Themes and Insights

When the Time Reveals the Word

The Illusion of Human Authority Those who proclaim their own righteousness, power, and wisdom are blind to the true source of all things. Without gratitude to the Creator, their claims are empty and self-serving.

The Futility of Self-Deception People shape doctrines, laws, and mysteries based on their own understanding, yet they remain unable to see beyond their own flesh. Those who ignore their origins cannot grasp truth.

The Contrast Between Power and Fear Many seek power without realizing that power itself rules over them. True life is not found in authority or control, but in being chosen by the eternal spirit of God.

The Vanity of Seeking Agreement The desire for universal agreement leads to self-deception and destruction. Seeking validation from others rather than truth results in emptiness.

The Eternal Source of Life What is truly holy, sacred, and unique is not human power, doctrine, or perception, but the eternal life within man, given by the Spirit of God.

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When the Time Reveals the Word

For as many as proclaim their righteousness
Speaking forms and tones and tongues
Who then has given thanks?

For as many as establish their doctrine
Speaking riddles and mysteries and law
Who then has given authority?

For as many as divide themselves among men
Speaking greatness and rule and self respect
Who then has acknowledged truth?

For as many as claim their power
Speaking holy and sacred and unique
Who then has found any wisdom?

For there is no Authority or Truth or Wisdom whatsoever in the thoughts and tongues of men who give thanks not at all to where all Origin is Born.

Nor are the actions of such made for the benefit of anyone, bearing no fruit beyond destruction, of the shiny pearl caught eye of those brought down low by they who devise their foolishness.

And here let a simple man, yes even a lowly man of no standing, welding no sword, holding no sceptre, learned in nothing, phrase before the mighty that they themselves are confounded. Aye even more so that they believe of such interpretations, knowing not what is real, crafting instead their own variance, trusting wholly their own perspective, for of themselves can they not see beyond their own flesh – though they speak as spirit. As it is seen – so shall it not be seen – as we shall see now.

For who can say anything at all, while ignoring where it came? And who can stand at all, while denying their own given life?

And who is given what isn’t and not given what is?

Who has in their hands what is not there, and has not in their hands what is?

Who creates without creation and destroys without what is created?

Who has chosen what he finds and not chosen what is hidden?

Who can speak what isn’t real to reality against they who speak what is real against what isn’t – except for he who is ruled not by power, but fear? Yet they seek power!

For even he ruled by power is ruled, and only he chosen to life is alive. As the dead walk the earth, masked, veiled and before us, so too are the children of men likewise themselves.

OH that a plain tongue may find its way to a plain ear!

Who upon receiving an apple then seeks one out?

They of authority seek not what they have
But he without covets control of what he has not

They of power seek not what they possess
But he without covets to gain what he has not

They of wisdom seek not what they know
But he without covets understanding he cannot perceive

And they of vanity and foolishness seek
That all upon the earth will agree

What then shall be accomplished
By the deceiver of himself
Who desired to agree to his own destruction?

May this be understood.
That which is what is that is said it is

What is Holy and Sacred and Unique alone
Is the life within the life of men
Of the Eternal Spirit of God

Ryan o0o

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When the Time Reveals the Word

For as many as proclaim their righteousness
Speaking forms and tones and tongues
Who then has given thanks?

For as many as establish their doctrine
Speaking riddles and mysteries and law
Who then has given authority?

For as many as divide themselves among men
Speaking greatness and rule and self respect
Who then has acknowledged truth?

For as many as claim their power
Speaking holy and sacred and unique
Who then has found any wisdom?

For there is no Authority or Truth or Wisdom whatsoever in the thoughts and tongues of men who give thanks not at all to where all Origin is Born.

Nor are the actions of such made for the benefit of anyone, bearing no fruit beyond destruction, of the shiny pearl caught eye of those brought down low by they who devise their foolishness.

And here let a simple man, yes even a lowly man of no standing, welding no sword, holding no sceptre, learned in nothing, phrase before the mighty that they themselves are confounded. Aye even more so that they believe of such interpretations, knowing not what is real, crafting instead their own variance, trusting wholly their own perspective, for of themselves can they not see beyond their own flesh – though they speak as spirit. As it is seen – so shall it not be seen – as we shall see now.

For who can say anything at all, while ignoring where it came? And who can stand at all, while denying their own given life?

And who is given what isn’t and not given what is?

Who has in their hands what is not there, and has not in their hands what is?

Who creates without creation and destroys without what is created?

Who has chosen what he finds and not chosen what is hidden?

Who can speak what isn’t real to reality against they who speak what is real against what isn’t – except for he who is ruled not by power, but fear? Yet they seek power!

