Themes and Insights

The Woman and the Man

Loss and Disconnection: The poem illustrates the profound disconnection between men and women, highlighting the losses in trust, belief, and love that stem from internal struggles and societal pressures.

Divine Interconnectedness: The relationship between men and women is depicted as a reflection of a divine unity, suggesting that both genders play a vital role in manifesting spiritual ideals on Earth.

Reclamation of Identity: The speaker urges men to remember their true identities as warriors, lovers, and kings, advocating for a return to their spiritual essence and responsibilities in relationships.

The Metaphor of the Temple: The temple symbolizes the sacred space of love and connection that both partners must nurture. The neglect of this space leads to chaos and loss, urging the need for a collective effort to rebuild it.

Call to Action: The poem is a passionate call for men to unite, restore their strength, and embrace their roles, fostering a loving and supportive environment for their partners.

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The Woman and the Man

How the woman and man make a picture of God,
Nobody knows, nobody knows.

The woman has lost belief in us,
For we have lost belief in ourselves.

The woman has lost desire for us,
For we have lost desire for ourselves.

The woman has lost trust in us,
For we have lost trust in ourselves.

The woman has lost faith in us,
For we have lost faith in ourselves.

The woman has lost remembrance of us,
For we have lost remembrance of ourselves.

The woman has lost hope for us,
For we have lost hope for ourselves.

The woman has lost their need for us,
For we have lost our need for ourselves.

The woman has lost love for us,
For we have lost love for ourselves.

How can a house stand that is divided against its self?

In the house is the safety and security from the storm.
In the house is the bread,
In the house is the warmth,
In the house is the place of rest, and of bliss.

Man builds his temple, and places it in the woman.
But what man remembers the blueprint?

The woman has forgotten our Temple,
For we have forgotten to build it!

For in the storm we construct our Palace,
And there after give it unto the woman.

This creates the circle, the unity, and the whole.
The woman has forgotten our strength,
For we have forgotten our strength.

Alone we are strong, but as gathering men we are an army.
The point to our strength is to remember this.

We are the ones, who weather the storm,
As they nourish the Warrior who protects her.

We are the ones, who guard the gates of hell,
As they bring our armor and weapons to us.

The woman has forgotten our nourishment,
For we have forgotten to plant our crops!

The woman has forgotten our Sword and our Shield,
For we have forgotten to forge them!

How can a divided house keep back the gates of hell without food, without armor, and without the sword of truth?

Weak from starvation and isolation the fury of hell has stolen our heritage, as we kneel and bargain with the devil over scraps to eat!

The woman sees no Temple, no land, no alter, no fire, no food, no water, no warmth, no protection, no peace and no bliss!

The woman sees our rotten bones crawling before our Master!
The woman sees our concessions to the Beast of Hell!

The woman succumbs,
For we have succumbed.

The woman has a new lord to feed,
And we are his food!

Lie to yourselves with the façade of your vanity!
Rot in the belly of the beast.

Do you not hear the Devils voice in her desires now?
She has a new lover and he gives her all that you slave to him for!

All that is gold, and of silver, and of silk enflame her eyes.
She welds power over you because you serve her new lover!
The woman has forgotten the bliss of our temple,
And she seeks now the vain bliss of the evil one.

The woman has forgotten our honor,
For the devil, our master, has given it to her!

AWAKEN oh men of Babylon!

Stand up together and remember yourselves!

Do you not know that this thief is a faker and a liar?
Do you not know he is but a dream within you?
Do you not remember that YOU are the master and lord of your domain?
Do you not remember the love you have for your wife?

How can you worship this villain of war while he steals your lover and your children are abandoned?

How can you give your blood and your very soul to this master of Fear, the master of Lies, the master of Death?

Do you not remember your God is Eternal?

We have been beaten by our own separation and fear,
And together we must rebuild the Army of God!

