Themes and Insights

Vain Glory

The Illusion of Worldly GloryVain glory stems from self-deception and is rooted in comparisons of physical, intellectual, or emotional prowess. True worth cannot be measured by earthly achievements, as all worldly possessions and accomplishments ultimately fade.

The Source of True GloryGlory belongs solely to God, the creator and sustainer of all life. Recognizing this brings humility and a deeper understanding of the divine source of all blessings—whether seen or unseen.

The Duality of Gain and LossWhat we perceive as success or failure often obscures the spiritual reality. God’s hand shapes both our victories and losses, guiding us toward spiritual awakening and eternal life.

The Power of Choice and God’s PresenceHumanity is given the freedom to choose between knowing God or remaining in spiritual darkness. Even in darkness, God sustains life, continually offering the opportunity for connection and salvation.

Living in God’s GloryBy seeking humility, truth, and a relationship with God, we align with eternal glory. This transforms our perception, enabling us to embrace the beauty of life and the incorruptible, everlasting worth found in God’s love.

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Vain Glory

The seeking of personal glory
Is born of self lack
Raised in self denial
Groomed in self praise
Founded in self deception
Polished to a shine of self pride

All of which can be avoided
By addressing the belief of lack
Which lied to us from the beginning
By comparing our spiritual worth
That is to say our very life
By measures of physical prowess

Foolish are we all

For all physical wealth perishes
All the worldly trinkets crumble
None follow us where we go
And all of which goes to another
That they enjoy the reward
Of all our vain labors

Who can gain self glory spiritually?
For to acknowledge the spirit
Is to honor the source
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Who can gain self glory intellectually?
For to acknowledge consciousness
Is to honor the source of knowledge
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Who can gain self glory emotionally?
For to acknowledge life’s lessons
Is to honor the teacher of life
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Who can gain self glory physically?
For to acknowledge ones flesh
Is to honor the creator of flesh
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Glory is a concept we understand
But ignorant are we
That it cannot be ours
For we believe by winning we won
And by losing we lost
Dividing each of us one from another

So what is – is what is said

All that has been put in my hands
Wether it be success or wealth
Rewards or triumphs
Has been given by God
Who is the Master of all outcomes

All that has been taken from my hand
Wether it be power or riches
Talents or prominence
Has been taken by God
Who is master of all outcomes

Though God cared greatly
For our earthly condition
Does He even greater care
And instruct, shape and awaken
Our spirits and our real life

Therefore when we give all glory
To God
Have we all shared in that glory
For real glory is above the wisdom of man
And felt only in the realm of our spirit
By all who share in it

Then glory itself becomes a witness
Seen with eyes everywhere we look
Found everywhere we stand
Spoken that now we can hear
And manifest now in our heart

For God is in all things
In every place
Between all spaces
Known and unknown and unknowable
Life and death itself – He is there

As it is, man can win all
When in fact he lost all worth
And man can lose all
When in fact he gained all worth
Man can grow in rest
And shrink in effort
Not knowing where anything leads

For it is God who establishes all steps
Giving blessings of life we can see
And giving blessings of life
That no other can see
But the receiver of it in time
Taking blessings of life we can see
And taking what we cannot see

As what often we desire to be good
Leads us to spiritual destruction
And what we desire to be bad
Leads us to spiritual eternity
Mocked by they with lack
To point out your lack
In personal vain effort to hide theirs

Knowing not they have none
Nor do they who are believed to
For all Glory is actually Gods
And comes only from God
As the source of all greatness
While men quibble over concepts
Of things no one actually has!

And what do we lose
That cannot be considered
In this mire of worthless desire?
We lose the truth!

For we are from God
Children of God
Lacking nothing and no one
For God is with us

Cry out to God
And you shall see
Keep asking, each and everyday
And you shall know

That glory is already within us
When God is within us
And we know God is within us
When we invite Him to be there

For God loved us all so very much
That He gave the choice to us
To experience life or death
Knowing God, or not knowing God

Even though He is there
Can we experience Him not there
For that is the requirement of choice
Otherwise there is no choice at all

Yet without God there
Would we not be alive even now
Proving always He is LIFE
Even when we are in utter darkness

And this not
For the experience of our flesh
But for the everlasting gift of life
If we so choose to know God

As it is promised
They who know God, knows glory
And they who love God, love all
And all who love, are God’s children

And in the realm of God’s glory
Even the flesh becomes beautiful
For we see His design and work
And we embrace the life within it

We can bask in the Glory of Life
Or we can rot in the frustration of self

Choose self humility, choose truth
For in such things are greatness
And by such seeking of God
Do we discover everlasting life

