Themes and Insights


The Journey of Personal Growth: The poem reflects Moms continuous evolution, highlighting her transition from a strict authoritarian to a wise, graceful counselor. Her lifelong commitment to learning and self-improvement stands as a testament to her strength and character.

Faith and Spiritual Awakening: Our Mother's unwavering faith in God is a central theme, as is her quest for wisdom and spiritual growth. Her prayers, teachings, and final gift of the Bible symbolize the depth of her relationship with God and the legacy of faith she imparted to us.

Motherhood and Love:The memorial beautifully explores the multifaceted roles of a mother, showcasing unconditional love, adaptability, and the unique bond that evolved over time.

Legacy Beyond Material Gifts: Mom's  gifts to us were intangible yet eternal—knowledge, wisdom, music, discipline, and faith. These treasures transcend physical existence, living on as a profound legacy of her life.

Gratitude and Remembrance: The memorial expresses deep gratitude for Mom's guidance and the impact she had on our life. It serves as a powerful remembrance of her life’s values and the enduring love we hold for her.

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Words cannot properly reveal
The woman she was
And the woman she became

Nor can I with authority speak
Of the trials of her life
And the victories of her effort

It is within me
As a memory of wonder
And a respect of spirit

For my mother knew little
When I was little
But had the courage of a lion
And the determination of an athlete

She sought answers
To the questions within her
Fearlessly seeking right
Enthusiastically seeking wisdom

She tested what she learned
And watched soberly at the results
Committed to understanding
Willing to listen to her conscience

She called upon God
And asked for His instruction
Breaking shackles of man’s folly
Opening her heart to greatness

I knew when young
She was dissatisfied with herself
Yet always I watched
And always she became more

The mother to the child
Was not the mother to the teen
Nor was she who I knew in my 20s
She awakening her greater heart by my 30s
She was fully at peace and open by my 40s
And when I was 50, she was gone

With every passing decade
Was there a marked progression
Of her awakening to God
And her love of Life itself

Mom was always enthusiastic
Full of song and ideas and hopes
And it was a huge blessing
To witness her become who she loved

For in the end
She was not dissatisfied
She had the love of her life at home
And she had her Father God in her heart

Mom always shared what she learned
And she never ever stopped learning
The strict rule authoritarian
She was in her youth
Became the wise comforting counselor
Full of peace and grace and hope

I had ruined all of mom’s dreams
When I was very young
She saw her son be a terrible man
But along the way we both amended
And who she was to me
And who I was to her
Became exactly what we had both prayed

Oh how I miss her wise counsel
And her experience of life stories
Oh how I miss her laughter
And the good she could make from bad
Oh how I miss telling her – I love her
And her grace at accepting me

I honored her not in my youth
So I shall honor her always
And remember the gifts she gave to me
The gift of life, the gift of love
The gift of knowledge and idea
The gift of care, the gift of expression
The gift of music, the gift of discipline
The gift of joy, the gift of duty
The gift of growing always for better
The gift of respect, the gift of peace
The gift of humility and truth
The gift of seeing beauty and grace
But the greatest of these…
Was her gift of God

“Seek the kingdom of God always Ryan, and never stop praying, and never stop drawing closer to our Father in Heaven… wisdom, wisdom, wisdom… study and never stop learning”.

That was her last great message to me
Before she departed this earth

And beside me is her last great gift
A rare English Bible
In the original canonical order
As the saints and prophets had it
Nightly I read it – and remember her

What was so great about my mother?

That what she gave to her children
Cannot rust or be corrupted
Cannot die or be stolen
Cannot wither or be sold
Cannot be outgrown or ignored
But lives on forever
For Mom… gave of herself
Of all that God gave her

I love you Mom – Thank You.
Say hello to God for me!

Ryan o0o

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Words cannot properly reveal
The woman she was
And the woman she became

Nor can I with authority speak
Of the trials of her life
And the victories of her effort

It is within me
As a memory of wonder
And a respect of spirit

For my mother knew little
When I was little
But had the courage of a lion
And the determination of an athlete

She sought answers
To the questions within her
Fearlessly seeking right
Enthusiastically seeking wisdom

She tested what she learned
And watched soberly at the results
Committed to understanding
Willing to listen to her conscience

She called upon God
And asked for His instruction
Breaking shackles of man’s folly
Opening her heart to greatness

I knew when young
She was dissatisfied with herself
Yet always I watched
And always she became more

The mother to the child
Was not the mother to the teen
Nor was she who I knew in my 20s
She awakening her greater heart by my 30s
She was fully at peace and open by my 40s
And when I was 50, she was gone

With every passing decade
Was there a marked progression
Of her awakening to God
And her love of Life itself

Mom was always enthusiastic
Full of song and ideas and hopes
And it was a huge blessing
To witness her become who she loved

For in the end
She was not dissatisfied
She had the love of her life at home
And she had her Father God in her heart

Mom always shared what she learned
And she never ever stopped learning
The strict rule authoritarian
She was in her youth
Became the wise comforting counselor
Full of peace and grace and hope

I had ruined all of mom’s dreams
When I was very young
She saw her son be a terrible man
But along the way we both amended
And who she was to me
And who I was to her
Became exactly what we had both prayed

Oh how I miss her wise counsel
And her experience of life stories
Oh how I miss her laughter
And the good she could make from bad
Oh how I miss telling her – I love her
And her grace at accepting me

I honored her not in my youth
So I shall honor her always
And remember the gifts she gave to me
The gift of life, the gift of love
The gift of knowledge and idea
The gift of care, the gift of expression
The gift of music, the gift of discipline
The gift of joy, the gift of duty
The gift of growing always for better
The gift of respect, the gift of peace
The gift of humility and truth
The gift of seeing beauty and grace
But the greatest of these…
Was her gift of God

“Seek the kingdom of God always Ryan, and never stop praying, and never stop drawing closer to our Father in Heaven… wisdom, wisdom, wisdom… study and never stop learning”.

