Themes and Insights
All That I Hate
The Impact of Fear on the Human Experience:Fear is highlighted as a root cause of destructive emotions and behaviors. Overcoming fear is essential for achieving emotional well-being and cultivating a life of peace, compassion, and forgiveness.
Self-Examination and Responsibility:The writing encourages deep introspection and accountability for one’s actions. Acknowledging personal faults and taking responsibility are crucial steps toward healing and growth.
Interconnectedness and Compassion:It recognizes our shared humanity and the importance of compassion, urging readers to empathize with others and consider the impact of their actions on the broader community. Practicing gratitude can shift perspectives and foster connections.
The Dichotomy of Life Choices:The piece explores the duality of life and death, emphasizing the importance of making conscious choices between love and vengeance, healing and harm. Divine guidance and love are presented as vital components in navigating life's challenges.
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All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse. Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
My flesh is that of the old, wherein each day I must renew my flesh to the spirit which feeds it. All that is old within me must be released so that a new man may be born. Many will baptize by water, but life itself baptizes by fire those who journey into the paths of the renewed mind, body, and spirit. Fire is all that consumes us, and all that consumes. There are the fires of Hell, and the fires of God. The fires of hell have the power to consume my flesh in bitterness, disease, hopelessness, and death of the body. In time all of an emotional body may be burned up by it also. The fires of hell bring to ash all that is good within the earths body, and torments the emotional and logical self. The fires of God have the power to consume even the spirit, and is a greater power then that of hell. The fires of God consume all that is vile and bitter and course and difficult. It cleanses the flesh and emotional self through empowerment of the spirit through truth.
It is by truth that I do prepare the body, both flesh body and emotional body for the new wine of God. By expelling the old wine, do I become an empty vessel. It is then that the fires of God may prepare my body anew, so that I am as a new wineskin and a new piece of cloth. The righteous are not in need of the physician… but the sick are. All that is sickness in my old body do I try to give to God daily, that He may burn them away from before His throne.
All that is fear, which manifests in Anger, Hate, jealousy, greed, selfishness, revenge, judgement, gossip, denial of truth, and ultimate death… do I now give to the Fire of my Father, so that I may join the celebration of life, and no longer mourn the death in me.
These are they that I have hated, and that make me sick and blind every time I indulge in them.
I hate A lie.
A lie makes both the teller and the hearer a liar. For the teller sends out their spell of falsehood and into the ears of another who in good faith believes them. Then both the hearer and the teller proceeds down the path of that which is not true. Lies are the enemy of the truth, and they steal from the truth all that is just in the body. When I hear a lie I am engulfed in rage over that curse which has taken my friend and me into the pit of injustice. It is far worse when I speak a lie myself. He who willfully tells a lie, is responsible for both the sin of his lie, and that of the hearer, yet the hearer also pays for their injustice on earth through theft of the truth. Therefore He who casts such curses will face the result of both injustices. He who tells lies willfully for his own gain is the greatest of my enemies. This I know, for I have lied many times throughout life and hated myself more than my worst enemy. A lie robs us of our future, our past, and our present moment. A lie consumes the life in our bodies, putting death in its place, and it is the fire of God which can remove such death through love. I hate all lies, for they make me a liar, which to me is the greatest of all injustices upon the earth.
I hate selfishness.
Selfishness does not allow for the truth. It assumes that none other matter to the whole of the universe, and only he who is selfish is of importance. A selfish heart thinks continually about itself, and considers not the effect of its actions upon its brothers and sisters. Selfishness tell us falsehood continually that we do not have enough, we are not enough, we must have more, we deserve more, we are greater then, we are less than, we are more valuable or we are less valuable then those who we perceive upon the earth. Selfishness does not share with our brothers, instead it uses our brothers for its own gain. Selfishness wants what it wants, and does not wish to know the truth of others, or why others are also as they are. Selfishness steals from others by taking in all that it can into itself. Selfishness cannot see the results of its own actions without truth, and therefore walks among the hearts of men unchecked by those consumed with it. Selfishness is like a predator that stalks whom it may to use what it can for its own achievements. Therefore those who are the most giving are often beaten and stolen from by selfishness. One cannot be selfish without lying to themselves and to everyone else.
I hate ungratefulness.
