Themes and Insights
The God of Love
Lesser Gods and Their Influence: Many people unknowingly worship lesser gods, such as materialism, power, addiction, and societal norms, which can lead to destructive behaviors and ultimately result in loss, unhappiness, and a lack of fulfillment.
Contrast Between Life and Death: The piece emphasizes the existence of gods of life and death, illustrating that the sacrifices demanded by different gods shape our experiences. True life comes from embracing values such as love, integrity, and truth, while gods of death demand sacrifices that erode our dignity and spirit.
The God of Love: The God of Love embodies qualities like respect, hope, and integrity. By prioritizing love and its associated virtues, individuals can find genuine fulfillment and connection, countering the emptiness of worshiping lesser gods.
Personal Transformation: The author shares a personal journey from worshiping destructive gods to embracing the God of Love, highlighting the importance of self-discovery and the rewards of aligning with life-affirming values. This transformation leads to deeper connections, joy, and the flourishing of one’s spirit.
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The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love?
A god is anything you worship. To worship is to give adorning reverence to.
In several of the sacred texts, there is a God who claims to be the God of all Gods. He commands that there be no other Gods before him. This is important because it gives credence to the fact that there are many gods. Some religions have taken this to be only literal bowing down to golden calfs etc. Other religions have ignored it all together and actually DO bow and and pray to images and pieces of wood or paintings molded by the hands of men.
In truth there has always been a larger story which many of you already know.
Whatever occupies the greater portion of your mind, your heart, and your spirit each day is your god that you worship. It can be anything from work, food, booze, drugs, money, sex, exorcise, power, sports, possessions, or domination of something. It can also be life, love, charity, blessings and spirit.
Whatever you feel you must have in your life each day otherwise you don’t feel right in yourself, that too is your god. Some people punish themselves on any day they do not go to a gym and do a 2 hour workout. This is because they worship the god that says they must work out. Some men do not feel they are men unless they can climb the ladder of success and become rich and powerful. They feel less then men without it because money and power is the god they worship. Some people have been so swayed by the instinctual need for security, that no matter how many possessions they own, it is not enough… because they worship the god of “not enough”.
I know men who spend their days plotting and scheming ways to rob and steal from anyone in any manner they can. These men worship and bow down to the god of greed and envy. I know women who spend their entire days plotting and scheming ways to puff themselves up by making other women around them small through gossip and emotional warfare. These women bow down and worship the god of destruction and lies.
I don’t think anyone thought it through very much when they went on these paths, because who would agree to surrender wholly and give themselves in reverent worship to their god’s of death and “not enough”? Yet day in and day out you can see it in your own life… those things where you think about them always.
I know men and women who can’t wait to get off work so they can go to the bar, and drink freely, even before they got to work that day. This is the god of drunkenness. Booze is their master. The same goes with drugs.
The hard part to recognize are those things which we have accepted in our society as “normal” and part of our pursuit of happiness. For instance:
I know men who have squandered their life, and lost their children, wives, homes and possessions to booze. Their wives and children do not know them, and their kids hate them for not being a father in their life. I also know men who have become captains in the world of business, who are ALSO never home, never around their families, and spent their life given over to their careers rather then to booze. THe outcomes were the same for these men who eventually lost their children, their wives, their home and most of their fortune to divorce. Their wives did not know these men either, and their children also hated them for not being a father in their life.
So I want to be very clear about this thought. Anything which occupies our days and night inside our mind and spirit above all other things… IS OUR GOD.
The god we worship will have many sets of rules and regulation about HOW to worship that god. A drunkard MUST drink, regardless of the consequences, and a powerful business man must maintain his power in order to appease his superiors. He must perform, or he will no longer be accepted by his god any longer. The result will be that he feels he has failed, and lost all that he has worked for. Yet if he losses his family, his home, his fortunes and his very desire for life… he has also failed his god.
Some god’s are far more mean then others. Some do not allow you to win no matter what you do. Some gods are Masters of lies.
And this brings me to what it boils down to. That there are gods of life, and there are god’s of death. Anything that asks you to make a sacrifice is a god. Some God’s ask for you to sacrifice lies, cheating, stealing, self delusion, hatred, blame and self importance. That would be a God of life, for the results of such sacrifices are life. There are other gods who ask you to sacrifice your dignity, your honor, your integrity, your honesty, your love and your very liberty. Those would be gods’ of death, for the results of such sacrifices are truly death on many levels.