We have been cast out of Eden by our own knowledge!
Do you not remember that Eden is your home?
Do you not remember the Tree of Life is yours?
Do you not remember the bliss of your Temple there?

ALL men are children of God, great and small.
ALL men are the Warrior, the Lover, and the King.
You have not lost your title!
You only think you have.

RISE UP you mighty men and forget your carnal weakness!
Embrace your brotherhood and remember your Spirit!

Cast off the lie of your vain life with gladness, and embrace the truth of your spiritual life.

For it is written that he who loves his life shall lose it, and he who hates his life shall find it!

Do you not remember the truth to these words?
Do you not remember our devotion to the truth?
Do you not remember the knowledge of lies both good and evil?
Do you not remember the intent of Eden, that of love?

Remember my Brothers… the key is in the legend of the beginning.
Remember the story of Adam is the story of God.
It is your story. It is His story!

Through God’s desire was formed a woman from Adam, as his flesh from earth, but his spirit from God. Eve was to cherish, to give to, and to help meet the desires of that Kingdom for Adam, as so was all creation desired to meet the Kingdom of God. God breathed His own life into flesh (breath of life) and there did also form a wife to share all things with. We are the offspring of God. Just as your blood flows in your children; it is God’s spirit that dwells with you.

The Holy Spirit is the part that is the I AM. It is there you must remember your desire for a mate, your desire for creation, and your desire to share all that you have with your lover.

Reach into yourselves and feel your longing for her!
Let your anger humble you and set aside your pillaging of one another.

It is by design that our lovers know us by our Mastery!
It is by our servitude to darkness we have lost her to another.

She is a Queen, and given only to he who sits on a Throne!
Why have you forsaken your Temple where your throne should be?

Bring about our ranks my brothers, cry out the battle cry, for there our mighty Kingdom is in ruins, and our lover is trapped behind its walls.

Remember the gold, the silver, the pearls are not her true love!
These falsehoods have not touched her true identity!
She has fallen to an evil overlord and hungers in his dungeon; dragons surround her always, breathing fire in every direction.

Remember Her true love is for you… her true desire is for your temple, your house, and your comfort from the storm. Eden is her garden and bliss and serenity and unity are her gifts for you.

Remember that she came from you, and is a part of your very soul!
Remember that in her is given creation itself as our gift.
Remember we create the circle and become one.

Remember my brothers how beautiful she is, and let this boil in your soul against your enemy. Lies are our enemy, and fear is the result.

FEAR NOT my brothers for we are still the Army of God. Nothing can stand in our way for within us is the truth, the hope, and the eternal spirit that returns to where it came from.

Restore your belief.
Restore your desire.
Restore your trust.
Restore your faith.
Restore your remembrance.
Restore your hope.
Restore your need.
Restore your love.

Forget the world and its short-lived history of violence and death.
Step outside of this nightmare of good and evil.
Embrace your love, and see again with true eyes!

Hell has surrounded us, but it cannot stand to our love.

For her and our families we would lay down our physical life, so then rise up your spirit and lay down your human ideas of justice.

You have the Holy Spirit of God breathed into your carnal bones. Just as your sons and daughters are the physical flesh of your flesh, your true spirit self is of God poured into flesh – for God is Life and the life in you is God. No one can kill you accept your own spiritual death by your own devotion to lies. Others can kill your flesh, but only you can hold yourself unpardoned by belief in that other then love and forgiveness. That is the unforgivable sin. Who can offer forgiveness to he who does not offer it to himself?

Do not toil over manners for the flesh, whether they are right or wrong. The flesh will tell you what it needs, and those who judge flesh by flesh are of carnal mind. If they seek to end your flesh life, then remember your spiritual self, and know you will be released from hell. Those who kill you are as they who have freed you from prison.

My brothers, as I look out to the women of the world I can hear their screams for a home to abide in. Desperate they grasp at anything showing promise because we have been absent. They have forgotten us, but they remember to reach for the very best. They remember their lover is a King. We are the very best there is, and we are their true lover, and we are their king. Our true self outweighs anything the world has to offer her, and she will run to our arms again if we rebuild our house to her.

