Themes and Insights

Covenant Prayer

Divine Prioritization: The prayer emphasizes the importance of placing God above oneself, illustrating a desire to diminish personal pride and ego to elevate divine love and wisdom.

Contrasts Between Self and Divine: The writer contrasts human failings—such as pride, arrogance, and selfishness—with divine attributes like love, wisdom, and comfort, illustrating the transformative power of turning to God.

Humility and Selflessness: A central theme is the call for personal humility and selflessness, where the speaker wishes for their own identity to fade in favor of allowing God’s greatness to shine through.

Seeking Divine Connection: The prayer articulates a longing for a deeper relationship with God, expressing the desire to be a vessel for divine love and wisdom, which fosters a connection to others.

The Power of Faith: The piece underscores the strength and security found in faith, illustrating how reliance on God leads to inner peace, purpose, and an abundant life, while also encouraging forgiveness and compassion towards others.

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Covenant Prayer

Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers.
Give ear to me this time that I may praise You.

For if pride be my god, and selfishness my comforter
If arrogance be my delusion, and knowledge my weapon
If fear be my chosen master, and resentment my judgment
If darkness be my intent, and wrath my justice
If destruction be my will, and harm my desire
If self righteousness be my law, and death my companion

Then let it be my Father that no one find trust in me,
so that they will find trust in You.

Let it be Father that no one find belief in me,
so that they find belief in You.

Let it be Father that no one take comfort in me,
so that their comfort is found in You.

Let it be Father that no one know me,
so that they may know You.

Let it be Father that none of my works are beautiful,
so that all of Your works are beautiful.

Let it be Father that no one have love for me,
so that they instead have love for You.

Let it be Father that no one come to me,
so that instead they come to You.

Let it be Father that am made low,
so that You are made Great.

Let it be Father that I am as nothing in the eyes of men,
so that You shall be everything in the eyes of men.

Let it be Father that I am to be lost in all things,
so that You are found in all things.

Let it be Father that I am unwanted,
so that You may always be wanted.

Let it be Father that none shall find wisdom in me,
so that they find Your wisdom in them.

For it is better that I am dead, than to discourage the Life in another
Even so, may I forgive others who do so unknowingly, that I too may dwell in your mercy and compassion.

Let it be Father that You shall live forever to all those who desire and need to seek their God who loves them.

But if You be my God, and Your Spirit my comforter
And if You be my strength, and Your word my knowledge
And if You be my chosen Teacher, and Your Love my Judgment
And if Life be my intent, and Your peace my justice
And if creation be my delight, and healing my hope
And if Your righteousness be my law, and You my companion

Then all trust shall be secure
And all belief firmly established
My spirit shall always be comforted
And I will continue to know more of Your heart
The works of my hands shall be guided by Your beauty
And Your love will fill my heart with purpose
My brothers shall discuss Your greatness with me
And I shall know high mountains of Your inspiration
Even my eyes shall show the light of You within them
And every path to righteousness shall be quickly found
I shall experience abundance and want for nothing, but to draw closer to You
And You will pour out Your wisdom, so that it can be shared with all.

Let it be that my little faith, and my devotion to Your life, be heard by You and cherished as it is for the salvation and honor You deserve above all.

For indeed You do live forever, as everlasting Spirit and Life.
And of all things within Your hands do you share with Your children.
Your heart is the very force of Love and eternal Creation
And the will of You, my Father, is of the greatest of all beautiful things.

Truly You have made the spirit Holy, that we would know You
And Your gifts are beyond comprehension to the greatness of men.
For no illness, nor sorrow dwells within Your house
Neither does fear enter into the gates of Your Kingdom

May all who seek, find You and find peace and rest in You.

You have always been my Father, and my God, my Deliverer and Guardian.
Even when I chose another
So now may I always, everyday, in every decision, choose to be Your son.

Ryan o0o

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Covenant Prayer

Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers.
Give ear to me this time that I may praise You.

For if pride be my god, and selfishness my comforter
If arrogance be my delusion, and knowledge my weapon
If fear be my chosen master, and resentment my judgment
If darkness be my intent, and wrath my justice
If destruction be my will, and harm my desire
If self righteousness be my law, and death my companion

Then let it be my Father that no one find trust in me,
so that they will find trust in You.

Let it be Father that no one find belief in me,
so that they find belief in You.

Let it be Father that no one take comfort in me,
so that their comfort is found in You.

Let it be Father that no one know me,
so that they may know You.

Let it be Father that none of my works are beautiful,
so that all of Your works are beautiful.

Let it be Father that no one have love for me,
so that they instead have love for You.

Let it be Father that no one come to me,
so that instead they come to You.

Let it be Father that am made low,
so that You are made Great.

Let it be Father that I am as nothing in the eyes of men,
so that You shall be everything in the eyes of men.

Let it be Father that I am to be lost in all things,
so that You are found in all things.

Let it be Father that I am unwanted,
so that You may always be wanted.

Let it be Father that none shall find wisdom in me,
so that they find Your wisdom in them.

For it is better that I am dead, than to discourage the Life in another
Even so, may I forgive others who do so unknowingly, that I too may dwell in your mercy and compassion.

Let it be Father that You shall live forever to all those who desire and need to seek their God who loves them.

But if You be my God, and Your Spirit my comforter
And if You be my strength, and Your word my knowledge
And if You be my chosen Teacher, and Your Love my Judgment
And if Life be my intent, and Your peace my justice
And if creation be my delight, and healing my hope
And if Your righteousness be my law, and You my companion

Then all trust shall be secure
And all belief firmly established
My spirit shall always be comforted
And I will continue to know more of Your heart
The works of my hands shall be guided by Your beauty
And Your love will fill my heart with purpose
My brothers shall discuss Your greatness with me
And I shall know high mountains of Your inspiration
Even my eyes shall show the light of You within them
And every path to righteousness shall be quickly found
I shall experience abundance and want for nothing, but to draw closer to You
And You will pour out Your wisdom, so that it can be shared with all.

