Themes and Insights

The Sex Talk I Never Got

Importance of Open Communication: Honest discussions about desires, fears, and needs are essential for building trust and intimacy between partners. Hiding truths creates distance and dissatisfaction in relationships.

Gender Dynamics and Equality: Both men and women must recognize and challenge societal stereotypes and expectations. Viewing each other as equals fosters healthier connections and mutual respect.

Self-Acceptance and Worthiness: Embracing one’s true self and desires is vital for feeling worthy of love. Rejecting feelings of unworthiness can lead to healthier relationships and personal fulfillment.

Consequences of Secrecy: Keeping secrets can lead to feelings of guilt, mistrust, and ultimately, the breakdown of relationships. Bringing hidden aspects to light encourages healing and understanding.

Mutual Agreements in Relationships: Lasting love requires agreement on fundamental aspects like spirituality, sexuality, ethics, and morals. Clarity in these areas strengthens the bond and enhances connection.

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The Sex Talk I Never Got

There is a road to perfect Harmony between Lovers,
that time has forgotten.

All manner of stupidity and childishness I have done,
and paid for what I know with my very blood.

Our world is full of nay sayers.

He who says that a woman is against him, is against himself.
She who says that a man is less evolved, has proven her stupor.
He who thinks lessor of a woman, offers himself less.
She who manipulates a man, lives with her lack.

He who sees women as an object,
will have women who seek objects as their God.
She who seeks possessions to fulfill herself,
will have men who seek other women to fulfill them.

There is no greater or lessor sex in mankind,
Both men and women must realize the irony.

We all have our talents, we all have our personalities,
we all must accept who we are.

That which we shun and hide from; thinking it is evil,
will diminish when brought to light.
That which we fear will grow in darkness.

Think not that you are unworthy of Love,
for this thinking leads you to acts of unworthiness.

I do not wish to wander aimlessly as the blind.
That which we keep in secret,
is the reason for our need of secrecy.

Can we not see the circle we have created?

All of our thoughts lead to our actions.
All of our actions have results.

If we do not like the results of our life,
then we need to alter our actions,
which means we NEED to alter our thinking.

If we are unwilling to create the change we seek,
then why do we believe others should be willing to hear us groan on?

There are those who wish for better,
who cannot yet escape their situations.
To them who seek they shall find.

Peace within love requires a passion for honesty.

Our secrets serve no Master but that of destruction.

To those already with another I say this:

What manner of maturity do we believe we have,
by hiding our wandering eye from our lover?

How childish do we feel hiding our magazines?
Our pictures?
Our Movies?
Our E-mails?
Our Internet contacts?
Our list of “those who want you”?
Our desire to flirt?
Our want to know who thinks your hot?
Our secret sexuality?

Men who do such things do not have wives,
but rather another mother.
Women who do such things do not have husbands,
but rather another child.

Has your woman become your mommy?
Has your man become your baby?

IS this truly what we want in life?

Look to the single people of the world,
and see how their false promotion
paves the way for our life now.

Retake your place in your home.
As a man should express his heart with confidence,
so should a woman express her desire with confidence.

Be loving and caring and gentle,
and bring honesty to you both.

To them who are single I say this:

What fear overcomes us so great that we hide our truth?
When seeking a lover why do we cower at our own desires?

Is our need for immediate attention so great,
that we will accept a liar over a woman?

Is our need for immediate attention so great,
that we will accept a coward over a man?

Singles of the world project all that they are not,
to gain recognition of that which they know they lack.
This only brings them a lover they will hate in the end.

Listen to what is and was and will always be:
You can buy a cow, and spend 30 years trying to mold it into a dog,
and in the end it will still be a cow.

Therefore hide NOT that which you honestly desire in your life
from those who show interest in you.

Do not fear the opposing sex for their opinion of you.

She who spits on us for our way today,
will spit on us forever if we must have her.

He who ignores our manner now,
will ignore us forever if we must have him.

Instead be bold in your assertion of what you know in your heart.
And you will find another to share your bed who also desires such things.

They will not wish to depart from you,
because you will not wish to depart from them.

Forget the rules of the world that state how you are to be to get love.
BE how you truly are, and love will find you.

To all who are living or dying:

Know there are several areas which MUST be in agreement
for a powerful love to work.

