Themes and Insights

Birthright – Passage 6 of 7

Returning to Personal Domain: Regaining access to one's own domain restores peace and comfort, free from negative emotions like anger, fear, and stress. In one's domain, a sense of love and opportunity prevails.

Understanding Anger: Entering someone else's domain, particularly one of anger, can lead to emotional pain. Each individual is the master of their own domain, which cannot be controlled or fully understood by others.

Relationships and Overlapping Domains: True overlap of domains can only occur in love. Healthy partnerships require individuals to separate from their parental influences, allowing for personal individuality before joining with a partner.

Personal Discovery: Growth involves testing and proving what is true in one's own domain rather than adhering strictly to parental teachings. Previous relationships may falter if one remains entangled in others' domains.

Respecting Individual Domains: Once an individual realizes they do not need approval from others, they gain respect for themselves and for others, recognizing the futility of conflict that arises from attempting to impose one’s domain on another.

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Birthright – Passage 6 of 7

By returning to our home
we are returned to everything that is ours.

In my own domain
I am not agitated,
in doubt, worried,
stressed, hurt, angry,
fearful or uncomfortable.

My own domain is peaceful,
loving, blissful,
packed with opportunity,
warm, welcoming,
enjoyable and passionate.

If I enter the domain of Anger
I will be burned by that anger deeply
and it will sear into my very soul
because it is not my domain,
and I do not have power over it.
Anger belongs to another
and they are master of their domain,
as I am master of my own.

Some people will believe that we can overlap domains
and this is what a partnership or friendship is.
I do not believe this to be true.
I believe that ONLY two who in love
couple with one another
can overlap their circles into each other.
Thereby defining the meaning that “the two shall become on flesh”.

It also states that a man leaves his father (his domain)
and his mother (her domain)
and joins (now with his own domain alone) with his wife. T

This tells me that in a proper sense
all that our teachers give us,
we must leave,
in order to re-connect with our sole individuality
so that we may successfully join with another.

If I live by ALL that my father taught me
then I am giving my father to my wife
not me.
If I live by ALL that my mother taught me
then I am giving my mother to my wife
not me.

Many items that are true in my father’s domain,
are also true in my own.
Many items that are in my mother’s domain
are also in my own.
But I had these things at birth
as so did they.

We both learned a language by which to communicate such concepts
and therefore discover what we both share.
My mother cannot give me what is not mine
I can only enter into her domain and try to live there uncomfortably.

So in time
I tested all things,
proved all things
not to the truth of the universe
but to the truth of my own God given domain.

Therefore, none of my previous lovers,
or wife’s
could have ever been a success
because I would still living within the domain of others.
I still believed I was to be as I was instructed,
and I still punished myself when I did not do as instructed.
Plu,s I did have to witness the dis-approval of others
when I did not comply.

Now, returning to my own domain
I am not in need of such things as approval of others.
I do not respect others less because of this
but I respect them more
for they too do not need my own approval.

When I realize I cannot win a fight inside another’s domain
I cease fighting with them.

When I realize that in my own domain there is no fighting
I then know that if I find myself fighting
it is because I am trying to create my OWN domain
inside someone elses domain.

And this is futile.

There is NOTHING “wrong” in my domain
so when I feel wrong.
it is because I have entered the domain of another.
And I CAN leave.

Ryan o0o

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Birthright – Passage 6 of 7

By returning to our home
we are returned to everything that is ours.

In my own domain
I am not agitated,
in doubt, worried,
stressed, hurt, angry,
fearful or uncomfortable.

My own domain is peaceful,
loving, blissful,
packed with opportunity,
warm, welcoming,
enjoyable and passionate.

If I enter the domain of Anger
I will be burned by that anger deeply
and it will sear into my very soul
because it is not my domain,
and I do not have power over it.
Anger belongs to another
and they are master of their domain,
as I am master of my own.

Some people will believe that we can overlap domains
and this is what a partnership or friendship is.
I do not believe this to be true.
I believe that ONLY two who in love
couple with one another
can overlap their circles into each other.
Thereby defining the meaning that “the two shall become on flesh”.

It also states that a man leaves his father (his domain)
and his mother (her domain)
and joins (now with his own domain alone) with his wife. T

This tells me that in a proper sense
all that our teachers give us,
we must leave,
in order to re-connect with our sole individuality
so that we may successfully join with another.

If I live by ALL that my father taught me
then I am giving my father to my wife
not me.
If I live by ALL that my mother taught me
then I am giving my mother to my wife
not me.

Many items that are true in my father’s domain,
are also true in my own.
Many items that are in my mother’s domain
are also in my own.
But I had these things at birth
as so did they.

We both learned a language by which to communicate such concepts
and therefore discover what we both share.
My mother cannot give me what is not mine
I can only enter into her domain and try to live there uncomfortably.

So in time
I tested all things,
proved all things
not to the truth of the universe
but to the truth of my own God given domain.

