Themes and Insights

Why God?

The Futility of Human Wisdom Humanity repeatedly assumes knowledge and authority, yet history proves the insignificance of human achievements, intellect, and existence without God.

The Cycles of Forgotten Generations Civilizations rise and fall, leaving no lasting legacy apart from dust and questions. Even those who sought wisdom before us were ultimately forgotten, emphasizing the fleeting nature of worldly knowledge.

The Folly of Religious and Scientific Arrogance Both religious dogma and scientific achievements hold little weight before the vastness of divine truth. The misuse of scripture and rituals for power and control reveals human ignorance rather than enlightenment.

The Inevitability of God’s Existence All things must have an origin, leading to the undeniable truth that something eternal must exist beyond human comprehension. God alone remains as the foundation of all things, past, present, and future.

The Revelation of Christ’s Love Despite human folly, the message of Jesus Christ offers an invitation to divine sonship, where love is the path to true understanding and eternal life. Love itself is the foundation of existence.

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Why God?

I do not write what I wish, nor do I prepare what I speak. If these things were of my own will would I pen wishes of tender love and beautiful romance. My pages would be full of sappy sonnets and intimate longings.

Even I settle to do such things, and out comes other words instead, from places deep within that stir my spirit toward God and flow like water without effort. From my own hand am I taught by a logic and understanding beyond the ability of my simple mind and experience. For as I begin to type do I find myself in the way of the spirit more than of my flesh.

Why is it so difficult for us to see wisdom? As we trust our own experience thinking that it is enough, do we over look all those before us who thought the same… and met the dust, unknown to anyone alive and forgotten forever.

And they too who strived and worked and pondered long ago shared all they knew with others as though it was law, as though it was greatness, as though it was truth… only to turn to dust and be forgotten and to have produced no fruit at all of greatness, not even rotten fruit, for it was and then was no more, as though it never was at all.

And they before them did the same. All the way back to the beginning of this entire generation of man, when little more than apes were the greatest intellect. They were Born, lived and died without any memory of any kind anywhere. Just bones and questions do we have.

And what of the time before this generation of man? When all of their marvellous achievements too ended by the destruction of their own hubris and folly, leaving nothing but rocks and stone. Or what of the civilizations, hidden since the beginning, that was before and still is and will be again? Or of they even before that who stood with dinosaurs and ruled over them; They who called themselves gods to the gods of this world of which there is no record at all? What of they Who would make men tremble at the very sight of them, and bring terror to the heart of all living beasts that we know not?

And we dare look upon each other and think we know anything at all? That we have authority and rank and such gifted truths that we may tell another what is and what isn’t and how anyone else should be what so ever? Truly we of our generation are the least intellectual of all before us, and of they before man, and of they before they before man!

We who read our books and say this is what is meant and that is what this means and this text speaks of our agenda and belief when we don’t understand at ALL the very words we proclaim to call righteous and perfect?

Indeed they ARE perfect and proof of our folly and stupidity for the horror and gore and terror we have spun upon ourselves because of them. For only the truly ignorant and foolish and fooled would believe they understand a thing of them. Especially if those most excellent words are used against another in any way, when their intent was to enlighten all.

For not only did God create this generation of man, but also all generations before man, and life before they before man, and all stars and lights and planets and worlds that rose and died and rose anew and died away even billions of years ago…. Completely forgotten and unknown to anyone but God.

And yet we tell another what is right and what is wrong and how they are good or bad? Idiots we all are! For just as all others who bore their blood in our very veins do we ourselves know not of them, even though they are our fathers and mothers without whom we would not exist at all.

Even the bones and stones from millions of years ago found on this very rock are of nothing to the ancients before them. Yet somehow I think I know what is righteous and what is not? Blasphemy to God’s very name with such pride!

Even science in all its wonderment is as worthless paper before the flames of the sun and burnt up to be forever laughable. Indeed do I corner the so called “holy men” of earth who proclaim their damning manner of religious interpretation they force upon others in punishment and wrath. For of such is utter worthlessness and the darkest of hells. Don’t even get me started with the futility of all other rituals of every order and kind thought to be spiritual when truly they have no value except to the life of flesh man. There they are of worth… to our bones and blood and then and still, we die.

What gives me authority to say such things? The revelation of my own stupidity and hubris! The folly and foolishness of my own life.

So out of me, instead of weepy love poems, comes foolishness and wickedness and all manner of the darkness of man. For of these things do I know well. As I am a fool and stupid and of no account at all before the actual throne of truth and reality. Could I say I am a master of stupidity? Not at all, for even THAT is pride and arrogance and hubris.

Not only am I without truth, I am also without untruth. As has been ALL men before me and all men after me.

Leaving what?

