Themes and Insights

Oh, For Goodness Sake

The Origin of Goodness – Goodness is not created by man but preexists him, established by an Author beyond human authority. True goodness is not subjective but exists as an unchanging principle.

The Fallibility of Human Judgment – No man can claim absolute knowledge of good, as perspectives change over time. The arrogance of self-righteousness leads to moral confusion and division.

The Struggle of Defining Good and Evil – Throughout history, different cultures and individuals have labeled good as evil and vice versa, demonstrating humanity’s limited understanding of moral truth.

Seeking the True Source of Good – Only the Creator of life can reveal what is truly good. To know good, one must humbly seek its true origin rather than rely on personal beliefs or societal constructs.

The Choice Between Good and Not Good – Each person ultimately chooses what they worship—either the source of goodness or its opposition. Those who seek truth and humility will find goodness, while those who reject it embrace deception.

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Oh, For Goodness Sake

Who can say what is good without the establishment of goodness before it? What good can there be without an author of good who did create and ordain such a thing to be known, experienced and named as good? Being that, accepted as good amongst the living, defining and framing goodness of what is seen and heard and felt and experienced, is goodness recognized and named in various tongues to be acknowledgement of a thing pre-existent. Goodness, Not created by man, nor devised by man, but acknowledged by man in the transmission of the principle, which is good.

Who then can be a judge of good except the author of that which is good, given to us that we may be revealed of good to know it and experience it even unto the seeking of good that is most desired in the heart of all living? What man may claim authority of what is good, when all that is good existed millennia before him, created before him, not ordained or existent because of him but done so for his benefit and life by another who established good?

As we see one man will say “this is good” and of many others they will say that it is evil. And we will see another who claims “this is evil” and to another it is actually a thing he holds dear as good. If not all men can agree on what is good and what is not, where then can we find one man who has authority over what is good? Of the world we can seek and find all who are of great wisdom, and yet not one of them can speak what is good for another. For wholly in each and every one individually is there the instinctual right to define what is good to themselves alone, barring all who would impose their own goodness upon them which they themselves do not agree. As we also do see many who claim the name of good to do what is quite evil to another and regard the imposing of an others own “goodness” to be abuse and violence against the exact nature of life itself.

Yet of kings, of authorities, of powers, of principalities, of law, of nations, of families, of relationships, is the willful imposition of ones will put upon another, even to the “not good” punishment to another for not obeying the supposed good chosen by the other for them to conform. Indeed such a one, in not being equal to another, has not been placed into the hands of good at all, but placed into the realm of punishment and reward. For actual goodness stands regardless of the perspective of any man, as man is not the author of good, nor is any man of the age when goodness was formed and born as a living concept uncountable eons ago.

Insomuch that no man, no authority, no pulpit or stage can claim what is good for another without proclaiming the authority to judge good as if they themselves are the author of good which they are most certainly not. Indeed even such a man in his 20’s will claim one thing to be good, and by his 30’s claim it to be not good, and by his 40’s claim another thing to be good which he then disagrees by his 50’s. Who then can stand before another and teach and impose their belief of what is good to another, especially to the point of ruling in judgment for or against the other when they themselves will not agree of what is good later in their own life? There is not one on earth who has such wisdom, yet all the world from the great to the lowly stand in judgment for or against another in our hubris.

As the best we can muster is only to find those amongst us who agree on the ideals we believe now to be good, gathering brethren to our cause of goodness, and joining together in brotherly fellowship. For it is true that many exist who love darkness and evil and pain and sorrow and suffering and claim it to be good, and they too have brothers. As evil is good to them, so to with others is goodness, evil. And in our continued hubris do we then judge groups and claim self righteousness of our group for agreeing to our form of goodness and judging and disagreeing with others. Even though that which is actually GOOD and that which is actually EVIL does exist and is experienced by all living things – do we still have very little grasp of them at all because of our self deluded deception of pride.

But there is an origin of Goodness and an Author by which the good was made and created. That author called the creation of Life to be good. Creating and creation itself, was good. And inside each and every living human is the concept of good sewn into them whereas even starkly variant cultures of men will innately agree upon an equal thing to be decent and good in the rational wholeness of humility shared. Only the Author of life and Author of what is Good can teach what is good, reveal what is good and offer what is good, for only the Author of good is master and authority of it. The origin of good is neither swayed away from itself, nor splitting or dividing of good like a changeable thing as man does to protect his own desires.