For even he ruled by power is ruled, and only he chosen to life is alive. As the dead walk the earth, masked, veiled and before us, so too are the children of men likewise themselves.

OH that a plain tongue may find its way to a plain ear!

Who upon receiving an apple then seeks one out?

They of authority seek not what they have
But he without covets control of what he has not

They of power seek not what they possess
But he without covets to gain what he has not

They of wisdom seek not what they know
But he without covets understanding he cannot perceive

And they of vanity and foolishness seek
That all upon the earth will agree

What then shall be accomplished
By the deceiver of himself
Who desired to agree to his own destruction?

May this be understood.
That which is what is that is said it is

What is Holy and Sacred and Unique alone
Is the life within the life of men
Of the Eternal Spirit of God

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

When the Time Reveals the Word

The Illusion of Human Authority Those who proclaim their own righteousness, power, and wisdom are blind to the true source of all things. Without gratitude to the Creator, their claims are empty and self-serving.

The Futility of Self-Deception People shape doctrines, laws, and mysteries based on their own understanding, yet they remain unable to see beyond their own flesh. Those who ignore their origins cannot grasp truth.

The Contrast Between Power and Fear Many seek power without realizing that power itself rules over them. True life is not found in authority or control, but in being chosen by the eternal spirit of God.

The Vanity of Seeking Agreement The desire for universal agreement leads to self-deception and destruction. Seeking validation from others rather than truth results in emptiness.

The Eternal Source of Life What is truly holy, sacred, and unique is not human power, doctrine, or perception, but the eternal life within man, given by the Spirit of God.

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When the Time Reveals the Word

For as many as proclaim their righteousness
Speaking forms and tones and tongues
Who then has given thanks?

For as many as establish their doctrine
Speaking riddles and mysteries and law
Who then has given authority?

For as many as divide themselves among men
Speaking greatness and rule and self respect
Who then has acknowledged truth?

For as many as claim their power
Speaking holy and sacred and unique
Who then has found any wisdom?

For there is no Authority or Truth or Wisdom whatsoever in the thoughts and tongues of men who give thanks not at all to where all Origin is Born.

Nor are the actions of such made for the benefit of anyone, bearing no fruit beyond destruction, of the shiny pearl caught eye of those brought down low by they who devise their foolishness.

And here let a simple man, yes even a lowly man of no standing, welding no sword, holding no sceptre, learned in nothing, phrase before the mighty that they themselves are confounded. Aye even more so that they believe of such interpretations, knowing not what is real, crafting instead their own variance, trusting wholly their own perspective, for of themselves can they not see beyond their own flesh – though they speak as spirit. As it is seen – so shall it not be seen – as we shall see now.

For who can say anything at all, while ignoring where it came? And who can stand at all, while denying their own given life?

And who is given what isn’t and not given what is?

Who has in their hands what is not there, and has not in their hands what is?

Who creates without creation and destroys without what is created?

Who has chosen what he finds and not chosen what is hidden?

Who can speak what isn’t real to reality against they who speak what is real against what isn’t – except for he who is ruled not by power, but fear? Yet they seek power!

For even he ruled by power is ruled, and only he chosen to life is alive. As the dead walk the earth, masked, veiled and before us, so too are the children of men likewise themselves.

OH that a plain tongue may find its way to a plain ear!

Who upon receiving an apple then seeks one out?

They of authority seek not what they have
But he without covets control of what he has not

They of power seek not what they possess
But he without covets to gain what he has not

They of wisdom seek not what they know
But he without covets understanding he cannot perceive

And they of vanity and foolishness seek
That all upon the earth will agree

What then shall be accomplished
By the deceiver of himself
Who desired to agree to his own destruction?

May this be understood.
That which is what is that is said it is

What is Holy and Sacred and Unique alone
Is the life within the life of men
Of the Eternal Spirit of God

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

When the Time Reveals the Word

The Illusion of Human Authority Those who proclaim their own righteousness, power, and wisdom are blind to the true source of all things. Without gratitude to the Creator, their claims are empty and self-serving.

The Futility of Self-Deception People shape doctrines, laws, and mysteries based on their own understanding, yet they remain unable to see beyond their own flesh. Those who ignore their origins cannot grasp truth.

The Contrast Between Power and Fear Many seek power without realizing that power itself rules over them. True life is not found in authority or control, but in being chosen by the eternal spirit of God.

The Vanity of Seeking Agreement The desire for universal agreement leads to self-deception and destruction. Seeking validation from others rather than truth results in emptiness.

The Eternal Source of Life What is truly holy, sacred, and unique is not human power, doctrine, or perception, but the eternal life within man, given by the Spirit of God.

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