Themes and Insights
The Dreamer
The Cost of Forgetting and Remembering Exploring the loss of divine aspirations and the need for courage to protect the inner light of hope and Heaven.
The Conflict Between Man and Spirit A critique of human systems, judgments, and desires, juxtaposed against the wisdom and guidance of the Creator.
The Redemption of the Broken Highlighting promises of restoration, where the broken-hearted and abandoned are ultimately comforted and welcomed.
The Call to Courage and Faith Challenging readers to honor their spiritual convictions rather than succumbing to worldly praise or fear-driven complacency.
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The Dreamer
It is true we have accepted too much
It is true we have accepted too little
It is true we have left behind our brothers and sisters
to live in their ignorance and poverty of spirit
It is true we have looked away too often
It is true we have looked away too little
It is true we have left behind the greatest parts
of our lives and ourselves
It is true we have sought after too much
It is true we have sought after too little
It is true we have named lovers as losers and creators as lost
while praising the hoarder as hero and the selfish as saints
It is true we have surrendered too much
It is true we have surrendered too little
It is true we have allowed others our power to rule our lives
while playing victim in our fear of our lazy reality
It is true that the humbled are exalted
It is true that the hurt are comforted
It is true that the abandoned are welcomed
It is true that the lost are found
It is true that the thief gains nothing
It is true that the giver gains everything
It is true that the lie is exposed
It is true that the truth is life
“And the day shall come when the broken hearted will know the tempest of sorrow no more”
“And the day shall come when the broken spirit will be chained to darkness no more”
As I hear the laughter of my family,
the meaningful instruction of my father,
the kind words of my mother,
and the loving care of my wife,
I seek the Great Creator in all that Wisdom.
As I hear the curses of man,
the laws of man,
the rules of man,
the conditions of man,
the judgement of man,
the perspective of man,
the will of man,
the way of man and the desire of man,
I do seek with earnest
The Tree of Life.
It is true we have forgotten too much
It is true we have remembered too little
It is true we are not bound forever to the heartache of our lost dream of Heaven
While the candle of that light within deserves still the protection of our courage.
Shall we take the lash to honor faith upon earth?
shall we dwell in the abundance of stupor for the praise of others lips?
Who shall direct your dream?
The Dreamer
It is true we have accepted too much
It is true we have accepted too little
It is true we have left behind our brothers and sisters
to live in their ignorance and poverty of spirit
It is true we have looked away too often
It is true we have looked away too little
It is true we have left behind the greatest parts
of our lives and ourselves
It is true we have sought after too much
It is true we have sought after too little
It is true we have named lovers as losers and creators as lost
while praising the hoarder as hero and the selfish as saints
It is true we have surrendered too much
It is true we have surrendered too little
It is true we have allowed others our power to rule our lives
while playing victim in our fear of our lazy reality
It is true that the humbled are exalted
It is true that the hurt are comforted
It is true that the abandoned are welcomed
It is true that the lost are found
It is true that the thief gains nothing
It is true that the giver gains everything
It is true that the lie is exposed
It is true that the truth is life
“And the day shall come when the broken hearted will know the tempest of sorrow no more”
“And the day shall come when the broken spirit will be chained to darkness no more”
As I hear the laughter of my family,
the meaningful instruction of my father,
the kind words of my mother,
and the loving care of my wife,
I seek the Great Creator in all that Wisdom.
As I hear the curses of man,
the laws of man,
the rules of man,
the conditions of man,
the judgement of man,
the perspective of man,
the will of man,
the way of man and the desire of man,
I do seek with earnest
The Tree of Life.
It is true we have forgotten too much
It is true we have remembered too little
It is true we are not bound forever to the heartache of our lost dream of Heaven
While the candle of that light within deserves still the protection of our courage.
Shall we take the lash to honor faith upon earth?
shall we dwell in the abundance of stupor for the praise of others lips?
Who shall direct your dream?
Themes and Insights
The Dreamer
The Cost of Forgetting and Remembering Exploring the loss of divine aspirations and the need for courage to protect the inner light of hope and Heaven.
The Conflict Between Man and Spirit A critique of human systems, judgments, and desires, juxtaposed against the wisdom and guidance of the Creator.
The Redemption of the Broken Highlighting promises of restoration, where the broken-hearted and abandoned are ultimately comforted and welcomed.
The Call to Courage and Faith Challenging readers to honor their spiritual convictions rather than succumbing to worldly praise or fear-driven complacency.
The Dreamer
It is true we have accepted too much
It is true we have accepted too little
It is true we have left behind our brothers and sisters
to live in their ignorance and poverty of spirit
It is true we have looked away too often
It is true we have looked away too little
It is true we have left behind the greatest parts
of our lives and ourselves
It is true we have sought after too much
It is true we have sought after too little
It is true we have named lovers as losers and creators as lost
while praising the hoarder as hero and the selfish as saints
It is true we have surrendered too much
It is true we have surrendered too little
It is true we have allowed others our power to rule our lives
while playing victim in our fear of our lazy reality
It is true that the humbled are exalted
It is true that the hurt are comforted
It is true that the abandoned are welcomed
It is true that the lost are found
It is true that the thief gains nothing
It is true that the giver gains everything
It is true that the lie is exposed
It is true that the truth is life
“And the day shall come when the broken hearted will know the tempest of sorrow no more”
“And the day shall come when the broken spirit will be chained to darkness no more”
As I hear the laughter of my family,
the meaningful instruction of my father,
the kind words of my mother,
and the loving care of my wife,
I seek the Great Creator in all that Wisdom.
As I hear the curses of man,
the laws of man,
the rules of man,
the conditions of man,
the judgement of man,
the perspective of man,
the will of man,
the way of man and the desire of man,
I do seek with earnest
The Tree of Life.
It is true we have forgotten too much
It is true we have remembered too little
It is true we are not bound forever to the heartache of our lost dream of Heaven
While the candle of that light within deserves still the protection of our courage.
Shall we take the lash to honor faith upon earth?
shall we dwell in the abundance of stupor for the praise of others lips?
Who shall direct your dream?
Themes and Insights
The Dreamer
The Cost of Forgetting and Remembering Exploring the loss of divine aspirations and the need for courage to protect the inner light of hope and Heaven.
The Conflict Between Man and Spirit A critique of human systems, judgments, and desires, juxtaposed against the wisdom and guidance of the Creator.
The Redemption of the Broken Highlighting promises of restoration, where the broken-hearted and abandoned are ultimately comforted and welcomed.
The Call to Courage and Faith Challenging readers to honor their spiritual convictions rather than succumbing to worldly praise or fear-driven complacency.
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