Themes and Insights
For the Love of God
The Nature of Judgment:Only God sees the heart and knows the truth. Human judgment is superficial and limited, based on appearances and personal opinions rather than divine wisdom.
Freedom of Choice:God grants the freedom to choose between life and death, faith and disbelief. This freedom must be respected, as it reflects God's love and trust in humanity.
The Danger of Pride:Pride leads to spiritual darkness and self-deception, making one an agent of discord. True faith calls for humility, kindness, and peace, not fear or arrogance.
The Power of Patience and Peace:Sharing God's word requires patience, respect, and leaving peacefully when met with resistance. Force hardens hearts, while love and God's timing open them.
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For the Love of God
Those who love God
Love also their neighbor
Those who curse their neighbor
Also curse God.
Who can curse a song
Without wounding the song writer?
Who can curse a child
Without arousing the anger of the parent?
There are those who claim
The name of God
The name of Christ
Yet they curse at their brothers
They judge their brothers
They spew fear and punishment arrogantly
They proclaim themselves saved
While proclaiming others accursed
Know this and know this well
They are not of God
They are not of Christ
They are false teachers of darkness
It is God who gave you the choice
Of the path of life
Or the path of death
That you may choose for yourself
No man can judge your choice
It is God who sees your heart
And knows your intent
Men can only see the outer appearance
Men see flesh, and judge flesh
Men see rules and judge rules
Men see their own opinion
And judge according to it
But God is our source of life
That we should have life
And God is our source of power
That we may choose
And not men who take away choice
Who abuse power to rule and control
For the Godly man knows
That all are his Father’s kids
And his King’s subjects
And that it is God who weighs judgment
How often has God
Turned the unrighteous
To righteousness?
How often has God
Turned the righteous
To unrighteousness?
Far too many times for us to count!
And why?
For God knows their hearts
And knows their truth
Wether they mislead or guide to safety
I tell you there are those in prison
Who are righteous before God
Though scorned by men
And there are those in church
And in prominent positions
Who are wicked and truly unrighteous
Before the eyes of men they work
So that we would know not their ways
But their self glory is self evident
Of their untrue belief in God
For the Christian who knows Christ
Curses none and speaks no fear
But speaks the truth of all life
That Jesus Himself gives to speak
And for the Godly who walk the earth
Do we see their love and acceptance
We see their kindness and embrace
We see with our own eyes… their faith
For they perform works by their faith
And they offer friendship and love
To all – regardless of belief
For THIS is the command of God
Works of righteousness we can see
And works of unrighteousness we can see
But we cannot see the future
Or who will turn about their way
Nor do we know the plans
That God has for them
We can witness behaviour
But lack all wisdom to judge the soul
Of they who choose life
I respect their choice
Of they who choose death
I respect their choice
For I am not the one who gave it to them
Of they who choose life
I love and listen to them
And of they who choose death
I love and listen to them
BOTH guide me towards God’s love
Both are my brothers
Let us remember the advice
Of our King
That if a town or other
Does not receive our words
We are to simply leave
And shake the dust from our feet
To leave peacefully as we entered
Also that we should not enter
Where we are not wanted
They who force the word
Confronting others as sinners
Claiming they are Godly by doing so
Are not Godly themselves
I say to you it is better for the wicked
Than for that man
I say to you the wicked see better
Than that man who believes he sees
For he is not boasting in Christ
But boasting in self pride
There is no greater darkness than pride
And the proud require our prayers
Even more than the lost
For those who yet do not know God
May one day follow God
But he who knows God
And judges his neighbor
Seeing not the beam in his own eye
Has chosen to betray the very God
He claims as his own
He is a sower of discord and darkness
He is a deceiver and agent of darkness
Jesus said “Fear Not!”
For He knew all will stand before God
And man says “Fear or Die!”
Because man is afraid and greedy
Pastors and Ministers
Offer the word of God
If they wish to hear, speak
If they wish not to hear, depart
For many wait wishing to hear
And they wait upon God’s servants
Many do not wish to hear also
And upon force of hearing
Do they harden their hearts
Against the very word of life
Because of our failure and pride
And not because of the word
But because God has not made them ready
And He will choose when they are
Greater before us are those who seek
And even greater is the love of God
Ryan o0o
For the Love of God
Those who love God
Love also their neighbor
Those who curse their neighbor
Also curse God.