GOD, and only GOD

As even in our ignorance are we aware enough to know that all things must have an origin. Even in our stupidity are we of knowledge that this that comes must come from somewhere else, as it cannot come and it cannot go without becoming itself in the first place by something before it.

And to continue on from one generation to the next would require the continuation of that power to form and unform and build and unbuild to build again, forcing the acceptance of the understanding that there must be that which WAS in the very beginning and IS to this very moment and WILL BE forever and ever and ever, both forward and backward. For without such could there be nothing at all. And yet even THIS is comprehended for the limitations of man in the first place, as time itself is but a concept.

So from me comes the stupidity of my dark and ignorant experience along with the revelation and awe at God’s love. For of such can I find nothing else that matters at all. This to why this pours out of me and this to why I wish to write of intimate tenderness between lovers and instead speak of darkness and light, good and evil, life and death.

Nothing else has been shown to me except the steps of my own pride and folly… and this great and powerful and wonderful and amazing and most excellent perfect idea of God. An idea we can explore for eternity and still know very little about. A concept of the Everlasting and Creator and Origin of all things.

And then we have the story of this guy Jesus the Christ show up and say… “Hey, God really loves you guys and wants to make you His sons!” Whoa…. Whoa…. Ya… I’m gonna want to know more about THAT! And then I find out in order to discover that and embrace it… all I need do is seek Love, seek to give Love and seek to allow LOVE to dwell within me, for the Holy Spirit is life itself and love is the foundation of life. YES… I’m gonna want to know more about that. Because of all I learned of myself… hahaha. It’s not worth mentioning as it too will just turn to dust as all others before me. So I wish to learn about God.

That is why “God”

Ryan o0o

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Why God?

I do not write what I wish, nor do I prepare what I speak. If these things were of my own will would I pen wishes of tender love and beautiful romance. My pages would be full of sappy sonnets and intimate longings.

Even I settle to do such things, and out comes other words instead, from places deep within that stir my spirit toward God and flow like water without effort. From my own hand am I taught by a logic and understanding beyond the ability of my simple mind and experience. For as I begin to type do I find myself in the way of the spirit more than of my flesh.

Why is it so difficult for us to see wisdom? As we trust our own experience thinking that it is enough, do we over look all those before us who thought the same… and met the dust, unknown to anyone alive and forgotten forever.

And they too who strived and worked and pondered long ago shared all they knew with others as though it was law, as though it was greatness, as though it was truth… only to turn to dust and be forgotten and to have produced no fruit at all of greatness, not even rotten fruit, for it was and then was no more, as though it never was at all.

And they before them did the same. All the way back to the beginning of this entire generation of man, when little more than apes were the greatest intellect. They were Born, lived and died without any memory of any kind anywhere. Just bones and questions do we have.

And what of the time before this generation of man? When all of their marvellous achievements too ended by the destruction of their own hubris and folly, leaving nothing but rocks and stone. Or what of the civilizations, hidden since the beginning, that was before and still is and will be again? Or of they even before that who stood with dinosaurs and ruled over them; They who called themselves gods to the gods of this world of which there is no record at all? What of they Who would make men tremble at the very sight of them, and bring terror to the heart of all living beasts that we know not?

And we dare look upon each other and think we know anything at all? That we have authority and rank and such gifted truths that we may tell another what is and what isn’t and how anyone else should be what so ever? Truly we of our generation are the least intellectual of all before us, and of they before man, and of they before they before man!

We who read our books and say this is what is meant and that is what this means and this text speaks of our agenda and belief when we don’t understand at ALL the very words we proclaim to call righteous and perfect?

Indeed they ARE perfect and proof of our folly and stupidity for the horror and gore and terror we have spun upon ourselves because of them. For only the truly ignorant and foolish and fooled would believe they understand a thing of them. Especially if those most excellent words are used against another in any way, when their intent was to enlighten all.

For not only did God create this generation of man, but also all generations before man, and life before they before man, and all stars and lights and planets and worlds that rose and died and rose anew and died away even billions of years ago…. Completely forgotten and unknown to anyone but God.

And yet we tell another what is right and what is wrong and how they are good or bad? Idiots we all are! For just as all others who bore their blood in our very veins do we ourselves know not of them, even though they are our fathers and mothers without whom we would not exist at all.

Even the bones and stones from millions of years ago found on this very rock are of nothing to the ancients before them. Yet somehow I think I know what is righteous and what is not? Blasphemy to God’s very name with such pride!

Even science in all its wonderment is as worthless paper before the flames of the sun and burnt up to be forever laughable. Indeed do I corner the so called “holy men” of earth who proclaim their damning manner of religious interpretation they force upon others in punishment and wrath. For of such is utter worthlessness and the darkest of hells. Don’t even get me started with the futility of all other rituals of every order and kind thought to be spiritual when truly they have no value except to the life of flesh man. There they are of worth… to our bones and blood and then and still, we die.