All the lessor gods are subject to either the God of Life, or the God of Death. There is also a God who says he is God of ALL gods, both in life and death. This God has chosen to give life to those who live by life, and if you truly want it, he will give death to those who choose to live by death. Either way you win if life or death is truly what you wanted.
But have you known who your God is? What have you worshipped and bowed down to without even knowing it? What has ruled your days and nights, your passions, your desires, your wants, and your needs? Do you spend most of your life in worry? Do you spend most of your life in pursuit of some gain?
So here we come to what I eventually accepted as God. This is the God of Love. Love respects, honors, cherishes, hopes, desires, gives, understands, uplifts, and maintains truthfulness and integrity. The God of love asks many things from us that require great sacrifice of our self importance and our hatred. We are required to seek forgiveness, and to earnestly be devoted to the truth. The God of love promises love and life in return for our efforts. Even though this doesn’t always seem true, it is always true in the end. The God of love is not a judging God, but rather a Loving God that Cares about us. Many other lessor gods care only about themselves, and the God of death cares only about the energies associated with Death. The God of love is the God of Life, who has mastered both life and death above all other Gods, and that God cares about us.
This is not a wishy washy promise of any kind. For I have tested this God, and taken on many of the instructions about love as far as I could. I have embraced honor, integrity, charity, humbleness, truth, self discovery, removal of resentment, love and hope. All of these principles of the God of Love have proven themselves so deeply, that I have evidence of them in all areas of my life. Just as at one time my life was full of evidence that I was worshipping god’s of death.
I am not a whole hearted accepter of Karma, (perhaps I am wrong? lol) but I have come to believe by my own experience that we get the results of whatever God we worship.
All of us live by many contradictions within. It seems to be a pervasive condition of the human experience. Defining, and recognizing those things that we have devoted our life to helps to clear up much of the confusion within our minds of what we should do and how we should live. We do know a tree by it’s fruits, but not all that glitters is truly gold. Our life experience and the many paths we are on are all important in showing us where we have been and what we can learn from it all.
When my life was deeply in hell on earth, it was because I had so many lies within, and I was devoted to those ideas far more then I could have ever imagined. I believed what I thought, and I lived by those beliefs until there were no more trees with any fruit upon them.
Today I am devoted deeply to learning all I can about the God of Love and life. After many years of earnest service to that cause, the journey took both Colleen and I out of great isolation and into each others lives. We now walk this path together, and we touch that spirit of God each day with each other.
Many blessings have reach us because of our watering of that Tree of life, which is showing some of it’s very first fruits. I watched it grow from a little sapling into a grande Tree. Now I can see how my own deepest prayers on earth have been answered by the blossoming of these fruits.
We all worship something, either by idea or by literal action. Many fall victim to the lives they think would be best for them. I wish to say that I have studied and followed the path of many gods in my life. None of them produced anything that empowered my spirit accept the God of Love who Cares about US. Some trick us into thinking we have it all, when really deep inside we know we have nothing.
All we need do is seek within ourselves for the answers. Truly each of you knows wether you are growing in spirit and liberty, or not.
May you find bliss, joy, freedom, and LOVE… in your life.
As you give so shall it be returned to you.
Ryan o0o
The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love?
A god is anything you worship. To worship is to give adorning reverence to.
In several of the sacred texts, there is a God who claims to be the God of all Gods. He commands that there be no other Gods before him. This is important because it gives credence to the fact that there are many gods. Some religions have taken this to be only literal bowing down to golden calfs etc. Other religions have ignored it all together and actually DO bow and and pray to images and pieces of wood or paintings molded by the hands of men.
In truth there has always been a larger story which many of you already know.
Whatever occupies the greater portion of your mind, your heart, and your spirit each day is your god that you worship. It can be anything from work, food, booze, drugs, money, sex, exorcise, power, sports, possessions, or domination of something. It can also be life, love, charity, blessings and spirit.
Whatever you feel you must have in your life each day otherwise you don’t feel right in yourself, that too is your god. Some people punish themselves on any day they do not go to a gym and do a 2 hour workout. This is because they worship the god that says they must work out. Some men do not feel they are men unless they can climb the ladder of success and become rich and powerful. They feel less then men without it because money and power is the god they worship. Some people have been so swayed by the instinctual need for security, that no matter how many possessions they own, it is not enough… because they worship the god of “not enough”.
I know men who spend their days plotting and scheming ways to rob and steal from anyone in any manner they can. These men worship and bow down to the god of greed and envy. I know women who spend their entire days plotting and scheming ways to puff themselves up by making other women around them small through gossip and emotional warfare. These women bow down and worship the god of destruction and lies.
