Themes and Insights
Unhidden Light
Exploration of Masculinity and Emotions: The poem delves into the complexities of masculinity, challenging traditional notions of what it means to be a man. It argues against the stigmatization of men who embrace their emotions, suggesting that true masculinity involves self-awareness and the acceptance of love and vulnerability.
Call for Authentic Relationships: The speaker expresses a longing for authentic relationships, emphasizing the necessity of connection with others, particularly within the context of family and love. The poem portrays love as essential for happiness and fulfillment, asserting that true joy arises from sincere connections rather than societal expectations.
Rediscovering Ancient Wisdom: The poem references biblical narratives to illustrate the inherent value of love and companionship. By invoking the idea that it is “not good for man to be alone,” the poem calls for a return to foundational values of love and community, suggesting that these principles are crucial for individual and collective well-being.
Commitment to Love and Brotherhood: The speaker declares a commitment to love and brotherhood, emphasizing the importance of uplifting and supporting one another. The poem encourages readers to embrace their desires for love and family, asserting that true fulfillment comes from being open about these desires and sharing them with others.
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Unhidden Light
There is a reason for our madness and our folly and our way of life!
I hear speak of war
and political unrest.
I hear speak of technology
and innovation.
I hear speak of money
and entitlement.
I hear speak of global ideas
and personal responsibilities.
I hear speak of medicine,
and escapism.
I hear speak of Justice
and of commentary.
I hear speak of right
and of wrong doings.
And none
or very little
do I hear speak of lasting love
or of cherished intimacy.
Our world is bombarded with a new way.
We make satire of Marriage
of Love
of Sex
of private peoples personal lives.
He who speaks of love and of devotion and of sacred matters is mocked and shunned and asked to stop. He who speaks of his heart is segregated and isolated and witness to shallow faces. He who commits to his desire receives a jealous prize from his brothers. He who knows himself is a shock to those who know not themselves.
And there is a twist! For those who desire to embrace their emotions are no longer men. It was not men who taught them, but women. And those who Followed a woman’s way remained boys who need a mother. Men who are boys with women’s emotions are as ruthless as women with violent fists.
Those who are witness to the disgrace of the mixed spirits have chosen to harden their hearts. Those who have instigated the alteration have chosen to blame the other. And who can decipher the difference? For he who is blameless also holds account of they who are responsible!
This is the world where lovers are not accepted.
This is the world where love is not believed.
This is the world where others are betting on Loves failure.
This is the world where Romeo Died.
So now Here is where I stand
as a man among few men.
For I am a Man in Love,
and I am a Man finding himself
and I am a man who needs not
Acceptance or Permission or Approval
But still speaks because of love
for the sake of love’s joy itself!
And here is where I see
Where those who still want
deserve so much better!
Where those who still dream
deserve to Live that Dream!
Where those who are still Men
are not seen in their own homes.
How great are my brothers
in my own heart
that anyone else should overlook them?
And who am I but a man?
What our world now has forgotten
and does not want to know
and not want to see
and not want to witness
came not from our interest today.
What the world has turned from is from the beginning
and of the interest of the origins of Life.
There in those texts and those ancient stories
we See God speak of the first thing which was Not Good…
We read the words,
and feel the idea,
and remember the first thing not good…
For it was not good that man should be ALONE!
Not only with man did Woman also dwell
But also Family was of Import!
For therein did Man also Speak
and asked the First Question of God…
and wondered if “am I my brothers keeper?”
This from a murderer, who did NOT wish
to love his brother.
Now in our world today do we see men embarrassed to be a Father, and to be with a Wife. Now in our world today do we see men exhausted by the prospect of family and of love. Now in our world today do we see Him without to be appealing to those without as we see those who are with bonds desiring also those without!
They who have
want they who have not,
and they who have not
want they who also have not
For they who have are as a burden
in our world today.
Yet I am my brothers keeper
and for the sake of Love
and what mattered to my Father
it is my duty to speak of love
and of devotion
and of happiness in what
My Father found good!
