Themes and Insights
A Matter of Heart
The Illusion of Control – Human effort alone cannot create goodness, righteousness, or holiness. True purpose and direction come from God, not from personal ambition or works.
The Power of Free Will – The only thing truly belonging to an individual is their choice: to desire life or death, holiness or wickedness. This choice determines one's spiritual path and relationship with God.
The Reflection of One’s Heart – Every blessing or curse spoken toward another is, in reality, spoken before God, as He dwells within each person. Words and desires reveal the authenticity of one’s spirit.
God’s Sovereign Will – From the beginning to the end, all things are ultimately in God's hands. He guides the righteous, responds to the wicked, and fulfills His will beyond human understanding.
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A Matter of Heart
Nothing I have done
Is done of my own
Nothing I have made
Is made of my own
There are no works or deeds
No righteousness or holiness
Neither greatness or power
May I call mine and of my own
For each and everything I have
Was given by another
And every step of my life
Is directed by another
Indeed every breath I take
Is given by the giver of life
I cannot be pure or correct
Intelligent or meaningful
Nor with control or manifesting
Without the source of all living
As it is not me who sets my hand
To do good
That good would be made
But another who makes good
Of the hand given to me
And it is not me who sets sail
That I may arrive to my will
But another who made the wind
Carrying all to each place
As it is not by effort I am made right
Nor by works am I made righteous
Neither can I force or create good
Nor by control be made acceptable
For there is no law in man’s hand
Nor rule to consequence obey
For by force made conform
That delivers a truth to one’s spirit
All that I have has been given
And all that I make has been agreed
Just as the unholy cannot be holy
Neither a lie can be a truth
Regardless of the allure of pride
He who is loved
Is loved for God within him
And he who is alive
Is alive for God within him
He who has treasure
Has been given to by God
And he who has little
Has been given to by God
As not one has manifest
Their own talent
Nor has one created
Their own function
Truly not one among men
Has mastered their own anything
What is mine and mine alone
That not one can take away
Is the choice to desire life
Or the choice to desire death
And with every choice unmade
Do I forfeit all right to purpose
And he who declares his hope in life
To his innermost self authentic
Has God in every way focused
Upon him
And he who has hope in death
To his innermost self authentic
Has God in every way focused
Upon him
Be of joy and be warned
Of the steps we all do choose
Desire holiness and life
And goodness and peace
For he who opposes
Does oppose God
And he who desires to curse another
Does curse upon God within them
And he who blesses another in love
Has spoken blessings to God in them
That all we speak in our heart
Before the very throne of heaven
Is it heard
And be of rest and peace
Of those who have ears
For God answers the wicked
Who question the innocent
And God speaks for the chosen
Who have chosen
It is God who made the beginning
Of all things we claim we have done
And God makes the ending
Of all things we think we will do
Ryan o0o
A Matter of Heart
Nothing I have done
Is done of my own
Nothing I have made
Is made of my own
There are no works or deeds
No righteousness or holiness
Neither greatness or power
May I call mine and of my own
For each and everything I have
Was given by another
And every step of my life
Is directed by another
Indeed every breath I take
Is given by the giver of life
I cannot be pure or correct
Intelligent or meaningful
Nor with control or manifesting
Without the source of all living
As it is not me who sets my hand
To do good
That good would be made
But another who makes good
Of the hand given to me
And it is not me who sets sail
That I may arrive to my will
But another who made the wind
Carrying all to each place
As it is not by effort I am made right
Nor by works am I made righteous
Neither can I force or create good
Nor by control be made acceptable
For there is no law in man’s hand
Nor rule to consequence obey
For by force made conform
That delivers a truth to one’s spirit
All that I have has been given
And all that I make has been agreed
Just as the unholy cannot be holy
Neither a lie can be a truth
Regardless of the allure of pride
He who is loved
Is loved for God within him
And he who is alive
Is alive for God within him
He who has treasure
Has been given to by God
And he who has little
Has been given to by God
As not one has manifest
Their own talent
Nor has one created
Their own function
Truly not one among men
Has mastered their own anything
What is mine and mine alone
That not one can take away
Is the choice to desire life
Or the choice to desire death
And with every choice unmade
Do I forfeit all right to purpose
And he who declares his hope in life
To his innermost self authentic
Has God in every way focused
Upon him
And he who has hope in death
To his innermost self authentic
Has God in every way focused
Upon him
Be of joy and be warned
Of the steps we all do choose
Desire holiness and life
And goodness and peace
For he who opposes
Does oppose God
And he who desires to curse another
Does curse upon God within them
And he who blesses another in love
Has spoken blessings to God in them
That all we speak in our heart
Before the very throne of heaven
Is it heard
And be of rest and peace
Of those who have ears
For God answers the wicked
Who question the innocent
And God speaks for the chosen
Who have chosen
It is God who made the beginning
Of all things we claim we have done
And God makes the ending
Of all things we think we will do
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
A Matter of Heart
The Illusion of Control – Human effort alone cannot create goodness, righteousness, or holiness. True purpose and direction come from God, not from personal ambition or works.
