Themes and Insights
Inside the Hallowed Halls
Human Impermanence and Earth’s Eternity: There is a stark contrast drawn between the fleeting nature of human achievements, such as wealth and boundaries, and the eternal, shifting power of the Earth, which reshapes itself despite man’s efforts to control or define it.
The Reign of Natural Forces: The Earth, as a living entity obeying a higher divine will, is portrayed as the ultimate ruler. This reign is seen through the forces of nature—ice, water, land, and sky—which act with undeniable power, illustrating that no man-made law or boundary can withstand nature's commands.
Prophecy and the Sacred Law: The poem suggests that prophecy foretells the eventual reclaiming of the Earth by natural forces. It invokes the idea that those who understand the sacred law, rather than the man-made law, will recognize and respect the divine workings of the Earth and its cycles.
Lessons from Ancient Civilizations: The forgotten civilizations, now ruins, serve as warnings to current humanity. The text urges respect for the Earth and its sacredness, reminding readers that civilizations that turned away from the Earth and divine love in favor of their own laws met their downfall.
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Inside the Hallowed Halls
When I think back to the thousand cities
That now lay under the great oceans
And the undiscovered temples
Now covered in dirt and grasses
It awakens honesty
How many sacred places have we forgotten
Left not forgotten by the spirit that sanctified them?
So many so that there is scarcely a place one can stand
Without it at one time, or another time later
Being sacred
And how is it that we do not realize this
As we ourselves stand here in this moment?
Even so with all principle of man
That I could walk in the way of the wealthy
And still find poverty at the end of riches
Or in doing nothing
Find that a great force
Placed the worlds wealth into my own hands
As True Reign and Rule makes choice
Outside of the laws of man
Who then is to say their grasp is perpetual?
Who can rule without even knowing a sacred thing?
And also who can reign without knowing the Thrones
Hidden before their very eyes?
It is for them who know what lay before
What is now there
And what will be built after
To speak of what is blessed and what is cursed
Just as my dog has no authority to rule my house
Knowing not the construction of such things
So too is there no governance of anything
By they who made not the world.
Just as my words cannot be written before I have written them
So too can no other claim them before I have already mastered them
It is so much so a truth
That prophecy itself was able to speak
See how the world did divide itself
So that not one portion of land is as it was before
Where waters once were
And now where they lay?
It is for us to remember
For in its reality is such a thing to tremble
That every line drawn by man
By his own mysterious will
Dividing country by country
And waters by waters
Will be taken once again by the earth Herself
Insomuch that not one boundary will be where it is
Nor will there be division anymore
For the earth remembers all sacred things upon Her
And She is a living being obeying the Will of God
Who in turn knows all
So that when the ice is commanded to advance
It shall
And who shall defy the ice?
So that when the waters are commanded to rise
It shall
And who shall hold it back?
So that when the land displaces the hills
And valleys
Even to the little stones
Who shall speak a louder trumpet to quiet Her?
What then also of the sky
Pouring rain upon place
And none upon another
Where winds do alter their course?
Is it true that such a thing must come to pass?
When right before our very eyes
Found in the great mountains
And deep oceans
And lost worlds overgrown in lush greenery
Is the truth of one living earth
Where many times over many times
She shook Her head and changed the face of all things
That we would remember to respect Her sacred life
And in witnessing the buried civilizations
Should we not forget
That they often turned away
From the love of the Earth and God
In favor of love for a futile law
Those ancient ruins stand
As living gravestones
Indeed the Earth is our Mother
Cradling our life
Offering us all things of abundance
Because of an ancient love also for us
Much older than we are, is She
Gracious and Patient She is
Ryan o0o
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Inside the Hallowed Halls
When I think back to the thousand cities
That now lay under the great oceans
And the undiscovered temples
Now covered in dirt and grasses
It awakens honesty
How many sacred places have we forgotten
Left not forgotten by the spirit that sanctified them?
So many so that there is scarcely a place one can stand
Without it at one time, or another time later
Being sacred
And how is it that we do not realize this
As we ourselves stand here in this moment?
Even so with all principle of man
That I could walk in the way of the wealthy
And still find poverty at the end of riches
Or in doing nothing
Find that a great force
Placed the worlds wealth into my own hands
As True Reign and Rule makes choice
Outside of the laws of man
Who then is to say their grasp is perpetual?
Who can rule without even knowing a sacred thing?
And also who can reign without knowing the Thrones
Hidden before their very eyes?
It is for them who know what lay before
What is now there
And what will be built after
To speak of what is blessed and what is cursed
Just as my dog has no authority to rule my house
Knowing not the construction of such things
So too is there no governance of anything
By they who made not the world.
Just as my words cannot be written before I have written them
So too can no other claim them before I have already mastered them
It is so much so a truth
That prophecy itself was able to speak
See how the world did divide itself
So that not one portion of land is as it was before
Where waters once were
And now where they lay?
It is for us to remember
For in its reality is such a thing to tremble
That every line drawn by man
By his own mysterious will
Dividing country by country
And waters by waters
Will be taken once again by the earth Herself
Insomuch that not one boundary will be where it is
Nor will there be division anymore
For the earth remembers all sacred things upon Her
And She is a living being obeying the Will of God
Who in turn knows all
So that when the ice is commanded to advance
It shall
And who shall defy the ice?
So that when the waters are commanded to rise
It shall
And who shall hold it back?
