Themes and Insights
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
The Cycle of OppressionIt delves into the cycles of oppression that bind individuals to their circumstances. The middle-aged generation is depicted as being trapped in a system that limits their freedom and expression, perpetuating a cycle of suffering for the younger generations.
The Need for CompassionThe narrative calls for compassion towards the vulnerable, advocating for a society that recognizes and responds to the needs of the forgotten and marginalized. It urges a shift from mere acknowledgment of suffering to taking actionable steps toward alleviating it.
The Dichotomy of Light and DarkThe writing reflects on the duality of human nature, illustrating how individuals often oscillate between light and darkness. It questions the authenticity of those who hide their true selves behind facades, urging readers to confront their own truths.
A Prayer for ChangeThe piece culminates in a heartfelt prayer for the arrival of justice, mercy, and peace. This call to action serves as both a lament and a hopeful plea for transformation, urging a collective awakening to the realities of human suffering and the need for a more just and compassionate world.
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The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead.
I will not give even death to another, for you rule over ALL things,
and all things are under your command.
Hear my words for our brothers and sisters. Hear my heart for our children and young. Hear my experience and love for our elders and the very old.
Many journey into the paths of injustice, indeed all have fallen to that which is not just in moments of their lives. The injustice of life is not in the release of our bodies, for unto the death of our flesh are we returned to true justice. It is while we are living and breathing on earth do we experience the pressure of the whip of death, and the hounds of hell, that beat at us mercilessly.
There are the elderly all over the world, that are forgotten, cast out, left to die amidst a land of plenty. There are those who came before us who are judged eternally not by their own lives, but by the wills and wants and cruel selfishness of the young behind them. There are the aged who are in need of aid that are bilked of every last resource they have by the hungry machine of mankind that desire their blood and their money. The very agencies who rob our elders the most, rebuke the beating of a mugger who robs one man of his goods, while they steal from that very man every bit of dignity and life he has left.
There are the middle aged who are sheep following wicked masters. They do what they were shown to do, live how they were shown to live, act how they were shown to act, all by a system that does not allow them to know liberty, freedom, expression or life. By the teachings of fear they are forced to live as cows that graze in the grasses of a pasture walled in by those who are in control. There is the parents who give unto their children what their children demand of them, only to be rebuked, scolded, and cursed by their children for not satisfying their undying craving for anything they want. There is the man and woman who work hard in order to have their life, all the while not knowing their life. There is the man or woman who lives with a abusive mate, who through physical, emotional or spiritual violence uses those tools to destroy and steal all courage and will from the other who does harbor the same fears. Hell and Hells, and hell, not having the hell it wants, creates as much hell in another as it can. Never is it satisfied with itself, for hell, like Heaven, is never ending on earth. There are soldiers who commit horrible acts that they themselves cannot live with nor desire, but were commanded to perform. There is the destruction of all things human in our middle aged of earth. They are treated as sheep by those who assume power over them, and the shepherds do not protect their flocks, but allow any wolf who comes to kill. They do not hunt the wolf, they instead share the meat for they are also the wolf.
There are children all over the world hungry and starving and hurting not because their is no hope at all… but because there is no action sufficient enough to reverse such things. There are children who are abused, beaten and sexually molested continually in darkened rooms all over the world. These men and women who commit such things do them behind closed doors to hide their activities. The children are bought and sold as goods like a trinket, and beaten when they do not comply. They do not know their life at all, and are not aware of what life was meant to be for them. There are children who suffer the fate of their fathers and mothers who are ground down into dust by the futility of their frustrations fate. They watch and see their fathers lose self dignity, their mothers lose self respect, and their families lose their bond by the strife of outside forces. All that we have done, has undone all that was meant, hoped, desired, and designed for us by life itself.
The innocent are given knowledge to become wicked,
The knowledgeable are given unending contradictions to that knowledge,
The experienced are given examples of death over life,
The living are given rottenness to eat,
And the dead are given power over the living.
Those who commit terror defend that terror in themselves among their peers,
yet still they stand behind closed doors to hide their treachery for their brothers.
Brazen they stand before all of mankind to inform them how they lovingly steal from all,
yet before it all was their planning behind walls.
So my prayer this day will be short.
I pray and ask that if it be your will… the time of Justice, Mercy and Peace will come soon.