Who can curse a song
Without wounding the song writer?
Who can curse a child
Without arousing the anger of the parent?
There are those who claim
The name of God
The name of Christ
Yet they curse at their brothers
They judge their brothers
They spew fear and punishment arrogantly
They proclaim themselves saved
While proclaiming others accursed
Know this and know this well
They are not of God
They are not of Christ
They are false teachers of darkness
It is God who gave you the choice
Of the path of life
Or the path of death
That you may choose for yourself
No man can judge your choice
It is God who sees your heart
And knows your intent
Men can only see the outer appearance
Men see flesh, and judge flesh
Men see rules and judge rules
Men see their own opinion
And judge according to it
But God is our source of life
That we should have life
And God is our source of power
That we may choose
And not men who take away choice
Who abuse power to rule and control
For the Godly man knows
That all are his Father’s kids
And his King’s subjects
And that it is God who weighs judgment
How often has God
Turned the unrighteous
To righteousness?
How often has God
Turned the righteous
To unrighteousness?
Far too many times for us to count!
And why?
For God knows their hearts
And knows their truth
Wether they mislead or guide to safety
I tell you there are those in prison
Who are righteous before God
Though scorned by men
And there are those in church
And in prominent positions
Who are wicked and truly unrighteous
Before the eyes of men they work
So that we would know not their ways
But their self glory is self evident
Of their untrue belief in God
For the Christian who knows Christ
Curses none and speaks no fear
But speaks the truth of all life
That Jesus Himself gives to speak
And for the Godly who walk the earth
Do we see their love and acceptance
We see their kindness and embrace
We see with our own eyes… their faith
For they perform works by their faith
And they offer friendship and love
To all – regardless of belief
For THIS is the command of God
Works of righteousness we can see
And works of unrighteousness we can see
But we cannot see the future
Or who will turn about their way
Nor do we know the plans
That God has for them
We can witness behaviour
But lack all wisdom to judge the soul
Of they who choose life
I respect their choice
Of they who choose death
I respect their choice
For I am not the one who gave it to them
Of they who choose life
I love and listen to them
And of they who choose death
I love and listen to them
BOTH guide me towards God’s love
Both are my brothers
Let us remember the advice
Of our King
That if a town or other
Does not receive our words
We are to simply leave
And shake the dust from our feet
To leave peacefully as we entered
Also that we should not enter
Where we are not wanted
They who force the word
Confronting others as sinners
Claiming they are Godly by doing so
Are not Godly themselves
I say to you it is better for the wicked
Than for that man
I say to you the wicked see better
Than that man who believes he sees
For he is not boasting in Christ
But boasting in self pride
There is no greater darkness than pride
And the proud require our prayers
Even more than the lost
For those who yet do not know God
May one day follow God
But he who knows God
And judges his neighbor
Seeing not the beam in his own eye
Has chosen to betray the very God
He claims as his own
He is a sower of discord and darkness
He is a deceiver and agent of darkness
Jesus said “Fear Not!”
For He knew all will stand before God
And man says “Fear or Die!”
Because man is afraid and greedy
Pastors and Ministers
Offer the word of God
If they wish to hear, speak
If they wish not to hear, depart
For many wait wishing to hear
And they wait upon God’s servants
Many do not wish to hear also
And upon force of hearing
Do they harden their hearts
Against the very word of life
Because of our failure and pride
And not because of the word
But because God has not made them ready
And He will choose when they are
Greater before us are those who seek
And even greater is the love of God
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
For the Love of God
The Nature of Judgment:Only God sees the heart and knows the truth. Human judgment is superficial and limited, based on appearances and personal opinions rather than divine wisdom.
Freedom of Choice:God grants the freedom to choose between life and death, faith and disbelief. This freedom must be respected, as it reflects God's love and trust in humanity.
The Danger of Pride:Pride leads to spiritual darkness and self-deception, making one an agent of discord. True faith calls for humility, kindness, and peace, not fear or arrogance.
The Power of Patience and Peace:Sharing God's word requires patience, respect, and leaving peacefully when met with resistance. Force hardens hearts, while love and God's timing open them.