Self pity and self denial of truth does not allow for respect or love to enter into us. Self pity comes from hopelessness which is a lie, and therefor it falls back onto selfishness to fill its place. We look and see our own troubles and our own weakness and our own conditions and we say we are undeserving and none other has suffered as me!!!!. I could puke from all the times I have heard another say they have suffered more than all others! This form of lie makes a mockery of ALL those who have suffered greater, and spits into the face of those who right now upon the earth have less then we have. If we were to spend 1 hour in a third world country, seeing the worm riddled, snake infested dirty and diseased mats that many peoples of the earth sleep upon… we would FALL to our knees in gratitude for the one warm and soft blanket we have on our bed. Yet self pity does not allow us to see or feel or know the truth of the simple truths of our life that are wonderful gifts. Not even Pharos lived in such luxury as us, yet we complain that we did not get something we wanted. When we are ungrateful, we become selfish, seeking to gain more to fill the hole in us that the lie has created. Our eyes become blind to those who are hurting more then us, and we are not there to offer comfort to those who have less. To he who has ten blankets… give 9 of them to your fellows. To he who has 3 meals a day, give two meals to 2 others who have no meals. Of he who has time on his hands… give time to those who do not have it. By taking THESE actions will gratitude return, and honesty will again fill our bones. We will see the truth of the gifts given to us, and our own obstacles will become conquerable, because we will have seen how little effort it took on our own part to help another. I wasted countless years being ungrateful, and an embarrassment.
I hate the vengeful.
Burning in my ears is the judgement, curses, and condemnation I hear of one man to his brother. It is not the lie or the fear or the injustice that men curse, but instead they curse those who are sick with these things. Men who claim to be righteous curse others in the name of God and wish vengeance upon those they do not approve of personally. “Vengeance is MINE sayeth the Lord”… yet men walk upon the earth who take this as their own, claiming to be gods over other men, claiming to be just when in their hearts is deceit and selfishness. He who wishes wrath and death upon another I give unto God my Father who is the ONLY judge of such matters. Never have I seen one man judge rightly or justly upon the earth. Never have I heard another speak in truth while condemning another to Death. Therefore I give these men (including myself) to God… who is LIFE… so that His fire may burn away their arrogance and bring truth and life to them. Tell me of what great logic it is to look upon oneself and say I judge myself to be better then thee? Tell me of what great evidence there is to say that you find yourself blameless of ALL that you do, while still cursing those who repeat your actions? Of vengeance I find putridness in my bones, because it is surrounded by lies, filled with lies, and justifies itself upon a greater lie. When I hear such things in others, I too become vengeful and therefore curse myself for the lie that has entered into me. So I give these matters to God, for Him to burn them away.
I hate fear.
Fear is the greatest of all lies. Fear is the origin of lies. Lies are the origin of all other manifestations of godlessness and death in us. Riddled I am with fear because of what my eyes see, my ears hear, and my flesh does endure. Though that the lie itself is not true, it brings to us a feeling that is real, an experience that is real to us, and a justification of itself through eternal condemnation of continual fearful results. Fear is the enemy of Life, for it steals ALL of life that it can, and it is a strong force upon the face of the earth. Fear is the measure of control that one man uses against another, and the rod of punishment that one man uses against another. In the name of God many have acted in fear, punished in fear, cursed in fear, and condemned others to death in fear. Not ONE who while in fear can speak truth except to express their fear first can they then proceed into the truth. This is why truth is greater. While in truth one also cannot let fear live in them, so fear itself dies away from our flesh, and our emotions, when we openly admit truth to ourselves, our fellows and to God. Fear is not the offspring of life, but the offspring of death.
ALL men are subject to life and to death. We either drink in the wine of one or the other. We feel the effects of whatever wine we drink. We live with the results of all that which abides in us. No one shall ever be faced with an alternative to these two principles in truth, and shall only know a lie of non admittance of choice.
In 2008 I had again felt the death of all that I hate within me. Also in 2008 did I feel the life of new wine, and a new baptism pour into the areas that were made ready by God because of my own willingness to give them to Him. So therefore I look upon the Fear, The Lies, the Selfishness, the Ungratefulness, and the Vengeance that came out from me, and I gave it to my Father for His disposal. I stand before God saying… these are the diseases that have riddled my flesh, and I wish for them to be healed, one and all, expelled, so that I may take up my bed and walk. However, because I am flesh, and live with its shortcomings, these words and principles I attend to daily, and sometimes many times in a day.