Ryan o0o
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead.
I will not give even death to another, for you rule over ALL things,
and all things are under your command.
Hear my words for our brothers and sisters. Hear my heart for our children and young. Hear my experience and love for our elders and the very old.
Many journey into the paths of injustice, indeed all have fallen to that which is not just in moments of their lives. The injustice of life is not in the release of our bodies, for unto the death of our flesh are we returned to true justice. It is while we are living and breathing on earth do we experience the pressure of the whip of death, and the hounds of hell, that beat at us mercilessly.
There are the elderly all over the world, that are forgotten, cast out, left to die amidst a land of plenty. There are those who came before us who are judged eternally not by their own lives, but by the wills and wants and cruel selfishness of the young behind them. There are the aged who are in need of aid that are bilked of every last resource they have by the hungry machine of mankind that desire their blood and their money. The very agencies who rob our elders the most, rebuke the beating of a mugger who robs one man of his goods, while they steal from that very man every bit of dignity and life he has left.
There are the middle aged who are sheep following wicked masters. They do what they were shown to do, live how they were shown to live, act how they were shown to act, all by a system that does not allow them to know liberty, freedom, expression or life. By the teachings of fear they are forced to live as cows that graze in the grasses of a pasture walled in by those who are in control. There is the parents who give unto their children what their children demand of them, only to be rebuked, scolded, and cursed by their children for not satisfying their undying craving for anything they want. There is the man and woman who work hard in order to have their life, all the while not knowing their life. There is the man or woman who lives with a abusive mate, who through physical, emotional or spiritual violence uses those tools to destroy and steal all courage and will from the other who does harbor the same fears. Hell and Hells, and hell, not having the hell it wants, creates as much hell in another as it can. Never is it satisfied with itself, for hell, like Heaven, is never ending on earth. There are soldiers who commit horrible acts that they themselves cannot live with nor desire, but were commanded to perform. There is the destruction of all things human in our middle aged of earth. They are treated as sheep by those who assume power over them, and the shepherds do not protect their flocks, but allow any wolf who comes to kill. They do not hunt the wolf, they instead share the meat for they are also the wolf.
There are children all over the world hungry and starving and hurting not because their is no hope at all… but because there is no action sufficient enough to reverse such things. There are children who are abused, beaten and sexually molested continually in darkened rooms all over the world. These men and women who commit such things do them behind closed doors to hide their activities. The children are bought and sold as goods like a trinket, and beaten when they do not comply. They do not know their life at all, and are not aware of what life was meant to be for them. There are children who suffer the fate of their fathers and mothers who are ground down into dust by the futility of their frustrations fate. They watch and see their fathers lose self dignity, their mothers lose self respect, and their families lose their bond by the strife of outside forces. All that we have done, has undone all that was meant, hoped, desired, and designed for us by life itself.
The innocent are given knowledge to become wicked,
The knowledgeable are given unending contradictions to that knowledge,
The experienced are given examples of death over life,
The living are given rottenness to eat,
And the dead are given power over the living.
Those who commit terror defend that terror in themselves among their peers,
yet still they stand behind closed doors to hide their treachery for their brothers.
Brazen they stand before all of mankind to inform them how they lovingly steal from all,
yet before it all was their planning behind walls.
So my prayer this day will be short.
I pray and ask that if it be your will… the time of Justice, Mercy and Peace will come soon.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
The Cycle of OppressionIt delves into the cycles of oppression that bind individuals to their circumstances. The middle-aged generation is depicted as being trapped in a system that limits their freedom and expression, perpetuating a cycle of suffering for the younger generations.
The Need for CompassionThe narrative calls for compassion towards the vulnerable, advocating for a society that recognizes and responds to the needs of the forgotten and marginalized. It urges a shift from mere acknowledgment of suffering to taking actionable steps toward alleviating it.
The Dichotomy of Light and DarkThe writing reflects on the duality of human nature, illustrating how individuals often oscillate between light and darkness. It questions the authenticity of those who hide their true selves behind facades, urging readers to confront their own truths.
A Prayer for ChangeThe piece culminates in a heartfelt prayer for the arrival of justice, mercy, and peace. This call to action serves as both a lament and a hopeful plea for transformation, urging a collective awakening to the realities of human suffering and the need for a more just and compassionate world.