For the Love of God
Those who love God
Love also their neighbor
Those who curse their neighbor
Also curse God.
Who can curse a song
Without wounding the song writer?
Who can curse a child
Without arousing the anger of the parent?
There are those who claim
The name of God
The name of Christ
Yet they curse at their brothers
They judge their brothers
They spew fear and punishment arrogantly
They proclaim themselves saved
While proclaiming others accursed
Know this and know this well
They are not of God
They are not of Christ
They are false teachers of darkness
It is God who gave you the choice
Of the path of life
Or the path of death
That you may choose for yourself
No man can judge your choice
It is God who sees your heart
And knows your intent
Men can only see the outer appearance
Men see flesh, and judge flesh
Men see rules and judge rules
Men see their own opinion
And judge according to it
But God is our source of life
That we should have life
And God is our source of power
That we may choose
And not men who take away choice
Who abuse power to rule and control
For the Godly man knows
That all are his Father’s kids
And his King’s subjects
And that it is God who weighs judgment
How often has God
Turned the unrighteous
To righteousness?
How often has God
Turned the righteous
To unrighteousness?
Far too many times for us to count!
And why?
For God knows their hearts
And knows their truth
Wether they mislead or guide to safety
I tell you there are those in prison
Who are righteous before God
Though scorned by men
And there are those in church
And in prominent positions
Who are wicked and truly unrighteous
Before the eyes of men they work
So that we would know not their ways
But their self glory is self evident
Of their untrue belief in God
For the Christian who knows Christ
Curses none and speaks no fear
But speaks the truth of all life
That Jesus Himself gives to speak
And for the Godly who walk the earth
Do we see their love and acceptance
We see their kindness and embrace
We see with our own eyes… their faith
For they perform works by their faith
And they offer friendship and love
To all – regardless of belief
For THIS is the command of God
Works of righteousness we can see
And works of unrighteousness we can see
But we cannot see the future
Or who will turn about their way
Nor do we know the plans
That God has for them
We can witness behaviour
But lack all wisdom to judge the soul
Of they who choose life
I respect their choice
Of they who choose death
I respect their choice
For I am not the one who gave it to them
Of they who choose life
I love and listen to them
And of they who choose death
I love and listen to them
BOTH guide me towards God’s love
Both are my brothers
Let us remember the advice
Of our King
That if a town or other
Does not receive our words
We are to simply leave
And shake the dust from our feet
To leave peacefully as we entered
Also that we should not enter
Where we are not wanted
They who force the word
Confronting others as sinners
Claiming they are Godly by doing so
Are not Godly themselves
I say to you it is better for the wicked
Than for that man
I say to you the wicked see better
Than that man who believes he sees
For he is not boasting in Christ
But boasting in self pride
There is no greater darkness than pride
And the proud require our prayers
Even more than the lost
For those who yet do not know God
May one day follow God
But he who knows God
And judges his neighbor
Seeing not the beam in his own eye
Has chosen to betray the very God
He claims as his own
He is a sower of discord and darkness
He is a deceiver and agent of darkness
Jesus said “Fear Not!”
For He knew all will stand before God
And man says “Fear or Die!”
Because man is afraid and greedy
Pastors and Ministers
Offer the word of God
If they wish to hear, speak
If they wish not to hear, depart
For many wait wishing to hear
And they wait upon God’s servants
Many do not wish to hear also
And upon force of hearing
Do they harden their hearts
Against the very word of life
Because of our failure and pride
And not because of the word
But because God has not made them ready
And He will choose when they are
Greater before us are those who seek
And even greater is the love of God
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
For the Love of God
The Nature of Judgment:Only God sees the heart and knows the truth. Human judgment is superficial and limited, based on appearances and personal opinions rather than divine wisdom.
Freedom of Choice:God grants the freedom to choose between life and death, faith and disbelief. This freedom must be respected, as it reflects God's love and trust in humanity.
The Danger of Pride:Pride leads to spiritual darkness and self-deception, making one an agent of discord. True faith calls for humility, kindness, and peace, not fear or arrogance.
The Power of Patience and Peace:Sharing God's word requires patience, respect, and leaving peacefully when met with resistance. Force hardens hearts, while love and God's timing open them.