Themes and Insights

Prayer of the Homeless

Divine Grace: The text expresses a deep gratitude for the divine provision of shelter and support during times of need.

Human Connection: It reflects on the connection between individuals, emphasizing the importance of caring for one another, especially the less fortunate.

Hope and Renewal: The prayer embodies a plea for hope and the possibility of a better life for the homeless and those in need.

Social Justice: It addresses the systemic issues surrounding homelessness and the need for societal awareness and action.

Personal Reflection: The author shares personal experiences and emotions, creating a relatable and empathetic narrative about the struggles of homelessness.

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Prayer of the Homeless

Great most awesome and powerful and sacred God,
He who is the Force, the Way, the Truth and the Reason of all life…

With such gratitude my heart does feel closeness with you. Just a few short months ago i called out to you that you would provide One that I loved a home. She had lost all, and that very day of my words you did place her into a home within hours. It was an empty box, with other empty boxes, and very quickly she had put her heart into it and made it feel warm and welcome and peaceful to all. Then later you provided another even greater home on the very day I again called out and asked that she be given a more suitable place for her children to live in. How it is Father that both these places were provided via a miracle, and offered to us who had fallen down in our own lives.

We thank you deeply, ever so deeply for this grace you have placed on our heads time and time again.

We are not smart in matters of the world, nor are we wise in affairs of man and his business. Within our hearts we are tore down by the many requirements of man. So again I must praise you Dad for the ease and power by which you bestowed life giving shelter to us both and to the whole of the family.

And it is this business of Man which I also then come to you.

In looking out into our world there are so many who are homeless and without a means to protect themselves. Yes some have chosen this path on their own, and this is part of their discovery. But give ear Father to my desire that those who have lost and suffered as we did… those who have cried out for the help of your hand… those who did with earnestness weep because they could not bring shelter or safety to their children… listen please Father to my desires for them.

What is the difference between your children who are given to and those who are not given to? We have Men who journey to and fro in order that the masses would listen to the plight of the homeless, and we have women who stand as beggars with their children withering away everyday. Those who have lost all, and have no home cannot find work, they cannot establish a residence, they cannot be contacted by those who COULD help, and they lose all connection to Mankind. Though that they would desire to walk again as men and women they lose all ability to do so because of the many requirements of other men set upon them! In time they cannot care at all for themselves, and are reduced to that of beggars, learning ways of survival that destroys the very moral fiber that they themselves do hold in their hands. Members of my own family, young and strong, are now stuck on the very streets that they fell to BY the very nature of what those streets did to them.

Our world does not allow for admittance of the poor into its doors because the world itself has no interest or desire to look at the results of its choices. Millions upon Millions of people in all parts of the world have found themselves trapped into a cycle that no other human power can remove them from. Because of the very network and system of man, man itself has lost touch with those who lost touch with them. And so it boils down to very simple factors.

The greatest of these is that You who have all power is not limited by any idea or condition of any kind. It is by Your Grace that those who are lost among the cities and countries may be uplifted back into a place they desire to again walk.

How many times would I have found myself without the means to live again another day, if not for YOUR law in the heart of another soul who helped me? How many times would I have found myself sitting under a bridge, with bottle in hand, seeking oblivion from the world unless for YOUR grace given to me? How many times would I have found myself without Country, without State, without Home if it not for Your Blessing of protection and care given to me? And may I ask then that You listen also to my brothers and sisters? May I ask that they also be given the same consideration and guidance and love that You have always given to me?

When I look to the homes I have rented, and owned, and the many places I have lived, I know how quickly it could have all vanished for me. When I remember the great houses, and the small little terrible apartments that kept me warm and dry, how quickly I can see them come and go. This too is for these people who have had and lost, and for the children who have not known even ONE day in their own beds in warmth. What of them who are as me? What of them who seek as I did? What of them who have NO human advocate to reach out a hand?

I come to YOU Father for You ARE the hand of ALL hands, You are the Advocate of ALL Advocates, You are the support of all support and the provider of Everything that is everything. Who but You can move the hearts of ALL men to reach out and give aid to another in need? Who but You can effect such change?

Even our leaders who have fought long and hard for the betterment of man find themselves a curiosity to others ABOVE the message they try to carry to the world! We follow the men who say peace is the way, but we do not practice what they have said and done in enough concentration to give to ALL who are in need.

Yet the world is truly plentiful, and there is more then enough ALWAYS upon the face of the earth for ALL who are on the earth.