Spirituality Must be agreed upon between two.
Sexuality Must be agreed upon between two.
Ethics that are lived by must be known and agreed upon by two.
Morals that are adhered to must be known and agreed upon by two.

Without these matters in full disclosure and agreement between two,
there will be no lasting bond.

Do not be afraid to express what you want in life,
regardless of how idiotic your closest friends and family believe your wants are.

With our truth we will find another of the same truth.
They are the ones who share our bed,
they share our days and nights,
they share our publicity, and our privacy,
they share our passion, and our intimacy.
Therefore they are more important than mother and father.

Look to the men and women who have lied to themselves and are now
in relationships they hate.
See how they long for love and desire and fulfillment?
See how their fear of loss keeps them hungry?
Even unto hiding their ways they sneak around their own lives.

Does this seem appealing to anyone?

I have walked down every rotten path,
and eaten of every sour grape.
None of it served me in any manner,
for I remained a boy in a man’s body.
In the end I was weaker and sicker then that of a very old man.

But truth and honesty about me spoken proudly from my own lips,
Followed up with action that proved to me my own heart,
was no less then a new crop of a new tree,
that harvested a completely different fruit then I had tasted of before.

I wish for ALL to know such Love and Security.

May those who seek love still,
and despair in the longing,
turn away from their previous methods,
for they have not produced a good crop.

May we alter course in our MIND,
if we are so vexed,
and forgo our former beliefs,
for they have lead us astray.

May we have courage,
to face our truth,
for our truth will never change.

Ryan o0o

Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!

All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

The Sex Talk I Never Got

There is a road to perfect Harmony between Lovers,
that time has forgotten.

All manner of stupidity and childishness I have done,
and paid for what I know with my very blood.

Our world is full of nay sayers.

He who says that a woman is against him, is against himself.
She who says that a man is less evolved, has proven her stupor.
He who thinks lessor of a woman, offers himself less.
She who manipulates a man, lives with her lack.

He who sees women as an object,
will have women who seek objects as their God.
She who seeks possessions to fulfill herself,
will have men who seek other women to fulfill them.

There is no greater or lessor sex in mankind,
Both men and women must realize the irony.

We all have our talents, we all have our personalities,
we all must accept who we are.

That which we shun and hide from; thinking it is evil,
will diminish when brought to light.
That which we fear will grow in darkness.

Think not that you are unworthy of Love,
for this thinking leads you to acts of unworthiness.

I do not wish to wander aimlessly as the blind.
That which we keep in secret,
is the reason for our need of secrecy.

Can we not see the circle we have created?

All of our thoughts lead to our actions.
All of our actions have results.

If we do not like the results of our life,
then we need to alter our actions,
which means we NEED to alter our thinking.

If we are unwilling to create the change we seek,
then why do we believe others should be willing to hear us groan on?

There are those who wish for better,
who cannot yet escape their situations.
To them who seek they shall find.

Peace within love requires a passion for honesty.

Our secrets serve no Master but that of destruction.

To those already with another I say this:

What manner of maturity do we believe we have,
by hiding our wandering eye from our lover?

How childish do we feel hiding our magazines?
Our pictures?
Our Movies?
Our E-mails?
Our Internet contacts?
Our list of “those who want you”?
Our desire to flirt?
Our want to know who thinks your hot?
Our secret sexuality?

Men who do such things do not have wives,
but rather another mother.
Women who do such things do not have husbands,
but rather another child.

Has your woman become your mommy?
Has your man become your baby?

IS this truly what we want in life?

Look to the single people of the world,
and see how their false promotion
paves the way for our life now.

Retake your place in your home.
As a man should express his heart with confidence,
so should a woman express her desire with confidence.

Be loving and caring and gentle,
and bring honesty to you both.

To them who are single I say this:

What fear overcomes us so great that we hide our truth?
When seeking a lover why do we cower at our own desires?

Is our need for immediate attention so great,
that we will accept a liar over a woman?

Is our need for immediate attention so great,
that we will accept a coward over a man?

Singles of the world project all that they are not,
to gain recognition of that which they know they lack.
This only brings them a lover they will hate in the end.

Listen to what is and was and will always be:
You can buy a cow, and spend 30 years trying to mold it into a dog,
and in the end it will still be a cow.

Therefore hide NOT that which you honestly desire in your life
from those who show interest in you.

Do not fear the opposing sex for their opinion of you.

