Themes and Insights

Prayer of the Animal

Interconnectedness of Life: The poem emphasizes the deep connection between humans and animals, highlighting how all living beings share a common existence and are part of a larger ecological system.

Compassion and Stewardship: It advocates for the moral responsibility humans have toward animals, urging readers to treat all creatures with kindness and respect, acknowledging their inherent value and contributions to life.

Awareness and Ignorance: The piece addresses the ignorance that often leads to the mistreatment of animals, calling for greater awareness and understanding of their needs and rights.

Love and Devotion: The author reflects on personal experiences with animals, illustrating the profound love and joy they bring to human lives, and how this bond should inspire better treatment and care.

Call for Action: The poem serves as a prayer and a plea for change, urging society to reconsider its actions and promote a more harmonious coexistence with all living beings.

The Value of Life: It reiterates the idea that every life has value, regardless of species, encouraging readers to recognize the beauty and importance of all creatures on Earth.

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Prayer of the Animal

Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life,
Holy of the most Holy!

How so many there are of life on earth. All creatures great and small as it is known! What is to understand of how men see our animal companions? In my own life there have been dogs, and cats, and horses whom I have loved. The childhood pets that have past on, who kept me company are always in my heart. My friends and fellows also have shared the lives of their pets with me, and many of them brought smiles and tears to my eyes because of their devotion to mankind. It is with gladness our lives have been touched by the wondrous works of your hands. It is gracious of you Father that you have shown mankind many of the creatures of earth for us to grow close to, understand, and find welcome with.

So tonight, setting aside the needs of man, may we Pray for the betterment of all the other creatures great and small. May it be Father that Man may one day understand the power of their actions against the Animal, and in knowing discover this power is against themselves. For if a man says his skin is good, but his bones are rotten, then all of the body suffers the will of the man who speaks against his bones. So it is that when man acts against animal, he is acting against a part of his own body, and that body which is Yours also. If a man says his mind is good, but his blood should be banished, then will not his brain cease to function? And likewise it is also that if he acts to preserve his own flesh through the cycle of life, this too is good. But if he banishes entire species of animal to preserve his own way of living, then is he not also as a man without blood?

When we look into the building blocks of life, we see our own bodies are made of all that every other living thing is made of. We also see that inside of us is the material that makes up the rocks, and trees and also the suns of the universe. How is it then that man should be so ignorant of those others who are so close to his own form of life? How can a man care for his own family, and bring shame to all other living creatures? Truly such a man does not understand the matters of life, speaking only instead of his dominion over them. Does he not understand he also has dominion over his arms and legs, yet he does not cut them off to feed his self importance! Yet here we see this man killing creatures not even for food, or even for shelter, or even for clothing… but simply for murder and sport and money.

I ask then Father that you consider the ways of your creatures that have brought love to millions through their example of undying devotion to a way of life you gave to them. Let not anymore that we men may eradicate any other species for our own gain. Surely we are killing our own joy and salvation and life in the process! You who had given all life to us for our care can look and see that we have been poor caretakers. So then for those who speak to you in their language crying out at the acts of man so do I also join them that they may be heard and remembered.

Many do understand the importance of bringing peace unto the earth for all living things. These men and women, many of whom have given their lives, also cry out to you that your grace may be given to all that live. Our oceans are vast with life, and beautiful life. Our lands are vast with life, and beautiful life! In this I thank you also Father for the overwhelming many creatures that man has not yet discovered or witnessed. I praise both because one day we shall see them and know of them, and also I praise because man has not yet exploited these secretive creatures. Yet often they fall by way of man through our actions.

And what of the great ones who have yet to surface again? Will it be by their example we finally discover as the whole of mankind our unique connection to all life?

Each day I see so many creatures still in service to man in various ways. Some to do work, some to feed, some to be our companions in life. For the men who do not give rest to your creations Father I ask that You may offer rest to them that labor for man.