I will not quibble this day in Your ear about those who must return to the fullness of spirit, and through hardship find rest today back into Your arms. But of those who live LONG upon the earth… who seek justice, and ONE chance to make right their lives I do CRY OUT!

Are not these also my own? Was it not that the very first question posed to You by man was to ask “Am I my brother’s keeper”? And so I ask also Father are not these ALSO Your own? You who know the hearts of ALL men may also know with purity those who are earnest in their desire, and those who are not. When I ask in earnestness, I receive with Gladness from you! Would not also those who have suffered greater reach even greater into the Kingdom of Your Spirit?

May it be Father, that all men be given power to resurrect their lives.
May it be Father that all women be given power to warm their home.
May it be Father that ALL mankind find strength and encouragement from You.
May it be Father that all mankind find gratitude for what little or what abundance they have.
May it be Father that Children be given a home.
May it be Father that children look to their Parents with happiness for their lives, instead of looking to their parents to judge by their lack.
May it be Father that the fellowship of man reach out and give ear to their brothers.
May it be that soon, all who walk the earth feel and find a home that is their own.

May it be, please…

I appeal always to your Grace and your Love,
for by it I know there is eternity for ALL because of the origins of all.

It is my own face I see on the bones of the homeless of our world.
It is my own eyes I see looking back at me.
It is my own skin upon them that I see soiled and dirty and without water to Bathe.
It is my own flesh I see on them that is malnourished, sickened and weakened by their condition.
It is my own spirit I see in them withering away by hopelessness.
It is my own heart I feel beating in them that have grown tired.

It is by truth that I was a drunkard and a coward upon this earth, Yet You have never let me know one day without hope and the possibility of hope. So much so is your presence and Gifts that ALL of my former ailments have been lifted from me. My Father who is the originator of Hope… I beg of You to bring real Hope, that yields real results, into the lives of those who also are deserving of everything they hold in their heart. You put love into my heart, and it is by love in the hearts of others that everyone who is hungry will be filled, everyone who is naked will be clothed, and everyone who is thirsty will be given drink.

May too God, that all be given shelter that they may offer unto their young, and for their families that love them. May even he who is completely alone and without be given that one chance he so desires to touch. May even those who reject life in them feel life one day, for by the feeling of that life they may change their minds.

They are my brothers and Sisters, just as they are also for my wife who stands with me in Heart about this matter. By our Prayers may we be heard for the betterment of all mankind that also too desires betterment of their lives.

We come to You for them, just as they have been there for us, and many others that have felt the kindness of Your justice and Grace.

May everyone find the very home they seek… wether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
We all find strength in rest and in Your security of peace.

Give blessings and Power unto Your arm Father, for you ARE the arm.
May Peace always dwell with You, for you ARE the Peace.
May You offer yourself Joy and Laughter and Greatness…
Because by the fulfillment of YOUR own Self, are we ALL subject.

Thank you for hearing the words of our heart.

Ryan o0o

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Prayer of the Homeless

Great most awesome and powerful and sacred God,
He who is the Force, the Way, the Truth and the Reason of all life…

With such gratitude my heart does feel closeness with you. Just a few short months ago i called out to you that you would provide One that I loved a home. She had lost all, and that very day of my words you did place her into a home within hours. It was an empty box, with other empty boxes, and very quickly she had put her heart into it and made it feel warm and welcome and peaceful to all. Then later you provided another even greater home on the very day I again called out and asked that she be given a more suitable place for her children to live in. How it is Father that both these places were provided via a miracle, and offered to us who had fallen down in our own lives.

We thank you deeply, ever so deeply for this grace you have placed on our heads time and time again.

We are not smart in matters of the world, nor are we wise in affairs of man and his business. Within our hearts we are tore down by the many requirements of man. So again I must praise you Dad for the ease and power by which you bestowed life giving shelter to us both and to the whole of the family.

And it is this business of Man which I also then come to you.

In looking out into our world there are so many who are homeless and without a means to protect themselves. Yes some have chosen this path on their own, and this is part of their discovery. But give ear Father to my desire that those who have lost and suffered as we did… those who have cried out for the help of your hand… those who did with earnestness weep because they could not bring shelter or safety to their children… listen please Father to my desires for them.

