why faith without works is dead. As he who dreams of a beautiful home has had a beautiful dream, but he who builds it has established his home.
So too is our great and wonderful journey towards the truth and love and understanding of God. One brick at a time, one shovel at a time, one step at a time do we establish our faith before the throne of God just as a seed breaks out of darkness to the light, grows tall, unfolds leaves, and then bares fruit. But first must we have the power from God to awaken the seed of our spirit as with any other seed.
This is our choice… that of life or that of death. For the choice of life provides the Holy Spirit of life that we grow and live. Just as the choice of death has only its own pre-established power of flesh that eventually dies into the grave. The father of darkness gives nothing that any flesh doesn’t already have power within themselves to do. For he is selfish and wicked and lies and gives nothing. Yet the work of man praises him as though he gave money and profit and fame… even though they gave it to themselves through worldly effort. But the Father of Life IS Life and life has eternal power to give and give and give… for THAT is what life is and that is what life does. God is life, and has made all life and is all life and truly truly desires you know this so that you may have more of it.
Ryan o0o
God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice.
Who can provide mercy and care except He who created it? Who can restore love and kindness except He who fashioned it? As darkness cannot withstand the smallest flame, neither can death restore one’s strength.
For the children of the dark enrage their flesh upon themselves, believing they have generated or captured and been given a power, knowing not that power they feel was already within the flesh of everyone, not created new, but simply released from the storage within the mind and bones. As lust exists in all flesh, and excitement of gain was instilled in the beginning, to where mere mention of gain releases the doors of excitement and mere thought of enticement awakens the flesh to respond.
Whereas the foolishness of man denies that which was God given to the flesh to be good, as it could “lead to dancing” though it was meant to be ours in the mature joy of experience via a foundation of love through music and art and fun and togetherness and intimacy with our spouses, etc. Did not even Solomon write an entire book of his love? And through the denial of God’s gift, by curses of religious men, does the flesh rebel to hide its desire, creating all manner of sin and abuse both of self and others which they then hide in darkness; inciting the father of darkness to become their god.
At least they who have openly chosen darkness and chosen to seek the father of hell have done so without hiding it under a lie of righteous piety and religious authoritarian deception. Is it any wonder they were of value to give truth to by Christ over those who hid their greed under the cloak of religious pride, who created images of themselves as holy for their congregations to worship their authority?
For the children of darkness were born to it, knowing not yet the love of God, and many of them born to it by the abuses of spirit, mind and flesh, by the very men who claim the love of God. Who shall carry the greater woe? Indeed they who have harmed the little ones are accountable. As the little ones are not alone children, but any of they who have yet to experience the love of God through their own choice to seek it honestly. And they then turn away from seeking because of the damnation and fear and doctrine of punishment given to them by the very house and homes and churches and synagogues that proclaim God.
The levels upon levels of deception is enlightening of the intellect, and power and mastery of death the evil one has over the simple human mind of man. We are as fools even before the lowest of demons. As many who also abuse have themselves been abused, causing now the inability in the mind of men to be able to determine those who choose wickedness with desirous intent, over those who are succumb to it through the addiction of need and fear of disobeying what they have been taught. Tell me then who can judge except He who determine the heart?
Thus who among us is wise enough to restore his own self without falling victim to the lie of the aforementioned personal flesh power within, that we believe to be other worldly, though it is common?
I realize this is difficult, for Paul himself was vexed to explain.
Indeed the flesh mind cannot rise above the flesh mind, just as a broken hammer cannot repair a broken hammer. Only they who have been given power within their spirit may awaken to the truth of their slavery and bondage to self, and to the slavery of the lord of the earth, revealing the futility not only of the effort to overcome, but also the loss of joy from a lifetime of fearing God’s gifts to the flesh that were intentionally created for the good, and twisted by fear through the lies of the father of lies. Is not good food good to eat? Is not good drink good to drink? Is not a hug shared in love wonderful? Is not an honest and equal smile of interest between two in love wonderful? Is not breathing itself wonderful to the body and lungs as we take in air? Why do we deny God?
But he who desires to know God’s truth will find it. For God does not hide himself from those who honestly seek Him. Yet no one will find a pearl without opening oysters. Desire is but the beginning, but desire is required to begin. This is why faith without works is dead. As he who dreams of a beautiful home has had a beautiful dream, but he who builds it has established his home.
So too is our great and wonderful journey towards the truth and love and understanding of God. One brick at a time, one shovel at a time, one step at a time do we establish our faith before the throne of God just as a seed breaks out of darkness to the light, grows tall, unfolds leaves, and then bares fruit. But first must we have the power from God to awaken the seed of our spirit as with any other seed.
This is our choice… that of life or that of death. For the choice of life provides the Holy Spirit of life that we grow and live. Just as the choice of death has only its own pre-established power of flesh that eventually dies into the grave. The father of darkness gives nothing that any flesh doesn’t already have power within themselves to do. For he is selfish and wicked and lies and gives nothing. Yet the work of man praises him as though he gave money and profit and fame… even though they gave it to themselves through worldly effort. But the Father of Life IS Life and life has eternal power to give and give and give… for THAT is what life is and that is what life does. God is life, and has made all life and is all life and truly truly desires you know this so that you may have more of it.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
God of Life
The Deception of Fleshly Power Humanity often mistakes its own inherent strength as something self-generated or supernatural, while true power comes only from God.