Each day our ears are full with the horrible news of mankind that mistreats, experiments on and starves the other creatures of the earth out of murderous intentions and profiteering greed. OF these men my eyes are full and no longer do I wish to see this vanity and blood lust on their faces! How is it that even men of science are so ignorant to the effects of their actions upon the earth?

So I humbly ask Father that you visit the hearts of men, and visit the hearts of your other creations. Speak into the ears of those who do not understand the way of life, and speak also into the ears of those who cry out to you so that you may comfort them and bring power to them. Open the minds of those who are apathetic, and give mercy to those who suffer at the hands of man.

Some will say that they are simply dumb animals. But are we not simply a dumb animal in the light of your intellect Father? Is not a newborn child of man completely ignorant of most things, and do we not revere them as our most valuable life on earth? Yet what of the spider that is born knowing everything it needs to know?

Do we not also, when looking upon a baby mammal of any kind, find softness in our hearts at their beauty and wonder? How is it then that so many of our brothers and sisters not see with these eyes anymore?

Father bring your eyes onto the earth, and offer them again to your sons and daughters! Let us see with your heart how all of life is precious and glory to the whole universe. Let our minds become solid on the unique greatness of Earth in our solar neighborhood, and how potent every living thing is here.

You have given to me so many animals under my care over the years. I am ever so grateful for their companionship and joy in my life. The lessons I have learned from the Dogs are more profound then I could explain to another. The rest I have shared with the cats has brought comfort on the most isolating days. The times I stood in the fields having a simple conversation with the horses, witnessing their curious manner was outstanding. The ones who have passed on have been missed as though they were family.

Even now I remember digging the hole for my German Shepherd friend BIG who passed away, and crying over his grave because he never let me walk alone.

Father give ear to your creatures of earth! Listen to their voices and put your eye upon their lives. We need your skill and understanding back into our hearts. Bring brilliance to those who would help to manage the lives of our pets, our livestock, our free creatures. Help us to remember the joy of Adam, as he named every creature in the garden of Eden. Help us to honor all the life you have provided. Help us to remember the pure purpose to them all, so that we may bring harmony to the circle of life on earth once again.

May our cohabitants of earth be given this prayer that speaks for them, in this world that often acts against them. May we rebuild habitats, and replant trees that bring safe harbor to so many. May we nourish the earth that nourishes them.

May we look upon them all… and see that they are good! Just as you also did feel in your heart when they were born, and evolved into our world today.

Thank you kindly for hearing me concerning the lives of our furry and scaly and creeping friends. May the birds soar high into the air always… so that always we remember it was YOU that gave them flight.


Ryan o0o

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Prayer of the Animal

Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life,
Holy of the most Holy!

How so many there are of life on earth. All creatures great and small as it is known! What is to understand of how men see our animal companions? In my own life there have been dogs, and cats, and horses whom I have loved. The childhood pets that have past on, who kept me company are always in my heart. My friends and fellows also have shared the lives of their pets with me, and many of them brought smiles and tears to my eyes because of their devotion to mankind. It is with gladness our lives have been touched by the wondrous works of your hands. It is gracious of you Father that you have shown mankind many of the creatures of earth for us to grow close to, understand, and find welcome with.

So tonight, setting aside the needs of man, may we Pray for the betterment of all the other creatures great and small. May it be Father that Man may one day understand the power of their actions against the Animal, and in knowing discover this power is against themselves. For if a man says his skin is good, but his bones are rotten, then all of the body suffers the will of the man who speaks against his bones. So it is that when man acts against animal, he is acting against a part of his own body, and that body which is Yours also. If a man says his mind is good, but his blood should be banished, then will not his brain cease to function? And likewise it is also that if he acts to preserve his own flesh through the cycle of life, this too is good. But if he banishes entire species of animal to preserve his own way of living, then is he not also as a man without blood?