Awesomeness, greatness, grace, blessings, justice, joy, and peace You have shown me Father this year. Of these am I grateful unto this action of openly exposing my own illness; that for Your purpose men may see the power by which You heal a sickened man daily, and that for Your truth others may also know of Your love and kindness and care which You freely give to Your sons and daughters that call on You for love to replace the death in them. May they see and desire also to be not afraid of the truth of their sickness, so that they may pour out the disease and make room for the new wine of Your blessing. Let them all know Father, as You have shown me… that we need only a desire for peace, to be brought before the table of peace. May their suffering be short lived, and may life return to all who are afflicted as I have been with the sorrows of fear, and lies, and hatred.
All of these in me I give to You. So that in accepting Your truth I am not torn apart or burst open… but so that I may be FULL of life, to live as You would have me know life. May I be a channel of Thy Peace, so that where there is injustice, I bring justice. So that where their is sorrow, I may bring joy, so that where there is hunger, I bring Your food of blessing to all whom You place in my path.
Thank you Father for hearing my words and taking from me all that I freely give to You for your care. Thank you for this beautiful life, and most gracious gift of love shared between my wife and I and family and friends. We all wish to honor You and Your way of living in all that we do. May our hearts always be open to Your instruction and gifts you have gathered throughout the universe for Your Family.
Ryan o0o
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse. Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
My flesh is that of the old, wherein each day I must renew my flesh to the spirit which feeds it. All that is old within me must be released so that a new man may be born. Many will baptize by water, but life itself baptizes by fire those who journey into the paths of the renewed mind, body, and spirit. Fire is all that consumes us, and all that consumes. There are the fires of Hell, and the fires of God. The fires of hell have the power to consume my flesh in bitterness, disease, hopelessness, and death of the body. In time all of an emotional body may be burned up by it also. The fires of hell bring to ash all that is good within the earths body, and torments the emotional and logical self. The fires of God have the power to consume even the spirit, and is a greater power then that of hell. The fires of God consume all that is vile and bitter and course and difficult. It cleanses the flesh and emotional self through empowerment of the spirit through truth.
It is by truth that I do prepare the body, both flesh body and emotional body for the new wine of God. By expelling the old wine, do I become an empty vessel. It is then that the fires of God may prepare my body anew, so that I am as a new wineskin and a new piece of cloth. The righteous are not in need of the physician… but the sick are. All that is sickness in my old body do I try to give to God daily, that He may burn them away from before His throne.
All that is fear, which manifests in Anger, Hate, jealousy, greed, selfishness, revenge, judgement, gossip, denial of truth, and ultimate death… do I now give to the Fire of my Father, so that I may join the celebration of life, and no longer mourn the death in me.
These are they that I have hated, and that make me sick and blind every time I indulge in them.
I hate A lie.
A lie makes both the teller and the hearer a liar. For the teller sends out their spell of falsehood and into the ears of another who in good faith believes them. Then both the hearer and the teller proceeds down the path of that which is not true. Lies are the enemy of the truth, and they steal from the truth all that is just in the body. When I hear a lie I am engulfed in rage over that curse which has taken my friend and me into the pit of injustice. It is far worse when I speak a lie myself. He who willfully tells a lie, is responsible for both the sin of his lie, and that of the hearer, yet the hearer also pays for their injustice on earth through theft of the truth. Therefore He who casts such curses will face the result of both injustices. He who tells lies willfully for his own gain is the greatest of my enemies. This I know, for I have lied many times throughout life and hated myself more than my worst enemy. A lie robs us of our future, our past, and our present moment. A lie consumes the life in our bodies, putting death in its place, and it is the fire of God which can remove such death through love. I hate all lies, for they make me a liar, which to me is the greatest of all injustices upon the earth.
I hate selfishness.