So that when the land displaces the hills
And valleys
Even to the little stones
Who shall speak a louder trumpet to quiet Her?
What then also of the sky
Pouring rain upon place
And none upon another
Where winds do alter their course?
Is it true that such a thing must come to pass?
When right before our very eyes
Found in the great mountains
And deep oceans
And lost worlds overgrown in lush greenery
Is the truth of one living earth
Where many times over many times
She shook Her head and changed the face of all things
That we would remember to respect Her sacred life
And in witnessing the buried civilizations
Should we not forget
That they often turned away
From the love of the Earth and God
In favor of love for a futile law
Those ancient ruins stand
As living gravestones
Indeed the Earth is our Mother
Cradling our life
Offering us all things of abundance
Because of an ancient love also for us
Much older than we are, is She
Gracious and Patient She is
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Inside the Hallowed Halls
Human Impermanence and Earth’s Eternity: There is a stark contrast drawn between the fleeting nature of human achievements, such as wealth and boundaries, and the eternal, shifting power of the Earth, which reshapes itself despite man’s efforts to control or define it.
The Reign of Natural Forces: The Earth, as a living entity obeying a higher divine will, is portrayed as the ultimate ruler. This reign is seen through the forces of nature—ice, water, land, and sky—which act with undeniable power, illustrating that no man-made law or boundary can withstand nature's commands.
Prophecy and the Sacred Law: The poem suggests that prophecy foretells the eventual reclaiming of the Earth by natural forces. It invokes the idea that those who understand the sacred law, rather than the man-made law, will recognize and respect the divine workings of the Earth and its cycles.
Lessons from Ancient Civilizations: The forgotten civilizations, now ruins, serve as warnings to current humanity. The text urges respect for the Earth and its sacredness, reminding readers that civilizations that turned away from the Earth and divine love in favor of their own laws met their downfall.
Inside the Hallowed Halls
When I think back to the thousand cities
That now lay under the great oceans
And the undiscovered temples
Now covered in dirt and grasses
It awakens honesty
How many sacred places have we forgotten
Left not forgotten by the spirit that sanctified them?
So many so that there is scarcely a place one can stand
Without it at one time, or another time later
Being sacred
And how is it that we do not realize this
As we ourselves stand here in this moment?
Even so with all principle of man
That I could walk in the way of the wealthy
And still find poverty at the end of riches
Or in doing nothing
Find that a great force
Placed the worlds wealth into my own hands
As True Reign and Rule makes choice
Outside of the laws of man
Who then is to say their grasp is perpetual?
Who can rule without even knowing a sacred thing?
And also who can reign without knowing the Thrones
Hidden before their very eyes?
It is for them who know what lay before
What is now there
And what will be built after
To speak of what is blessed and what is cursed
Just as my dog has no authority to rule my house
Knowing not the construction of such things
So too is there no governance of anything
By they who made not the world.
Just as my words cannot be written before I have written them
So too can no other claim them before I have already mastered them
It is so much so a truth
That prophecy itself was able to speak
See how the world did divide itself
So that not one portion of land is as it was before
Where waters once were
And now where they lay?
It is for us to remember
For in its reality is such a thing to tremble
That every line drawn by man
By his own mysterious will
Dividing country by country
And waters by waters
Will be taken once again by the earth Herself
Insomuch that not one boundary will be where it is
Nor will there be division anymore
For the earth remembers all sacred things upon Her
And She is a living being obeying the Will of God
Who in turn knows all
So that when the ice is commanded to advance
It shall
And who shall defy the ice?
So that when the waters are commanded to rise
It shall
And who shall hold it back?
So that when the land displaces the hills
And valleys
Even to the little stones
Who shall speak a louder trumpet to quiet Her?
What then also of the sky
Pouring rain upon place
And none upon another
Where winds do alter their course?
Is it true that such a thing must come to pass?
When right before our very eyes
Found in the great mountains
And deep oceans
And lost worlds overgrown in lush greenery
Is the truth of one living earth
Where many times over many times
She shook Her head and changed the face of all things
That we would remember to respect Her sacred life
And in witnessing the buried civilizations
Should we not forget
That they often turned away
From the love of the Earth and God
In favor of love for a futile law
Those ancient ruins stand
As living gravestones
Indeed the Earth is our Mother
Cradling our life
Offering us all things of abundance
Because of an ancient love also for us
Much older than we are, is She
Gracious and Patient She is
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Inside the Hallowed Halls
Human Impermanence and Earth’s Eternity: There is a stark contrast drawn between the fleeting nature of human achievements, such as wealth and boundaries, and the eternal, shifting power of the Earth, which reshapes itself despite man’s efforts to control or define it.
The Reign of Natural Forces: The Earth, as a living entity obeying a higher divine will, is portrayed as the ultimate ruler. This reign is seen through the forces of nature—ice, water, land, and sky—which act with undeniable power, illustrating that no man-made law or boundary can withstand nature's commands.
Prophecy and the Sacred Law: The poem suggests that prophecy foretells the eventual reclaiming of the Earth by natural forces. It invokes the idea that those who understand the sacred law, rather than the man-made law, will recognize and respect the divine workings of the Earth and its cycles.
Lessons from Ancient Civilizations: The forgotten civilizations, now ruins, serve as warnings to current humanity. The text urges respect for the Earth and its sacredness, reminding readers that civilizations that turned away from the Earth and divine love in favor of their own laws met their downfall.
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