What is the difference between your children who are given to and those who are not given to? We have Men who journey to and fro in order that the masses would listen to the plight of the homeless, and we have women who stand as beggars with their children withering away everyday. Those who have lost all, and have no home cannot find work, they cannot establish a residence, they cannot be contacted by those who COULD help, and they lose all connection to Mankind. Though that they would desire to walk again as men and women they lose all ability to do so because of the many requirements of other men set upon them! In time they cannot care at all for themselves, and are reduced to that of beggars, learning ways of survival that destroys the very moral fiber that they themselves do hold in their hands. Members of my own family, young and strong, are now stuck on the very streets that they fell to BY the very nature of what those streets did to them.

Our world does not allow for admittance of the poor into its doors because the world itself has no interest or desire to look at the results of its choices. Millions upon Millions of people in all parts of the world have found themselves trapped into a cycle that no other human power can remove them from. Because of the very network and system of man, man itself has lost touch with those who lost touch with them. And so it boils down to very simple factors.

The greatest of these is that You who have all power is not limited by any idea or condition of any kind. It is by Your Grace that those who are lost among the cities and countries may be uplifted back into a place they desire to again walk.

How many times would I have found myself without the means to live again another day, if not for YOUR law in the heart of another soul who helped me? How many times would I have found myself sitting under a bridge, with bottle in hand, seeking oblivion from the world unless for YOUR grace given to me? How many times would I have found myself without Country, without State, without Home if it not for Your Blessing of protection and care given to me? And may I ask then that You listen also to my brothers and sisters? May I ask that they also be given the same consideration and guidance and love that You have always given to me?

When I look to the homes I have rented, and owned, and the many places I have lived, I know how quickly it could have all vanished for me. When I remember the great houses, and the small little terrible apartments that kept me warm and dry, how quickly I can see them come and go. This too is for these people who have had and lost, and for the children who have not known even ONE day in their own beds in warmth. What of them who are as me? What of them who seek as I did? What of them who have NO human advocate to reach out a hand?

I come to YOU Father for You ARE the hand of ALL hands, You are the Advocate of ALL Advocates, You are the support of all support and the provider of Everything that is everything. Who but You can move the hearts of ALL men to reach out and give aid to another in need? Who but You can effect such change?

Even our leaders who have fought long and hard for the betterment of man find themselves a curiosity to others ABOVE the message they try to carry to the world! We follow the men who say peace is the way, but we do not practice what they have said and done in enough concentration to give to ALL who are in need.

Yet the world is truly plentiful, and there is more then enough ALWAYS upon the face of the earth for ALL who are on the earth.

I will not quibble this day in Your ear about those who must return to the fullness of spirit, and through hardship find rest today back into Your arms. But of those who live LONG upon the earth… who seek justice, and ONE chance to make right their lives I do CRY OUT!

Are not these also my own? Was it not that the very first question posed to You by man was to ask “Am I my brother’s keeper”? And so I ask also Father are not these ALSO Your own? You who know the hearts of ALL men may also know with purity those who are earnest in their desire, and those who are not. When I ask in earnestness, I receive with Gladness from you! Would not also those who have suffered greater reach even greater into the Kingdom of Your Spirit?

May it be Father, that all men be given power to resurrect their lives.
May it be Father that all women be given power to warm their home.
May it be Father that ALL mankind find strength and encouragement from You.
May it be Father that all mankind find gratitude for what little or what abundance they have.
May it be Father that Children be given a home.
May it be Father that children look to their Parents with happiness for their lives, instead of looking to their parents to judge by their lack.
May it be Father that the fellowship of man reach out and give ear to their brothers.
May it be that soon, all who walk the earth feel and find a home that is their own.

May it be, please…

I appeal always to your Grace and your Love,
for by it I know there is eternity for ALL because of the origins of all.

It is my own face I see on the bones of the homeless of our world.
It is my own eyes I see looking back at me.
It is my own skin upon them that I see soiled and dirty and without water to Bathe.
It is my own flesh I see on them that is malnourished, sickened and weakened by their condition.
It is my own spirit I see in them withering away by hopelessness.
It is my own heart I feel beating in them that have grown tired.

It is by truth that I was a drunkard and a coward upon this earth, Yet You have never let me know one day without hope and the possibility of hope. So much so is your presence and Gifts that ALL of my former ailments have been lifted from me. My Father who is the originator of Hope… I beg of You to bring real Hope, that yields real results, into the lives of those who also are deserving of everything they hold in their heart. You put love into my heart, and it is by love in the hearts of others that everyone who is hungry will be filled, everyone who is naked will be clothed, and everyone who is thirsty will be given drink.