All the days of our life here on earth we must remember this and battle the forces of our own mortal fears. As our fears embrace us we lose her ever more. We can act as though strong, act as though powerful, act as though profitable, or smart, we can even possess the whole world. But she knows the truth of these things, and will not see you in them; she will see only them. Then her desire will be for that rather then for you.

No my brothers, we must actually be strong in the spirit, powerful in our resolve, profitable in love and smart in the ways of the worlds traps. Then she shall see you through all the glitter of worldly vanity. Then she shall see her Warrior pushing back the lies of hell for HER safety and honor. Then she shall know again we are her King and her Warrior and the one for which her very design was perfectly suited to share bliss with.

Do not grow upset when she rebukes and tests you. We have spent generations away from her and she must know that we are who we possibly appear to be. Her love is sacred, and it can only be wholly given to the truth.

Our fighting must end my Brothers. Our real Kingdom of Eden to share with her is one of Love and life, not one of fear and death. Our wars and battles between us has been the chief sign of our slavery in her eyes. Only a man free of the fear of the world can save his beloved Woman. Each and every man still longs deeply to feel that love for her, and her love for him. We are still Adam.

We must come together again as men, and restore life to our world.

Ryan o0o

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The Woman and the Man

How the woman and man make a picture of God,
Nobody knows, nobody knows.

The woman has lost belief in us,
For we have lost belief in ourselves.

The woman has lost desire for us,
For we have lost desire for ourselves.

The woman has lost trust in us,
For we have lost trust in ourselves.

The woman has lost faith in us,
For we have lost faith in ourselves.

The woman has lost remembrance of us,
For we have lost remembrance of ourselves.

The woman has lost hope for us,
For we have lost hope for ourselves.

The woman has lost their need for us,
For we have lost our need for ourselves.

The woman has lost love for us,
For we have lost love for ourselves.

How can a house stand that is divided against its self?

In the house is the safety and security from the storm.
In the house is the bread,
In the house is the warmth,
In the house is the place of rest, and of bliss.

Man builds his temple, and places it in the woman.
But what man remembers the blueprint?

The woman has forgotten our Temple,
For we have forgotten to build it!

For in the storm we construct our Palace,
And there after give it unto the woman.

This creates the circle, the unity, and the whole.
The woman has forgotten our strength,
For we have forgotten our strength.

Alone we are strong, but as gathering men we are an army.
The point to our strength is to remember this.

We are the ones, who weather the storm,
As they nourish the Warrior who protects her.

We are the ones, who guard the gates of hell,
As they bring our armor and weapons to us.

The woman has forgotten our nourishment,
For we have forgotten to plant our crops!

The woman has forgotten our Sword and our Shield,
For we have forgotten to forge them!

How can a divided house keep back the gates of hell without food, without armor, and without the sword of truth?

Weak from starvation and isolation the fury of hell has stolen our heritage, as we kneel and bargain with the devil over scraps to eat!

The woman sees no Temple, no land, no alter, no fire, no food, no water, no warmth, no protection, no peace and no bliss!

The woman sees our rotten bones crawling before our Master!
The woman sees our concessions to the Beast of Hell!

The woman succumbs,
For we have succumbed.

The woman has a new lord to feed,
And we are his food!

Lie to yourselves with the façade of your vanity!
Rot in the belly of the beast.

Do you not hear the Devils voice in her desires now?
She has a new lover and he gives her all that you slave to him for!

All that is gold, and of silver, and of silk enflame her eyes.
She welds power over you because you serve her new lover!
The woman has forgotten the bliss of our temple,
And she seeks now the vain bliss of the evil one.

The woman has forgotten our honor,
For the devil, our master, has given it to her!

AWAKEN oh men of Babylon!

Stand up together and remember yourselves!

