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The Sleeping Man

I was a man asleep.
Not knowing.

Every man knows his desires
Every man knows the woman in his heart.
Not every man knows he is asleep.

How do we know when we are asleep?

It is easy.

If you have a goal,
if you have a dream to fulfill,
if you have a desire unrealized,
if you have an ache for change,
if you have a wish.

In the world which is REAL,
ALL that you have desired is already true.
It is why you desire it… for you know it is missing.

As the Great Master pointed out
“Do you not know that when you pray to God,
your prayers are already answered?”

In the world which is not real,
you do not have what is already yours.
You have to wait,
you have to wonder,
you have to perhaps believe it will never come.
This is the world of Hell.

In the world of Heaven,
it is already yours,
it has always been there,
you have no doubts.

We are not all asleep about everything.
I was awakened to many things,
but still asleep deeply about intimate love.

I dreamed long and hard about a woman I knew in my heart.
She was there in my daily thoughts,
there in my wishes,
there in my sleeping dreams,
and there in my mind.
She was in all these places
because she was real, and I already knew her in the real world.

The legend tells the tale that we are to follow

That God put a DEEP sleep onto Adam,
and took from his rib to make Eve,
and when Adam AWAKENED,
he found Eve.

Those of us men who do not have that woman we have always known in our hearts,
Are STILL asleep.
For when Adam wakes up… he FINDS Eve.

Those of us men who have not given our might to our true desire of activity,
are STILL asleep concerning our works.
For we have taken no comfort in them.

Those of us men who have strife between our family members,
are STILL asleep concerning our families.
We have not lived the love we know we ALREADY have for our family.

It is very simple,
it is very easy,
whatever you still long for
is where you are asleep.

Those things you have known and felt,
and conquered and experienced,
and found peace with,
and found understanding from,
are the items you have woken up to in life.

But we do not wake up all at once
Until the final day.

For us now,
we wake up a little at a time.

In our hearts, and in our spirits,
is the REAL world.

All that you see with your eyes,
and know of life on earth,
is not the real world.

A man can stand in the rain,
and curse it for being cold and wet,
and ruining his suit.
And another man can stand in the rain,
and praise it and love it for its beauty,
and bless it for its gift from God.
Both men are in the rain,
and both are on the earth,
but one man is in the real world,
and the other is not.

So I say to all my brothers this thing with great emphasis:
FEAR NOT anything which you see on the earth,
because you ALREADY know what is yours in your heart.
Stand up,
Rise UP,
Awaken to what you know in your hearts,
and look to it,
and find it,
and realize it,
and return to the real world.

Let us follow our Brother,
who even in death proved it is not real.
Yes your bodies are real,
but they can be animated again.
your flesh is real,
your spirit is real,
your heart is real,
and your wishes are already yours.

Look to what you believe you do not have,
and realize YOU ARE ASLEEP concerning those things.

Those who are of my Fathers house,
are welcome to its every room.
With gladness we are sons to God,
given all that God does give Himself.

The world of man shall perish and be buried in the ground,
but the REAL world has endured forever.

This is why in your heart,
if you desire to harm another,
then you have done so already.
For your desire is IN the REAL world,
and it is seen before the eyes of all who live there.

This is why in your heart if you desire to rob another,
then you have robbed them already.
Your desire LIVES in the real world,
and it is manifest in the spirit already.
and it is seen before ALL the hosts of Heaven.

So please, let’s awaken together my Brothers.
Purify your hearts,
and accept what you know is yours for real.
Then you shall not need to be asked to repent,
and shall not need to shed tears of sorrow,
and not need to feel anguish over your greed and lusts…

For you will know that ALL you do need,
and all you do want,
and all you do desire,
and all that you wish to know,
is already yours.
And you will not desire to harm, or to steal, or to cheat or to die.

Many believe the truth to be too childish and simple.
Indeed they Killed our brother upon a cross
because he would not live outside the real world.

He healed the sick in the real world,
and gave sight to the blind in the real world,
and gave limbs to those who did not have them.
Because he lived in the real world.
What we saw as a miracle, he knew to be no different then you own birth and growth.

You see you are here,
you see you have been born without your own help,
you see you grew and became tall and strong as a man,
without your own effort,
yet you do not see that you can still grow an arm, or leg, or eyes
even though you did it once already… In the real world.

You can even awaken from death.

For DEATH… is to sleep.
And sleep… is where you dream you do not have…
what is already yours.