I don’t think anyone thought it through very much when they went on these paths, because who would agree to surrender wholly and give themselves in reverent worship to their god’s of death and “not enough”? Yet day in and day out you can see it in your own life… those things where you think about them always.
I know men and women who can’t wait to get off work so they can go to the bar, and drink freely, even before they got to work that day. This is the god of drunkenness. Booze is their master. The same goes with drugs.
The hard part to recognize are those things which we have accepted in our society as “normal” and part of our pursuit of happiness. For instance:
I know men who have squandered their life, and lost their children, wives, homes and possessions to booze. Their wives and children do not know them, and their kids hate them for not being a father in their life. I also know men who have become captains in the world of business, who are ALSO never home, never around their families, and spent their life given over to their careers rather then to booze. THe outcomes were the same for these men who eventually lost their children, their wives, their home and most of their fortune to divorce. Their wives did not know these men either, and their children also hated them for not being a father in their life.
So I want to be very clear about this thought. Anything which occupies our days and night inside our mind and spirit above all other things… IS OUR GOD.
The god we worship will have many sets of rules and regulation about HOW to worship that god. A drunkard MUST drink, regardless of the consequences, and a powerful business man must maintain his power in order to appease his superiors. He must perform, or he will no longer be accepted by his god any longer. The result will be that he feels he has failed, and lost all that he has worked for. Yet if he losses his family, his home, his fortunes and his very desire for life… he has also failed his god.
Some god’s are far more mean then others. Some do not allow you to win no matter what you do. Some gods are Masters of lies.
And this brings me to what it boils down to. That there are gods of life, and there are god’s of death. Anything that asks you to make a sacrifice is a god. Some God’s ask for you to sacrifice lies, cheating, stealing, self delusion, hatred, blame and self importance. That would be a God of life, for the results of such sacrifices are life. There are other gods who ask you to sacrifice your dignity, your honor, your integrity, your honesty, your love and your very liberty. Those would be gods’ of death, for the results of such sacrifices are truly death on many levels.
All the lessor gods are subject to either the God of Life, or the God of Death. There is also a God who says he is God of ALL gods, both in life and death. This God has chosen to give life to those who live by life, and if you truly want it, he will give death to those who choose to live by death. Either way you win if life or death is truly what you wanted.
But have you known who your God is? What have you worshipped and bowed down to without even knowing it? What has ruled your days and nights, your passions, your desires, your wants, and your needs? Do you spend most of your life in worry? Do you spend most of your life in pursuit of some gain?
So here we come to what I eventually accepted as God. This is the God of Love. Love respects, honors, cherishes, hopes, desires, gives, understands, uplifts, and maintains truthfulness and integrity. The God of love asks many things from us that require great sacrifice of our self importance and our hatred. We are required to seek forgiveness, and to earnestly be devoted to the truth. The God of love promises love and life in return for our efforts. Even though this doesn’t always seem true, it is always true in the end. The God of love is not a judging God, but rather a Loving God that Cares about us. Many other lessor gods care only about themselves, and the God of death cares only about the energies associated with Death. The God of love is the God of Life, who has mastered both life and death above all other Gods, and that God cares about us.
This is not a wishy washy promise of any kind. For I have tested this God, and taken on many of the instructions about love as far as I could. I have embraced honor, integrity, charity, humbleness, truth, self discovery, removal of resentment, love and hope. All of these principles of the God of Love have proven themselves so deeply, that I have evidence of them in all areas of my life. Just as at one time my life was full of evidence that I was worshipping god’s of death.
I am not a whole hearted accepter of Karma, (perhaps I am wrong? lol) but I have come to believe by my own experience that we get the results of whatever God we worship.
All of us live by many contradictions within. It seems to be a pervasive condition of the human experience. Defining, and recognizing those things that we have devoted our life to helps to clear up much of the confusion within our minds of what we should do and how we should live. We do know a tree by it’s fruits, but not all that glitters is truly gold. Our life experience and the many paths we are on are all important in showing us where we have been and what we can learn from it all.
When my life was deeply in hell on earth, it was because I had so many lies within, and I was devoted to those ideas far more then I could have ever imagined. I believed what I thought, and I lived by those beliefs until there were no more trees with any fruit upon them.
Today I am devoted deeply to learning all I can about the God of Love and life. After many years of earnest service to that cause, the journey took both Colleen and I out of great isolation and into each others lives. We now walk this path together, and we touch that spirit of God each day with each other.
Many blessings have reach us because of our watering of that Tree of life, which is showing some of it’s very first fruits. I watched it grow from a little sapling into a grande Tree. Now I can see how my own deepest prayers on earth have been answered by the blossoming of these fruits.