And he who has ears to hear what is available to him to know and be given to of goodness, can find what is good only in the humility of truth, which is also good as life is, and the light of our error of belief about good, so that we may hear of it as it actually is. You and I can express what is good to ourselves, and will also count ourselves as wrong later, but the Author of good can reveal and express what is good and it remains good to every thing in the entire existence of everything that is and was and will be. Thus the enemy of good, claiming that goodness is not good, must be and can only be a liar and a creature with which to give no ear at all. Yet no man can see or hear the truth of the lie of the enemy either while relying in his own heart to judge what is good and not. For because of our wishy-washy ignorance of it, do we become the enemy of good by judging what is good. We become just as the enemy who calls good, evil and evil, good. Only the Author of Good can judge what is good, and that Author has made it obvious He wishes us to know what is good, if we so humbly choose Life that we find goodness.

That Author and authority of what is good is not our teachers or priests, it is not our beliefs or authority, it is not our righteous men, nor the learned or wise, not even ourselves, but God. God, understood by how God is defined by you, is the greatest title and conceptual ideal to place the mantle of Author, Origin and beginning of all things. And to whatever you yourself conceive as the origin of “Good”, with all earnestness and humility do seek that origin and open to it that you may be given and revealed to of that which has always been and always will be good. That One has given to all life multitudes of goodness, and knowing that we ourselves can consider and desire and seek the good, is it most obvious that we too are blessed benefactors of goodness made to live and thrive in the goodness of life itself. Let us then abandon our self worship, and seek the good! What greater thing to worship and call our Father, God, Dad, Great One, Holy, Lord, Righteous and Pure, or any other name which you hold dear to be the greatest… than the author and creator of “good”?

Unless of course – “not good” is your most desired thing, then THAT be your god.

Ryan o0o

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Oh, For Goodness Sake

Who can say what is good without the establishment of goodness before it? What good can there be without an author of good who did create and ordain such a thing to be known, experienced and named as good? Being that, accepted as good amongst the living, defining and framing goodness of what is seen and heard and felt and experienced, is goodness recognized and named in various tongues to be acknowledgement of a thing pre-existent. Goodness, Not created by man, nor devised by man, but acknowledged by man in the transmission of the principle, which is good.

Who then can be a judge of good except the author of that which is good, given to us that we may be revealed of good to know it and experience it even unto the seeking of good that is most desired in the heart of all living? What man may claim authority of what is good, when all that is good existed millennia before him, created before him, not ordained or existent because of him but done so for his benefit and life by another who established good?

As we see one man will say “this is good” and of many others they will say that it is evil. And we will see another who claims “this is evil” and to another it is actually a thing he holds dear as good. If not all men can agree on what is good and what is not, where then can we find one man who has authority over what is good? Of the world we can seek and find all who are of great wisdom, and yet not one of them can speak what is good for another. For wholly in each and every one individually is there the instinctual right to define what is good to themselves alone, barring all who would impose their own goodness upon them which they themselves do not agree. As we also do see many who claim the name of good to do what is quite evil to another and regard the imposing of an others own “goodness” to be abuse and violence against the exact nature of life itself.

Yet of kings, of authorities, of powers, of principalities, of law, of nations, of families, of relationships, is the willful imposition of ones will put upon another, even to the “not good” punishment to another for not obeying the supposed good chosen by the other for them to conform. Indeed such a one, in not being equal to another, has not been placed into the hands of good at all, but placed into the realm of punishment and reward. For actual goodness stands regardless of the perspective of any man, as man is not the author of good, nor is any man of the age when goodness was formed and born as a living concept uncountable eons ago.

Insomuch that no man, no authority, no pulpit or stage can claim what is good for another without proclaiming the authority to judge good as if they themselves are the author of good which they are most certainly not. Indeed even such a man in his 20’s will claim one thing to be good, and by his 30’s claim it to be not good, and by his 40’s claim another thing to be good which he then disagrees by his 50’s. Who then can stand before another and teach and impose their belief of what is good to another, especially to the point of ruling in judgment for or against the other when they themselves will not agree of what is good later in their own life? There is not one on earth who has such wisdom, yet all the world from the great to the lowly stand in judgment for or against another in our hubris.

As the best we can muster is only to find those amongst us who agree on the ideals we believe now to be good, gathering brethren to our cause of goodness, and joining together in brotherly fellowship. For it is true that many exist who love darkness and evil and pain and sorrow and suffering and claim it to be good, and they too have brothers. As evil is good to them, so to with others is goodness, evil. And in our continued hubris do we then judge groups and claim self righteousness of our group for agreeing to our form of goodness and judging and disagreeing with others. Even though that which is actually GOOD and that which is actually EVIL does exist and is experienced by all living things – do we still have very little grasp of them at all because of our self deluded deception of pride.