For I was a fool such as any other fool
hiding from myself my hearts desires
and keeping from myself my Father’s blessings
and obeying the whip of the scorning spirit
who called me a boy
and wanted me to be what a woman thinks a man is!
Yet a woman cannot know who a man is supposed to be
for it is the Man who reveals who the man is
To himself.
And the woman discovers the man he is
when her own ideas are also for herself
instead of the law she places on others.
And true also a man cannot know who a woman is supposed to be
but with eyes open to his heart
he will discover who he loves
LONG before she makes her appearance in his life.
And he who seeks to find her
instead of mold her himself in another
will find the one God fashioned for him
to be better then they
he fashioned for himself.
I speak not one any one side
but of ease for both.
For what greater disgrace is it to lay in bed
alone next to another?
What level of rottenness we can feel!
And yet there beside us IS comfort
and warmth
if Both remember the beginning.
When we set aside what the world wants for us
will we remember what we want for ourselves
in such great proportion
that we cannot hide any longer from it.
Will we be so in terror to have what we wanted?
Will we be so in death when we are happy?
Will we be so in horror and self loathing when we feel Joy?
Will we be so in harm when our heart is satisfied?
Do you remember satisfaction?
Do you believe it is wrong to seek?
Yet God himself sought it for us.
SO I shall speak of Love
and of my Wife
and of what I find joy in.
And I will speak in the language
shared by my wife and I
for she does not speak as others do
and I can speak as many do.
And I will praise my Father always
for humbling me enough
and stripping me of everything of this world
so that I would finally hear myself
above the news
and the world
and the public
and the opinions of others.
And I will live as a man
who envies NO man on this earth
but loves my brothers
as I love myself
and honors my brothers
as I honor myself
and respects my brothers
as I respect myself.
Because in truth
those who want love
want love
and those who do not want love
came to that place by the
denial of their want by another.
Deep inside almost ALL people
is the idea of Family and of Love.
He who embraces it proves his want
and he who protests it proves his belief in it.
I shall speak always
not in praise of myself to embolden me
or praising my wife in order to glorify her to anyone.
But in all things I do such
to Praise the God I know as my Father
who saw it was not good
that I was alone
as I saw also great sorrows in me
and Great sadness in others.
For a man in love does not hide his Light
that was given to him
but places it upon a lamp-stand
that it should shine and light the room.
And in his heart is a greater thing then that Light!
It is his truth and his city where he dwells.
In my heart,
ALL of my brothers are free
and all are great warriors
and all are great poets
and all are great musicians
and all are great lovers to those who embrace them!
All remember what they truly desire
for they all have shared those words with me
as I now share my words with them.
Ryan o0o
Unhidden Light
There is a reason for our madness and our folly and our way of life!
I hear speak of war
and political unrest.
I hear speak of technology
and innovation.
I hear speak of money
and entitlement.
I hear speak of global ideas
and personal responsibilities.
I hear speak of medicine,
and escapism.
I hear speak of Justice
and of commentary.
I hear speak of right
and of wrong doings.
And none
or very little
do I hear speak of lasting love
or of cherished intimacy.
Our world is bombarded with a new way.
We make satire of Marriage
of Love
of Sex
of private peoples personal lives.
He who speaks of love and of devotion and of sacred matters is mocked and shunned and asked to stop. He who speaks of his heart is segregated and isolated and witness to shallow faces. He who commits to his desire receives a jealous prize from his brothers. He who knows himself is a shock to those who know not themselves.
And there is a twist! For those who desire to embrace their emotions are no longer men. It was not men who taught them, but women. And those who Followed a woman’s way remained boys who need a mother. Men who are boys with women’s emotions are as ruthless as women with violent fists.
Those who are witness to the disgrace of the mixed spirits have chosen to harden their hearts. Those who have instigated the alteration have chosen to blame the other. And who can decipher the difference? For he who is blameless also holds account of they who are responsible!
This is the world where lovers are not accepted.
