Themes and Insights

Discovering God

Individual Relationship with God: Just as family members perceive one another differently, each person’s relationship with God is uniquely personal and cannot be dictated by others.

Direct Revelation: God reveals Himself to each individual according to His will. No human interpretation or tradition can replace the direct guidance and understanding God provides.

Purposeful Diversity: The variety in spiritual experiences and teachings exists for God’s divine purpose, not man’s, reflecting His infinite wisdom in guiding humanity.

Rejecting Fear-Based Doctrine: Fear and darkness do not come from God. His message is one of love, grace, and life, meant to uplift and transform.

God as the Source of Life: All wisdom, love, truth, and understanding originate from God. Trusting in Him over human judgment leads to true spiritual awakening.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website. For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

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Discovering God

Can your brother tell you
How to feel about your dad?
Can your sister tell you
How to feel about your mother?

Does a dad treat a baby
The same as he treats a teen?
Does a mom coddle a teen
The same as she would a baby?

Then listen not to those
Who say you must worship God
In their own manner
For they speak from fear.

God is the creator of all life
Giving this talent to one
And another talent to another
Opening the eyes of one life today
And the heart of another life tomorrow
Teaching one man of prophesy
While another is called to minister
And yet another to teach the teachers

As any parent discerns their children
Of who is strong and who is wise
Who is smart and who is kind
So too is God even more aware!

As any one may love their mother
While their brother disputes with her
And one may listen to their father
While their sister believes him dull
Do we see that no family dynamic
Is the same for all involved.

How much greater this is true of God!

If two brothers see their own father
And two sisters see their own mother
How can anyone see God the same?

For what others see of God
Is what God gave them to see
Or what they have chosen to see
And what God reveals to one
He does not reveal to another

No man can say who God must be
God speaks for Himself
And taught us Himself who He is

If we do not know God
All we must do is honestly ask God
For God desires to share with us
And give us His message
It is His promise to all who seek
And He will guide you Himself

They who say otherwise are fearful
And fear is not of God but of flesh
God requires no other to reveal Himself

What God wants you to know
You will know – God is not limited
What God wants you to understand
You will understand – God is not stupid
What God wants you to have
You will have – God made everything
How God wants you to experience Him
You will experience – for who can say no?

Many will come and say
Christ is only here, come here
God is over there, go there
Some will even claim they are Jesus
All of them are liars

God is everywhere!
And this you will know

What God will say to you is for you
And no part of you will be able to deny

We are all drawn to some teachers
While others are hard to hear
We are all drawn to some churches
While others are hard to accept

All the variance exists for God’s purpose
Not for man’s purpose
Though man likes to think otherwise
Even the workings of darkness
Play into the plan of God
Where some He awakens
And some He puts to sleep

Our job is to carry the gospel
And to open it to everyone
God knows who has ears
God knows who has eyes
God knows who truly seeks
And who plays at seeking vainly

Some are wise in God
And some are newborns in God
Each one a different experience today
Some preach our loving God
And some preach of fear & damnation
Listen not to those who speak darkness

The seeds of life produce life
And the seeds of death produce fear

For God Himself joined us
To give us Good News
And to reveal truth
That He loved us all
And desires we all have life
That not one should perish

God himself revealed the way
And showed us the lie we believed
He exposed our wicked earth master
And promised not to forsake us

All who lived will stand before God
And they who mislead others
Will answer for their greed and lust
And they who were mislead by others
Will be given the truth of grace

For God put before you the choice
Of life or of death
Your choice was not given to another
That they may make it for you

Can your brother give you talent?
Neither can he awaken your spirit
For this is between you and God

The Holy Spirit is from God
And not from man
Justice is from God – not from man
Love is from God – not from man
Truth, peace, wisdom, understanding
All come from God – not from man

Fear not the naysayers
Fear not the rule mongers
As they cannot see the beam in their eye
Nor can they see
The love in your heart for God
Blind are they also to Gods love for you

But God sees all and knows all
And loves the newborn
As He loves the wise man
Giving milk to the young
And meat to the old
Of our spiritual food we call life

God is the source of all life
And only God can reveal God
As we can read the same passage
Of the same book
And understand different things
Do we see it is for us – today
Tomorrow will bring another revelation

Ask God to guide your understanding
And not the understanding of men
Ask God to reveal Himself to you
And not men to reveal God
Ask in honesty – and God will answer

Indeed will God be revealed
Everywhere with you that you go

For God is God to all
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
And High Priest of His own Life
Which IS all of life everywhere!