When we look into the building blocks of life, we see our own bodies are made of all that every other living thing is made of. We also see that inside of us is the material that makes up the rocks, and trees and also the suns of the universe. How is it then that man should be so ignorant of those others who are so close to his own form of life? How can a man care for his own family, and bring shame to all other living creatures? Truly such a man does not understand the matters of life, speaking only instead of his dominion over them. Does he not understand he also has dominion over his arms and legs, yet he does not cut them off to feed his self importance! Yet here we see this man killing creatures not even for food, or even for shelter, or even for clothing… but simply for murder and sport and money.

I ask then Father that you consider the ways of your creatures that have brought love to millions through their example of undying devotion to a way of life you gave to them. Let not anymore that we men may eradicate any other species for our own gain. Surely we are killing our own joy and salvation and life in the process! You who had given all life to us for our care can look and see that we have been poor caretakers. So then for those who speak to you in their language crying out at the acts of man so do I also join them that they may be heard and remembered.

Many do understand the importance of bringing peace unto the earth for all living things. These men and women, many of whom have given their lives, also cry out to you that your grace may be given to all that live. Our oceans are vast with life, and beautiful life. Our lands are vast with life, and beautiful life! In this I thank you also Father for the overwhelming many creatures that man has not yet discovered or witnessed. I praise both because one day we shall see them and know of them, and also I praise because man has not yet exploited these secretive creatures. Yet often they fall by way of man through our actions.

And what of the great ones who have yet to surface again? Will it be by their example we finally discover as the whole of mankind our unique connection to all life?

Each day I see so many creatures still in service to man in various ways. Some to do work, some to feed, some to be our companions in life. For the men who do not give rest to your creations Father I ask that You may offer rest to them that labor for man.

Each day our ears are full with the horrible news of mankind that mistreats, experiments on and starves the other creatures of the earth out of murderous intentions and profiteering greed. OF these men my eyes are full and no longer do I wish to see this vanity and blood lust on their faces! How is it that even men of science are so ignorant to the effects of their actions upon the earth?

So I humbly ask Father that you visit the hearts of men, and visit the hearts of your other creations. Speak into the ears of those who do not understand the way of life, and speak also into the ears of those who cry out to you so that you may comfort them and bring power to them. Open the minds of those who are apathetic, and give mercy to those who suffer at the hands of man.

Some will say that they are simply dumb animals. But are we not simply a dumb animal in the light of your intellect Father? Is not a newborn child of man completely ignorant of most things, and do we not revere them as our most valuable life on earth? Yet what of the spider that is born knowing everything it needs to know?

Do we not also, when looking upon a baby mammal of any kind, find softness in our hearts at their beauty and wonder? How is it then that so many of our brothers and sisters not see with these eyes anymore?

Father bring your eyes onto the earth, and offer them again to your sons and daughters! Let us see with your heart how all of life is precious and glory to the whole universe. Let our minds become solid on the unique greatness of Earth in our solar neighborhood, and how potent every living thing is here.

You have given to me so many animals under my care over the years. I am ever so grateful for their companionship and joy in my life. The lessons I have learned from the Dogs are more profound then I could explain to another. The rest I have shared with the cats has brought comfort on the most isolating days. The times I stood in the fields having a simple conversation with the horses, witnessing their curious manner was outstanding. The ones who have passed on have been missed as though they were family.

Even now I remember digging the hole for my German Shepherd friend BIG who passed away, and crying over his grave because he never let me walk alone.

Father give ear to your creatures of earth! Listen to their voices and put your eye upon their lives. We need your skill and understanding back into our hearts. Bring brilliance to those who would help to manage the lives of our pets, our livestock, our free creatures. Help us to remember the joy of Adam, as he named every creature in the garden of Eden. Help us to honor all the life you have provided. Help us to remember the pure purpose to them all, so that we may bring harmony to the circle of life on earth once again.