This is the world where love is not believed.
This is the world where others are betting on Loves failure.
This is the world where Romeo Died.
So now Here is where I stand
as a man among few men.
For I am a Man in Love,
and I am a Man finding himself
and I am a man who needs not
Acceptance or Permission or Approval
But still speaks because of love
for the sake of love’s joy itself!
And here is where I see
Where those who still want
deserve so much better!
Where those who still dream
deserve to Live that Dream!
Where those who are still Men
are not seen in their own homes.
How great are my brothers
in my own heart
that anyone else should overlook them?
And who am I but a man?
What our world now has forgotten
and does not want to know
and not want to see
and not want to witness
came not from our interest today.
What the world has turned from is from the beginning
and of the interest of the origins of Life.
There in those texts and those ancient stories
we See God speak of the first thing which was Not Good…
We read the words,
and feel the idea,
and remember the first thing not good…
For it was not good that man should be ALONE!
Not only with man did Woman also dwell
But also Family was of Import!
For therein did Man also Speak
and asked the First Question of God…
and wondered if “am I my brothers keeper?”
This from a murderer, who did NOT wish
to love his brother.
Now in our world today do we see men embarrassed to be a Father, and to be with a Wife. Now in our world today do we see men exhausted by the prospect of family and of love. Now in our world today do we see Him without to be appealing to those without as we see those who are with bonds desiring also those without!
They who have
want they who have not,
and they who have not
want they who also have not
For they who have are as a burden
in our world today.
Yet I am my brothers keeper
and for the sake of Love
and what mattered to my Father
it is my duty to speak of love
and of devotion
and of happiness in what
My Father found good!
For I was a fool such as any other fool
hiding from myself my hearts desires
and keeping from myself my Father’s blessings
and obeying the whip of the scorning spirit
who called me a boy
and wanted me to be what a woman thinks a man is!
Yet a woman cannot know who a man is supposed to be
for it is the Man who reveals who the man is
To himself.
And the woman discovers the man he is
when her own ideas are also for herself
instead of the law she places on others.
And true also a man cannot know who a woman is supposed to be
but with eyes open to his heart
he will discover who he loves
LONG before she makes her appearance in his life.
And he who seeks to find her
instead of mold her himself in another
will find the one God fashioned for him
to be better then they
he fashioned for himself.
I speak not one any one side
but of ease for both.
For what greater disgrace is it to lay in bed
alone next to another?
What level of rottenness we can feel!
And yet there beside us IS comfort
and warmth
if Both remember the beginning.
When we set aside what the world wants for us
will we remember what we want for ourselves
in such great proportion
that we cannot hide any longer from it.
Will we be so in terror to have what we wanted?
Will we be so in death when we are happy?
Will we be so in horror and self loathing when we feel Joy?
Will we be so in harm when our heart is satisfied?
Do you remember satisfaction?
Do you believe it is wrong to seek?
Yet God himself sought it for us.
SO I shall speak of Love
and of my Wife
and of what I find joy in.
And I will speak in the language
shared by my wife and I
for she does not speak as others do
and I can speak as many do.
And I will praise my Father always
for humbling me enough
and stripping me of everything of this world
so that I would finally hear myself
above the news
and the world
and the public
and the opinions of others.
And I will live as a man
who envies NO man on this earth
but loves my brothers
as I love myself
and honors my brothers
as I honor myself
and respects my brothers
as I respect myself.
Because in truth
those who want love
want love
and those who do not want love
came to that place by the
denial of their want by another.
Deep inside almost ALL people
is the idea of Family and of Love.
He who embraces it proves his want
and he who protests it proves his belief in it.
I shall speak always
not in praise of myself to embolden me
or praising my wife in order to glorify her to anyone.
But in all things I do such
to Praise the God I know as my Father
who saw it was not good
that I was alone
as I saw also great sorrows in me
and Great sadness in others.
For a man in love does not hide his Light
that was given to him
but places it upon a lamp-stand
that it should shine and light the room.
