Themes and Insights
Infinite Diversity
Universal Expressions of LifeDespite the vast differences in cultures, religions, and lifestyles, there are shared human experiences—such as birth, death, joy, and pain—that connect all people, highlighting the commonality of life.
Judgment and MisunderstandingThe writing critiques how limited experiences lead to judgment of others, suggesting that imposing one's perspective as superior causes misunderstanding and conflict.
Spiritual Ignorance and De-evolutionIt argues that modern society has regressed in spiritual understanding compared to ancient ancestors, due to a refusal to experience life outside one's comfort zone or familiar perspective.
The Celebration of Infinite DiversityThe central insight is the call to celebrate and embrace the diversity of all life—physical, emotional, and spiritual—as a pathway to greater wisdom and unity, moving beyond the arrogance of believing one's way is the only correct way.
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Infinite Diversity
We have before us unlimited examples
Unlimited perspectives
Unlimited experiences
Unlimited reasons
Unlimited concepts
Unlimited paths
Unlimited creations
Unlimited interests
So why have we chosen the way of our life
When we have lived no other way?
Why are we steadfast in our choice
When we’ve made no other choice
And didn’t make the first choice, in the first place, either?
With 196 countries
Over 5000 religions
Over 6500 languages
Over 1.7 million species
An incalculable number of lifestyles
An inconceivable number educational models
A preposterous number of ideas
And an ever expanding list of cultural experiments
Why then did we accept one way?
And what did we do to test this way of life against the others?
How many Americans have purposely lived as Egyptians, for an equal amount of time, in order to evaluate the two ways of life with authority?
How many devoted Catholics have purposely devoted to Judaism, for an equal amount of time, in order to evaluate the two ways of worship with authority?
I simply cannot “read” about Egypt and proclaim that I understand what it is to be an Egyptian. I simply cannot watch a discovery channel show about Catholicism, pro or con, and proclaim that I am a Catholic. (or not)
And how can any theology be tried, without outright contradiction?
Could your religion, which you wholly and mercilessly defend, stand up to the test
If you wholly and without mercy went against it?
And if it couldn’t stand… what would be its worth?
How can anyone make a mature and educated evaluation of anything
Without also having self-accepted definitive experience to the contrary?
And how can anyone persist in that opinion, even then, unless they also pursued all of the other colorful methods along with the contrary?
What gives anyone the right to speak of right, wrong, good or bad, when hardly anyone has ever actually experienced anything but ONE experience based on one dream of their family, one dream of their town, one dream of the region, and one dream of their country?
Most humans have only been exposed to one culture, one religion, one method of education, one political system, one structure of law, one set of morals, one construct of ethics, one cultural progression and even one weather pattern.
We are told that one thing is right and another thing is wrong… in that ONE paradigm.
Even though we are told this, we are not complete clones of our instructors’ beliefs.
Some people MUST marry their brother’s wife if their brother died. Other people would be shunned by everyone they know if they did so. Some people MUST wear a covering on their head when in their church, other people MUST keep their head uncovered.
Yet with all the FACTS found simply by accepting what takes place on this earth, we can only truly conclude that the variances of life are SO diverse that each and every person on earth has their very own unique life experience. That unique diversion is a basic foundation of human existence. We are separated by the facts of our own lives, and no one will ever live in every moment of your life but you. This is also true of Twins.
This also being Fact, wouldn’t we be forced to conclude that ALL life in ALL people is of equal value no matter how diverse? More so, wouldn’t we also be forced to ask, “Why do we so easily stick to only ONE way of life? Some places on earth are not very comfortable to live in, yet often people who have means to leave do not leave.
So what do we have in common?
We are born, we enjoy some things, we suffer some things, we die. All of us are subject to universal expressions of Life and Death. Within those expressions are sub-expressions that enhance our physical experience (like gravity), while others enhance our emotional experience (like romance) and others enhance our spiritual experience (like laughter).
All are also interconnected.
Some cultures do not allow the showing of teeth to smile… yet the smile is still created within that set of rules and we understand. Other cultures expect the showing of teeth in a smile, yet we still know it is a smile even when closed mouthed.
Some cultures respect physical death by celebrating someone’s life; other cultures respect physical death by mourning it. Yet all cultures know that it is physical death.
Most cultures celebrate the birth of children. Even someone who doesn’t celebrate birth still knows that they are witnessing a live baby.
