Themes and Insights

For a Friend

Sorrow and Connection: The depth of human sorrow at the loss of loved ones reflects the strength of the bond between family members, both in the flesh and spirit.

Eternal Perspective: While the body grieves, the spirit provides reassurance that loved ones are not truly gone but remain in eternal life.

Faith in God’s Promise: The poem emphasizes trust in God’s Kingdom and the promise of life everlasting, offering solace in times of grief.

Continuity of Love: Love transcends physical absence, living on through memories, guidance, and spiritual presence in the lives of those left behind.

Gratitude and Legacy: Acknowledging the blessings and lessons from those we’ve lost, the poet encourages passing their love forward until the ultimate reunion in God’s Kingdom.

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For a Friend

How great is our sorrow at loss
How deep our hearts feel
For the flesh is bonded to flesh
And even ourselves are lost
When we lose our family

Father, Mother, Son
I from their body
They from mine
Our lines are long in antiquity
Our bond is strong in eternity

But of my spirit is another matter
For as the flesh weeps greatly
The spirit does remind me
For they that I love are not gone
And they who were here do remain

To God and to Life have they travelled
To birth of the everlasting Kingdom
Made ready for us
Received in our time
Preparing the way before us

As honor restores honor to dishonour
So does love bring love to love lost
And where better a place
For our departed family to dwell
Than the arms of our God whom we trust?

For upon death do we answer our question
And looking upon it, we all do
Am I now ready to believe
And believe with full faith
In the promise of life everlasting?

The honest heart is unsure
Until a choice must be made
As I too did doubt before witness
And after they left – miracles awoke
And made proof of their evident life

We miss them in our days
While walking the earth as men
For our temple is less a few spires
As our ears remain silent of them
And our eyes see them not to be found

But still they instruct and guide
Their spirit is felt all within us
In a moment of thought they are there
In a second of hope can we feel them
Forever with us is their love

Of how gracious a thing
Before the very throne of God
That our loved ones speak of our name
For their love endures and grows evermore
And their hope for us to be with them

Oh God of my Fathers and King of all
May I never forget your gift of them
For they gave all that they had
And give evermore still
And my life has been blessed by them

Thank you my God for those I do love
May our love grow on forever
As for now I shall wait
And pass on what they gave
Til we all meet again in your Kingdom

Ryan o0o

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For a Friend

How great is our sorrow at loss
How deep our hearts feel
For the flesh is bonded to flesh
And even ourselves are lost
When we lose our family

Father, Mother, Son
I from their body
They from mine
Our lines are long in antiquity
Our bond is strong in eternity

But of my spirit is another matter
For as the flesh weeps greatly
The spirit does remind me
For they that I love are not gone
And they who were here do remain

To God and to Life have they travelled
To birth of the everlasting Kingdom
Made ready for us
Received in our time
Preparing the way before us

As honor restores honor to dishonour
So does love bring love to love lost
And where better a place
For our departed family to dwell
Than the arms of our God whom we trust?

For upon death do we answer our question
And looking upon it, we all do
Am I now ready to believe
And believe with full faith
In the promise of life everlasting?

The honest heart is unsure
Until a choice must be made
As I too did doubt before witness
And after they left – miracles awoke
And made proof of their evident life

We miss them in our days
While walking the earth as men
For our temple is less a few spires
As our ears remain silent of them
And our eyes see them not to be found

But still they instruct and guide
Their spirit is felt all within us
In a moment of thought they are there
In a second of hope can we feel them
Forever with us is their love

Of how gracious a thing
Before the very throne of God
That our loved ones speak of our name
For their love endures and grows evermore
And their hope for us to be with them

Oh God of my Fathers and King of all
May I never forget your gift of them
For they gave all that they had
And give evermore still
And my life has been blessed by them

Thank you my God for those I do love
May our love grow on forever
As for now I shall wait
And pass on what they gave
Til we all meet again in your Kingdom

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

For a Friend

Sorrow and Connection: The depth of human sorrow at the loss of loved ones reflects the strength of the bond between family members, both in the flesh and spirit.

Eternal Perspective: While the body grieves, the spirit provides reassurance that loved ones are not truly gone but remain in eternal life.

Faith in God’s Promise: The poem emphasizes trust in God’s Kingdom and the promise of life everlasting, offering solace in times of grief.

Continuity of Love: Love transcends physical absence, living on through memories, guidance, and spiritual presence in the lives of those left behind.

Gratitude and Legacy: Acknowledging the blessings and lessons from those we’ve lost, the poet encourages passing their love forward until the ultimate reunion in God’s Kingdom.

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For a Friend

How great is our sorrow at loss
How deep our hearts feel
For the flesh is bonded to flesh
And even ourselves are lost
When we lose our family

Father, Mother, Son
I from their body
They from mine
Our lines are long in antiquity
Our bond is strong in eternity

But of my spirit is another matter
For as the flesh weeps greatly
The spirit does remind me
For they that I love are not gone
And they who were here do remain

To God and to Life have they travelled
To birth of the everlasting Kingdom
Made ready for us
Received in our time
Preparing the way before us

As honor restores honor to dishonour
So does love bring love to love lost
And where better a place
For our departed family to dwell
Than the arms of our God whom we trust?

For upon death do we answer our question
And looking upon it, we all do
Am I now ready to believe
And believe with full faith
In the promise of life everlasting?

The honest heart is unsure
Until a choice must be made
As I too did doubt before witness
And after they left – miracles awoke
And made proof of their evident life

We miss them in our days
While walking the earth as men
For our temple is less a few spires
As our ears remain silent of them
And our eyes see them not to be found

But still they instruct and guide
Their spirit is felt all within us
In a moment of thought they are there
In a second of hope can we feel them
Forever with us is their love

Of how gracious a thing
Before the very throne of God
That our loved ones speak of our name
For their love endures and grows evermore
And their hope for us to be with them

Oh God of my Fathers and King of all
May I never forget your gift of them
For they gave all that they had
And give evermore still
And my life has been blessed by them

Thank you my God for those I do love
May our love grow on forever
As for now I shall wait
And pass on what they gave
Til we all meet again in your Kingdom

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

For a Friend

Sorrow and Connection: The depth of human sorrow at the loss of loved ones reflects the strength of the bond between family members, both in the flesh and spirit.

Eternal Perspective: While the body grieves, the spirit provides reassurance that loved ones are not truly gone but remain in eternal life.

Faith in God’s Promise: The poem emphasizes trust in God’s Kingdom and the promise of life everlasting, offering solace in times of grief.

Continuity of Love: Love transcends physical absence, living on through memories, guidance, and spiritual presence in the lives of those left behind.

Gratitude and Legacy: Acknowledging the blessings and lessons from those we’ve lost, the poet encourages passing their love forward until the ultimate reunion in God’s Kingdom.

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