And in his heart is a greater thing then that Light!
It is his truth and his city where he dwells.
In my heart,
ALL of my brothers are free
and all are great warriors
and all are great poets
and all are great musicians
and all are great lovers to those who embrace them!
All remember what they truly desire
for they all have shared those words with me
as I now share my words with them.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Unhidden Light
Exploration of Masculinity and Emotions: The poem delves into the complexities of masculinity, challenging traditional notions of what it means to be a man. It argues against the stigmatization of men who embrace their emotions, suggesting that true masculinity involves self-awareness and the acceptance of love and vulnerability.
Call for Authentic Relationships: The speaker expresses a longing for authentic relationships, emphasizing the necessity of connection with others, particularly within the context of family and love. The poem portrays love as essential for happiness and fulfillment, asserting that true joy arises from sincere connections rather than societal expectations.
Rediscovering Ancient Wisdom: The poem references biblical narratives to illustrate the inherent value of love and companionship. By invoking the idea that it is “not good for man to be alone,” the poem calls for a return to foundational values of love and community, suggesting that these principles are crucial for individual and collective well-being.
Commitment to Love and Brotherhood: The speaker declares a commitment to love and brotherhood, emphasizing the importance of uplifting and supporting one another. The poem encourages readers to embrace their desires for love and family, asserting that true fulfillment comes from being open about these desires and sharing them with others.
Unhidden Light
There is a reason for our madness and our folly and our way of life!
I hear speak of war
and political unrest.
I hear speak of technology
and innovation.
I hear speak of money
and entitlement.
I hear speak of global ideas
and personal responsibilities.
I hear speak of medicine,
and escapism.
I hear speak of Justice
and of commentary.
I hear speak of right
and of wrong doings.
And none
or very little
do I hear speak of lasting love
or of cherished intimacy.
Our world is bombarded with a new way.
We make satire of Marriage
of Love
of Sex
of private peoples personal lives.
He who speaks of love and of devotion and of sacred matters is mocked and shunned and asked to stop. He who speaks of his heart is segregated and isolated and witness to shallow faces. He who commits to his desire receives a jealous prize from his brothers. He who knows himself is a shock to those who know not themselves.
And there is a twist! For those who desire to embrace their emotions are no longer men. It was not men who taught them, but women. And those who Followed a woman’s way remained boys who need a mother. Men who are boys with women’s emotions are as ruthless as women with violent fists.
Those who are witness to the disgrace of the mixed spirits have chosen to harden their hearts. Those who have instigated the alteration have chosen to blame the other. And who can decipher the difference? For he who is blameless also holds account of they who are responsible!
This is the world where lovers are not accepted.
This is the world where love is not believed.
This is the world where others are betting on Loves failure.
This is the world where Romeo Died.
So now Here is where I stand
as a man among few men.
For I am a Man in Love,
and I am a Man finding himself
and I am a man who needs not
Acceptance or Permission or Approval
But still speaks because of love
for the sake of love’s joy itself!
And here is where I see
Where those who still want
deserve so much better!
Where those who still dream
deserve to Live that Dream!
Where those who are still Men
are not seen in their own homes.
How great are my brothers
in my own heart
that anyone else should overlook them?
And who am I but a man?
What our world now has forgotten
and does not want to know
and not want to see
and not want to witness
came not from our interest today.
What the world has turned from is from the beginning
and of the interest of the origins of Life.
There in those texts and those ancient stories
we See God speak of the first thing which was Not Good…
We read the words,
and feel the idea,
and remember the first thing not good…
For it was not good that man should be ALONE!
Not only with man did Woman also dwell
But also Family was of Import!
For therein did Man also Speak
and asked the First Question of God…
and wondered if “am I my brothers keeper?”
This from a murderer, who did NOT wish
to love his brother.
Now in our world today do we see men embarrassed to be a Father, and to be with a Wife. Now in our world today do we see men exhausted by the prospect of family and of love. Now in our world today do we see Him without to be appealing to those without as we see those who are with bonds desiring also those without!