But there is an origin of Goodness and an Author by which the good was made and created. That author called the creation of Life to be good. Creating and creation itself, was good. And inside each and every living human is the concept of good sewn into them whereas even starkly variant cultures of men will innately agree upon an equal thing to be decent and good in the rational wholeness of humility shared. Only the Author of life and Author of what is Good can teach what is good, reveal what is good and offer what is good, for only the Author of good is master and authority of it. The origin of good is neither swayed away from itself, nor splitting or dividing of good like a changeable thing as man does to protect his own desires.

And he who has ears to hear what is available to him to know and be given to of goodness, can find what is good only in the humility of truth, which is also good as life is, and the light of our error of belief about good, so that we may hear of it as it actually is. You and I can express what is good to ourselves, and will also count ourselves as wrong later, but the Author of good can reveal and express what is good and it remains good to every thing in the entire existence of everything that is and was and will be. Thus the enemy of good, claiming that goodness is not good, must be and can only be a liar and a creature with which to give no ear at all. Yet no man can see or hear the truth of the lie of the enemy either while relying in his own heart to judge what is good and not. For because of our wishy-washy ignorance of it, do we become the enemy of good by judging what is good. We become just as the enemy who calls good, evil and evil, good. Only the Author of Good can judge what is good, and that Author has made it obvious He wishes us to know what is good, if we so humbly choose Life that we find goodness.

That Author and authority of what is good is not our teachers or priests, it is not our beliefs or authority, it is not our righteous men, nor the learned or wise, not even ourselves, but God. God, understood by how God is defined by you, is the greatest title and conceptual ideal to place the mantle of Author, Origin and beginning of all things. And to whatever you yourself conceive as the origin of “Good”, with all earnestness and humility do seek that origin and open to it that you may be given and revealed to of that which has always been and always will be good. That One has given to all life multitudes of goodness, and knowing that we ourselves can consider and desire and seek the good, is it most obvious that we too are blessed benefactors of goodness made to live and thrive in the goodness of life itself. Let us then abandon our self worship, and seek the good! What greater thing to worship and call our Father, God, Dad, Great One, Holy, Lord, Righteous and Pure, or any other name which you hold dear to be the greatest… than the author and creator of “good”?

Unless of course – “not good” is your most desired thing, then THAT be your god.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Oh, For Goodness Sake

The Origin of Goodness – Goodness is not created by man but preexists him, established by an Author beyond human authority. True goodness is not subjective but exists as an unchanging principle.

The Fallibility of Human Judgment – No man can claim absolute knowledge of good, as perspectives change over time. The arrogance of self-righteousness leads to moral confusion and division.

The Struggle of Defining Good and Evil – Throughout history, different cultures and individuals have labeled good as evil and vice versa, demonstrating humanity’s limited understanding of moral truth.

Seeking the True Source of Good – Only the Creator of life can reveal what is truly good. To know good, one must humbly seek its true origin rather than rely on personal beliefs or societal constructs.

The Choice Between Good and Not Good – Each person ultimately chooses what they worship—either the source of goodness or its opposition. Those who seek truth and humility will find goodness, while those who reject it embrace deception.

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Oh, For Goodness Sake

Who can say what is good without the establishment of goodness before it? What good can there be without an author of good who did create and ordain such a thing to be known, experienced and named as good? Being that, accepted as good amongst the living, defining and framing goodness of what is seen and heard and felt and experienced, is goodness recognized and named in various tongues to be acknowledgement of a thing pre-existent. Goodness, Not created by man, nor devised by man, but acknowledged by man in the transmission of the principle, which is good.

Who then can be a judge of good except the author of that which is good, given to us that we may be revealed of good to know it and experience it even unto the seeking of good that is most desired in the heart of all living? What man may claim authority of what is good, when all that is good existed millennia before him, created before him, not ordained or existent because of him but done so for his benefit and life by another who established good?

As we see one man will say “this is good” and of many others they will say that it is evil. And we will see another who claims “this is evil” and to another it is actually a thing he holds dear as good. If not all men can agree on what is good and what is not, where then can we find one man who has authority over what is good? Of the world we can seek and find all who are of great wisdom, and yet not one of them can speak what is good for another. For wholly in each and every one individually is there the instinctual right to define what is good to themselves alone, barring all who would impose their own goodness upon them which they themselves do not agree. As we also do see many who claim the name of good to do what is quite evil to another and regard the imposing of an others own “goodness” to be abuse and violence against the exact nature of life itself.