The Power of Free Will – The only thing truly belonging to an individual is their choice: to desire life or death, holiness or wickedness. This choice determines one's spiritual path and relationship with God.
The Reflection of One’s Heart – Every blessing or curse spoken toward another is, in reality, spoken before God, as He dwells within each person. Words and desires reveal the authenticity of one’s spirit.
God’s Sovereign Will – From the beginning to the end, all things are ultimately in God's hands. He guides the righteous, responds to the wicked, and fulfills His will beyond human understanding.
A Matter of Heart
Nothing I have done
Is done of my own
Nothing I have made
Is made of my own
There are no works or deeds
No righteousness or holiness
Neither greatness or power
May I call mine and of my own
For each and everything I have
Was given by another
And every step of my life
Is directed by another
Indeed every breath I take
Is given by the giver of life
I cannot be pure or correct
Intelligent or meaningful
Nor with control or manifesting
Without the source of all living
As it is not me who sets my hand
To do good
That good would be made
But another who makes good
Of the hand given to me
And it is not me who sets sail
That I may arrive to my will
But another who made the wind
Carrying all to each place
As it is not by effort I am made right
Nor by works am I made righteous
Neither can I force or create good
Nor by control be made acceptable
For there is no law in man’s hand
Nor rule to consequence obey
For by force made conform
That delivers a truth to one’s spirit
All that I have has been given
And all that I make has been agreed
Just as the unholy cannot be holy
Neither a lie can be a truth
Regardless of the allure of pride
He who is loved
Is loved for God within him
And he who is alive
Is alive for God within him
He who has treasure
Has been given to by God
And he who has little
Has been given to by God
As not one has manifest
Their own talent
Nor has one created
Their own function
Truly not one among men
Has mastered their own anything
What is mine and mine alone
That not one can take away
Is the choice to desire life
Or the choice to desire death
And with every choice unmade
Do I forfeit all right to purpose
And he who declares his hope in life
To his innermost self authentic
Has God in every way focused
Upon him
And he who has hope in death
To his innermost self authentic
Has God in every way focused
Upon him
Be of joy and be warned
Of the steps we all do choose
Desire holiness and life
And goodness and peace
For he who opposes
Does oppose God
And he who desires to curse another
Does curse upon God within them
And he who blesses another in love
Has spoken blessings to God in them
That all we speak in our heart
Before the very throne of heaven
Is it heard
And be of rest and peace
Of those who have ears
For God answers the wicked
Who question the innocent
And God speaks for the chosen
Who have chosen
It is God who made the beginning
Of all things we claim we have done
And God makes the ending
Of all things we think we will do
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
A Matter of Heart
The Illusion of Control – Human effort alone cannot create goodness, righteousness, or holiness. True purpose and direction come from God, not from personal ambition or works.
The Power of Free Will – The only thing truly belonging to an individual is their choice: to desire life or death, holiness or wickedness. This choice determines one's spiritual path and relationship with God.
The Reflection of One’s Heart – Every blessing or curse spoken toward another is, in reality, spoken before God, as He dwells within each person. Words and desires reveal the authenticity of one’s spirit.
God’s Sovereign Will – From the beginning to the end, all things are ultimately in God's hands. He guides the righteous, responds to the wicked, and fulfills His will beyond human understanding.