Themes and Insights

The Poet

The Soul of the PoetTrue artists create not for fame or glory but to connect with others, turning personal experiences into works that speak for the voiceless and illuminate shared humanity.

The Balance of Darkness and LightArt derives its authority from the artist’s journey through extremes—both the damning darkness and the blinding light—allowing them to create works of authenticity and resonance.

The Transformative Power of ExperienceGenuine creativity requires embracing life’s fullness—joys, sorrows, and struggles—so that art can reflect truth, inspire empathy, and transcend superficiality.

Divine Guidance in CreationTalent is a gift from God, meant to glorify Him and serve others. The artist becomes a vessel, revealing beauty, comfort, and inspiration through their works.

Unity Through Shared ExpressionBy reaching into both the depths of despair and the heights of glory, the artist joins humanity together, reminding us of our divine origin and collective purpose as children of God.

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The Poet

I hear the song of your heart
Even though it is concealed.
I feel the wound of your course
Even though it is not known.
I know the thoughts of your mind
All the while you deny them.
I see the face of your reality
Though you yourself do not appear.

Yes, the mirror is too bold for many

For you see,
The poet is not a seeker of fame
Nor the musician a seeker of glory
Indeed the artist seeks not pride
Nor the creator of things to be praised

It is that they who are full of themselves
Have yet to discover their art
Their eyes are hard set on your approval
Their purpose still of confidence

It is merely youth which stands in their way
And the glimmer of shiny things
Brought before them by the world
But time will direct them all

For in the end
We find the reason of passion
Turning darkness to light
And then back again
That all of our brothers may know
We have spoken for their quietness

Who can say what is horrid
Until walking with horror?
Even more can they reveal the light!
For the artist of light
Must know damning darkness
Lest there be no authority
To their works.

And who can say what is good
Until walking with goodness?
Even more can they comfort the dark!
For the artist of dark
Must know blinding light
Lest their words discover you not
In the pit where you have fallen

And who can feel what must be felt
Except they who have experienced it all?
Without such our words perform shame
And our music is rote with indignity
Thus the canvas expresses naked vanity
As we expose our immaturity
In hubris we cannot see!

Only exposing ourselves as untrue

So to the truth it is we must go
And this requires the Master to speak
For God is the message to all that is made
By our details of experience
He does share it
And by our honor of life
Is it revealed
And by our humble adoration at the gift
Does He inspire our steps

That all of which is talent and time
Has been given for a greater purpose
Not that I may glorify myself
But that I may magnify you
Whom God loves.
That I may glorify God
Who did awaken it all
That by voice may you be heard
And by song may you be comforted
And by stroke and paint
May you dream of true beauty.
That by touching your heart
In any of these
You find yourself joined with us all!

For I must go to where you are
In order to find you there
In that darkness you have been thrust
Those roads did I travel far
That one day I could run to your side

And I must rise to the light of your heart
In order to join you there
In that heavenly place of life’s glory
Those ladders have I climbed before
That one day we may adventure together

So let us make end to this thought
That you may discern the prophet
And cast away the false tongue
For there are those who do witness
Even all that you hide can we see
The path before you exposes itself
And the dream within you speaks to us
Indeed your secrets are not shocking
Nor your shame do we aghast

As God directs our works
For the greater good of His love
By Him does all talent become
That we people may one day comprehend
This marvel of spirit transparency
Revealing once and for all
That we souls are the children of God.

Ryan o0o

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The Poet

I hear the song of your heart
Even though it is concealed.
I feel the wound of your course
Even though it is not known.
I know the thoughts of your mind
All the while you deny them.
I see the face of your reality
Though you yourself do not appear.

Yes, the mirror is too bold for many

For you see,
The poet is not a seeker of fame
Nor the musician a seeker of glory
Indeed the artist seeks not pride
Nor the creator of things to be praised

It is that they who are full of themselves
Have yet to discover their art
Their eyes are hard set on your approval
Their purpose still of confidence

It is merely youth which stands in their way
And the glimmer of shiny things
Brought before them by the world
But time will direct them all

For in the end
We find the reason of passion
Turning darkness to light
And then back again
That all of our brothers may know
We have spoken for their quietness

Who can say what is horrid
Until walking with horror?
Even more can they reveal the light!
For the artist of light
Must know damning darkness
Lest there be no authority
To their works.

And who can say what is good
Until walking with goodness?
Even more can they comfort the dark!
For the artist of dark
Must know blinding light
Lest their words discover you not
In the pit where you have fallen

And who can feel what must be felt
Except they who have experienced it all?
Without such our words perform shame
And our music is rote with indignity
Thus the canvas expresses naked vanity
As we expose our immaturity
In hubris we cannot see!

Only exposing ourselves as untrue

So to the truth it is we must go
And this requires the Master to speak
For God is the message to all that is made
By our details of experience
He does share it
And by our honor of life
Is it revealed
And by our humble adoration at the gift
Does He inspire our steps

That all of which is talent and time
Has been given for a greater purpose
Not that I may glorify myself
But that I may magnify you
Whom God loves.
That I may glorify God
Who did awaken it all
That by voice may you be heard
And by song may you be comforted
And by stroke and paint
May you dream of true beauty.
That by touching your heart
In any of these
You find yourself joined with us all!