Yet of kings, of authorities, of powers, of principalities, of law, of nations, of families, of relationships, is the willful imposition of ones will put upon another, even to the “not good” punishment to another for not obeying the supposed good chosen by the other for them to conform. Indeed such a one, in not being equal to another, has not been placed into the hands of good at all, but placed into the realm of punishment and reward. For actual goodness stands regardless of the perspective of any man, as man is not the author of good, nor is any man of the age when goodness was formed and born as a living concept uncountable eons ago.

Insomuch that no man, no authority, no pulpit or stage can claim what is good for another without proclaiming the authority to judge good as if they themselves are the author of good which they are most certainly not. Indeed even such a man in his 20’s will claim one thing to be good, and by his 30’s claim it to be not good, and by his 40’s claim another thing to be good which he then disagrees by his 50’s. Who then can stand before another and teach and impose their belief of what is good to another, especially to the point of ruling in judgment for or against the other when they themselves will not agree of what is good later in their own life? There is not one on earth who has such wisdom, yet all the world from the great to the lowly stand in judgment for or against another in our hubris.

As the best we can muster is only to find those amongst us who agree on the ideals we believe now to be good, gathering brethren to our cause of goodness, and joining together in brotherly fellowship. For it is true that many exist who love darkness and evil and pain and sorrow and suffering and claim it to be good, and they too have brothers. As evil is good to them, so to with others is goodness, evil. And in our continued hubris do we then judge groups and claim self righteousness of our group for agreeing to our form of goodness and judging and disagreeing with others. Even though that which is actually GOOD and that which is actually EVIL does exist and is experienced by all living things – do we still have very little grasp of them at all because of our self deluded deception of pride.

But there is an origin of Goodness and an Author by which the good was made and created. That author called the creation of Life to be good. Creating and creation itself, was good. And inside each and every living human is the concept of good sewn into them whereas even starkly variant cultures of men will innately agree upon an equal thing to be decent and good in the rational wholeness of humility shared. Only the Author of life and Author of what is Good can teach what is good, reveal what is good and offer what is good, for only the Author of good is master and authority of it. The origin of good is neither swayed away from itself, nor splitting or dividing of good like a changeable thing as man does to protect his own desires.

And he who has ears to hear what is available to him to know and be given to of goodness, can find what is good only in the humility of truth, which is also good as life is, and the light of our error of belief about good, so that we may hear of it as it actually is. You and I can express what is good to ourselves, and will also count ourselves as wrong later, but the Author of good can reveal and express what is good and it remains good to every thing in the entire existence of everything that is and was and will be. Thus the enemy of good, claiming that goodness is not good, must be and can only be a liar and a creature with which to give no ear at all. Yet no man can see or hear the truth of the lie of the enemy either while relying in his own heart to judge what is good and not. For because of our wishy-washy ignorance of it, do we become the enemy of good by judging what is good. We become just as the enemy who calls good, evil and evil, good. Only the Author of Good can judge what is good, and that Author has made it obvious He wishes us to know what is good, if we so humbly choose Life that we find goodness.

That Author and authority of what is good is not our teachers or priests, it is not our beliefs or authority, it is not our righteous men, nor the learned or wise, not even ourselves, but God. God, understood by how God is defined by you, is the greatest title and conceptual ideal to place the mantle of Author, Origin and beginning of all things. And to whatever you yourself conceive as the origin of “Good”, with all earnestness and humility do seek that origin and open to it that you may be given and revealed to of that which has always been and always will be good. That One has given to all life multitudes of goodness, and knowing that we ourselves can consider and desire and seek the good, is it most obvious that we too are blessed benefactors of goodness made to live and thrive in the goodness of life itself. Let us then abandon our self worship, and seek the good! What greater thing to worship and call our Father, God, Dad, Great One, Holy, Lord, Righteous and Pure, or any other name which you hold dear to be the greatest… than the author and creator of “good”?

Unless of course – “not good” is your most desired thing, then THAT be your god.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Oh, For Goodness Sake

The Origin of Goodness – Goodness is not created by man but preexists him, established by an Author beyond human authority. True goodness is not subjective but exists as an unchanging principle.

The Fallibility of Human Judgment – No man can claim absolute knowledge of good, as perspectives change over time. The arrogance of self-righteousness leads to moral confusion and division.

The Struggle of Defining Good and Evil – Throughout history, different cultures and individuals have labeled good as evil and vice versa, demonstrating humanity’s limited understanding of moral truth.

Seeking the True Source of Good – Only the Creator of life can reveal what is truly good. To know good, one must humbly seek its true origin rather than rely on personal beliefs or societal constructs.

The Choice Between Good and Not Good – Each person ultimately chooses what they worship—either the source of goodness or its opposition. Those who seek truth and humility will find goodness, while those who reject it embrace deception.

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