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead.
I will not give even death to another, for you rule over ALL things,
and all things are under your command.
Hear my words for our brothers and sisters. Hear my heart for our children and young. Hear my experience and love for our elders and the very old.
Many journey into the paths of injustice, indeed all have fallen to that which is not just in moments of their lives. The injustice of life is not in the release of our bodies, for unto the death of our flesh are we returned to true justice. It is while we are living and breathing on earth do we experience the pressure of the whip of death, and the hounds of hell, that beat at us mercilessly.
There are the elderly all over the world, that are forgotten, cast out, left to die amidst a land of plenty. There are those who came before us who are judged eternally not by their own lives, but by the wills and wants and cruel selfishness of the young behind them. There are the aged who are in need of aid that are bilked of every last resource they have by the hungry machine of mankind that desire their blood and their money. The very agencies who rob our elders the most, rebuke the beating of a mugger who robs one man of his goods, while they steal from that very man every bit of dignity and life he has left.
There are the middle aged who are sheep following wicked masters. They do what they were shown to do, live how they were shown to live, act how they were shown to act, all by a system that does not allow them to know liberty, freedom, expression or life. By the teachings of fear they are forced to live as cows that graze in the grasses of a pasture walled in by those who are in control. There is the parents who give unto their children what their children demand of them, only to be rebuked, scolded, and cursed by their children for not satisfying their undying craving for anything they want. There is the man and woman who work hard in order to have their life, all the while not knowing their life. There is the man or woman who lives with a abusive mate, who through physical, emotional or spiritual violence uses those tools to destroy and steal all courage and will from the other who does harbor the same fears. Hell and Hells, and hell, not having the hell it wants, creates as much hell in another as it can. Never is it satisfied with itself, for hell, like Heaven, is never ending on earth. There are soldiers who commit horrible acts that they themselves cannot live with nor desire, but were commanded to perform. There is the destruction of all things human in our middle aged of earth. They are treated as sheep by those who assume power over them, and the shepherds do not protect their flocks, but allow any wolf who comes to kill. They do not hunt the wolf, they instead share the meat for they are also the wolf.
There are children all over the world hungry and starving and hurting not because their is no hope at all… but because there is no action sufficient enough to reverse such things. There are children who are abused, beaten and sexually molested continually in darkened rooms all over the world. These men and women who commit such things do them behind closed doors to hide their activities. The children are bought and sold as goods like a trinket, and beaten when they do not comply. They do not know their life at all, and are not aware of what life was meant to be for them. There are children who suffer the fate of their fathers and mothers who are ground down into dust by the futility of their frustrations fate. They watch and see their fathers lose self dignity, their mothers lose self respect, and their families lose their bond by the strife of outside forces. All that we have done, has undone all that was meant, hoped, desired, and designed for us by life itself.
The innocent are given knowledge to become wicked,
The knowledgeable are given unending contradictions to that knowledge,
The experienced are given examples of death over life,
The living are given rottenness to eat,
And the dead are given power over the living.
Those who commit terror defend that terror in themselves among their peers,
yet still they stand behind closed doors to hide their treachery for their brothers.
Brazen they stand before all of mankind to inform them how they lovingly steal from all,
yet before it all was their planning behind walls.
So my prayer this day will be short.
I pray and ask that if it be your will… the time of Justice, Mercy and Peace will come soon.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
The Cycle of OppressionIt delves into the cycles of oppression that bind individuals to their circumstances. The middle-aged generation is depicted as being trapped in a system that limits their freedom and expression, perpetuating a cycle of suffering for the younger generations.
The Need for CompassionThe narrative calls for compassion towards the vulnerable, advocating for a society that recognizes and responds to the needs of the forgotten and marginalized. It urges a shift from mere acknowledgment of suffering to taking actionable steps toward alleviating it.
The Dichotomy of Light and DarkThe writing reflects on the duality of human nature, illustrating how individuals often oscillate between light and darkness. It questions the authenticity of those who hide their true selves behind facades, urging readers to confront their own truths.
A Prayer for ChangeThe piece culminates in a heartfelt prayer for the arrival of justice, mercy, and peace. This call to action serves as both a lament and a hopeful plea for transformation, urging a collective awakening to the realities of human suffering and the need for a more just and compassionate world.