Themes and Insights


The Dual Realities of ExistenceFollowers of God and the world live in two distinct realities—light and darkness, peace and hardship—reflecting the spiritual and physical challenges of life.

The Nature of True FaithTrue followers of God embrace both light and darkness, relying on divine guidance to bring hope and love to those in despair, while avoiding the self-deception of false piety.

The Power of God's PresenceEndurance is possible only through God's presence and strength, as human efforts alone cannot overcome the darkness of the world or its deceptions.

The Call to Serve OthersThe faithful are tasked with helping the suffering, offering God's light and truth to those trapped in darkness, without judgment or personal gain.

The Daily Walk of EnduranceEnduring the world requires constant reliance on God’s grace, moment-by-moment surrender of selfishness, and unwavering commitment to love and service despite life's hardships.

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How do we endure a troubled world?
For the spirit that lives in grace
Also must dwell in darkness

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” psalm 23:4

The followers of God
Live in two distinct worlds
For the blessing of grace
Reveals an unknown reality
In the very midst of the world’s reality

We can know peace in hardship
And calm in calamity
Indeed hope still may thrive abundant
Even in the darkest of moments

The followers of the world
Also live in two distinct worlds
The one they believe exists for them
And the one that has existed in secret
Made not for them

They can know hardship in peace
And calamity in calm
Indeed hope can be a curse to seekers
Even in the best of moments

Of they who call themselves
The followers of God
Are there two distinct worlds
Those of the faithful and true
And those who know not God

For the Godly are found
Doing the will of God
Helping neighbor and community
Armed with truth on the battlefield
Of the chaos of man’s creations
Fearing not the world’s wrath
Nor standing above it as saint
But in the shadow of death
Reaching out the hand of help
For they in terrible need

But they who call themselves true
Turn their face from the sufferer
Ignoring widow and orphan
Casting away the homeless and lost
Feeding themselves alone
As they boast of their spirituality
Comfortable in their intellectual realm
Believing they have achieved light
By denying the darkness within them

As it is does the world love the dark
While the people fear it greatly
Though their own greed and want
Masquerades as goodness
Hiding the truth of their love
Knowing not they love their fear

Whereas the follower of God
Deny neither darkness nor light
Living in both – contending with hell
For there in the bottomless pit
Of the chambers of utter darkness
Lay the brothers and sisters of the world
Who by deception know not truth
But wrestle greatly with pain and fear
Needing love and help to release them

Yet no human flesh can enter the dark
Without being wholly deceived by it
Truly I say not one man on earth
Is intelligent enough, nor wise enough
To overcome the power of it

As the world is in darkness
And the workers of false light
Flee darkness for fear of it
Leaving only the humble before God
To enter in with His good news

So then how does the Godly man endure?

“… I will fear no evil, for Thou (God) are with me” psalm 23:4 continued

This to those who seek Gods will
Is a must for our work and task
As we cannot enter the world
Without falling to it
And we cannot carry the message
Without entering the world
Must God be with us at all times

Of myself I am as nothing
Subject to all forces as any man
Easily lured by the fear of the flesh
Open to the honesty of it
Yet willing to do God’s work

To that end as any other soul
Must my self be set aside
As I ask God to lead my steps
That My left leg may stand
In the very pits of darkness
With the light of God with me
Protected then by His power
To reveal His light I also know
That My right leg stands in
So that the message is clear
And the words have authority
Proven by the love of service
For those who are stuck in darkness

Without God there is no hope of it
And with God there is no failure to it
As they who truly desire peace
Rise quickly to walk out of darkness
And they who still love the dark
Rebuke or stand quiet in their own will

As it is not for us to decide
Who shall leave hell and who not
For it is our duty alone
To offer the alternative reality
And bring the message of God to them

Easy is the way of the world
And easy is the way of the false prophet
But for the children of God
Is there much heartache and joy
Pain and comfort, failure and success
Contention and peace, loss and hope
For he is also flesh and blood
Yet filled now too with the Holy Spirit
And greater is the Light than dark

We endure one moment at a time
One situation at a time
One day at a time
For the flesh exerts itself quickly
So we ask always and often
For God to take away our selfishness
And that He guide us in each step
To those He would have us help
With His power and will
By His love and grace
Through His hope and great gift

Thus our spirit remains
In the Peace of God’s Kingdom
Even while our bodies remain
In the folly of the world
For they who are doing God’s work
Of love and of His message to all
Are those the very Lord called brothers