Ryan o0o

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Discovering God

Can your brother tell you
How to feel about your dad?
Can your sister tell you
How to feel about your mother?

Does a dad treat a baby
The same as he treats a teen?
Does a mom coddle a teen
The same as she would a baby?

Then listen not to those
Who say you must worship God
In their own manner
For they speak from fear.

God is the creator of all life
Giving this talent to one
And another talent to another
Opening the eyes of one life today
And the heart of another life tomorrow
Teaching one man of prophesy
While another is called to minister
And yet another to teach the teachers

As any parent discerns their children
Of who is strong and who is wise
Who is smart and who is kind
So too is God even more aware!

As any one may love their mother
While their brother disputes with her
And one may listen to their father
While their sister believes him dull
Do we see that no family dynamic
Is the same for all involved.

How much greater this is true of God!

If two brothers see their own father
And two sisters see their own mother
How can anyone see God the same?

For what others see of God
Is what God gave them to see
Or what they have chosen to see
And what God reveals to one
He does not reveal to another

No man can say who God must be
God speaks for Himself
And taught us Himself who He is

If we do not know God
All we must do is honestly ask God
For God desires to share with us
And give us His message
It is His promise to all who seek
And He will guide you Himself

They who say otherwise are fearful
And fear is not of God but of flesh
God requires no other to reveal Himself

What God wants you to know
You will know – God is not limited
What God wants you to understand
You will understand – God is not stupid
What God wants you to have
You will have – God made everything
How God wants you to experience Him
You will experience – for who can say no?

Many will come and say
Christ is only here, come here
God is over there, go there
Some will even claim they are Jesus
All of them are liars

God is everywhere!
And this you will know

What God will say to you is for you
And no part of you will be able to deny

We are all drawn to some teachers
While others are hard to hear
We are all drawn to some churches
While others are hard to accept

All the variance exists for God’s purpose
Not for man’s purpose
Though man likes to think otherwise
Even the workings of darkness
Play into the plan of God
Where some He awakens
And some He puts to sleep

Our job is to carry the gospel
And to open it to everyone
God knows who has ears
God knows who has eyes
God knows who truly seeks
And who plays at seeking vainly

Some are wise in God
And some are newborns in God
Each one a different experience today
Some preach our loving God
And some preach of fear & damnation
Listen not to those who speak darkness

The seeds of life produce life
And the seeds of death produce fear

For God Himself joined us
To give us Good News
And to reveal truth
That He loved us all
And desires we all have life
That not one should perish

God himself revealed the way
And showed us the lie we believed
He exposed our wicked earth master
And promised not to forsake us

All who lived will stand before God
And they who mislead others
Will answer for their greed and lust
And they who were mislead by others
Will be given the truth of grace

For God put before you the choice
Of life or of death
Your choice was not given to another
That they may make it for you

Can your brother give you talent?
Neither can he awaken your spirit
For this is between you and God

The Holy Spirit is from God
And not from man
Justice is from God – not from man
Love is from God – not from man
Truth, peace, wisdom, understanding
All come from God – not from man

Fear not the naysayers
Fear not the rule mongers
As they cannot see the beam in their eye
Nor can they see
The love in your heart for God
Blind are they also to Gods love for you

But God sees all and knows all
And loves the newborn
As He loves the wise man
Giving milk to the young
And meat to the old
Of our spiritual food we call life

God is the source of all life
And only God can reveal God
As we can read the same passage
Of the same book
And understand different things
Do we see it is for us – today
Tomorrow will bring another revelation

Ask God to guide your understanding
And not the understanding of men
Ask God to reveal Himself to you
And not men to reveal God
Ask in honesty – and God will answer

Indeed will God be revealed
Everywhere with you that you go

For God is God to all
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
And High Priest of His own Life
Which IS all of life everywhere!

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Discovering God

Individual Relationship with God: Just as family members perceive one another differently, each person’s relationship with God is uniquely personal and cannot be dictated by others.

Direct Revelation: God reveals Himself to each individual according to His will. No human interpretation or tradition can replace the direct guidance and understanding God provides.

Purposeful Diversity: The variety in spiritual experiences and teachings exists for God’s divine purpose, not man’s, reflecting His infinite wisdom in guiding humanity.

Rejecting Fear-Based Doctrine: Fear and darkness do not come from God. His message is one of love, grace, and life, meant to uplift and transform.

God as the Source of Life: All wisdom, love, truth, and understanding originate from God. Trusting in Him over human judgment leads to true spiritual awakening.

