Themes and Insights

We Cannot See

Spiritual Vision vs. Worldly Distraction – Our physical senses are limited, preventing us from perceiving the heavenly realm. The world constantly bombards us with negativity, demanding our attention and keeping us from seeing the truth of God's presence.

The Choice Between God and the World – Life presents a fundamental choice: to seek divine wisdom and eternal truth or to engage in the fleeting, competitive struggles of worldly existence. Our focus determines whether we perceive God’s hidden mysteries or remain trapped in earthly distractions.

Prophetic Warnings and Misunderstandings – Those who warn of spiritual blindness are often met with resistance, as many fail to recognize the difference between a message of truth and mere fearmongering. True prophets not only expose darkness but also proclaim the beauty and blessings of God.

The Subtlety of Divine Presence – God’s wonders are evident in the smallest details—raindrops, flowers, and the grace of nature. When we attune our spirit beyond the flesh, we begin to perceive the beauty and wisdom that have always surrounded us.

Science and Art as Windows to the Divine – Advancements in science and art can sometimes reveal glimpses of the unseen world. Through human creativity and curiosity, we are occasionally granted tangible evidence of God’s grandeur, reminding us of the greater reality beyond what we typically perceive.

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We Cannot See

We cannot see the heavenly things. For our eyes have been attuned to the limits of the flesh, and our ears to the noise of the world.

But the great Glory of God is all around us. It has always been and always will be. It is before even our eyes and before also our ears.

About us is a choice; that we seek to either discover the hidden mysteries of living life and eternal God, or grab hold of the world before us in a street fight cutthroat competition of animalistic propaganda.

The creator of life and the origins of life itself have made obvious the desire for beauty and wonderment and glory and awe. When we truly stop to look around with the eyes of our spirit and the ears of our inner peace… we do see and hear.

But the world presents the barking dog, the angry neighbor, the fall of men and women, the whining and complaining of those who haven’t actually suffered much, the prideful judgment of one another in media and the crumbling unsupported infrastructure of physical human life all around us.

It says look, look, fix your eyes on all that is bad. Eat of it, drink of it, feel it and know it. It desires not that we have peace or joy or serenity or grace. It is the very spirit of the enemy of life. And man cannot escape it for it is loud and obnoxious to the flesh, and has convinced us to pay attention to it; Just as any other selfish child throwing a fit.

And they rail at prophets who try to warn, saying you too speak evil, knowing not the difference between a warning and propaganda of darkness. Hearing not the other side spoken by those prophets who proclaim also the vision of life and God’s wonderful blessing if we turn to it and seek it out in our heart.

Yet all along have those godly men and women, attuned to spirit, given us the words and ideas of the realm of God unseen to the naked eye. They speak of raindrops dancing and the subtle grace of the scent of flowers. They remind us to seek and to look not with flesh but with our inner spirit.

And today, because of some of our advancements of science and art and discovery are we able to show what normally could not be seen, and reveal a little portion of what the great heavens know, the angels and those who went before us perceive. Even though it is just the limited reality of the physical world… are we sometimes afforded the wonderment of God directly to our flesh eyes and ears.

Therefore in hopes of awakening the reminder in us to remember there is far more than what we have been shown daily on earth, and far more hidden by the world, do i wish to share this wonderful picture of a simple raindrop photographed in ultra slow-motion. God bless those who have given us this to witness. For it is men and women such as these who thought to seek it, who have remembered God in their work of science and art.

Ryan o0o

Photo credit: Ronnie Tertnes

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We Cannot See

We cannot see the heavenly things. For our eyes have been attuned to the limits of the flesh, and our ears to the noise of the world.

But the great Glory of God is all around us. It has always been and always will be. It is before even our eyes and before also our ears.

About us is a choice; that we seek to either discover the hidden mysteries of living life and eternal God, or grab hold of the world before us in a street fight cutthroat competition of animalistic propaganda.

The creator of life and the origins of life itself have made obvious the desire for beauty and wonderment and glory and awe. When we truly stop to look around with the eyes of our spirit and the ears of our inner peace… we do see and hear.

But the world presents the barking dog, the angry neighbor, the fall of men and women, the whining and complaining of those who haven’t actually suffered much, the prideful judgment of one another in media and the crumbling unsupported infrastructure of physical human life all around us.

It says look, look, fix your eyes on all that is bad. Eat of it, drink of it, feel it and know it. It desires not that we have peace or joy or serenity or grace. It is the very spirit of the enemy of life. And man cannot escape it for it is loud and obnoxious to the flesh, and has convinced us to pay attention to it; Just as any other selfish child throwing a fit.

And they rail at prophets who try to warn, saying you too speak evil, knowing not the difference between a warning and propaganda of darkness. Hearing not the other side spoken by those prophets who proclaim also the vision of life and God’s wonderful blessing if we turn to it and seek it out in our heart.

Yet all along have those godly men and women, attuned to spirit, given us the words and ideas of the realm of God unseen to the naked eye. They speak of raindrops dancing and the subtle grace of the scent of flowers. They remind us to seek and to look not with flesh but with our inner spirit.