What gives me authority to say such things? The revelation of my own stupidity and hubris! The folly and foolishness of my own life.

So out of me, instead of weepy love poems, comes foolishness and wickedness and all manner of the darkness of man. For of these things do I know well. As I am a fool and stupid and of no account at all before the actual throne of truth and reality. Could I say I am a master of stupidity? Not at all, for even THAT is pride and arrogance and hubris.

Not only am I without truth, I am also without untruth. As has been ALL men before me and all men after me.

Leaving what?

GOD, and only GOD

As even in our ignorance are we aware enough to know that all things must have an origin. Even in our stupidity are we of knowledge that this that comes must come from somewhere else, as it cannot come and it cannot go without becoming itself in the first place by something before it.

And to continue on from one generation to the next would require the continuation of that power to form and unform and build and unbuild to build again, forcing the acceptance of the understanding that there must be that which WAS in the very beginning and IS to this very moment and WILL BE forever and ever and ever, both forward and backward. For without such could there be nothing at all. And yet even THIS is comprehended for the limitations of man in the first place, as time itself is but a concept.

So from me comes the stupidity of my dark and ignorant experience along with the revelation and awe at God’s love. For of such can I find nothing else that matters at all. This to why this pours out of me and this to why I wish to write of intimate tenderness between lovers and instead speak of darkness and light, good and evil, life and death.

Nothing else has been shown to me except the steps of my own pride and folly… and this great and powerful and wonderful and amazing and most excellent perfect idea of God. An idea we can explore for eternity and still know very little about. A concept of the Everlasting and Creator and Origin of all things.

And then we have the story of this guy Jesus the Christ show up and say… “Hey, God really loves you guys and wants to make you His sons!” Whoa…. Whoa…. Ya… I’m gonna want to know more about THAT! And then I find out in order to discover that and embrace it… all I need do is seek Love, seek to give Love and seek to allow LOVE to dwell within me, for the Holy Spirit is life itself and love is the foundation of life. YES… I’m gonna want to know more about that. Because of all I learned of myself… hahaha. It’s not worth mentioning as it too will just turn to dust as all others before me. So I wish to learn about God.

That is why “God”

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Why God?

The Futility of Human Wisdom Humanity repeatedly assumes knowledge and authority, yet history proves the insignificance of human achievements, intellect, and existence without God.

The Cycles of Forgotten Generations Civilizations rise and fall, leaving no lasting legacy apart from dust and questions. Even those who sought wisdom before us were ultimately forgotten, emphasizing the fleeting nature of worldly knowledge.

The Folly of Religious and Scientific Arrogance Both religious dogma and scientific achievements hold little weight before the vastness of divine truth. The misuse of scripture and rituals for power and control reveals human ignorance rather than enlightenment.

The Inevitability of God’s Existence All things must have an origin, leading to the undeniable truth that something eternal must exist beyond human comprehension. God alone remains as the foundation of all things, past, present, and future.

The Revelation of Christ’s Love Despite human folly, the message of Jesus Christ offers an invitation to divine sonship, where love is the path to true understanding and eternal life. Love itself is the foundation of existence.

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Why God?

I do not write what I wish, nor do I prepare what I speak. If these things were of my own will would I pen wishes of tender love and beautiful romance. My pages would be full of sappy sonnets and intimate longings.

Even I settle to do such things, and out comes other words instead, from places deep within that stir my spirit toward God and flow like water without effort. From my own hand am I taught by a logic and understanding beyond the ability of my simple mind and experience. For as I begin to type do I find myself in the way of the spirit more than of my flesh.

Why is it so difficult for us to see wisdom? As we trust our own experience thinking that it is enough, do we over look all those before us who thought the same… and met the dust, unknown to anyone alive and forgotten forever.

And they too who strived and worked and pondered long ago shared all they knew with others as though it was law, as though it was greatness, as though it was truth… only to turn to dust and be forgotten and to have produced no fruit at all of greatness, not even rotten fruit, for it was and then was no more, as though it never was at all.

And they before them did the same. All the way back to the beginning of this entire generation of man, when little more than apes were the greatest intellect. They were Born, lived and died without any memory of any kind anywhere. Just bones and questions do we have.

And what of the time before this generation of man? When all of their marvellous achievements too ended by the destruction of their own hubris and folly, leaving nothing but rocks and stone. Or what of the civilizations, hidden since the beginning, that was before and still is and will be again? Or of they even before that who stood with dinosaurs and ruled over them; They who called themselves gods to the gods of this world of which there is no record at all? What of they Who would make men tremble at the very sight of them, and bring terror to the heart of all living beasts that we know not?