Selfishness does not allow for the truth. It assumes that none other matter to the whole of the universe, and only he who is selfish is of importance. A selfish heart thinks continually about itself, and considers not the effect of its actions upon its brothers and sisters. Selfishness tell us falsehood continually that we do not have enough, we are not enough, we must have more, we deserve more, we are greater then, we are less than, we are more valuable or we are less valuable then those who we perceive upon the earth. Selfishness does not share with our brothers, instead it uses our brothers for its own gain. Selfishness wants what it wants, and does not wish to know the truth of others, or why others are also as they are. Selfishness steals from others by taking in all that it can into itself. Selfishness cannot see the results of its own actions without truth, and therefore walks among the hearts of men unchecked by those consumed with it. Selfishness is like a predator that stalks whom it may to use what it can for its own achievements. Therefore those who are the most giving are often beaten and stolen from by selfishness. One cannot be selfish without lying to themselves and to everyone else.
I hate ungratefulness.
Self pity and self denial of truth does not allow for respect or love to enter into us. Self pity comes from hopelessness which is a lie, and therefor it falls back onto selfishness to fill its place. We look and see our own troubles and our own weakness and our own conditions and we say we are undeserving and none other has suffered as me!!!!. I could puke from all the times I have heard another say they have suffered more than all others! This form of lie makes a mockery of ALL those who have suffered greater, and spits into the face of those who right now upon the earth have less then we have. If we were to spend 1 hour in a third world country, seeing the worm riddled, snake infested dirty and diseased mats that many peoples of the earth sleep upon… we would FALL to our knees in gratitude for the one warm and soft blanket we have on our bed. Yet self pity does not allow us to see or feel or know the truth of the simple truths of our life that are wonderful gifts. Not even Pharos lived in such luxury as us, yet we complain that we did not get something we wanted. When we are ungrateful, we become selfish, seeking to gain more to fill the hole in us that the lie has created. Our eyes become blind to those who are hurting more then us, and we are not there to offer comfort to those who have less. To he who has ten blankets… give 9 of them to your fellows. To he who has 3 meals a day, give two meals to 2 others who have no meals. Of he who has time on his hands… give time to those who do not have it. By taking THESE actions will gratitude return, and honesty will again fill our bones. We will see the truth of the gifts given to us, and our own obstacles will become conquerable, because we will have seen how little effort it took on our own part to help another. I wasted countless years being ungrateful, and an embarrassment.
I hate the vengeful.
Burning in my ears is the judgement, curses, and condemnation I hear of one man to his brother. It is not the lie or the fear or the injustice that men curse, but instead they curse those who are sick with these things. Men who claim to be righteous curse others in the name of God and wish vengeance upon those they do not approve of personally. “Vengeance is MINE sayeth the Lord”… yet men walk upon the earth who take this as their own, claiming to be gods over other men, claiming to be just when in their hearts is deceit and selfishness. He who wishes wrath and death upon another I give unto God my Father who is the ONLY judge of such matters. Never have I seen one man judge rightly or justly upon the earth. Never have I heard another speak in truth while condemning another to Death. Therefore I give these men (including myself) to God… who is LIFE… so that His fire may burn away their arrogance and bring truth and life to them. Tell me of what great logic it is to look upon oneself and say I judge myself to be better then thee? Tell me of what great evidence there is to say that you find yourself blameless of ALL that you do, while still cursing those who repeat your actions? Of vengeance I find putridness in my bones, because it is surrounded by lies, filled with lies, and justifies itself upon a greater lie. When I hear such things in others, I too become vengeful and therefore curse myself for the lie that has entered into me. So I give these matters to God, for Him to burn them away.
I hate fear.
Fear is the greatest of all lies. Fear is the origin of lies. Lies are the origin of all other manifestations of godlessness and death in us. Riddled I am with fear because of what my eyes see, my ears hear, and my flesh does endure. Though that the lie itself is not true, it brings to us a feeling that is real, an experience that is real to us, and a justification of itself through eternal condemnation of continual fearful results. Fear is the enemy of Life, for it steals ALL of life that it can, and it is a strong force upon the face of the earth. Fear is the measure of control that one man uses against another, and the rod of punishment that one man uses against another. In the name of God many have acted in fear, punished in fear, cursed in fear, and condemned others to death in fear. Not ONE who while in fear can speak truth except to express their fear first can they then proceed into the truth. This is why truth is greater. While in truth one also cannot let fear live in them, so fear itself dies away from our flesh, and our emotions, when we openly admit truth to ourselves, our fellows and to God. Fear is not the offspring of life, but the offspring of death.