For I must go to where you are
In order to find you there
In that darkness you have been thrust
Those roads did I travel far
That one day I could run to your side

And I must rise to the light of your heart
In order to join you there
In that heavenly place of life’s glory
Those ladders have I climbed before
That one day we may adventure together

So let us make end to this thought
That you may discern the prophet
And cast away the false tongue
For there are those who do witness
Even all that you hide can we see
The path before you exposes itself
And the dream within you speaks to us
Indeed your secrets are not shocking
Nor your shame do we aghast

As God directs our works
For the greater good of His love
By Him does all talent become
That we people may one day comprehend
This marvel of spirit transparency
Revealing once and for all
That we souls are the children of God.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

The Poet

The Soul of the PoetTrue artists create not for fame or glory but to connect with others, turning personal experiences into works that speak for the voiceless and illuminate shared humanity.

The Balance of Darkness and LightArt derives its authority from the artist’s journey through extremes—both the damning darkness and the blinding light—allowing them to create works of authenticity and resonance.

The Transformative Power of ExperienceGenuine creativity requires embracing life’s fullness—joys, sorrows, and struggles—so that art can reflect truth, inspire empathy, and transcend superficiality.

Divine Guidance in CreationTalent is a gift from God, meant to glorify Him and serve others. The artist becomes a vessel, revealing beauty, comfort, and inspiration through their works.

Unity Through Shared ExpressionBy reaching into both the depths of despair and the heights of glory, the artist joins humanity together, reminding us of our divine origin and collective purpose as children of God.

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The Poet

I hear the song of your heart
Even though it is concealed.
I feel the wound of your course
Even though it is not known.
I know the thoughts of your mind
All the while you deny them.
I see the face of your reality
Though you yourself do not appear.

Yes, the mirror is too bold for many

For you see,
The poet is not a seeker of fame
Nor the musician a seeker of glory
Indeed the artist seeks not pride
Nor the creator of things to be praised

It is that they who are full of themselves
Have yet to discover their art
Their eyes are hard set on your approval
Their purpose still of confidence

It is merely youth which stands in their way
And the glimmer of shiny things
Brought before them by the world
But time will direct them all

For in the end
We find the reason of passion
Turning darkness to light
And then back again
That all of our brothers may know
We have spoken for their quietness

Who can say what is horrid
Until walking with horror?
Even more can they reveal the light!
For the artist of light
Must know damning darkness
Lest there be no authority
To their works.

And who can say what is good
Until walking with goodness?
Even more can they comfort the dark!
For the artist of dark
Must know blinding light
Lest their words discover you not
In the pit where you have fallen

And who can feel what must be felt
Except they who have experienced it all?
Without such our words perform shame
And our music is rote with indignity
Thus the canvas expresses naked vanity
As we expose our immaturity
In hubris we cannot see!

Only exposing ourselves as untrue

So to the truth it is we must go
And this requires the Master to speak
For God is the message to all that is made
By our details of experience
He does share it
And by our honor of life
Is it revealed
And by our humble adoration at the gift
Does He inspire our steps

That all of which is talent and time
Has been given for a greater purpose
Not that I may glorify myself
But that I may magnify you
Whom God loves.
That I may glorify God
Who did awaken it all
That by voice may you be heard
And by song may you be comforted
And by stroke and paint
May you dream of true beauty.
That by touching your heart
In any of these
You find yourself joined with us all!

For I must go to where you are
In order to find you there
In that darkness you have been thrust
Those roads did I travel far
That one day I could run to your side

And I must rise to the light of your heart
In order to join you there
In that heavenly place of life’s glory
Those ladders have I climbed before
That one day we may adventure together

So let us make end to this thought
That you may discern the prophet
And cast away the false tongue
For there are those who do witness
Even all that you hide can we see
The path before you exposes itself
And the dream within you speaks to us
Indeed your secrets are not shocking
Nor your shame do we aghast

As God directs our works
For the greater good of His love
By Him does all talent become
That we people may one day comprehend
This marvel of spirit transparency
Revealing once and for all
That we souls are the children of God.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

The Poet

The Soul of the PoetTrue artists create not for fame or glory but to connect with others, turning personal experiences into works that speak for the voiceless and illuminate shared humanity.

The Balance of Darkness and LightArt derives its authority from the artist’s journey through extremes—both the damning darkness and the blinding light—allowing them to create works of authenticity and resonance.

The Transformative Power of ExperienceGenuine creativity requires embracing life’s fullness—joys, sorrows, and struggles—so that art can reflect truth, inspire empathy, and transcend superficiality.

Divine Guidance in CreationTalent is a gift from God, meant to glorify Him and serve others. The artist becomes a vessel, revealing beauty, comfort, and inspiration through their works.

Unity Through Shared ExpressionBy reaching into both the depths of despair and the heights of glory, the artist joins humanity together, reminding us of our divine origin and collective purpose as children of God.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!



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