May our cohabitants of earth be given this prayer that speaks for them, in this world that often acts against them. May we rebuild habitats, and replant trees that bring safe harbor to so many. May we nourish the earth that nourishes them.

May we look upon them all… and see that they are good! Just as you also did feel in your heart when they were born, and evolved into our world today.

Thank you kindly for hearing me concerning the lives of our furry and scaly and creeping friends. May the birds soar high into the air always… so that always we remember it was YOU that gave them flight.


Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Prayer of the Animal

Interconnectedness of Life: The poem emphasizes the deep connection between humans and animals, highlighting how all living beings share a common existence and are part of a larger ecological system.

Compassion and Stewardship: It advocates for the moral responsibility humans have toward animals, urging readers to treat all creatures with kindness and respect, acknowledging their inherent value and contributions to life.

Awareness and Ignorance: The piece addresses the ignorance that often leads to the mistreatment of animals, calling for greater awareness and understanding of their needs and rights.

Love and Devotion: The author reflects on personal experiences with animals, illustrating the profound love and joy they bring to human lives, and how this bond should inspire better treatment and care.

Call for Action: The poem serves as a prayer and a plea for change, urging society to reconsider its actions and promote a more harmonious coexistence with all living beings.

The Value of Life: It reiterates the idea that every life has value, regardless of species, encouraging readers to recognize the beauty and importance of all creatures on Earth.

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Prayer of the Animal

Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life,
Holy of the most Holy!

How so many there are of life on earth. All creatures great and small as it is known! What is to understand of how men see our animal companions? In my own life there have been dogs, and cats, and horses whom I have loved. The childhood pets that have past on, who kept me company are always in my heart. My friends and fellows also have shared the lives of their pets with me, and many of them brought smiles and tears to my eyes because of their devotion to mankind. It is with gladness our lives have been touched by the wondrous works of your hands. It is gracious of you Father that you have shown mankind many of the creatures of earth for us to grow close to, understand, and find welcome with.

So tonight, setting aside the needs of man, may we Pray for the betterment of all the other creatures great and small. May it be Father that Man may one day understand the power of their actions against the Animal, and in knowing discover this power is against themselves. For if a man says his skin is good, but his bones are rotten, then all of the body suffers the will of the man who speaks against his bones. So it is that when man acts against animal, he is acting against a part of his own body, and that body which is Yours also. If a man says his mind is good, but his blood should be banished, then will not his brain cease to function? And likewise it is also that if he acts to preserve his own flesh through the cycle of life, this too is good. But if he banishes entire species of animal to preserve his own way of living, then is he not also as a man without blood?

When we look into the building blocks of life, we see our own bodies are made of all that every other living thing is made of. We also see that inside of us is the material that makes up the rocks, and trees and also the suns of the universe. How is it then that man should be so ignorant of those others who are so close to his own form of life? How can a man care for his own family, and bring shame to all other living creatures? Truly such a man does not understand the matters of life, speaking only instead of his dominion over them. Does he not understand he also has dominion over his arms and legs, yet he does not cut them off to feed his self importance! Yet here we see this man killing creatures not even for food, or even for shelter, or even for clothing… but simply for murder and sport and money.

I ask then Father that you consider the ways of your creatures that have brought love to millions through their example of undying devotion to a way of life you gave to them. Let not anymore that we men may eradicate any other species for our own gain. Surely we are killing our own joy and salvation and life in the process! You who had given all life to us for our care can look and see that we have been poor caretakers. So then for those who speak to you in their language crying out at the acts of man so do I also join them that they may be heard and remembered.

Many do understand the importance of bringing peace unto the earth for all living things. These men and women, many of whom have given their lives, also cry out to you that your grace may be given to all that live. Our oceans are vast with life, and beautiful life. Our lands are vast with life, and beautiful life! In this I thank you also Father for the overwhelming many creatures that man has not yet discovered or witnessed. I praise both because one day we shall see them and know of them, and also I praise because man has not yet exploited these secretive creatures. Yet often they fall by way of man through our actions.