Do you not know that this thief is a faker and a liar?
Do you not know he is but a dream within you?
Do you not remember that YOU are the master and lord of your domain?
Do you not remember the love you have for your wife?

How can you worship this villain of war while he steals your lover and your children are abandoned?

How can you give your blood and your very soul to this master of Fear, the master of Lies, the master of Death?

Do you not remember your God is Eternal?

We have been beaten by our own separation and fear,
And together we must rebuild the Army of God!

We have been cast out of Eden by our own knowledge!
Do you not remember that Eden is your home?
Do you not remember the Tree of Life is yours?
Do you not remember the bliss of your Temple there?

ALL men are children of God, great and small.
ALL men are the Warrior, the Lover, and the King.
You have not lost your title!
You only think you have.

RISE UP you mighty men and forget your carnal weakness!
Embrace your brotherhood and remember your Spirit!

Cast off the lie of your vain life with gladness, and embrace the truth of your spiritual life.

For it is written that he who loves his life shall lose it, and he who hates his life shall find it!

Do you not remember the truth to these words?
Do you not remember our devotion to the truth?
Do you not remember the knowledge of lies both good and evil?
Do you not remember the intent of Eden, that of love?

Remember my Brothers… the key is in the legend of the beginning.
Remember the story of Adam is the story of God.
It is your story. It is His story!

Through God’s desire was formed a woman from Adam, as his flesh from earth, but his spirit from God. Eve was to cherish, to give to, and to help meet the desires of that Kingdom for Adam, as so was all creation desired to meet the Kingdom of God. God breathed His own life into flesh (breath of life) and there did also form a wife to share all things with. We are the offspring of God. Just as your blood flows in your children; it is God’s spirit that dwells with you.

The Holy Spirit is the part that is the I AM. It is there you must remember your desire for a mate, your desire for creation, and your desire to share all that you have with your lover.

Reach into yourselves and feel your longing for her!
Let your anger humble you and set aside your pillaging of one another.

It is by design that our lovers know us by our Mastery!
It is by our servitude to darkness we have lost her to another.

She is a Queen, and given only to he who sits on a Throne!
Why have you forsaken your Temple where your throne should be?

Bring about our ranks my brothers, cry out the battle cry, for there our mighty Kingdom is in ruins, and our lover is trapped behind its walls.

Remember the gold, the silver, the pearls are not her true love!
These falsehoods have not touched her true identity!
She has fallen to an evil overlord and hungers in his dungeon; dragons surround her always, breathing fire in every direction.

Remember Her true love is for you… her true desire is for your temple, your house, and your comfort from the storm. Eden is her garden and bliss and serenity and unity are her gifts for you.

Remember that she came from you, and is a part of your very soul!
Remember that in her is given creation itself as our gift.
Remember we create the circle and become one.

Remember my brothers how beautiful she is, and let this boil in your soul against your enemy. Lies are our enemy, and fear is the result.

FEAR NOT my brothers for we are still the Army of God. Nothing can stand in our way for within us is the truth, the hope, and the eternal spirit that returns to where it came from.

Restore your belief.
Restore your desire.
Restore your trust.
Restore your faith.
Restore your remembrance.
Restore your hope.
Restore your need.
Restore your love.

Forget the world and its short-lived history of violence and death.
Step outside of this nightmare of good and evil.
Embrace your love, and see again with true eyes!

Hell has surrounded us, but it cannot stand to our love.

For her and our families we would lay down our physical life, so then rise up your spirit and lay down your human ideas of justice.

You have the Holy Spirit of God breathed into your carnal bones. Just as your sons and daughters are the physical flesh of your flesh, your true spirit self is of God poured into flesh – for God is Life and the life in you is God. No one can kill you accept your own spiritual death by your own devotion to lies. Others can kill your flesh, but only you can hold yourself unpardoned by belief in that other then love and forgiveness. That is the unforgivable sin. Who can offer forgiveness to he who does not offer it to himself?

