Themes and Insights
The Other Formation of Thought
The Limitations of Reason and Judgment:A critical theme throughout is the danger of allowing human reason and distrust to guide our decisions. The writing shows how personal disbelief in truth, often driven by fear and past experiences, hinders spiritual growth and connection with others.
The Power of Humility and Acceptance:Humility is a key virtue mentioned, as it allows us to accept the gifts of others and the spiritual truth they offer. By being humble, we open ourselves to greater understanding and unity, which are essential for peace and brotherhood.
Spiritual Growth Through Brotherhood:The piece emphasizes the mutual growth that occurs in relationships, particularly through the spirit of brotherhood. Those who accept the gifts of others, as well as those who act in faith and love, contribute to the expansion of life and truth in the world.
The Living of Truth Over Confrontation:The writing stresses that living in truth, kindness, and humility—rather than confronting others with arrogance, pride, or judgment—brings about true spiritual growth. It speaks to the power of non-confrontational unity and the importance of peace over division in the pursuit of understanding.
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The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is the free soul and spirit who acts. For the world has been shaken and trust is not found within it, so too are they who believe themselves wise quiet in their judgment that we should perform before them. With their blinded eyes open, do they first require their own approval that you must fulfill.
But within they of the spirit is no such fear or terror and delusion. As this reason sound to the flesh is worthless to the life, and without justice in the heavens. The spirit of life awakens liberty, welcomes brotherhood and openly accepts the life of another as theirs, seeking not to approve nor condemn. As all flesh will betray flesh, but the bond of spirit between two requires only one to offer, and another to receive.
Who would not receive what is true without their own disbelief of what is not true though it presents before their eyes? And who would disapprove of what they set law to approve without the failed revelation of what is and was before them already denied by their own law that prohibited it? Except that he himself be blinded by his own faith in his own reason, knowing not the foolishness of that reason, does he set forth to condemn trust by his own measure of distrust. How can he see the very truth he seeks when he himself distrusts that very truth by the measure of his own seeking of it? He neither can believe nor know, understand or comprehend, not because of what is before him but because of what is inside of his own reason of trust. Nor can another openly see with eyes of righteousness through the lens of personal belief created by their disbelief developed by the experience of fear believed to be comprehensible.
There is one value to this that we cannot dismiss, and that is the value of humour, comedy, and perspective found within that joke we all get while not wholly knowing why – other than there is some “truth” to it.
So even in our foolishness and ignorance do we derive some treasure which can bond one another in unity and brotherhood – and of this is another great lesson about the greatness of the joy of God and the gift of His spirit within us.
But as for he who is a friend? They who are first friends are they who lead, and carry forward their brothers and sisters. As the friend who follows, seeing that the first friend has gained their trust from the unwarranted distrust caused by another, are the disciples of the one who is friend first. And as disciple of the friendship do they often exceed and uphold the faith of the formed friendship with greater commitment than he who lead the friendship first! So the first friend acts in the love and compassion of the very living God, acting first in trust and faith not in the flesh of man but the spirit of life, and does offer that life to others who were hitherto “dead”. And they who upon acceptance of that brotherhood do water and grow and and make strong the very tree that was planted of life, growing life and expanding life by the talent of God given to them both.
But this to that for those who act first, for a leader often falls first, even unto denial dismissal and “death” within a society. By definition it is so. Even so, hold fast, accept the countenance within that drives and pursues us to carry the spirit of God with open acceptance, even upon condemning judgment of man. For many in the background, seeking first the trust of their distrust, still believing their own reason, are watching and hoping in faith they are witness to truth. Of them we do not know, but many do exist, far more than who is before those who lead. Therefore keep the faith, encourage and strengthen and uphold whoever may be able to receive it, even those who are not able. Of they who are not able, take that to God your prayer for their wellbeing and peace.
And this to that for those who follow, and accept the brotherhood and friendship, as that path also is rocky. As the one who gave did give to one, but of what was received you may give to all – does the foundation of peace begin to take shape. For he who acted in faith for us, did prove his faith, do we in turn prove his faith of us by returning that faith to others. Not that we must lead, but that also we do speak of the gift. And by the living of it do we also prove the disbelief of the truth of others and conquer the belief of the lies of others without confrontation, arrogance, pride, self righteousness, or offence… for the living of peace and friendship is a very fruit of God.
So then if one to one is there such greatness of brotherhood found simply by the offering of it by one to another – may we then consider the actual treasure and mastery and mystery and revelation to the very gracious and powerful gift of the message of God who gave open hand and open truth and open faith and trust to us men even before we were born. This that we would water what was planted, and prune what is no longer fruitful, and share the harvest with all, that disbelief may vanish not by laws and rules and conditions and reward and punishment – but by the hand of love and friendship given to us with the revelation of truth and life.