Ryan o0o

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

The Sleeping Man

I was a man asleep.
Not knowing.

Every man knows his desires
Every man knows the woman in his heart.
Not every man knows he is asleep.

How do we know when we are asleep?

It is easy.

If you have a goal,
if you have a dream to fulfill,
if you have a desire unrealized,
if you have an ache for change,
if you have a wish.

In the world which is REAL,
ALL that you have desired is already true.
It is why you desire it… for you know it is missing.

As the Great Master pointed out
“Do you not know that when you pray to God,
your prayers are already answered?”

In the world which is not real,
you do not have what is already yours.
You have to wait,
you have to wonder,
you have to perhaps believe it will never come.
This is the world of Hell.

In the world of Heaven,
it is already yours,
it has always been there,
you have no doubts.

We are not all asleep about everything.
I was awakened to many things,
but still asleep deeply about intimate love.

I dreamed long and hard about a woman I knew in my heart.
She was there in my daily thoughts,
there in my wishes,
there in my sleeping dreams,
and there in my mind.
She was in all these places
because she was real, and I already knew her in the real world.

The legend tells the tale that we are to follow

That God put a DEEP sleep onto Adam,
and took from his rib to make Eve,
and when Adam AWAKENED,
he found Eve.

Those of us men who do not have that woman we have always known in our hearts,
Are STILL asleep.
For when Adam wakes up… he FINDS Eve.

Those of us men who have not given our might to our true desire of activity,
are STILL asleep concerning our works.
For we have taken no comfort in them.

Those of us men who have strife between our family members,
are STILL asleep concerning our families.
We have not lived the love we know we ALREADY have for our family.

It is very simple,
it is very easy,
whatever you still long for
is where you are asleep.

Those things you have known and felt,
and conquered and experienced,
and found peace with,
and found understanding from,
are the items you have woken up to in life.

But we do not wake up all at once
Until the final day.

For us now,
we wake up a little at a time.

In our hearts, and in our spirits,
is the REAL world.

All that you see with your eyes,
and know of life on earth,
is not the real world.

A man can stand in the rain,
and curse it for being cold and wet,
and ruining his suit.
And another man can stand in the rain,
and praise it and love it for its beauty,
and bless it for its gift from God.
Both men are in the rain,
and both are on the earth,
but one man is in the real world,
and the other is not.

So I say to all my brothers this thing with great emphasis:
FEAR NOT anything which you see on the earth,
because you ALREADY know what is yours in your heart.
Stand up,
Rise UP,
Awaken to what you know in your hearts,
and look to it,
and find it,
and realize it,
and return to the real world.

Let us follow our Brother,
who even in death proved it is not real.
Yes your bodies are real,
but they can be animated again.
your flesh is real,
your spirit is real,
your heart is real,
and your wishes are already yours.

Look to what you believe you do not have,
and realize YOU ARE ASLEEP concerning those things.

Those who are of my Fathers house,
are welcome to its every room.
With gladness we are sons to God,
given all that God does give Himself.

The world of man shall perish and be buried in the ground,
but the REAL world has endured forever.

This is why in your heart,
if you desire to harm another,
then you have done so already.
For your desire is IN the REAL world,
and it is seen before the eyes of all who live there.

This is why in your heart if you desire to rob another,
then you have robbed them already.
Your desire LIVES in the real world,
and it is manifest in the spirit already.
and it is seen before ALL the hosts of Heaven.

So please, let’s awaken together my Brothers.
Purify your hearts,
and accept what you know is yours for real.
Then you shall not need to be asked to repent,
and shall not need to shed tears of sorrow,
and not need to feel anguish over your greed and lusts…

For you will know that ALL you do need,
and all you do want,
and all you do desire,
and all that you wish to know,
is already yours.
And you will not desire to harm, or to steal, or to cheat or to die.

Many believe the truth to be too childish and simple.
Indeed they Killed our brother upon a cross
because he would not live outside the real world.

He healed the sick in the real world,
and gave sight to the blind in the real world,
and gave limbs to those who did not have them.
Because he lived in the real world.
What we saw as a miracle, he knew to be no different then you own birth and growth.

You see you are here,
you see you have been born without your own help,
you see you grew and became tall and strong as a man,
without your own effort,
yet you do not see that you can still grow an arm, or leg, or eyes
even though you did it once already… In the real world.

You can even awaken from death.

For DEATH… is to sleep.
And sleep… is where you dream you do not have…
what is already yours.