We all worship something, either by idea or by literal action. Many fall victim to the lives they think would be best for them. I wish to say that I have studied and followed the path of many gods in my life. None of them produced anything that empowered my spirit accept the God of Love who Cares about US. Some trick us into thinking we have it all, when really deep inside we know we have nothing.
All we need do is seek within ourselves for the answers. Truly each of you knows wether you are growing in spirit and liberty, or not.
May you find bliss, joy, freedom, and LOVE… in your life.
As you give so shall it be returned to you.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
The God of Love
Lesser Gods and Their Influence: Many people unknowingly worship lesser gods, such as materialism, power, addiction, and societal norms, which can lead to destructive behaviors and ultimately result in loss, unhappiness, and a lack of fulfillment.
Contrast Between Life and Death: The piece emphasizes the existence of gods of life and death, illustrating that the sacrifices demanded by different gods shape our experiences. True life comes from embracing values such as love, integrity, and truth, while gods of death demand sacrifices that erode our dignity and spirit.
The God of Love: The God of Love embodies qualities like respect, hope, and integrity. By prioritizing love and its associated virtues, individuals can find genuine fulfillment and connection, countering the emptiness of worshiping lesser gods.
Personal Transformation: The author shares a personal journey from worshiping destructive gods to embracing the God of Love, highlighting the importance of self-discovery and the rewards of aligning with life-affirming values. This transformation leads to deeper connections, joy, and the flourishing of one’s spirit.
The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love?
A god is anything you worship. To worship is to give adorning reverence to.
In several of the sacred texts, there is a God who claims to be the God of all Gods. He commands that there be no other Gods before him. This is important because it gives credence to the fact that there are many gods. Some religions have taken this to be only literal bowing down to golden calfs etc. Other religions have ignored it all together and actually DO bow and and pray to images and pieces of wood or paintings molded by the hands of men.
In truth there has always been a larger story which many of you already know.
Whatever occupies the greater portion of your mind, your heart, and your spirit each day is your god that you worship. It can be anything from work, food, booze, drugs, money, sex, exorcise, power, sports, possessions, or domination of something. It can also be life, love, charity, blessings and spirit.
Whatever you feel you must have in your life each day otherwise you don’t feel right in yourself, that too is your god. Some people punish themselves on any day they do not go to a gym and do a 2 hour workout. This is because they worship the god that says they must work out. Some men do not feel they are men unless they can climb the ladder of success and become rich and powerful. They feel less then men without it because money and power is the god they worship. Some people have been so swayed by the instinctual need for security, that no matter how many possessions they own, it is not enough… because they worship the god of “not enough”.
I know men who spend their days plotting and scheming ways to rob and steal from anyone in any manner they can. These men worship and bow down to the god of greed and envy. I know women who spend their entire days plotting and scheming ways to puff themselves up by making other women around them small through gossip and emotional warfare. These women bow down and worship the god of destruction and lies.
I don’t think anyone thought it through very much when they went on these paths, because who would agree to surrender wholly and give themselves in reverent worship to their god’s of death and “not enough”? Yet day in and day out you can see it in your own life… those things where you think about them always.
I know men and women who can’t wait to get off work so they can go to the bar, and drink freely, even before they got to work that day. This is the god of drunkenness. Booze is their master. The same goes with drugs.
The hard part to recognize are those things which we have accepted in our society as “normal” and part of our pursuit of happiness. For instance:
I know men who have squandered their life, and lost their children, wives, homes and possessions to booze. Their wives and children do not know them, and their kids hate them for not being a father in their life. I also know men who have become captains in the world of business, who are ALSO never home, never around their families, and spent their life given over to their careers rather then to booze. THe outcomes were the same for these men who eventually lost their children, their wives, their home and most of their fortune to divorce. Their wives did not know these men either, and their children also hated them for not being a father in their life.
So I want to be very clear about this thought. Anything which occupies our days and night inside our mind and spirit above all other things… IS OUR GOD.
The god we worship will have many sets of rules and regulation about HOW to worship that god. A drunkard MUST drink, regardless of the consequences, and a powerful business man must maintain his power in order to appease his superiors. He must perform, or he will no longer be accepted by his god any longer. The result will be that he feels he has failed, and lost all that he has worked for. Yet if he losses his family, his home, his fortunes and his very desire for life… he has also failed his god.
Some god’s are far more mean then others. Some do not allow you to win no matter what you do. Some gods are Masters of lies.