May too God, that all be given shelter that they may offer unto their young, and for their families that love them. May even he who is completely alone and without be given that one chance he so desires to touch. May even those who reject life in them feel life one day, for by the feeling of that life they may change their minds.

They are my brothers and Sisters, just as they are also for my wife who stands with me in Heart about this matter. By our Prayers may we be heard for the betterment of all mankind that also too desires betterment of their lives.

We come to You for them, just as they have been there for us, and many others that have felt the kindness of Your justice and Grace.

May everyone find the very home they seek… wether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
We all find strength in rest and in Your security of peace.

Give blessings and Power unto Your arm Father, for you ARE the arm.
May Peace always dwell with You, for you ARE the Peace.
May You offer yourself Joy and Laughter and Greatness…
Because by the fulfillment of YOUR own Self, are we ALL subject.

Thank you for hearing the words of our heart.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Prayer of the Homeless

Divine Grace: The text expresses a deep gratitude for the divine provision of shelter and support during times of need.

Human Connection: It reflects on the connection between individuals, emphasizing the importance of caring for one another, especially the less fortunate.

Hope and Renewal: The prayer embodies a plea for hope and the possibility of a better life for the homeless and those in need.

Social Justice: It addresses the systemic issues surrounding homelessness and the need for societal awareness and action.

Personal Reflection: The author shares personal experiences and emotions, creating a relatable and empathetic narrative about the struggles of homelessness.

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Prayer of the Homeless

Great most awesome and powerful and sacred God,
He who is the Force, the Way, the Truth and the Reason of all life…

With such gratitude my heart does feel closeness with you. Just a few short months ago i called out to you that you would provide One that I loved a home. She had lost all, and that very day of my words you did place her into a home within hours. It was an empty box, with other empty boxes, and very quickly she had put her heart into it and made it feel warm and welcome and peaceful to all. Then later you provided another even greater home on the very day I again called out and asked that she be given a more suitable place for her children to live in. How it is Father that both these places were provided via a miracle, and offered to us who had fallen down in our own lives.

We thank you deeply, ever so deeply for this grace you have placed on our heads time and time again.

We are not smart in matters of the world, nor are we wise in affairs of man and his business. Within our hearts we are tore down by the many requirements of man. So again I must praise you Dad for the ease and power by which you bestowed life giving shelter to us both and to the whole of the family.

And it is this business of Man which I also then come to you.

In looking out into our world there are so many who are homeless and without a means to protect themselves. Yes some have chosen this path on their own, and this is part of their discovery. But give ear Father to my desire that those who have lost and suffered as we did… those who have cried out for the help of your hand… those who did with earnestness weep because they could not bring shelter or safety to their children… listen please Father to my desires for them.

What is the difference between your children who are given to and those who are not given to? We have Men who journey to and fro in order that the masses would listen to the plight of the homeless, and we have women who stand as beggars with their children withering away everyday. Those who have lost all, and have no home cannot find work, they cannot establish a residence, they cannot be contacted by those who COULD help, and they lose all connection to Mankind. Though that they would desire to walk again as men and women they lose all ability to do so because of the many requirements of other men set upon them! In time they cannot care at all for themselves, and are reduced to that of beggars, learning ways of survival that destroys the very moral fiber that they themselves do hold in their hands. Members of my own family, young and strong, are now stuck on the very streets that they fell to BY the very nature of what those streets did to them.

Our world does not allow for admittance of the poor into its doors because the world itself has no interest or desire to look at the results of its choices. Millions upon Millions of people in all parts of the world have found themselves trapped into a cycle that no other human power can remove them from. Because of the very network and system of man, man itself has lost touch with those who lost touch with them. And so it boils down to very simple factors.

The greatest of these is that You who have all power is not limited by any idea or condition of any kind. It is by Your Grace that those who are lost among the cities and countries may be uplifted back into a place they desire to again walk.

How many times would I have found myself without the means to live again another day, if not for YOUR law in the heart of another soul who helped me? How many times would I have found myself sitting under a bridge, with bottle in hand, seeking oblivion from the world unless for YOUR grace given to me? How many times would I have found myself without Country, without State, without Home if it not for Your Blessing of protection and care given to me? And may I ask then that You listen also to my brothers and sisters? May I ask that they also be given the same consideration and guidance and love that You have always given to me?