ALL men are subject to life and to death. We either drink in the wine of one or the other. We feel the effects of whatever wine we drink. We live with the results of all that which abides in us. No one shall ever be faced with an alternative to these two principles in truth, and shall only know a lie of non admittance of choice.
In 2008 I had again felt the death of all that I hate within me. Also in 2008 did I feel the life of new wine, and a new baptism pour into the areas that were made ready by God because of my own willingness to give them to Him. So therefore I look upon the Fear, The Lies, the Selfishness, the Ungratefulness, and the Vengeance that came out from me, and I gave it to my Father for His disposal. I stand before God saying… these are the diseases that have riddled my flesh, and I wish for them to be healed, one and all, expelled, so that I may take up my bed and walk. However, because I am flesh, and live with its shortcomings, these words and principles I attend to daily, and sometimes many times in a day.
Awesomeness, greatness, grace, blessings, justice, joy, and peace You have shown me Father this year. Of these am I grateful unto this action of openly exposing my own illness; that for Your purpose men may see the power by which You heal a sickened man daily, and that for Your truth others may also know of Your love and kindness and care which You freely give to Your sons and daughters that call on You for love to replace the death in them. May they see and desire also to be not afraid of the truth of their sickness, so that they may pour out the disease and make room for the new wine of Your blessing. Let them all know Father, as You have shown me… that we need only a desire for peace, to be brought before the table of peace. May their suffering be short lived, and may life return to all who are afflicted as I have been with the sorrows of fear, and lies, and hatred.
All of these in me I give to You. So that in accepting Your truth I am not torn apart or burst open… but so that I may be FULL of life, to live as You would have me know life. May I be a channel of Thy Peace, so that where there is injustice, I bring justice. So that where their is sorrow, I may bring joy, so that where there is hunger, I bring Your food of blessing to all whom You place in my path.
Thank you Father for hearing my words and taking from me all that I freely give to You for your care. Thank you for this beautiful life, and most gracious gift of love shared between my wife and I and family and friends. We all wish to honor You and Your way of living in all that we do. May our hearts always be open to Your instruction and gifts you have gathered throughout the universe for Your Family.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
All That I Hate
The Impact of Fear on the Human Experience:Fear is highlighted as a root cause of destructive emotions and behaviors. Overcoming fear is essential for achieving emotional well-being and cultivating a life of peace, compassion, and forgiveness.
Self-Examination and Responsibility:The writing encourages deep introspection and accountability for one’s actions. Acknowledging personal faults and taking responsibility are crucial steps toward healing and growth.
Interconnectedness and Compassion:It recognizes our shared humanity and the importance of compassion, urging readers to empathize with others and consider the impact of their actions on the broader community. Practicing gratitude can shift perspectives and foster connections.
The Dichotomy of Life Choices:The piece explores the duality of life and death, emphasizing the importance of making conscious choices between love and vengeance, healing and harm. Divine guidance and love are presented as vital components in navigating life's challenges.
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse. Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
My flesh is that of the old, wherein each day I must renew my flesh to the spirit which feeds it. All that is old within me must be released so that a new man may be born. Many will baptize by water, but life itself baptizes by fire those who journey into the paths of the renewed mind, body, and spirit. Fire is all that consumes us, and all that consumes. There are the fires of Hell, and the fires of God. The fires of hell have the power to consume my flesh in bitterness, disease, hopelessness, and death of the body. In time all of an emotional body may be burned up by it also. The fires of hell bring to ash all that is good within the earths body, and torments the emotional and logical self. The fires of God have the power to consume even the spirit, and is a greater power then that of hell. The fires of God consume all that is vile and bitter and course and difficult. It cleanses the flesh and emotional self through empowerment of the spirit through truth.
It is by truth that I do prepare the body, both flesh body and emotional body for the new wine of God. By expelling the old wine, do I become an empty vessel. It is then that the fires of God may prepare my body anew, so that I am as a new wineskin and a new piece of cloth. The righteous are not in need of the physician… but the sick are. All that is sickness in my old body do I try to give to God daily, that He may burn them away from before His throne.
All that is fear, which manifests in Anger, Hate, jealousy, greed, selfishness, revenge, judgement, gossip, denial of truth, and ultimate death… do I now give to the Fire of my Father, so that I may join the celebration of life, and no longer mourn the death in me.
These are they that I have hated, and that make me sick and blind every time I indulge in them.