Do not toil over manners for the flesh, whether they are right or wrong. The flesh will tell you what it needs, and those who judge flesh by flesh are of carnal mind. If they seek to end your flesh life, then remember your spiritual self, and know you will be released from hell. Those who kill you are as they who have freed you from prison.

My brothers, as I look out to the women of the world I can hear their screams for a home to abide in. Desperate they grasp at anything showing promise because we have been absent. They have forgotten us, but they remember to reach for the very best. They remember their lover is a King. We are the very best there is, and we are their true lover, and we are their king. Our true self outweighs anything the world has to offer her, and she will run to our arms again if we rebuild our house to her.

All the days of our life here on earth we must remember this and battle the forces of our own mortal fears. As our fears embrace us we lose her ever more. We can act as though strong, act as though powerful, act as though profitable, or smart, we can even possess the whole world. But she knows the truth of these things, and will not see you in them; she will see only them. Then her desire will be for that rather then for you.

No my brothers, we must actually be strong in the spirit, powerful in our resolve, profitable in love and smart in the ways of the worlds traps. Then she shall see you through all the glitter of worldly vanity. Then she shall see her Warrior pushing back the lies of hell for HER safety and honor. Then she shall know again we are her King and her Warrior and the one for which her very design was perfectly suited to share bliss with.

Do not grow upset when she rebukes and tests you. We have spent generations away from her and she must know that we are who we possibly appear to be. Her love is sacred, and it can only be wholly given to the truth.

Our fighting must end my Brothers. Our real Kingdom of Eden to share with her is one of Love and life, not one of fear and death. Our wars and battles between us has been the chief sign of our slavery in her eyes. Only a man free of the fear of the world can save his beloved Woman. Each and every man still longs deeply to feel that love for her, and her love for him. We are still Adam.

We must come together again as men, and restore life to our world.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

The Woman and the Man

Loss and Disconnection: The poem illustrates the profound disconnection between men and women, highlighting the losses in trust, belief, and love that stem from internal struggles and societal pressures.

Divine Interconnectedness: The relationship between men and women is depicted as a reflection of a divine unity, suggesting that both genders play a vital role in manifesting spiritual ideals on Earth.

Reclamation of Identity: The speaker urges men to remember their true identities as warriors, lovers, and kings, advocating for a return to their spiritual essence and responsibilities in relationships.

The Metaphor of the Temple: The temple symbolizes the sacred space of love and connection that both partners must nurture. The neglect of this space leads to chaos and loss, urging the need for a collective effort to rebuild it.

Call to Action: The poem is a passionate call for men to unite, restore their strength, and embrace their roles, fostering a loving and supportive environment for their partners.

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The Woman and the Man

How the woman and man make a picture of God,
Nobody knows, nobody knows.

The woman has lost belief in us,
For we have lost belief in ourselves.

The woman has lost desire for us,
For we have lost desire for ourselves.

The woman has lost trust in us,
For we have lost trust in ourselves.

The woman has lost faith in us,
For we have lost faith in ourselves.

The woman has lost remembrance of us,
For we have lost remembrance of ourselves.

The woman has lost hope for us,
For we have lost hope for ourselves.

The woman has lost their need for us,
For we have lost our need for ourselves.

The woman has lost love for us,
For we have lost love for ourselves.

How can a house stand that is divided against its self?

In the house is the safety and security from the storm.
In the house is the bread,
In the house is the warmth,
In the house is the place of rest, and of bliss.

Man builds his temple, and places it in the woman.
But what man remembers the blueprint?

The woman has forgotten our Temple,
For we have forgotten to build it!

For in the storm we construct our Palace,
And there after give it unto the woman.

This creates the circle, the unity, and the whole.
The woman has forgotten our strength,
For we have forgotten our strength.

Alone we are strong, but as gathering men we are an army.
The point to our strength is to remember this.

We are the ones, who weather the storm,
As they nourish the Warrior who protects her.