And we dare look upon each other and think we know anything at all? That we have authority and rank and such gifted truths that we may tell another what is and what isn’t and how anyone else should be what so ever? Truly we of our generation are the least intellectual of all before us, and of they before man, and of they before they before man!

We who read our books and say this is what is meant and that is what this means and this text speaks of our agenda and belief when we don’t understand at ALL the very words we proclaim to call righteous and perfect?

Indeed they ARE perfect and proof of our folly and stupidity for the horror and gore and terror we have spun upon ourselves because of them. For only the truly ignorant and foolish and fooled would believe they understand a thing of them. Especially if those most excellent words are used against another in any way, when their intent was to enlighten all.

For not only did God create this generation of man, but also all generations before man, and life before they before man, and all stars and lights and planets and worlds that rose and died and rose anew and died away even billions of years ago…. Completely forgotten and unknown to anyone but God.

And yet we tell another what is right and what is wrong and how they are good or bad? Idiots we all are! For just as all others who bore their blood in our very veins do we ourselves know not of them, even though they are our fathers and mothers without whom we would not exist at all.

Even the bones and stones from millions of years ago found on this very rock are of nothing to the ancients before them. Yet somehow I think I know what is righteous and what is not? Blasphemy to God’s very name with such pride!

Even science in all its wonderment is as worthless paper before the flames of the sun and burnt up to be forever laughable. Indeed do I corner the so called “holy men” of earth who proclaim their damning manner of religious interpretation they force upon others in punishment and wrath. For of such is utter worthlessness and the darkest of hells. Don’t even get me started with the futility of all other rituals of every order and kind thought to be spiritual when truly they have no value except to the life of flesh man. There they are of worth… to our bones and blood and then and still, we die.

What gives me authority to say such things? The revelation of my own stupidity and hubris! The folly and foolishness of my own life.

So out of me, instead of weepy love poems, comes foolishness and wickedness and all manner of the darkness of man. For of these things do I know well. As I am a fool and stupid and of no account at all before the actual throne of truth and reality. Could I say I am a master of stupidity? Not at all, for even THAT is pride and arrogance and hubris.

Not only am I without truth, I am also without untruth. As has been ALL men before me and all men after me.

Leaving what?

GOD, and only GOD

As even in our ignorance are we aware enough to know that all things must have an origin. Even in our stupidity are we of knowledge that this that comes must come from somewhere else, as it cannot come and it cannot go without becoming itself in the first place by something before it.

And to continue on from one generation to the next would require the continuation of that power to form and unform and build and unbuild to build again, forcing the acceptance of the understanding that there must be that which WAS in the very beginning and IS to this very moment and WILL BE forever and ever and ever, both forward and backward. For without such could there be nothing at all. And yet even THIS is comprehended for the limitations of man in the first place, as time itself is but a concept.

So from me comes the stupidity of my dark and ignorant experience along with the revelation and awe at God’s love. For of such can I find nothing else that matters at all. This to why this pours out of me and this to why I wish to write of intimate tenderness between lovers and instead speak of darkness and light, good and evil, life and death.

Nothing else has been shown to me except the steps of my own pride and folly… and this great and powerful and wonderful and amazing and most excellent perfect idea of God. An idea we can explore for eternity and still know very little about. A concept of the Everlasting and Creator and Origin of all things.

And then we have the story of this guy Jesus the Christ show up and say… “Hey, God really loves you guys and wants to make you His sons!” Whoa…. Whoa…. Ya… I’m gonna want to know more about THAT! And then I find out in order to discover that and embrace it… all I need do is seek Love, seek to give Love and seek to allow LOVE to dwell within me, for the Holy Spirit is life itself and love is the foundation of life. YES… I’m gonna want to know more about that. Because of all I learned of myself… hahaha. It’s not worth mentioning as it too will just turn to dust as all others before me. So I wish to learn about God.

That is why “God”

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Why God?

The Futility of Human Wisdom Humanity repeatedly assumes knowledge and authority, yet history proves the insignificance of human achievements, intellect, and existence without God.

The Cycles of Forgotten Generations Civilizations rise and fall, leaving no lasting legacy apart from dust and questions. Even those who sought wisdom before us were ultimately forgotten, emphasizing the fleeting nature of worldly knowledge.

The Folly of Religious and Scientific Arrogance Both religious dogma and scientific achievements hold little weight before the vastness of divine truth. The misuse of scripture and rituals for power and control reveals human ignorance rather than enlightenment.

The Inevitability of God’s Existence All things must have an origin, leading to the undeniable truth that something eternal must exist beyond human comprehension. God alone remains as the foundation of all things, past, present, and future.

The Revelation of Christ’s Love Despite human folly, the message of Jesus Christ offers an invitation to divine sonship, where love is the path to true understanding and eternal life. Love itself is the foundation of existence.

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