I hate A lie.
A lie makes both the teller and the hearer a liar. For the teller sends out their spell of falsehood and into the ears of another who in good faith believes them. Then both the hearer and the teller proceeds down the path of that which is not true. Lies are the enemy of the truth, and they steal from the truth all that is just in the body. When I hear a lie I am engulfed in rage over that curse which has taken my friend and me into the pit of injustice. It is far worse when I speak a lie myself. He who willfully tells a lie, is responsible for both the sin of his lie, and that of the hearer, yet the hearer also pays for their injustice on earth through theft of the truth. Therefore He who casts such curses will face the result of both injustices. He who tells lies willfully for his own gain is the greatest of my enemies. This I know, for I have lied many times throughout life and hated myself more than my worst enemy. A lie robs us of our future, our past, and our present moment. A lie consumes the life in our bodies, putting death in its place, and it is the fire of God which can remove such death through love. I hate all lies, for they make me a liar, which to me is the greatest of all injustices upon the earth.
I hate selfishness.
Selfishness does not allow for the truth. It assumes that none other matter to the whole of the universe, and only he who is selfish is of importance. A selfish heart thinks continually about itself, and considers not the effect of its actions upon its brothers and sisters. Selfishness tell us falsehood continually that we do not have enough, we are not enough, we must have more, we deserve more, we are greater then, we are less than, we are more valuable or we are less valuable then those who we perceive upon the earth. Selfishness does not share with our brothers, instead it uses our brothers for its own gain. Selfishness wants what it wants, and does not wish to know the truth of others, or why others are also as they are. Selfishness steals from others by taking in all that it can into itself. Selfishness cannot see the results of its own actions without truth, and therefore walks among the hearts of men unchecked by those consumed with it. Selfishness is like a predator that stalks whom it may to use what it can for its own achievements. Therefore those who are the most giving are often beaten and stolen from by selfishness. One cannot be selfish without lying to themselves and to everyone else.
I hate ungratefulness.
Self pity and self denial of truth does not allow for respect or love to enter into us. Self pity comes from hopelessness which is a lie, and therefor it falls back onto selfishness to fill its place. We look and see our own troubles and our own weakness and our own conditions and we say we are undeserving and none other has suffered as me!!!!. I could puke from all the times I have heard another say they have suffered more than all others! This form of lie makes a mockery of ALL those who have suffered greater, and spits into the face of those who right now upon the earth have less then we have. If we were to spend 1 hour in a third world country, seeing the worm riddled, snake infested dirty and diseased mats that many peoples of the earth sleep upon… we would FALL to our knees in gratitude for the one warm and soft blanket we have on our bed. Yet self pity does not allow us to see or feel or know the truth of the simple truths of our life that are wonderful gifts. Not even Pharos lived in such luxury as us, yet we complain that we did not get something we wanted. When we are ungrateful, we become selfish, seeking to gain more to fill the hole in us that the lie has created. Our eyes become blind to those who are hurting more then us, and we are not there to offer comfort to those who have less. To he who has ten blankets… give 9 of them to your fellows. To he who has 3 meals a day, give two meals to 2 others who have no meals. Of he who has time on his hands… give time to those who do not have it. By taking THESE actions will gratitude return, and honesty will again fill our bones. We will see the truth of the gifts given to us, and our own obstacles will become conquerable, because we will have seen how little effort it took on our own part to help another. I wasted countless years being ungrateful, and an embarrassment.
I hate the vengeful.
Burning in my ears is the judgement, curses, and condemnation I hear of one man to his brother. It is not the lie or the fear or the injustice that men curse, but instead they curse those who are sick with these things. Men who claim to be righteous curse others in the name of God and wish vengeance upon those they do not approve of personally. “Vengeance is MINE sayeth the Lord”… yet men walk upon the earth who take this as their own, claiming to be gods over other men, claiming to be just when in their hearts is deceit and selfishness. He who wishes wrath and death upon another I give unto God my Father who is the ONLY judge of such matters. Never have I seen one man judge rightly or justly upon the earth. Never have I heard another speak in truth while condemning another to Death. Therefore I give these men (including myself) to God… who is LIFE… so that His fire may burn away their arrogance and bring truth and life to them. Tell me of what great logic it is to look upon oneself and say I judge myself to be better then thee? Tell me of what great evidence there is to say that you find yourself blameless of ALL that you do, while still cursing those who repeat your actions? Of vengeance I find putridness in my bones, because it is surrounded by lies, filled with lies, and justifies itself upon a greater lie. When I hear such things in others, I too become vengeful and therefore curse myself for the lie that has entered into me. So I give these matters to God, for Him to burn them away.