(for my unique friend)
Ryan o0o
The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is the free soul and spirit who acts. For the world has been shaken and trust is not found within it, so too are they who believe themselves wise quiet in their judgment that we should perform before them. With their blinded eyes open, do they first require their own approval that you must fulfill.
But within they of the spirit is no such fear or terror and delusion. As this reason sound to the flesh is worthless to the life, and without justice in the heavens. The spirit of life awakens liberty, welcomes brotherhood and openly accepts the life of another as theirs, seeking not to approve nor condemn. As all flesh will betray flesh, but the bond of spirit between two requires only one to offer, and another to receive.
Who would not receive what is true without their own disbelief of what is not true though it presents before their eyes? And who would disapprove of what they set law to approve without the failed revelation of what is and was before them already denied by their own law that prohibited it? Except that he himself be blinded by his own faith in his own reason, knowing not the foolishness of that reason, does he set forth to condemn trust by his own measure of distrust. How can he see the very truth he seeks when he himself distrusts that very truth by the measure of his own seeking of it? He neither can believe nor know, understand or comprehend, not because of what is before him but because of what is inside of his own reason of trust. Nor can another openly see with eyes of righteousness through the lens of personal belief created by their disbelief developed by the experience of fear believed to be comprehensible.
There is one value to this that we cannot dismiss, and that is the value of humour, comedy, and perspective found within that joke we all get while not wholly knowing why – other than there is some “truth” to it.
So even in our foolishness and ignorance do we derive some treasure which can bond one another in unity and brotherhood – and of this is another great lesson about the greatness of the joy of God and the gift of His spirit within us.
But as for he who is a friend? They who are first friends are they who lead, and carry forward their brothers and sisters. As the friend who follows, seeing that the first friend has gained their trust from the unwarranted distrust caused by another, are the disciples of the one who is friend first. And as disciple of the friendship do they often exceed and uphold the faith of the formed friendship with greater commitment than he who lead the friendship first! So the first friend acts in the love and compassion of the very living God, acting first in trust and faith not in the flesh of man but the spirit of life, and does offer that life to others who were hitherto “dead”. And they who upon acceptance of that brotherhood do water and grow and and make strong the very tree that was planted of life, growing life and expanding life by the talent of God given to them both.
But this to that for those who act first, for a leader often falls first, even unto denial dismissal and “death” within a society. By definition it is so. Even so, hold fast, accept the countenance within that drives and pursues us to carry the spirit of God with open acceptance, even upon condemning judgment of man. For many in the background, seeking first the trust of their distrust, still believing their own reason, are watching and hoping in faith they are witness to truth. Of them we do not know, but many do exist, far more than who is before those who lead. Therefore keep the faith, encourage and strengthen and uphold whoever may be able to receive it, even those who are not able. Of they who are not able, take that to God your prayer for their wellbeing and peace.
And this to that for those who follow, and accept the brotherhood and friendship, as that path also is rocky. As the one who gave did give to one, but of what was received you may give to all – does the foundation of peace begin to take shape. For he who acted in faith for us, did prove his faith, do we in turn prove his faith of us by returning that faith to others. Not that we must lead, but that also we do speak of the gift. And by the living of it do we also prove the disbelief of the truth of others and conquer the belief of the lies of others without confrontation, arrogance, pride, self righteousness, or offence… for the living of peace and friendship is a very fruit of God.
So then if one to one is there such greatness of brotherhood found simply by the offering of it by one to another – may we then consider the actual treasure and mastery and mystery and revelation to the very gracious and powerful gift of the message of God who gave open hand and open truth and open faith and trust to us men even before we were born. This that we would water what was planted, and prune what is no longer fruitful, and share the harvest with all, that disbelief may vanish not by laws and rules and conditions and reward and punishment – but by the hand of love and friendship given to us with the revelation of truth and life.
(for my unique friend)
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
The Other Formation of Thought
The Limitations of Reason and Judgment:A critical theme throughout is the danger of allowing human reason and distrust to guide our decisions. The writing shows how personal disbelief in truth, often driven by fear and past experiences, hinders spiritual growth and connection with others.
The Power of Humility and Acceptance:Humility is a key virtue mentioned, as it allows us to accept the gifts of others and the spiritual truth they offer. By being humble, we open ourselves to greater understanding and unity, which are essential for peace and brotherhood.
Spiritual Growth Through Brotherhood:The piece emphasizes the mutual growth that occurs in relationships, particularly through the spirit of brotherhood. Those who accept the gifts of others, as well as those who act in faith and love, contribute to the expansion of life and truth in the world.
The Living of Truth Over Confrontation:The writing stresses that living in truth, kindness, and humility—rather than confronting others with arrogance, pride, or judgment—brings about true spiritual growth. It speaks to the power of non-confrontational unity and the importance of peace over division in the pursuit of understanding.