That was her last great message to me
Before she departed this earth

And beside me is her last great gift
A rare English Bible
In the original canonical order
As the saints and prophets had it
Nightly I read it – and remember her

What was so great about my mother?

That what she gave to her children
Cannot rust or be corrupted
Cannot die or be stolen
Cannot wither or be sold
Cannot be outgrown or ignored
But lives on forever
For Mom… gave of herself
Of all that God gave her

I love you Mom – Thank You.
Say hello to God for me!

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights


The Journey of Personal Growth: The poem reflects Moms continuous evolution, highlighting her transition from a strict authoritarian to a wise, graceful counselor. Her lifelong commitment to learning and self-improvement stands as a testament to her strength and character.

Faith and Spiritual Awakening: Our Mother's unwavering faith in God is a central theme, as is her quest for wisdom and spiritual growth. Her prayers, teachings, and final gift of the Bible symbolize the depth of her relationship with God and the legacy of faith she imparted to us.

Motherhood and Love:The memorial beautifully explores the multifaceted roles of a mother, showcasing unconditional love, adaptability, and the unique bond that evolved over time.

Legacy Beyond Material Gifts: Mom's  gifts to us were intangible yet eternal—knowledge, wisdom, music, discipline, and faith. These treasures transcend physical existence, living on as a profound legacy of her life.

Gratitude and Remembrance: The memorial expresses deep gratitude for Mom's guidance and the impact she had on our life. It serves as a powerful remembrance of her life’s values and the enduring love we hold for her.

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Words cannot properly reveal
The woman she was
And the woman she became

Nor can I with authority speak
Of the trials of her life
And the victories of her effort

It is within me
As a memory of wonder
And a respect of spirit

For my mother knew little
When I was little
But had the courage of a lion
And the determination of an athlete

She sought answers
To the questions within her
Fearlessly seeking right
Enthusiastically seeking wisdom

She tested what she learned
And watched soberly at the results
Committed to understanding
Willing to listen to her conscience

She called upon God
And asked for His instruction
Breaking shackles of man’s folly
Opening her heart to greatness

I knew when young
She was dissatisfied with herself
Yet always I watched
And always she became more

The mother to the child
Was not the mother to the teen
Nor was she who I knew in my 20s
She awakening her greater heart by my 30s
She was fully at peace and open by my 40s
And when I was 50, she was gone

With every passing decade
Was there a marked progression
Of her awakening to God
And her love of Life itself

Mom was always enthusiastic
Full of song and ideas and hopes
And it was a huge blessing
To witness her become who she loved

For in the end
She was not dissatisfied
She had the love of her life at home
And she had her Father God in her heart

Mom always shared what she learned
And she never ever stopped learning
The strict rule authoritarian
She was in her youth
Became the wise comforting counselor
Full of peace and grace and hope

I had ruined all of mom’s dreams
When I was very young
She saw her son be a terrible man
But along the way we both amended
And who she was to me
And who I was to her
Became exactly what we had both prayed

Oh how I miss her wise counsel
And her experience of life stories
Oh how I miss her laughter
And the good she could make from bad
Oh how I miss telling her – I love her
And her grace at accepting me

I honored her not in my youth
So I shall honor her always
And remember the gifts she gave to me
The gift of life, the gift of love
The gift of knowledge and idea
The gift of care, the gift of expression
The gift of music, the gift of discipline
The gift of joy, the gift of duty
The gift of growing always for better
The gift of respect, the gift of peace
The gift of humility and truth
The gift of seeing beauty and grace
But the greatest of these…
Was her gift of God

“Seek the kingdom of God always Ryan, and never stop praying, and never stop drawing closer to our Father in Heaven… wisdom, wisdom, wisdom… study and never stop learning”.

That was her last great message to me
Before she departed this earth

And beside me is her last great gift
A rare English Bible
In the original canonical order
As the saints and prophets had it
Nightly I read it – and remember her

What was so great about my mother?

That what she gave to her children
Cannot rust or be corrupted
Cannot die or be stolen
Cannot wither or be sold
Cannot be outgrown or ignored
But lives on forever
For Mom… gave of herself
Of all that God gave her

I love you Mom – Thank You.
Say hello to God for me!

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights


The Journey of Personal Growth: The poem reflects Moms continuous evolution, highlighting her transition from a strict authoritarian to a wise, graceful counselor. Her lifelong commitment to learning and self-improvement stands as a testament to her strength and character.

Faith and Spiritual Awakening: Our Mother's unwavering faith in God is a central theme, as is her quest for wisdom and spiritual growth. Her prayers, teachings, and final gift of the Bible symbolize the depth of her relationship with God and the legacy of faith she imparted to us.

Motherhood and Love:The memorial beautifully explores the multifaceted roles of a mother, showcasing unconditional love, adaptability, and the unique bond that evolved over time.

Legacy Beyond Material Gifts: Mom's  gifts to us were intangible yet eternal—knowledge, wisdom, music, discipline, and faith. These treasures transcend physical existence, living on as a profound legacy of her life.

Gratitude and Remembrance: The memorial expresses deep gratitude for Mom's guidance and the impact she had on our life. It serves as a powerful remembrance of her life’s values and the enduring love we hold for her.

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