Religious Hypocrisy vs. True Seeking Many who claim to represent God distort His gifts through fear and control, while those born in darkness may be more open to the truth when it is revealed in love.
The Journey of Faith and Spiritual Awakening Finding God requires an active pursuit—faith without works is dead. The path to truth is built one step at a time, like constructing a home or nurturing a seed to grow.
The Eternal Nature of Life vs. the Futility of Death The enemy gives nothing; all worldly power is fleeting. Only God, as the source of true life, gives endlessly, desiring for all to know and receive His abundance.
God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice.
Who can provide mercy and care except He who created it? Who can restore love and kindness except He who fashioned it? As darkness cannot withstand the smallest flame, neither can death restore one’s strength.
For the children of the dark enrage their flesh upon themselves, believing they have generated or captured and been given a power, knowing not that power they feel was already within the flesh of everyone, not created new, but simply released from the storage within the mind and bones. As lust exists in all flesh, and excitement of gain was instilled in the beginning, to where mere mention of gain releases the doors of excitement and mere thought of enticement awakens the flesh to respond.
Whereas the foolishness of man denies that which was God given to the flesh to be good, as it could “lead to dancing” though it was meant to be ours in the mature joy of experience via a foundation of love through music and art and fun and togetherness and intimacy with our spouses, etc. Did not even Solomon write an entire book of his love? And through the denial of God’s gift, by curses of religious men, does the flesh rebel to hide its desire, creating all manner of sin and abuse both of self and others which they then hide in darkness; inciting the father of darkness to become their god.
At least they who have openly chosen darkness and chosen to seek the father of hell have done so without hiding it under a lie of righteous piety and religious authoritarian deception. Is it any wonder they were of value to give truth to by Christ over those who hid their greed under the cloak of religious pride, who created images of themselves as holy for their congregations to worship their authority?
For the children of darkness were born to it, knowing not yet the love of God, and many of them born to it by the abuses of spirit, mind and flesh, by the very men who claim the love of God. Who shall carry the greater woe? Indeed they who have harmed the little ones are accountable. As the little ones are not alone children, but any of they who have yet to experience the love of God through their own choice to seek it honestly. And they then turn away from seeking because of the damnation and fear and doctrine of punishment given to them by the very house and homes and churches and synagogues that proclaim God.
The levels upon levels of deception is enlightening of the intellect, and power and mastery of death the evil one has over the simple human mind of man. We are as fools even before the lowest of demons. As many who also abuse have themselves been abused, causing now the inability in the mind of men to be able to determine those who choose wickedness with desirous intent, over those who are succumb to it through the addiction of need and fear of disobeying what they have been taught. Tell me then who can judge except He who determine the heart?
Thus who among us is wise enough to restore his own self without falling victim to the lie of the aforementioned personal flesh power within, that we believe to be other worldly, though it is common?
I realize this is difficult, for Paul himself was vexed to explain.
Indeed the flesh mind cannot rise above the flesh mind, just as a broken hammer cannot repair a broken hammer. Only they who have been given power within their spirit may awaken to the truth of their slavery and bondage to self, and to the slavery of the lord of the earth, revealing the futility not only of the effort to overcome, but also the loss of joy from a lifetime of fearing God’s gifts to the flesh that were intentionally created for the good, and twisted by fear through the lies of the father of lies. Is not good food good to eat? Is not good drink good to drink? Is not a hug shared in love wonderful? Is not an honest and equal smile of interest between two in love wonderful? Is not breathing itself wonderful to the body and lungs as we take in air? Why do we deny God?
But he who desires to know God’s truth will find it. For God does not hide himself from those who honestly seek Him. Yet no one will find a pearl without opening oysters. Desire is but the beginning, but desire is required to begin. This is why faith without works is dead. As he who dreams of a beautiful home has had a beautiful dream, but he who builds it has established his home.
So too is our great and wonderful journey towards the truth and love and understanding of God. One brick at a time, one shovel at a time, one step at a time do we establish our faith before the throne of God just as a seed breaks out of darkness to the light, grows tall, unfolds leaves, and then bares fruit. But first must we have the power from God to awaken the seed of our spirit as with any other seed.
This is our choice… that of life or that of death. For the choice of life provides the Holy Spirit of life that we grow and live. Just as the choice of death has only its own pre-established power of flesh that eventually dies into the grave. The father of darkness gives nothing that any flesh doesn’t already have power within themselves to do. For he is selfish and wicked and lies and gives nothing. Yet the work of man praises him as though he gave money and profit and fame… even though they gave it to themselves through worldly effort. But the Father of Life IS Life and life has eternal power to give and give and give… for THAT is what life is and that is what life does. God is life, and has made all life and is all life and truly truly desires you know this so that you may have more of it.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
God of Life
The Deception of Fleshly Power Humanity often mistakes its own inherent strength as something self-generated or supernatural, while true power comes only from God.
Religious Hypocrisy vs. True Seeking Many who claim to represent God distort His gifts through fear and control, while those born in darkness may be more open to the truth when it is revealed in love.
The Journey of Faith and Spiritual Awakening Finding God requires an active pursuit—faith without works is dead. The path to truth is built one step at a time, like constructing a home or nurturing a seed to grow.
The Eternal Nature of Life vs. the Futility of Death The enemy gives nothing; all worldly power is fleeting. Only God, as the source of true life, gives endlessly, desiring for all to know and receive His abundance.