Ryan o0o

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The Sleeping Man

I was a man asleep.
Not knowing.

Every man knows his desires
Every man knows the woman in his heart.
Not every man knows he is asleep.

How do we know when we are asleep?

It is easy.

If you have a goal,
if you have a dream to fulfill,
if you have a desire unrealized,
if you have an ache for change,
if you have a wish.

In the world which is REAL,
ALL that you have desired is already true.
It is why you desire it… for you know it is missing.

As the Great Master pointed out
“Do you not know that when you pray to God,
your prayers are already answered?”

In the world which is not real,
you do not have what is already yours.
You have to wait,
you have to wonder,
you have to perhaps believe it will never come.
This is the world of Hell.

In the world of Heaven,
it is already yours,
it has always been there,
you have no doubts.

We are not all asleep about everything.
I was awakened to many things,
but still asleep deeply about intimate love.

I dreamed long and hard about a woman I knew in my heart.
She was there in my daily thoughts,
there in my wishes,
there in my sleeping dreams,
and there in my mind.
She was in all these places
because she was real, and I already knew her in the real world.

The legend tells the tale that we are to follow

That God put a DEEP sleep onto Adam,
and took from his rib to make Eve,
and when Adam AWAKENED,
he found Eve.

Those of us men who do not have that woman we have always known in our hearts,
Are STILL asleep.
For when Adam wakes up… he FINDS Eve.

Those of us men who have not given our might to our true desire of activity,
are STILL asleep concerning our works.
For we have taken no comfort in them.

Those of us men who have strife between our family members,
are STILL asleep concerning our families.
We have not lived the love we know we ALREADY have for our family.

It is very simple,
it is very easy,
whatever you still long for
is where you are asleep.

Those things you have known and felt,
and conquered and experienced,
and found peace with,
and found understanding from,
are the items you have woken up to in life.

But we do not wake up all at once
Until the final day.

For us now,
we wake up a little at a time.

In our hearts, and in our spirits,
is the REAL world.

All that you see with your eyes,
and know of life on earth,
is not the real world.

A man can stand in the rain,
and curse it for being cold and wet,
and ruining his suit.
And another man can stand in the rain,
and praise it and love it for its beauty,
and bless it for its gift from God.
Both men are in the rain,
and both are on the earth,
but one man is in the real world,
and the other is not.

So I say to all my brothers this thing with great emphasis:
FEAR NOT anything which you see on the earth,
because you ALREADY know what is yours in your heart.
Stand up,
Rise UP,
Awaken to what you know in your hearts,
and look to it,
and find it,
and realize it,
and return to the real world.

Let us follow our Brother,
who even in death proved it is not real.
Yes your bodies are real,
but they can be animated again.
your flesh is real,
your spirit is real,
your heart is real,
and your wishes are already yours.

Look to what you believe you do not have,
and realize YOU ARE ASLEEP concerning those things.

Those who are of my Fathers house,
are welcome to its every room.
With gladness we are sons to God,
given all that God does give Himself.

The world of man shall perish and be buried in the ground,
but the REAL world has endured forever.

This is why in your heart,
if you desire to harm another,
then you have done so already.
For your desire is IN the REAL world,
and it is seen before the eyes of all who live there.

This is why in your heart if you desire to rob another,
then you have robbed them already.
Your desire LIVES in the real world,
and it is manifest in the spirit already.
and it is seen before ALL the hosts of Heaven.

So please, let’s awaken together my Brothers.
Purify your hearts,
and accept what you know is yours for real.
Then you shall not need to be asked to repent,
and shall not need to shed tears of sorrow,
and not need to feel anguish over your greed and lusts…

For you will know that ALL you do need,
and all you do want,
and all you do desire,
and all that you wish to know,
is already yours.
And you will not desire to harm, or to steal, or to cheat or to die.

Many believe the truth to be too childish and simple.
Indeed they Killed our brother upon a cross
because he would not live outside the real world.

He healed the sick in the real world,
and gave sight to the blind in the real world,
and gave limbs to those who did not have them.
Because he lived in the real world.
What we saw as a miracle, he knew to be no different then you own birth and growth.

You see you are here,
you see you have been born without your own help,
you see you grew and became tall and strong as a man,
without your own effort,
yet you do not see that you can still grow an arm, or leg, or eyes
even though you did it once already… In the real world.

You can even awaken from death.

For DEATH… is to sleep.
And sleep… is where you dream you do not have…
what is already yours.

Ryan o0o

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

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