They who have
want they who have not,
and they who have not
want they who also have not
For they who have are as a burden
in our world today.
Yet I am my brothers keeper
and for the sake of Love
and what mattered to my Father
it is my duty to speak of love
and of devotion
and of happiness in what
My Father found good!
For I was a fool such as any other fool
hiding from myself my hearts desires
and keeping from myself my Father’s blessings
and obeying the whip of the scorning spirit
who called me a boy
and wanted me to be what a woman thinks a man is!
Yet a woman cannot know who a man is supposed to be
for it is the Man who reveals who the man is
To himself.
And the woman discovers the man he is
when her own ideas are also for herself
instead of the law she places on others.
And true also a man cannot know who a woman is supposed to be
but with eyes open to his heart
he will discover who he loves
LONG before she makes her appearance in his life.
And he who seeks to find her
instead of mold her himself in another
will find the one God fashioned for him
to be better then they
he fashioned for himself.
I speak not one any one side
but of ease for both.
For what greater disgrace is it to lay in bed
alone next to another?
What level of rottenness we can feel!
And yet there beside us IS comfort
and warmth
if Both remember the beginning.
When we set aside what the world wants for us
will we remember what we want for ourselves
in such great proportion
that we cannot hide any longer from it.
Will we be so in terror to have what we wanted?
Will we be so in death when we are happy?
Will we be so in horror and self loathing when we feel Joy?
Will we be so in harm when our heart is satisfied?
Do you remember satisfaction?
Do you believe it is wrong to seek?
Yet God himself sought it for us.
SO I shall speak of Love
and of my Wife
and of what I find joy in.
And I will speak in the language
shared by my wife and I
for she does not speak as others do
and I can speak as many do.
And I will praise my Father always
for humbling me enough
and stripping me of everything of this world
so that I would finally hear myself
above the news
and the world
and the public
and the opinions of others.
And I will live as a man
who envies NO man on this earth
but loves my brothers
as I love myself
and honors my brothers
as I honor myself
and respects my brothers
as I respect myself.
Because in truth
those who want love
want love
and those who do not want love
came to that place by the
denial of their want by another.
Deep inside almost ALL people
is the idea of Family and of Love.
He who embraces it proves his want
and he who protests it proves his belief in it.
I shall speak always
not in praise of myself to embolden me
or praising my wife in order to glorify her to anyone.
But in all things I do such
to Praise the God I know as my Father
who saw it was not good
that I was alone
as I saw also great sorrows in me
and Great sadness in others.
For a man in love does not hide his Light
that was given to him
but places it upon a lamp-stand
that it should shine and light the room.
And in his heart is a greater thing then that Light!
It is his truth and his city where he dwells.
In my heart,
ALL of my brothers are free
and all are great warriors
and all are great poets
and all are great musicians
and all are great lovers to those who embrace them!
All remember what they truly desire
for they all have shared those words with me
as I now share my words with them.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Unhidden Light
Exploration of Masculinity and Emotions: The poem delves into the complexities of masculinity, challenging traditional notions of what it means to be a man. It argues against the stigmatization of men who embrace their emotions, suggesting that true masculinity involves self-awareness and the acceptance of love and vulnerability.
Call for Authentic Relationships: The speaker expresses a longing for authentic relationships, emphasizing the necessity of connection with others, particularly within the context of family and love. The poem portrays love as essential for happiness and fulfillment, asserting that true joy arises from sincere connections rather than societal expectations.
Rediscovering Ancient Wisdom: The poem references biblical narratives to illustrate the inherent value of love and companionship. By invoking the idea that it is “not good for man to be alone,” the poem calls for a return to foundational values of love and community, suggesting that these principles are crucial for individual and collective well-being.
Commitment to Love and Brotherhood: The speaker declares a commitment to love and brotherhood, emphasizing the importance of uplifting and supporting one another. The poem encourages readers to embrace their desires for love and family, asserting that true fulfillment comes from being open about these desires and sharing them with others.