And what of the great ones who have yet to surface again? Will it be by their example we finally discover as the whole of mankind our unique connection to all life?

Each day I see so many creatures still in service to man in various ways. Some to do work, some to feed, some to be our companions in life. For the men who do not give rest to your creations Father I ask that You may offer rest to them that labor for man.

Each day our ears are full with the horrible news of mankind that mistreats, experiments on and starves the other creatures of the earth out of murderous intentions and profiteering greed. OF these men my eyes are full and no longer do I wish to see this vanity and blood lust on their faces! How is it that even men of science are so ignorant to the effects of their actions upon the earth?

So I humbly ask Father that you visit the hearts of men, and visit the hearts of your other creations. Speak into the ears of those who do not understand the way of life, and speak also into the ears of those who cry out to you so that you may comfort them and bring power to them. Open the minds of those who are apathetic, and give mercy to those who suffer at the hands of man.

Some will say that they are simply dumb animals. But are we not simply a dumb animal in the light of your intellect Father? Is not a newborn child of man completely ignorant of most things, and do we not revere them as our most valuable life on earth? Yet what of the spider that is born knowing everything it needs to know?

Do we not also, when looking upon a baby mammal of any kind, find softness in our hearts at their beauty and wonder? How is it then that so many of our brothers and sisters not see with these eyes anymore?

Father bring your eyes onto the earth, and offer them again to your sons and daughters! Let us see with your heart how all of life is precious and glory to the whole universe. Let our minds become solid on the unique greatness of Earth in our solar neighborhood, and how potent every living thing is here.

You have given to me so many animals under my care over the years. I am ever so grateful for their companionship and joy in my life. The lessons I have learned from the Dogs are more profound then I could explain to another. The rest I have shared with the cats has brought comfort on the most isolating days. The times I stood in the fields having a simple conversation with the horses, witnessing their curious manner was outstanding. The ones who have passed on have been missed as though they were family.

Even now I remember digging the hole for my German Shepherd friend BIG who passed away, and crying over his grave because he never let me walk alone.

Father give ear to your creatures of earth! Listen to their voices and put your eye upon their lives. We need your skill and understanding back into our hearts. Bring brilliance to those who would help to manage the lives of our pets, our livestock, our free creatures. Help us to remember the joy of Adam, as he named every creature in the garden of Eden. Help us to honor all the life you have provided. Help us to remember the pure purpose to them all, so that we may bring harmony to the circle of life on earth once again.

May our cohabitants of earth be given this prayer that speaks for them, in this world that often acts against them. May we rebuild habitats, and replant trees that bring safe harbor to so many. May we nourish the earth that nourishes them.

May we look upon them all… and see that they are good! Just as you also did feel in your heart when they were born, and evolved into our world today.

Thank you kindly for hearing me concerning the lives of our furry and scaly and creeping friends. May the birds soar high into the air always… so that always we remember it was YOU that gave them flight.


Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Prayer of the Animal

Interconnectedness of Life: The poem emphasizes the deep connection between humans and animals, highlighting how all living beings share a common existence and are part of a larger ecological system.

Compassion and Stewardship: It advocates for the moral responsibility humans have toward animals, urging readers to treat all creatures with kindness and respect, acknowledging their inherent value and contributions to life.

Awareness and Ignorance: The piece addresses the ignorance that often leads to the mistreatment of animals, calling for greater awareness and understanding of their needs and rights.

Love and Devotion: The author reflects on personal experiences with animals, illustrating the profound love and joy they bring to human lives, and how this bond should inspire better treatment and care.

Call for Action: The poem serves as a prayer and a plea for change, urging society to reconsider its actions and promote a more harmonious coexistence with all living beings.

The Value of Life: It reiterates the idea that every life has value, regardless of species, encouraging readers to recognize the beauty and importance of all creatures on Earth.

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