We are the ones, who guard the gates of hell,
As they bring our armor and weapons to us.

The woman has forgotten our nourishment,
For we have forgotten to plant our crops!

The woman has forgotten our Sword and our Shield,
For we have forgotten to forge them!

How can a divided house keep back the gates of hell without food, without armor, and without the sword of truth?

Weak from starvation and isolation the fury of hell has stolen our heritage, as we kneel and bargain with the devil over scraps to eat!

The woman sees no Temple, no land, no alter, no fire, no food, no water, no warmth, no protection, no peace and no bliss!

The woman sees our rotten bones crawling before our Master!
The woman sees our concessions to the Beast of Hell!

The woman succumbs,
For we have succumbed.

The woman has a new lord to feed,
And we are his food!

Lie to yourselves with the façade of your vanity!
Rot in the belly of the beast.

Do you not hear the Devils voice in her desires now?
She has a new lover and he gives her all that you slave to him for!

All that is gold, and of silver, and of silk enflame her eyes.
She welds power over you because you serve her new lover!
The woman has forgotten the bliss of our temple,
And she seeks now the vain bliss of the evil one.

The woman has forgotten our honor,
For the devil, our master, has given it to her!

AWAKEN oh men of Babylon!

Stand up together and remember yourselves!

Do you not know that this thief is a faker and a liar?
Do you not know he is but a dream within you?
Do you not remember that YOU are the master and lord of your domain?
Do you not remember the love you have for your wife?

How can you worship this villain of war while he steals your lover and your children are abandoned?

How can you give your blood and your very soul to this master of Fear, the master of Lies, the master of Death?

Do you not remember your God is Eternal?

We have been beaten by our own separation and fear,
And together we must rebuild the Army of God!

We have been cast out of Eden by our own knowledge!
Do you not remember that Eden is your home?
Do you not remember the Tree of Life is yours?
Do you not remember the bliss of your Temple there?

ALL men are children of God, great and small.
ALL men are the Warrior, the Lover, and the King.
You have not lost your title!
You only think you have.

RISE UP you mighty men and forget your carnal weakness!
Embrace your brotherhood and remember your Spirit!

Cast off the lie of your vain life with gladness, and embrace the truth of your spiritual life.

For it is written that he who loves his life shall lose it, and he who hates his life shall find it!

Do you not remember the truth to these words?
Do you not remember our devotion to the truth?
Do you not remember the knowledge of lies both good and evil?
Do you not remember the intent of Eden, that of love?

Remember my Brothers… the key is in the legend of the beginning.
Remember the story of Adam is the story of God.
It is your story. It is His story!

Through God’s desire was formed a woman from Adam, as his flesh from earth, but his spirit from God. Eve was to cherish, to give to, and to help meet the desires of that Kingdom for Adam, as so was all creation desired to meet the Kingdom of God. God breathed His own life into flesh (breath of life) and there did also form a wife to share all things with. We are the offspring of God. Just as your blood flows in your children; it is God’s spirit that dwells with you.

The Holy Spirit is the part that is the I AM. It is there you must remember your desire for a mate, your desire for creation, and your desire to share all that you have with your lover.

Reach into yourselves and feel your longing for her!
Let your anger humble you and set aside your pillaging of one another.

It is by design that our lovers know us by our Mastery!
It is by our servitude to darkness we have lost her to another.

She is a Queen, and given only to he who sits on a Throne!
Why have you forsaken your Temple where your throne should be?

Bring about our ranks my brothers, cry out the battle cry, for there our mighty Kingdom is in ruins, and our lover is trapped behind its walls.

Remember the gold, the silver, the pearls are not her true love!
These falsehoods have not touched her true identity!
She has fallen to an evil overlord and hungers in his dungeon; dragons surround her always, breathing fire in every direction.

Remember Her true love is for you… her true desire is for your temple, your house, and your comfort from the storm. Eden is her garden and bliss and serenity and unity are her gifts for you.