She who spits on us for our way today,
will spit on us forever if we must have her.

He who ignores our manner now,
will ignore us forever if we must have him.

Instead be bold in your assertion of what you know in your heart.
And you will find another to share your bed who also desires such things.

They will not wish to depart from you,
because you will not wish to depart from them.

Forget the rules of the world that state how you are to be to get love.
BE how you truly are, and love will find you.

To all who are living or dying:

Know there are several areas which MUST be in agreement
for a powerful love to work.

Spirituality Must be agreed upon between two.
Sexuality Must be agreed upon between two.
Ethics that are lived by must be known and agreed upon by two.
Morals that are adhered to must be known and agreed upon by two.

Without these matters in full disclosure and agreement between two,
there will be no lasting bond.

Do not be afraid to express what you want in life,
regardless of how idiotic your closest friends and family believe your wants are.

With our truth we will find another of the same truth.
They are the ones who share our bed,
they share our days and nights,
they share our publicity, and our privacy,
they share our passion, and our intimacy.
Therefore they are more important than mother and father.

Look to the men and women who have lied to themselves and are now
in relationships they hate.
See how they long for love and desire and fulfillment?
See how their fear of loss keeps them hungry?
Even unto hiding their ways they sneak around their own lives.

Does this seem appealing to anyone?

I have walked down every rotten path,
and eaten of every sour grape.
None of it served me in any manner,
for I remained a boy in a man’s body.
In the end I was weaker and sicker then that of a very old man.

But truth and honesty about me spoken proudly from my own lips,
Followed up with action that proved to me my own heart,
was no less then a new crop of a new tree,
that harvested a completely different fruit then I had tasted of before.

I wish for ALL to know such Love and Security.

May those who seek love still,
and despair in the longing,
turn away from their previous methods,
for they have not produced a good crop.

May we alter course in our MIND,
if we are so vexed,
and forgo our former beliefs,
for they have lead us astray.

May we have courage,
to face our truth,
for our truth will never change.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

The Sex Talk I Never Got

Importance of Open Communication: Honest discussions about desires, fears, and needs are essential for building trust and intimacy between partners. Hiding truths creates distance and dissatisfaction in relationships.

Gender Dynamics and Equality: Both men and women must recognize and challenge societal stereotypes and expectations. Viewing each other as equals fosters healthier connections and mutual respect.

Self-Acceptance and Worthiness: Embracing one’s true self and desires is vital for feeling worthy of love. Rejecting feelings of unworthiness can lead to healthier relationships and personal fulfillment.

Consequences of Secrecy: Keeping secrets can lead to feelings of guilt, mistrust, and ultimately, the breakdown of relationships. Bringing hidden aspects to light encourages healing and understanding.

Mutual Agreements in Relationships: Lasting love requires agreement on fundamental aspects like spirituality, sexuality, ethics, and morals. Clarity in these areas strengthens the bond and enhances connection.

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The Sex Talk I Never Got

There is a road to perfect Harmony between Lovers,
that time has forgotten.

All manner of stupidity and childishness I have done,
and paid for what I know with my very blood.

Our world is full of nay sayers.

He who says that a woman is against him, is against himself.
She who says that a man is less evolved, has proven her stupor.
He who thinks lessor of a woman, offers himself less.
She who manipulates a man, lives with her lack.

He who sees women as an object,
will have women who seek objects as their God.
She who seeks possessions to fulfill herself,
will have men who seek other women to fulfill them.

There is no greater or lessor sex in mankind,
Both men and women must realize the irony.

We all have our talents, we all have our personalities,
we all must accept who we are.

That which we shun and hide from; thinking it is evil,
will diminish when brought to light.
That which we fear will grow in darkness.

Think not that you are unworthy of Love,
for this thinking leads you to acts of unworthiness.

I do not wish to wander aimlessly as the blind.
That which we keep in secret,
is the reason for our need of secrecy.

Can we not see the circle we have created?

All of our thoughts lead to our actions.
All of our actions have results.

If we do not like the results of our life,
then we need to alter our actions,
which means we NEED to alter our thinking.

If we are unwilling to create the change we seek,
then why do we believe others should be willing to hear us groan on?

There are those who wish for better,
who cannot yet escape their situations.
To them who seek they shall find.

Peace within love requires a passion for honesty.

Our secrets serve no Master but that of destruction.