I hate fear.
Fear is the greatest of all lies. Fear is the origin of lies. Lies are the origin of all other manifestations of godlessness and death in us. Riddled I am with fear because of what my eyes see, my ears hear, and my flesh does endure. Though that the lie itself is not true, it brings to us a feeling that is real, an experience that is real to us, and a justification of itself through eternal condemnation of continual fearful results. Fear is the enemy of Life, for it steals ALL of life that it can, and it is a strong force upon the face of the earth. Fear is the measure of control that one man uses against another, and the rod of punishment that one man uses against another. In the name of God many have acted in fear, punished in fear, cursed in fear, and condemned others to death in fear. Not ONE who while in fear can speak truth except to express their fear first can they then proceed into the truth. This is why truth is greater. While in truth one also cannot let fear live in them, so fear itself dies away from our flesh, and our emotions, when we openly admit truth to ourselves, our fellows and to God. Fear is not the offspring of life, but the offspring of death.
ALL men are subject to life and to death. We either drink in the wine of one or the other. We feel the effects of whatever wine we drink. We live with the results of all that which abides in us. No one shall ever be faced with an alternative to these two principles in truth, and shall only know a lie of non admittance of choice.
In 2008 I had again felt the death of all that I hate within me. Also in 2008 did I feel the life of new wine, and a new baptism pour into the areas that were made ready by God because of my own willingness to give them to Him. So therefore I look upon the Fear, The Lies, the Selfishness, the Ungratefulness, and the Vengeance that came out from me, and I gave it to my Father for His disposal. I stand before God saying… these are the diseases that have riddled my flesh, and I wish for them to be healed, one and all, expelled, so that I may take up my bed and walk. However, because I am flesh, and live with its shortcomings, these words and principles I attend to daily, and sometimes many times in a day.
Awesomeness, greatness, grace, blessings, justice, joy, and peace You have shown me Father this year. Of these am I grateful unto this action of openly exposing my own illness; that for Your purpose men may see the power by which You heal a sickened man daily, and that for Your truth others may also know of Your love and kindness and care which You freely give to Your sons and daughters that call on You for love to replace the death in them. May they see and desire also to be not afraid of the truth of their sickness, so that they may pour out the disease and make room for the new wine of Your blessing. Let them all know Father, as You have shown me… that we need only a desire for peace, to be brought before the table of peace. May their suffering be short lived, and may life return to all who are afflicted as I have been with the sorrows of fear, and lies, and hatred.
All of these in me I give to You. So that in accepting Your truth I am not torn apart or burst open… but so that I may be FULL of life, to live as You would have me know life. May I be a channel of Thy Peace, so that where there is injustice, I bring justice. So that where their is sorrow, I may bring joy, so that where there is hunger, I bring Your food of blessing to all whom You place in my path.
Thank you Father for hearing my words and taking from me all that I freely give to You for your care. Thank you for this beautiful life, and most gracious gift of love shared between my wife and I and family and friends. We all wish to honor You and Your way of living in all that we do. May our hearts always be open to Your instruction and gifts you have gathered throughout the universe for Your Family.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
All That I Hate
The Impact of Fear on the Human Experience:Fear is highlighted as a root cause of destructive emotions and behaviors. Overcoming fear is essential for achieving emotional well-being and cultivating a life of peace, compassion, and forgiveness.
Self-Examination and Responsibility:The writing encourages deep introspection and accountability for one’s actions. Acknowledging personal faults and taking responsibility are crucial steps toward healing and growth.
Interconnectedness and Compassion:It recognizes our shared humanity and the importance of compassion, urging readers to empathize with others and consider the impact of their actions on the broader community. Practicing gratitude can shift perspectives and foster connections.
The Dichotomy of Life Choices:The piece explores the duality of life and death, emphasizing the importance of making conscious choices between love and vengeance, healing and harm. Divine guidance and love are presented as vital components in navigating life's challenges.