Ryan o0o

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How do we endure a troubled world?
For the spirit that lives in grace
Also must dwell in darkness

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” psalm 23:4

The followers of God
Live in two distinct worlds
For the blessing of grace
Reveals an unknown reality
In the very midst of the world’s reality

We can know peace in hardship
And calm in calamity
Indeed hope still may thrive abundant
Even in the darkest of moments

The followers of the world
Also live in two distinct worlds
The one they believe exists for them
And the one that has existed in secret
Made not for them

They can know hardship in peace
And calamity in calm
Indeed hope can be a curse to seekers
Even in the best of moments

Of they who call themselves
The followers of God
Are there two distinct worlds
Those of the faithful and true
And those who know not God

For the Godly are found
Doing the will of God
Helping neighbor and community
Armed with truth on the battlefield
Of the chaos of man’s creations
Fearing not the world’s wrath
Nor standing above it as saint
But in the shadow of death
Reaching out the hand of help
For they in terrible need

But they who call themselves true
Turn their face from the sufferer
Ignoring widow and orphan
Casting away the homeless and lost
Feeding themselves alone
As they boast of their spirituality
Comfortable in their intellectual realm
Believing they have achieved light
By denying the darkness within them

As it is does the world love the dark
While the people fear it greatly
Though their own greed and want
Masquerades as goodness
Hiding the truth of their love
Knowing not they love their fear

Whereas the follower of God
Deny neither darkness nor light
Living in both – contending with hell
For there in the bottomless pit
Of the chambers of utter darkness
Lay the brothers and sisters of the world
Who by deception know not truth
But wrestle greatly with pain and fear
Needing love and help to release them

Yet no human flesh can enter the dark
Without being wholly deceived by it
Truly I say not one man on earth
Is intelligent enough, nor wise enough
To overcome the power of it

As the world is in darkness
And the workers of false light
Flee darkness for fear of it
Leaving only the humble before God
To enter in with His good news

So then how does the Godly man endure?

“… I will fear no evil, for Thou (God) are with me” psalm 23:4 continued

This to those who seek Gods will
Is a must for our work and task
As we cannot enter the world
Without falling to it
And we cannot carry the message
Without entering the world
Must God be with us at all times

Of myself I am as nothing
Subject to all forces as any man
Easily lured by the fear of the flesh
Open to the honesty of it
Yet willing to do God’s work

To that end as any other soul
Must my self be set aside
As I ask God to lead my steps
That My left leg may stand
In the very pits of darkness
With the light of God with me
Protected then by His power
To reveal His light I also know
That My right leg stands in
So that the message is clear
And the words have authority
Proven by the love of service
For those who are stuck in darkness

Without God there is no hope of it
And with God there is no failure to it
As they who truly desire peace
Rise quickly to walk out of darkness
And they who still love the dark
Rebuke or stand quiet in their own will

As it is not for us to decide
Who shall leave hell and who not
For it is our duty alone
To offer the alternative reality
And bring the message of God to them

Easy is the way of the world
And easy is the way of the false prophet
But for the children of God
Is there much heartache and joy
Pain and comfort, failure and success
Contention and peace, loss and hope
For he is also flesh and blood
Yet filled now too with the Holy Spirit
And greater is the Light than dark

We endure one moment at a time
One situation at a time
One day at a time
For the flesh exerts itself quickly
So we ask always and often
For God to take away our selfishness
And that He guide us in each step
To those He would have us help
With His power and will
By His love and grace
Through His hope and great gift

Thus our spirit remains
In the Peace of God’s Kingdom
Even while our bodies remain
In the folly of the world
For they who are doing God’s work
Of love and of His message to all
Are those the very Lord called brothers

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights


The Dual Realities of ExistenceFollowers of God and the world live in two distinct realities—light and darkness, peace and hardship—reflecting the spiritual and physical challenges of life.

The Nature of True FaithTrue followers of God embrace both light and darkness, relying on divine guidance to bring hope and love to those in despair, while avoiding the self-deception of false piety.

The Power of God's PresenceEndurance is possible only through God's presence and strength, as human efforts alone cannot overcome the darkness of the world or its deceptions.

The Call to Serve OthersThe faithful are tasked with helping the suffering, offering God's light and truth to those trapped in darkness, without judgment or personal gain.

The Daily Walk of EnduranceEnduring the world requires constant reliance on God’s grace, moment-by-moment surrender of selfishness, and unwavering commitment to love and service despite life's hardships.