Therefore, none of my previous lovers,
or wife’s
could have ever been a success
because I would still living within the domain of others.
I still believed I was to be as I was instructed,
and I still punished myself when I did not do as instructed.
Plu,s I did have to witness the dis-approval of others
when I did not comply.

Now, returning to my own domain
I am not in need of such things as approval of others.
I do not respect others less because of this
but I respect them more
for they too do not need my own approval.

When I realize I cannot win a fight inside another’s domain
I cease fighting with them.

When I realize that in my own domain there is no fighting
I then know that if I find myself fighting
it is because I am trying to create my OWN domain
inside someone elses domain.

And this is futile.

There is NOTHING “wrong” in my domain
so when I feel wrong.
it is because I have entered the domain of another.
And I CAN leave.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Birthright – Passage 6 of 7

Returning to Personal Domain: Regaining access to one's own domain restores peace and comfort, free from negative emotions like anger, fear, and stress. In one's domain, a sense of love and opportunity prevails.

Understanding Anger: Entering someone else's domain, particularly one of anger, can lead to emotional pain. Each individual is the master of their own domain, which cannot be controlled or fully understood by others.

Relationships and Overlapping Domains: True overlap of domains can only occur in love. Healthy partnerships require individuals to separate from their parental influences, allowing for personal individuality before joining with a partner.

Personal Discovery: Growth involves testing and proving what is true in one's own domain rather than adhering strictly to parental teachings. Previous relationships may falter if one remains entangled in others' domains.

Respecting Individual Domains: Once an individual realizes they do not need approval from others, they gain respect for themselves and for others, recognizing the futility of conflict that arises from attempting to impose one’s domain on another.

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Birthright – Passage 6 of 7

By returning to our home
we are returned to everything that is ours.

In my own domain
I am not agitated,
in doubt, worried,
stressed, hurt, angry,
fearful or uncomfortable.

My own domain is peaceful,
loving, blissful,
packed with opportunity,
warm, welcoming,
enjoyable and passionate.

If I enter the domain of Anger
I will be burned by that anger deeply
and it will sear into my very soul
because it is not my domain,
and I do not have power over it.
Anger belongs to another
and they are master of their domain,
as I am master of my own.

Some people will believe that we can overlap domains
and this is what a partnership or friendship is.
I do not believe this to be true.
I believe that ONLY two who in love
couple with one another
can overlap their circles into each other.
Thereby defining the meaning that “the two shall become on flesh”.

It also states that a man leaves his father (his domain)
and his mother (her domain)
and joins (now with his own domain alone) with his wife. T

This tells me that in a proper sense
all that our teachers give us,
we must leave,
in order to re-connect with our sole individuality
so that we may successfully join with another.

If I live by ALL that my father taught me
then I am giving my father to my wife
not me.
If I live by ALL that my mother taught me
then I am giving my mother to my wife
not me.

Many items that are true in my father’s domain,
are also true in my own.
Many items that are in my mother’s domain
are also in my own.
But I had these things at birth
as so did they.

We both learned a language by which to communicate such concepts
and therefore discover what we both share.
My mother cannot give me what is not mine
I can only enter into her domain and try to live there uncomfortably.

So in time
I tested all things,
proved all things
not to the truth of the universe
but to the truth of my own God given domain.

Therefore, none of my previous lovers,
or wife’s
could have ever been a success
because I would still living within the domain of others.
I still believed I was to be as I was instructed,
and I still punished myself when I did not do as instructed.
Plu,s I did have to witness the dis-approval of others
when I did not comply.

Now, returning to my own domain
I am not in need of such things as approval of others.
I do not respect others less because of this
but I respect them more
for they too do not need my own approval.

When I realize I cannot win a fight inside another’s domain
I cease fighting with them.

When I realize that in my own domain there is no fighting
I then know that if I find myself fighting
it is because I am trying to create my OWN domain
inside someone elses domain.

And this is futile.

There is NOTHING “wrong” in my domain
so when I feel wrong.
it is because I have entered the domain of another.
And I CAN leave.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Birthright – Passage 6 of 7

Returning to Personal Domain: Regaining access to one's own domain restores peace and comfort, free from negative emotions like anger, fear, and stress. In one's domain, a sense of love and opportunity prevails.

Understanding Anger: Entering someone else's domain, particularly one of anger, can lead to emotional pain. Each individual is the master of their own domain, which cannot be controlled or fully understood by others.

Relationships and Overlapping Domains: True overlap of domains can only occur in love. Healthy partnerships require individuals to separate from their parental influences, allowing for personal individuality before joining with a partner.

Personal Discovery: Growth involves testing and proving what is true in one's own domain rather than adhering strictly to parental teachings. Previous relationships may falter if one remains entangled in others' domains.

Respecting Individual Domains: Once an individual realizes they do not need approval from others, they gain respect for themselves and for others, recognizing the futility of conflict that arises from attempting to impose one’s domain on another.

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