And today, because of some of our advancements of science and art and discovery are we able to show what normally could not be seen, and reveal a little portion of what the great heavens know, the angels and those who went before us perceive. Even though it is just the limited reality of the physical world… are we sometimes afforded the wonderment of God directly to our flesh eyes and ears.

Therefore in hopes of awakening the reminder in us to remember there is far more than what we have been shown daily on earth, and far more hidden by the world, do i wish to share this wonderful picture of a simple raindrop photographed in ultra slow-motion. God bless those who have given us this to witness. For it is men and women such as these who thought to seek it, who have remembered God in their work of science and art.

Ryan o0o

Photo credit: Ronnie Tertnes

Themes and Insights

We Cannot See

Spiritual Vision vs. Worldly Distraction – Our physical senses are limited, preventing us from perceiving the heavenly realm. The world constantly bombards us with negativity, demanding our attention and keeping us from seeing the truth of God's presence.

The Choice Between God and the World – Life presents a fundamental choice: to seek divine wisdom and eternal truth or to engage in the fleeting, competitive struggles of worldly existence. Our focus determines whether we perceive God’s hidden mysteries or remain trapped in earthly distractions.

Prophetic Warnings and Misunderstandings – Those who warn of spiritual blindness are often met with resistance, as many fail to recognize the difference between a message of truth and mere fearmongering. True prophets not only expose darkness but also proclaim the beauty and blessings of God.

The Subtlety of Divine Presence – God’s wonders are evident in the smallest details—raindrops, flowers, and the grace of nature. When we attune our spirit beyond the flesh, we begin to perceive the beauty and wisdom that have always surrounded us.

Science and Art as Windows to the Divine – Advancements in science and art can sometimes reveal glimpses of the unseen world. Through human creativity and curiosity, we are occasionally granted tangible evidence of God’s grandeur, reminding us of the greater reality beyond what we typically perceive.

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We Cannot See

We cannot see the heavenly things. For our eyes have been attuned to the limits of the flesh, and our ears to the noise of the world.

But the great Glory of God is all around us. It has always been and always will be. It is before even our eyes and before also our ears.

About us is a choice; that we seek to either discover the hidden mysteries of living life and eternal God, or grab hold of the world before us in a street fight cutthroat competition of animalistic propaganda.

The creator of life and the origins of life itself have made obvious the desire for beauty and wonderment and glory and awe. When we truly stop to look around with the eyes of our spirit and the ears of our inner peace… we do see and hear.

But the world presents the barking dog, the angry neighbor, the fall of men and women, the whining and complaining of those who haven’t actually suffered much, the prideful judgment of one another in media and the crumbling unsupported infrastructure of physical human life all around us.

It says look, look, fix your eyes on all that is bad. Eat of it, drink of it, feel it and know it. It desires not that we have peace or joy or serenity or grace. It is the very spirit of the enemy of life. And man cannot escape it for it is loud and obnoxious to the flesh, and has convinced us to pay attention to it; Just as any other selfish child throwing a fit.

And they rail at prophets who try to warn, saying you too speak evil, knowing not the difference between a warning and propaganda of darkness. Hearing not the other side spoken by those prophets who proclaim also the vision of life and God’s wonderful blessing if we turn to it and seek it out in our heart.

Yet all along have those godly men and women, attuned to spirit, given us the words and ideas of the realm of God unseen to the naked eye. They speak of raindrops dancing and the subtle grace of the scent of flowers. They remind us to seek and to look not with flesh but with our inner spirit.

And today, because of some of our advancements of science and art and discovery are we able to show what normally could not be seen, and reveal a little portion of what the great heavens know, the angels and those who went before us perceive. Even though it is just the limited reality of the physical world… are we sometimes afforded the wonderment of God directly to our flesh eyes and ears.

Therefore in hopes of awakening the reminder in us to remember there is far more than what we have been shown daily on earth, and far more hidden by the world, do i wish to share this wonderful picture of a simple raindrop photographed in ultra slow-motion. God bless those who have given us this to witness. For it is men and women such as these who thought to seek it, who have remembered God in their work of science and art.

Ryan o0o

Photo credit: Ronnie Tertnes

Themes and Insights

We Cannot See

Spiritual Vision vs. Worldly Distraction – Our physical senses are limited, preventing us from perceiving the heavenly realm. The world constantly bombards us with negativity, demanding our attention and keeping us from seeing the truth of God's presence.

The Choice Between God and the World – Life presents a fundamental choice: to seek divine wisdom and eternal truth or to engage in the fleeting, competitive struggles of worldly existence. Our focus determines whether we perceive God’s hidden mysteries or remain trapped in earthly distractions.

Prophetic Warnings and Misunderstandings – Those who warn of spiritual blindness are often met with resistance, as many fail to recognize the difference between a message of truth and mere fearmongering. True prophets not only expose darkness but also proclaim the beauty and blessings of God.

The Subtlety of Divine Presence – God’s wonders are evident in the smallest details—raindrops, flowers, and the grace of nature. When we attune our spirit beyond the flesh, we begin to perceive the beauty and wisdom that have always surrounded us.

Science and Art as Windows to the Divine – Advancements in science and art can sometimes reveal glimpses of the unseen world. Through human creativity and curiosity, we are occasionally granted tangible evidence of God’s grandeur, reminding us of the greater reality beyond what we typically perceive.

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