And this brings me to what it boils down to. That there are gods of life, and there are god’s of death. Anything that asks you to make a sacrifice is a god. Some God’s ask for you to sacrifice lies, cheating, stealing, self delusion, hatred, blame and self importance. That would be a God of life, for the results of such sacrifices are life. There are other gods who ask you to sacrifice your dignity, your honor, your integrity, your honesty, your love and your very liberty. Those would be gods’ of death, for the results of such sacrifices are truly death on many levels.
All the lessor gods are subject to either the God of Life, or the God of Death. There is also a God who says he is God of ALL gods, both in life and death. This God has chosen to give life to those who live by life, and if you truly want it, he will give death to those who choose to live by death. Either way you win if life or death is truly what you wanted.
But have you known who your God is? What have you worshipped and bowed down to without even knowing it? What has ruled your days and nights, your passions, your desires, your wants, and your needs? Do you spend most of your life in worry? Do you spend most of your life in pursuit of some gain?
So here we come to what I eventually accepted as God. This is the God of Love. Love respects, honors, cherishes, hopes, desires, gives, understands, uplifts, and maintains truthfulness and integrity. The God of love asks many things from us that require great sacrifice of our self importance and our hatred. We are required to seek forgiveness, and to earnestly be devoted to the truth. The God of love promises love and life in return for our efforts. Even though this doesn’t always seem true, it is always true in the end. The God of love is not a judging God, but rather a Loving God that Cares about us. Many other lessor gods care only about themselves, and the God of death cares only about the energies associated with Death. The God of love is the God of Life, who has mastered both life and death above all other Gods, and that God cares about us.
This is not a wishy washy promise of any kind. For I have tested this God, and taken on many of the instructions about love as far as I could. I have embraced honor, integrity, charity, humbleness, truth, self discovery, removal of resentment, love and hope. All of these principles of the God of Love have proven themselves so deeply, that I have evidence of them in all areas of my life. Just as at one time my life was full of evidence that I was worshipping god’s of death.
I am not a whole hearted accepter of Karma, (perhaps I am wrong? lol) but I have come to believe by my own experience that we get the results of whatever God we worship.
All of us live by many contradictions within. It seems to be a pervasive condition of the human experience. Defining, and recognizing those things that we have devoted our life to helps to clear up much of the confusion within our minds of what we should do and how we should live. We do know a tree by it’s fruits, but not all that glitters is truly gold. Our life experience and the many paths we are on are all important in showing us where we have been and what we can learn from it all.
When my life was deeply in hell on earth, it was because I had so many lies within, and I was devoted to those ideas far more then I could have ever imagined. I believed what I thought, and I lived by those beliefs until there were no more trees with any fruit upon them.
Today I am devoted deeply to learning all I can about the God of Love and life. After many years of earnest service to that cause, the journey took both Colleen and I out of great isolation and into each others lives. We now walk this path together, and we touch that spirit of God each day with each other.
Many blessings have reach us because of our watering of that Tree of life, which is showing some of it’s very first fruits. I watched it grow from a little sapling into a grande Tree. Now I can see how my own deepest prayers on earth have been answered by the blossoming of these fruits.
We all worship something, either by idea or by literal action. Many fall victim to the lives they think would be best for them. I wish to say that I have studied and followed the path of many gods in my life. None of them produced anything that empowered my spirit accept the God of Love who Cares about US. Some trick us into thinking we have it all, when really deep inside we know we have nothing.
All we need do is seek within ourselves for the answers. Truly each of you knows wether you are growing in spirit and liberty, or not.
May you find bliss, joy, freedom, and LOVE… in your life.
As you give so shall it be returned to you.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
The God of Love
Lesser Gods and Their Influence: Many people unknowingly worship lesser gods, such as materialism, power, addiction, and societal norms, which can lead to destructive behaviors and ultimately result in loss, unhappiness, and a lack of fulfillment.
Contrast Between Life and Death: The piece emphasizes the existence of gods of life and death, illustrating that the sacrifices demanded by different gods shape our experiences. True life comes from embracing values such as love, integrity, and truth, while gods of death demand sacrifices that erode our dignity and spirit.
The God of Love: The God of Love embodies qualities like respect, hope, and integrity. By prioritizing love and its associated virtues, individuals can find genuine fulfillment and connection, countering the emptiness of worshiping lesser gods.
Personal Transformation: The author shares a personal journey from worshiping destructive gods to embracing the God of Love, highlighting the importance of self-discovery and the rewards of aligning with life-affirming values. This transformation leads to deeper connections, joy, and the flourishing of one’s spirit.