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Discovering God

Can your brother tell you
How to feel about your dad?
Can your sister tell you
How to feel about your mother?

Does a dad treat a baby
The same as he treats a teen?
Does a mom coddle a teen
The same as she would a baby?

Then listen not to those
Who say you must worship God
In their own manner
For they speak from fear.

God is the creator of all life
Giving this talent to one
And another talent to another
Opening the eyes of one life today
And the heart of another life tomorrow
Teaching one man of prophesy
While another is called to minister
And yet another to teach the teachers

As any parent discerns their children
Of who is strong and who is wise
Who is smart and who is kind
So too is God even more aware!

As any one may love their mother
While their brother disputes with her
And one may listen to their father
While their sister believes him dull
Do we see that no family dynamic
Is the same for all involved.

How much greater this is true of God!

If two brothers see their own father
And two sisters see their own mother
How can anyone see God the same?

For what others see of God
Is what God gave them to see
Or what they have chosen to see
And what God reveals to one
He does not reveal to another

No man can say who God must be
God speaks for Himself
And taught us Himself who He is

If we do not know God
All we must do is honestly ask God
For God desires to share with us
And give us His message
It is His promise to all who seek
And He will guide you Himself

They who say otherwise are fearful
And fear is not of God but of flesh
God requires no other to reveal Himself

What God wants you to know
You will know – God is not limited
What God wants you to understand
You will understand – God is not stupid
What God wants you to have
You will have – God made everything
How God wants you to experience Him
You will experience – for who can say no?

Many will come and say
Christ is only here, come here
God is over there, go there
Some will even claim they are Jesus
All of them are liars

God is everywhere!
And this you will know

What God will say to you is for you
And no part of you will be able to deny

We are all drawn to some teachers
While others are hard to hear
We are all drawn to some churches
While others are hard to accept

All the variance exists for God’s purpose
Not for man’s purpose
Though man likes to think otherwise
Even the workings of darkness
Play into the plan of God
Where some He awakens
And some He puts to sleep

Our job is to carry the gospel
And to open it to everyone
God knows who has ears
God knows who has eyes
God knows who truly seeks
And who plays at seeking vainly

Some are wise in God
And some are newborns in God
Each one a different experience today
Some preach our loving God
And some preach of fear & damnation
Listen not to those who speak darkness

The seeds of life produce life
And the seeds of death produce fear

For God Himself joined us
To give us Good News
And to reveal truth
That He loved us all
And desires we all have life
That not one should perish

God himself revealed the way
And showed us the lie we believed
He exposed our wicked earth master
And promised not to forsake us

All who lived will stand before God
And they who mislead others
Will answer for their greed and lust
And they who were mislead by others
Will be given the truth of grace

For God put before you the choice
Of life or of death
Your choice was not given to another
That they may make it for you

Can your brother give you talent?
Neither can he awaken your spirit
For this is between you and God

The Holy Spirit is from God
And not from man
Justice is from God – not from man
Love is from God – not from man
Truth, peace, wisdom, understanding
All come from God – not from man

Fear not the naysayers
Fear not the rule mongers
As they cannot see the beam in their eye
Nor can they see
The love in your heart for God
Blind are they also to Gods love for you

But God sees all and knows all
And loves the newborn
As He loves the wise man
Giving milk to the young
And meat to the old
Of our spiritual food we call life

God is the source of all life
And only God can reveal God
As we can read the same passage
Of the same book
And understand different things
Do we see it is for us – today
Tomorrow will bring another revelation

Ask God to guide your understanding
And not the understanding of men
Ask God to reveal Himself to you
And not men to reveal God
Ask in honesty – and God will answer

Indeed will God be revealed
Everywhere with you that you go

For God is God to all
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
And High Priest of His own Life
Which IS all of life everywhere!

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Discovering God

Individual Relationship with God: Just as family members perceive one another differently, each person’s relationship with God is uniquely personal and cannot be dictated by others.

Direct Revelation: God reveals Himself to each individual according to His will. No human interpretation or tradition can replace the direct guidance and understanding God provides.

Purposeful Diversity: The variety in spiritual experiences and teachings exists for God’s divine purpose, not man’s, reflecting His infinite wisdom in guiding humanity.

Rejecting Fear-Based Doctrine: Fear and darkness do not come from God. His message is one of love, grace, and life, meant to uplift and transform.

God as the Source of Life: All wisdom, love, truth, and understanding originate from God. Trusting in Him over human judgment leads to true spiritual awakening.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