And actual, eternal, incorruptible

Ryan o0o

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Vain Glory

The seeking of personal glory
Is born of self lack
Raised in self denial
Groomed in self praise
Founded in self deception
Polished to a shine of self pride

All of which can be avoided
By addressing the belief of lack
Which lied to us from the beginning
By comparing our spiritual worth
That is to say our very life
By measures of physical prowess

Foolish are we all

For all physical wealth perishes
All the worldly trinkets crumble
None follow us where we go
And all of which goes to another
That they enjoy the reward
Of all our vain labors

Who can gain self glory spiritually?
For to acknowledge the spirit
Is to honor the source
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Who can gain self glory intellectually?
For to acknowledge consciousness
Is to honor the source of knowledge
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Who can gain self glory emotionally?
For to acknowledge life’s lessons
Is to honor the teacher of life
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Who can gain self glory physically?
For to acknowledge ones flesh
Is to honor the creator of flesh
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Glory is a concept we understand
But ignorant are we
That it cannot be ours
For we believe by winning we won
And by losing we lost
Dividing each of us one from another

So what is – is what is said

All that has been put in my hands
Wether it be success or wealth
Rewards or triumphs
Has been given by God
Who is the Master of all outcomes

All that has been taken from my hand
Wether it be power or riches
Talents or prominence
Has been taken by God
Who is master of all outcomes

Though God cared greatly
For our earthly condition
Does He even greater care
And instruct, shape and awaken
Our spirits and our real life

Therefore when we give all glory
To God
Have we all shared in that glory
For real glory is above the wisdom of man
And felt only in the realm of our spirit
By all who share in it

Then glory itself becomes a witness
Seen with eyes everywhere we look
Found everywhere we stand
Spoken that now we can hear
And manifest now in our heart

For God is in all things
In every place
Between all spaces
Known and unknown and unknowable
Life and death itself – He is there

As it is, man can win all
When in fact he lost all worth
And man can lose all
When in fact he gained all worth
Man can grow in rest
And shrink in effort
Not knowing where anything leads

For it is God who establishes all steps
Giving blessings of life we can see
And giving blessings of life
That no other can see
But the receiver of it in time
Taking blessings of life we can see
And taking what we cannot see

As what often we desire to be good
Leads us to spiritual destruction
And what we desire to be bad
Leads us to spiritual eternity
Mocked by they with lack
To point out your lack
In personal vain effort to hide theirs

Knowing not they have none
Nor do they who are believed to
For all Glory is actually Gods
And comes only from God
As the source of all greatness
While men quibble over concepts
Of things no one actually has!

And what do we lose
That cannot be considered
In this mire of worthless desire?
We lose the truth!

For we are from God
Children of God
Lacking nothing and no one
For God is with us

Cry out to God
And you shall see
Keep asking, each and everyday
And you shall know

That glory is already within us
When God is within us
And we know God is within us
When we invite Him to be there

For God loved us all so very much
That He gave the choice to us
To experience life or death
Knowing God, or not knowing God

Even though He is there
Can we experience Him not there
For that is the requirement of choice
Otherwise there is no choice at all

Yet without God there
Would we not be alive even now
Proving always He is LIFE
Even when we are in utter darkness

And this not
For the experience of our flesh
But for the everlasting gift of life
If we so choose to know God

As it is promised
They who know God, knows glory
And they who love God, love all
And all who love, are God’s children

And in the realm of God’s glory
Even the flesh becomes beautiful
For we see His design and work
And we embrace the life within it

We can bask in the Glory of Life
Or we can rot in the frustration of self

Choose self humility, choose truth
For in such things are greatness
And by such seeking of God
Do we discover everlasting life

And actual, eternal, incorruptible

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Vain Glory

The Illusion of Worldly GloryVain glory stems from self-deception and is rooted in comparisons of physical, intellectual, or emotional prowess. True worth cannot be measured by earthly achievements, as all worldly possessions and accomplishments ultimately fade.

The Source of True GloryGlory belongs solely to God, the creator and sustainer of all life. Recognizing this brings humility and a deeper understanding of the divine source of all blessings—whether seen or unseen.

The Duality of Gain and LossWhat we perceive as success or failure often obscures the spiritual reality. God’s hand shapes both our victories and losses, guiding us toward spiritual awakening and eternal life.

The Power of Choice and God’s PresenceHumanity is given the freedom to choose between knowing God or remaining in spiritual darkness. Even in darkness, God sustains life, continually offering the opportunity for connection and salvation.

Living in God’s GloryBy seeking humility, truth, and a relationship with God, we align with eternal glory. This transforms our perception, enabling us to embrace the beauty of life and the incorruptible, everlasting worth found in God’s love.