Remember that she came from you, and is a part of your very soul!
Remember that in her is given creation itself as our gift.
Remember we create the circle and become one.

Remember my brothers how beautiful she is, and let this boil in your soul against your enemy. Lies are our enemy, and fear is the result.

FEAR NOT my brothers for we are still the Army of God. Nothing can stand in our way for within us is the truth, the hope, and the eternal spirit that returns to where it came from.

Restore your belief.
Restore your desire.
Restore your trust.
Restore your faith.
Restore your remembrance.
Restore your hope.
Restore your need.
Restore your love.

Forget the world and its short-lived history of violence and death.
Step outside of this nightmare of good and evil.
Embrace your love, and see again with true eyes!

Hell has surrounded us, but it cannot stand to our love.

For her and our families we would lay down our physical life, so then rise up your spirit and lay down your human ideas of justice.

You have the Holy Spirit of God breathed into your carnal bones. Just as your sons and daughters are the physical flesh of your flesh, your true spirit self is of God poured into flesh – for God is Life and the life in you is God. No one can kill you accept your own spiritual death by your own devotion to lies. Others can kill your flesh, but only you can hold yourself unpardoned by belief in that other then love and forgiveness. That is the unforgivable sin. Who can offer forgiveness to he who does not offer it to himself?

Do not toil over manners for the flesh, whether they are right or wrong. The flesh will tell you what it needs, and those who judge flesh by flesh are of carnal mind. If they seek to end your flesh life, then remember your spiritual self, and know you will be released from hell. Those who kill you are as they who have freed you from prison.

My brothers, as I look out to the women of the world I can hear their screams for a home to abide in. Desperate they grasp at anything showing promise because we have been absent. They have forgotten us, but they remember to reach for the very best. They remember their lover is a King. We are the very best there is, and we are their true lover, and we are their king. Our true self outweighs anything the world has to offer her, and she will run to our arms again if we rebuild our house to her.

All the days of our life here on earth we must remember this and battle the forces of our own mortal fears. As our fears embrace us we lose her ever more. We can act as though strong, act as though powerful, act as though profitable, or smart, we can even possess the whole world. But she knows the truth of these things, and will not see you in them; she will see only them. Then her desire will be for that rather then for you.

No my brothers, we must actually be strong in the spirit, powerful in our resolve, profitable in love and smart in the ways of the worlds traps. Then she shall see you through all the glitter of worldly vanity. Then she shall see her Warrior pushing back the lies of hell for HER safety and honor. Then she shall know again we are her King and her Warrior and the one for which her very design was perfectly suited to share bliss with.

Do not grow upset when she rebukes and tests you. We have spent generations away from her and she must know that we are who we possibly appear to be. Her love is sacred, and it can only be wholly given to the truth.

Our fighting must end my Brothers. Our real Kingdom of Eden to share with her is one of Love and life, not one of fear and death. Our wars and battles between us has been the chief sign of our slavery in her eyes. Only a man free of the fear of the world can save his beloved Woman. Each and every man still longs deeply to feel that love for her, and her love for him. We are still Adam.

We must come together again as men, and restore life to our world.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

The Woman and the Man

Loss and Disconnection: The poem illustrates the profound disconnection between men and women, highlighting the losses in trust, belief, and love that stem from internal struggles and societal pressures.

Divine Interconnectedness: The relationship between men and women is depicted as a reflection of a divine unity, suggesting that both genders play a vital role in manifesting spiritual ideals on Earth.

Reclamation of Identity: The speaker urges men to remember their true identities as warriors, lovers, and kings, advocating for a return to their spiritual essence and responsibilities in relationships.

The Metaphor of the Temple: The temple symbolizes the sacred space of love and connection that both partners must nurture. The neglect of this space leads to chaos and loss, urging the need for a collective effort to rebuild it.

Call to Action: The poem is a passionate call for men to unite, restore their strength, and embrace their roles, fostering a loving and supportive environment for their partners.

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