Let it be that my little faith, and my devotion to Your life, be heard by You and cherished as it is for the salvation and honor You deserve above all.

For indeed You do live forever, as everlasting Spirit and Life.
And of all things within Your hands do you share with Your children.
Your heart is the very force of Love and eternal Creation
And the will of You, my Father, is of the greatest of all beautiful things.

Truly You have made the spirit Holy, that we would know You
And Your gifts are beyond comprehension to the greatness of men.
For no illness, nor sorrow dwells within Your house
Neither does fear enter into the gates of Your Kingdom

May all who seek, find You and find peace and rest in You.

You have always been my Father, and my God, my Deliverer and Guardian.
Even when I chose another
So now may I always, everyday, in every decision, choose to be Your son.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Covenant Prayer

Divine Prioritization: The prayer emphasizes the importance of placing God above oneself, illustrating a desire to diminish personal pride and ego to elevate divine love and wisdom.

Contrasts Between Self and Divine: The writer contrasts human failings—such as pride, arrogance, and selfishness—with divine attributes like love, wisdom, and comfort, illustrating the transformative power of turning to God.

Humility and Selflessness: A central theme is the call for personal humility and selflessness, where the speaker wishes for their own identity to fade in favor of allowing God’s greatness to shine through.

Seeking Divine Connection: The prayer articulates a longing for a deeper relationship with God, expressing the desire to be a vessel for divine love and wisdom, which fosters a connection to others.

The Power of Faith: The piece underscores the strength and security found in faith, illustrating how reliance on God leads to inner peace, purpose, and an abundant life, while also encouraging forgiveness and compassion towards others.

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Covenant Prayer

Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers.
Give ear to me this time that I may praise You.

For if pride be my god, and selfishness my comforter
If arrogance be my delusion, and knowledge my weapon
If fear be my chosen master, and resentment my judgment
If darkness be my intent, and wrath my justice
If destruction be my will, and harm my desire
If self righteousness be my law, and death my companion

Then let it be my Father that no one find trust in me,
so that they will find trust in You.

Let it be Father that no one find belief in me,
so that they find belief in You.

Let it be Father that no one take comfort in me,
so that their comfort is found in You.

Let it be Father that no one know me,
so that they may know You.

Let it be Father that none of my works are beautiful,
so that all of Your works are beautiful.

Let it be Father that no one have love for me,
so that they instead have love for You.

Let it be Father that no one come to me,
so that instead they come to You.

Let it be Father that am made low,
so that You are made Great.

Let it be Father that I am as nothing in the eyes of men,
so that You shall be everything in the eyes of men.

Let it be Father that I am to be lost in all things,
so that You are found in all things.

Let it be Father that I am unwanted,
so that You may always be wanted.

Let it be Father that none shall find wisdom in me,
so that they find Your wisdom in them.

For it is better that I am dead, than to discourage the Life in another
Even so, may I forgive others who do so unknowingly, that I too may dwell in your mercy and compassion.

Let it be Father that You shall live forever to all those who desire and need to seek their God who loves them.

But if You be my God, and Your Spirit my comforter
And if You be my strength, and Your word my knowledge
And if You be my chosen Teacher, and Your Love my Judgment
And if Life be my intent, and Your peace my justice
And if creation be my delight, and healing my hope
And if Your righteousness be my law, and You my companion

Then all trust shall be secure
And all belief firmly established
My spirit shall always be comforted
And I will continue to know more of Your heart
The works of my hands shall be guided by Your beauty
And Your love will fill my heart with purpose
My brothers shall discuss Your greatness with me
And I shall know high mountains of Your inspiration
Even my eyes shall show the light of You within them
And every path to righteousness shall be quickly found
I shall experience abundance and want for nothing, but to draw closer to You
And You will pour out Your wisdom, so that it can be shared with all.

Let it be that my little faith, and my devotion to Your life, be heard by You and cherished as it is for the salvation and honor You deserve above all.

For indeed You do live forever, as everlasting Spirit and Life.
And of all things within Your hands do you share with Your children.
Your heart is the very force of Love and eternal Creation
And the will of You, my Father, is of the greatest of all beautiful things.

Truly You have made the spirit Holy, that we would know You
And Your gifts are beyond comprehension to the greatness of men.
For no illness, nor sorrow dwells within Your house
Neither does fear enter into the gates of Your Kingdom

May all who seek, find You and find peace and rest in You.

You have always been my Father, and my God, my Deliverer and Guardian.
Even when I chose another
So now may I always, everyday, in every decision, choose to be Your son.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Covenant Prayer

Divine Prioritization: The prayer emphasizes the importance of placing God above oneself, illustrating a desire to diminish personal pride and ego to elevate divine love and wisdom.

Contrasts Between Self and Divine: The writer contrasts human failings—such as pride, arrogance, and selfishness—with divine attributes like love, wisdom, and comfort, illustrating the transformative power of turning to God.

Humility and Selflessness: A central theme is the call for personal humility and selflessness, where the speaker wishes for their own identity to fade in favor of allowing God’s greatness to shine through.

Seeking Divine Connection: The prayer articulates a longing for a deeper relationship with God, expressing the desire to be a vessel for divine love and wisdom, which fosters a connection to others.

The Power of Faith: The piece underscores the strength and security found in faith, illustrating how reliance on God leads to inner peace, purpose, and an abundant life, while also encouraging forgiveness and compassion towards others.

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