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How do we endure a troubled world?
For the spirit that lives in grace
Also must dwell in darkness

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” psalm 23:4

The followers of God
Live in two distinct worlds
For the blessing of grace
Reveals an unknown reality
In the very midst of the world’s reality

We can know peace in hardship
And calm in calamity
Indeed hope still may thrive abundant
Even in the darkest of moments

The followers of the world
Also live in two distinct worlds
The one they believe exists for them
And the one that has existed in secret
Made not for them

They can know hardship in peace
And calamity in calm
Indeed hope can be a curse to seekers
Even in the best of moments

Of they who call themselves
The followers of God
Are there two distinct worlds
Those of the faithful and true
And those who know not God

For the Godly are found
Doing the will of God
Helping neighbor and community
Armed with truth on the battlefield
Of the chaos of man’s creations
Fearing not the world’s wrath
Nor standing above it as saint
But in the shadow of death
Reaching out the hand of help
For they in terrible need

But they who call themselves true
Turn their face from the sufferer
Ignoring widow and orphan
Casting away the homeless and lost
Feeding themselves alone
As they boast of their spirituality
Comfortable in their intellectual realm
Believing they have achieved light
By denying the darkness within them

As it is does the world love the dark
While the people fear it greatly
Though their own greed and want
Masquerades as goodness
Hiding the truth of their love
Knowing not they love their fear

Whereas the follower of God
Deny neither darkness nor light
Living in both – contending with hell
For there in the bottomless pit
Of the chambers of utter darkness
Lay the brothers and sisters of the world
Who by deception know not truth
But wrestle greatly with pain and fear
Needing love and help to release them

Yet no human flesh can enter the dark
Without being wholly deceived by it
Truly I say not one man on earth
Is intelligent enough, nor wise enough
To overcome the power of it

As the world is in darkness
And the workers of false light
Flee darkness for fear of it
Leaving only the humble before God
To enter in with His good news

So then how does the Godly man endure?

“… I will fear no evil, for Thou (God) are with me” psalm 23:4 continued

This to those who seek Gods will
Is a must for our work and task
As we cannot enter the world
Without falling to it
And we cannot carry the message
Without entering the world
Must God be with us at all times

Of myself I am as nothing
Subject to all forces as any man
Easily lured by the fear of the flesh
Open to the honesty of it
Yet willing to do God’s work

To that end as any other soul
Must my self be set aside
As I ask God to lead my steps
That My left leg may stand
In the very pits of darkness
With the light of God with me
Protected then by His power
To reveal His light I also know
That My right leg stands in
So that the message is clear
And the words have authority
Proven by the love of service
For those who are stuck in darkness

Without God there is no hope of it
And with God there is no failure to it
As they who truly desire peace
Rise quickly to walk out of darkness
And they who still love the dark
Rebuke or stand quiet in their own will

As it is not for us to decide
Who shall leave hell and who not
For it is our duty alone
To offer the alternative reality
And bring the message of God to them

Easy is the way of the world
And easy is the way of the false prophet
But for the children of God
Is there much heartache and joy
Pain and comfort, failure and success
Contention and peace, loss and hope
For he is also flesh and blood
Yet filled now too with the Holy Spirit
And greater is the Light than dark

We endure one moment at a time
One situation at a time
One day at a time
For the flesh exerts itself quickly
So we ask always and often
For God to take away our selfishness
And that He guide us in each step
To those He would have us help
With His power and will
By His love and grace
Through His hope and great gift

Thus our spirit remains
In the Peace of God’s Kingdom
Even while our bodies remain
In the folly of the world
For they who are doing God’s work
Of love and of His message to all
Are those the very Lord called brothers

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights


The Dual Realities of ExistenceFollowers of God and the world live in two distinct realities—light and darkness, peace and hardship—reflecting the spiritual and physical challenges of life.

The Nature of True FaithTrue followers of God embrace both light and darkness, relying on divine guidance to bring hope and love to those in despair, while avoiding the self-deception of false piety.

The Power of God's PresenceEndurance is possible only through God's presence and strength, as human efforts alone cannot overcome the darkness of the world or its deceptions.

The Call to Serve OthersThe faithful are tasked with helping the suffering, offering God's light and truth to those trapped in darkness, without judgment or personal gain.

The Daily Walk of EnduranceEnduring the world requires constant reliance on God’s grace, moment-by-moment surrender of selfishness, and unwavering commitment to love and service despite life's hardships.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