The Other Formation of Thought
Who is a friend but he who is first friendly? As the limits of flesh wait upon answers, it is the free soul and spirit who acts. For the world has been shaken and trust is not found within it, so too are they who believe themselves wise quiet in their judgment that we should perform before them. With their blinded eyes open, do they first require their own approval that you must fulfill.
But within they of the spirit is no such fear or terror and delusion. As this reason sound to the flesh is worthless to the life, and without justice in the heavens. The spirit of life awakens liberty, welcomes brotherhood and openly accepts the life of another as theirs, seeking not to approve nor condemn. As all flesh will betray flesh, but the bond of spirit between two requires only one to offer, and another to receive.
Who would not receive what is true without their own disbelief of what is not true though it presents before their eyes? And who would disapprove of what they set law to approve without the failed revelation of what is and was before them already denied by their own law that prohibited it? Except that he himself be blinded by his own faith in his own reason, knowing not the foolishness of that reason, does he set forth to condemn trust by his own measure of distrust. How can he see the very truth he seeks when he himself distrusts that very truth by the measure of his own seeking of it? He neither can believe nor know, understand or comprehend, not because of what is before him but because of what is inside of his own reason of trust. Nor can another openly see with eyes of righteousness through the lens of personal belief created by their disbelief developed by the experience of fear believed to be comprehensible.
There is one value to this that we cannot dismiss, and that is the value of humour, comedy, and perspective found within that joke we all get while not wholly knowing why – other than there is some “truth” to it.
So even in our foolishness and ignorance do we derive some treasure which can bond one another in unity and brotherhood – and of this is another great lesson about the greatness of the joy of God and the gift of His spirit within us.
But as for he who is a friend? They who are first friends are they who lead, and carry forward their brothers and sisters. As the friend who follows, seeing that the first friend has gained their trust from the unwarranted distrust caused by another, are the disciples of the one who is friend first. And as disciple of the friendship do they often exceed and uphold the faith of the formed friendship with greater commitment than he who lead the friendship first! So the first friend acts in the love and compassion of the very living God, acting first in trust and faith not in the flesh of man but the spirit of life, and does offer that life to others who were hitherto “dead”. And they who upon acceptance of that brotherhood do water and grow and and make strong the very tree that was planted of life, growing life and expanding life by the talent of God given to them both.
But this to that for those who act first, for a leader often falls first, even unto denial dismissal and “death” within a society. By definition it is so. Even so, hold fast, accept the countenance within that drives and pursues us to carry the spirit of God with open acceptance, even upon condemning judgment of man. For many in the background, seeking first the trust of their distrust, still believing their own reason, are watching and hoping in faith they are witness to truth. Of them we do not know, but many do exist, far more than who is before those who lead. Therefore keep the faith, encourage and strengthen and uphold whoever may be able to receive it, even those who are not able. Of they who are not able, take that to God your prayer for their wellbeing and peace.
And this to that for those who follow, and accept the brotherhood and friendship, as that path also is rocky. As the one who gave did give to one, but of what was received you may give to all – does the foundation of peace begin to take shape. For he who acted in faith for us, did prove his faith, do we in turn prove his faith of us by returning that faith to others. Not that we must lead, but that also we do speak of the gift. And by the living of it do we also prove the disbelief of the truth of others and conquer the belief of the lies of others without confrontation, arrogance, pride, self righteousness, or offence… for the living of peace and friendship is a very fruit of God.
So then if one to one is there such greatness of brotherhood found simply by the offering of it by one to another – may we then consider the actual treasure and mastery and mystery and revelation to the very gracious and powerful gift of the message of God who gave open hand and open truth and open faith and trust to us men even before we were born. This that we would water what was planted, and prune what is no longer fruitful, and share the harvest with all, that disbelief may vanish not by laws and rules and conditions and reward and punishment – but by the hand of love and friendship given to us with the revelation of truth and life.
(for my unique friend)
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
The Other Formation of Thought
The Limitations of Reason and Judgment:A critical theme throughout is the danger of allowing human reason and distrust to guide our decisions. The writing shows how personal disbelief in truth, often driven by fear and past experiences, hinders spiritual growth and connection with others.
The Power of Humility and Acceptance:Humility is a key virtue mentioned, as it allows us to accept the gifts of others and the spiritual truth they offer. By being humble, we open ourselves to greater understanding and unity, which are essential for peace and brotherhood.
Spiritual Growth Through Brotherhood:The piece emphasizes the mutual growth that occurs in relationships, particularly through the spirit of brotherhood. Those who accept the gifts of others, as well as those who act in faith and love, contribute to the expansion of life and truth in the world.
The Living of Truth Over Confrontation:The writing stresses that living in truth, kindness, and humility—rather than confronting others with arrogance, pride, or judgment—brings about true spiritual growth. It speaks to the power of non-confrontational unity and the importance of peace over division in the pursuit of understanding.