To those already with another I say this:

What manner of maturity do we believe we have,
by hiding our wandering eye from our lover?

How childish do we feel hiding our magazines?
Our pictures?
Our Movies?
Our E-mails?
Our Internet contacts?
Our list of “those who want you”?
Our desire to flirt?
Our want to know who thinks your hot?
Our secret sexuality?

Men who do such things do not have wives,
but rather another mother.
Women who do such things do not have husbands,
but rather another child.

Has your woman become your mommy?
Has your man become your baby?

IS this truly what we want in life?

Look to the single people of the world,
and see how their false promotion
paves the way for our life now.

Retake your place in your home.
As a man should express his heart with confidence,
so should a woman express her desire with confidence.

Be loving and caring and gentle,
and bring honesty to you both.

To them who are single I say this:

What fear overcomes us so great that we hide our truth?
When seeking a lover why do we cower at our own desires?

Is our need for immediate attention so great,
that we will accept a liar over a woman?

Is our need for immediate attention so great,
that we will accept a coward over a man?

Singles of the world project all that they are not,
to gain recognition of that which they know they lack.
This only brings them a lover they will hate in the end.

Listen to what is and was and will always be:
You can buy a cow, and spend 30 years trying to mold it into a dog,
and in the end it will still be a cow.

Therefore hide NOT that which you honestly desire in your life
from those who show interest in you.

Do not fear the opposing sex for their opinion of you.

She who spits on us for our way today,
will spit on us forever if we must have her.

He who ignores our manner now,
will ignore us forever if we must have him.

Instead be bold in your assertion of what you know in your heart.
And you will find another to share your bed who also desires such things.

They will not wish to depart from you,
because you will not wish to depart from them.

Forget the rules of the world that state how you are to be to get love.
BE how you truly are, and love will find you.

To all who are living or dying:

Know there are several areas which MUST be in agreement
for a powerful love to work.

Spirituality Must be agreed upon between two.
Sexuality Must be agreed upon between two.
Ethics that are lived by must be known and agreed upon by two.
Morals that are adhered to must be known and agreed upon by two.

Without these matters in full disclosure and agreement between two,
there will be no lasting bond.

Do not be afraid to express what you want in life,
regardless of how idiotic your closest friends and family believe your wants are.

With our truth we will find another of the same truth.
They are the ones who share our bed,
they share our days and nights,
they share our publicity, and our privacy,
they share our passion, and our intimacy.
Therefore they are more important than mother and father.

Look to the men and women who have lied to themselves and are now
in relationships they hate.
See how they long for love and desire and fulfillment?
See how their fear of loss keeps them hungry?
Even unto hiding their ways they sneak around their own lives.

Does this seem appealing to anyone?

I have walked down every rotten path,
and eaten of every sour grape.
None of it served me in any manner,
for I remained a boy in a man’s body.
In the end I was weaker and sicker then that of a very old man.

But truth and honesty about me spoken proudly from my own lips,
Followed up with action that proved to me my own heart,
was no less then a new crop of a new tree,
that harvested a completely different fruit then I had tasted of before.

I wish for ALL to know such Love and Security.

May those who seek love still,
and despair in the longing,
turn away from their previous methods,
for they have not produced a good crop.

May we alter course in our MIND,
if we are so vexed,
and forgo our former beliefs,
for they have lead us astray.

May we have courage,
to face our truth,
for our truth will never change.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

The Sex Talk I Never Got

Importance of Open Communication: Honest discussions about desires, fears, and needs are essential for building trust and intimacy between partners. Hiding truths creates distance and dissatisfaction in relationships.

Gender Dynamics and Equality: Both men and women must recognize and challenge societal stereotypes and expectations. Viewing each other as equals fosters healthier connections and mutual respect.

Self-Acceptance and Worthiness: Embracing one’s true self and desires is vital for feeling worthy of love. Rejecting feelings of unworthiness can lead to healthier relationships and personal fulfillment.

Consequences of Secrecy: Keeping secrets can lead to feelings of guilt, mistrust, and ultimately, the breakdown of relationships. Bringing hidden aspects to light encourages healing and understanding.

Mutual Agreements in Relationships: Lasting love requires agreement on fundamental aspects like spirituality, sexuality, ethics, and morals. Clarity in these areas strengthens the bond and enhances connection.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

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