When I look to the homes I have rented, and owned, and the many places I have lived, I know how quickly it could have all vanished for me. When I remember the great houses, and the small little terrible apartments that kept me warm and dry, how quickly I can see them come and go. This too is for these people who have had and lost, and for the children who have not known even ONE day in their own beds in warmth. What of them who are as me? What of them who seek as I did? What of them who have NO human advocate to reach out a hand?

I come to YOU Father for You ARE the hand of ALL hands, You are the Advocate of ALL Advocates, You are the support of all support and the provider of Everything that is everything. Who but You can move the hearts of ALL men to reach out and give aid to another in need? Who but You can effect such change?

Even our leaders who have fought long and hard for the betterment of man find themselves a curiosity to others ABOVE the message they try to carry to the world! We follow the men who say peace is the way, but we do not practice what they have said and done in enough concentration to give to ALL who are in need.

Yet the world is truly plentiful, and there is more then enough ALWAYS upon the face of the earth for ALL who are on the earth.

I will not quibble this day in Your ear about those who must return to the fullness of spirit, and through hardship find rest today back into Your arms. But of those who live LONG upon the earth… who seek justice, and ONE chance to make right their lives I do CRY OUT!

Are not these also my own? Was it not that the very first question posed to You by man was to ask “Am I my brother’s keeper”? And so I ask also Father are not these ALSO Your own? You who know the hearts of ALL men may also know with purity those who are earnest in their desire, and those who are not. When I ask in earnestness, I receive with Gladness from you! Would not also those who have suffered greater reach even greater into the Kingdom of Your Spirit?

May it be Father, that all men be given power to resurrect their lives.
May it be Father that all women be given power to warm their home.
May it be Father that ALL mankind find strength and encouragement from You.
May it be Father that all mankind find gratitude for what little or what abundance they have.
May it be Father that Children be given a home.
May it be Father that children look to their Parents with happiness for their lives, instead of looking to their parents to judge by their lack.
May it be Father that the fellowship of man reach out and give ear to their brothers.
May it be that soon, all who walk the earth feel and find a home that is their own.

May it be, please…

I appeal always to your Grace and your Love,
for by it I know there is eternity for ALL because of the origins of all.

It is my own face I see on the bones of the homeless of our world.
It is my own eyes I see looking back at me.
It is my own skin upon them that I see soiled and dirty and without water to Bathe.
It is my own flesh I see on them that is malnourished, sickened and weakened by their condition.
It is my own spirit I see in them withering away by hopelessness.
It is my own heart I feel beating in them that have grown tired.

It is by truth that I was a drunkard and a coward upon this earth, Yet You have never let me know one day without hope and the possibility of hope. So much so is your presence and Gifts that ALL of my former ailments have been lifted from me. My Father who is the originator of Hope… I beg of You to bring real Hope, that yields real results, into the lives of those who also are deserving of everything they hold in their heart. You put love into my heart, and it is by love in the hearts of others that everyone who is hungry will be filled, everyone who is naked will be clothed, and everyone who is thirsty will be given drink.

May too God, that all be given shelter that they may offer unto their young, and for their families that love them. May even he who is completely alone and without be given that one chance he so desires to touch. May even those who reject life in them feel life one day, for by the feeling of that life they may change their minds.

They are my brothers and Sisters, just as they are also for my wife who stands with me in Heart about this matter. By our Prayers may we be heard for the betterment of all mankind that also too desires betterment of their lives.

We come to You for them, just as they have been there for us, and many others that have felt the kindness of Your justice and Grace.

May everyone find the very home they seek… wether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
We all find strength in rest and in Your security of peace.

Give blessings and Power unto Your arm Father, for you ARE the arm.
May Peace always dwell with You, for you ARE the Peace.
May You offer yourself Joy and Laughter and Greatness…
Because by the fulfillment of YOUR own Self, are we ALL subject.

Thank you for hearing the words of our heart.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Prayer of the Homeless

Divine Grace: The text expresses a deep gratitude for the divine provision of shelter and support during times of need.

Human Connection: It reflects on the connection between individuals, emphasizing the importance of caring for one another, especially the less fortunate.

Hope and Renewal: The prayer embodies a plea for hope and the possibility of a better life for the homeless and those in need.

Social Justice: It addresses the systemic issues surrounding homelessness and the need for societal awareness and action.

Personal Reflection: The author shares personal experiences and emotions, creating a relatable and empathetic narrative about the struggles of homelessness.

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