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Vain Glory

The seeking of personal glory
Is born of self lack
Raised in self denial
Groomed in self praise
Founded in self deception
Polished to a shine of self pride

All of which can be avoided
By addressing the belief of lack
Which lied to us from the beginning
By comparing our spiritual worth
That is to say our very life
By measures of physical prowess

Foolish are we all

For all physical wealth perishes
All the worldly trinkets crumble
None follow us where we go
And all of which goes to another
That they enjoy the reward
Of all our vain labors

Who can gain self glory spiritually?
For to acknowledge the spirit
Is to honor the source
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Who can gain self glory intellectually?
For to acknowledge consciousness
Is to honor the source of knowledge
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Who can gain self glory emotionally?
For to acknowledge life’s lessons
Is to honor the teacher of life
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Who can gain self glory physically?
For to acknowledge ones flesh
Is to honor the creator of flesh
Returning praise to God
For His great works

Glory is a concept we understand
But ignorant are we
That it cannot be ours
For we believe by winning we won
And by losing we lost
Dividing each of us one from another

So what is – is what is said

All that has been put in my hands
Wether it be success or wealth
Rewards or triumphs
Has been given by God
Who is the Master of all outcomes

All that has been taken from my hand
Wether it be power or riches
Talents or prominence
Has been taken by God
Who is master of all outcomes

Though God cared greatly
For our earthly condition
Does He even greater care
And instruct, shape and awaken
Our spirits and our real life

Therefore when we give all glory
To God
Have we all shared in that glory
For real glory is above the wisdom of man
And felt only in the realm of our spirit
By all who share in it

Then glory itself becomes a witness
Seen with eyes everywhere we look
Found everywhere we stand
Spoken that now we can hear
And manifest now in our heart

For God is in all things
In every place
Between all spaces
Known and unknown and unknowable
Life and death itself – He is there

As it is, man can win all
When in fact he lost all worth
And man can lose all
When in fact he gained all worth
Man can grow in rest
And shrink in effort
Not knowing where anything leads

For it is God who establishes all steps
Giving blessings of life we can see
And giving blessings of life
That no other can see
But the receiver of it in time
Taking blessings of life we can see
And taking what we cannot see

As what often we desire to be good
Leads us to spiritual destruction
And what we desire to be bad
Leads us to spiritual eternity
Mocked by they with lack
To point out your lack
In personal vain effort to hide theirs

Knowing not they have none
Nor do they who are believed to
For all Glory is actually Gods
And comes only from God
As the source of all greatness
While men quibble over concepts
Of things no one actually has!

And what do we lose
That cannot be considered
In this mire of worthless desire?
We lose the truth!

For we are from God
Children of God
Lacking nothing and no one
For God is with us

Cry out to God
And you shall see
Keep asking, each and everyday
And you shall know

That glory is already within us
When God is within us
And we know God is within us
When we invite Him to be there

For God loved us all so very much
That He gave the choice to us
To experience life or death
Knowing God, or not knowing God

Even though He is there
Can we experience Him not there
For that is the requirement of choice
Otherwise there is no choice at all

Yet without God there
Would we not be alive even now
Proving always He is LIFE
Even when we are in utter darkness

And this not
For the experience of our flesh
But for the everlasting gift of life
If we so choose to know God

As it is promised
They who know God, knows glory
And they who love God, love all
And all who love, are God’s children

And in the realm of God’s glory
Even the flesh becomes beautiful
For we see His design and work
And we embrace the life within it

We can bask in the Glory of Life
Or we can rot in the frustration of self

Choose self humility, choose truth
For in such things are greatness
And by such seeking of God
Do we discover everlasting life

And actual, eternal, incorruptible

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Vain Glory

The Illusion of Worldly GloryVain glory stems from self-deception and is rooted in comparisons of physical, intellectual, or emotional prowess. True worth cannot be measured by earthly achievements, as all worldly possessions and accomplishments ultimately fade.

The Source of True GloryGlory belongs solely to God, the creator and sustainer of all life. Recognizing this brings humility and a deeper understanding of the divine source of all blessings—whether seen or unseen.

The Duality of Gain and LossWhat we perceive as success or failure often obscures the spiritual reality. God’s hand shapes both our victories and losses, guiding us toward spiritual awakening and eternal life.

The Power of Choice and God’s PresenceHumanity is given the freedom to choose between knowing God or remaining in spiritual darkness. Even in darkness, God sustains life, continually offering the opportunity for connection and salvation.

Living in God’s GloryBy seeking humility, truth, and a relationship with God, we align with eternal glory. This transforms our perception, enabling us to embrace the beauty of life and the incorruptible, everlasting worth found in God’s love.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