Physically we all share pain and know it as pain, likewise pleasure. Physically we all know hunger and know it is hunger and likewise being full.
Where we get a little lost is our common understanding of emotional Pain or Pleasure, Hunger or Fulfillment. This is why we repeat the same 7 stories through history… in order to find common understanding that has become difficult to find.
Where we get a lot more lost is in our common understanding of Spiritual Life and Spiritual Death, spiritual pain and spiritual pleasure, spiritual hunger and spiritual fulfillment. This is why we have so many wars and opinions and judgments and condemnations of everyone other than ourselves.
And how could we ever believe that we would find universal understanding for such things when almost ALL of us hold onto our ONE way, ONE idea, ONE perspective and ONE experience of our ONE Cultural set of ideals?
Is it not obvious to us all that because of our extremely limited potential to understand ANYTHING… that we truly have no right to judge ANYTHING? Judgment is force, and it leads to greater force that must be imposed in order to justify itself.
Ahh… but what about life and death again eh?
I believe we fathom physical life and physical death with ease.
I believe we stumble when it comes to emotional life and emotional death
I believe we have failed, utterly, when it comes to comprehending, witnessing, exploring, understanding and fathoming Spiritual Life and Spiritual Death.
Our ancestors knew a LOT more than us today. We have grown more ignorant with every generation. Is it not also obvious that our stanch objection to (or simply our fear of experiencing) any way of life, other than our own, is the VERY reason for our de-evolution and regression into stupidity?
No one has to tell me if someone else is physically alive or dead. I just know.
Sometimes I need the experience of others to understand my own feelings.
And with Spiritual matters MOST people completely allow someone else to tell them… everything.
And it is true… without reservation… that the more I let go of any ONE way of anything… then the more I comprehend and intuitively know matters of the emotional and spiritual realms. It returns to us, re-awakens us and reminds of how simple it is. It becomes as obvious as a corpse, or a laughing, running, snot nosed living person.
All I must do, is to stop relying on the most ridiculous concept of all concepts…
That concept of: “my way is more correct than yours”
None of us have the time to experience everything. We don’t need to. We just need to stop thinking that our experience is greater than anyone else’s. We have to stop believing that everyone else is subject to our personal perspective. Likewise we have to stop believing that other people have it better than us.
My opinion about anything ultimately matters to ONLY one life… MINE. To impose it onto others as law, or rule, or right (or wrong) is grievous proof of my own perpetual stupidity and ignorance.
I want to Celebrate your LIFE… all of it. Not just your physical life… but also your emotional and spiritual life as well. I want to accept and embrace all people as brothers and sisters… fathers and mothers… sons and daughters. I want to listen to WHY you enjoy something and why you do not enjoy another. I want to allow the Universe to continue to open my mind, heart and spirit… to a greater wisdom.
I want to rely on the wisdom of Infinite Diversity rather than rely on the isolated and vain burden of singular perspective.
Ryan o0o
Infinite Diversity
We have before us unlimited examples
Unlimited perspectives
Unlimited experiences
Unlimited reasons
Unlimited concepts
Unlimited paths
Unlimited creations
Unlimited interests
So why have we chosen the way of our life
When we have lived no other way?
Why are we steadfast in our choice
When we’ve made no other choice
And didn’t make the first choice, in the first place, either?
With 196 countries
Over 5000 religions
Over 6500 languages
Over 1.7 million species
An incalculable number of lifestyles
An inconceivable number educational models
A preposterous number of ideas
And an ever expanding list of cultural experiments
Why then did we accept one way?
And what did we do to test this way of life against the others?
How many Americans have purposely lived as Egyptians, for an equal amount of time, in order to evaluate the two ways of life with authority?
How many devoted Catholics have purposely devoted to Judaism, for an equal amount of time, in order to evaluate the two ways of worship with authority?
I simply cannot “read” about Egypt and proclaim that I understand what it is to be an Egyptian. I simply cannot watch a discovery channel show about Catholicism, pro or con, and proclaim that I am a Catholic. (or not)
And how can any theology be tried, without outright contradiction?
Could your religion, which you wholly and mercilessly defend, stand up to the test
If you wholly and without mercy went against it?
And if it couldn’t stand… what would be its worth?
How can anyone make a mature and educated evaluation of anything
Without also having self-accepted definitive experience to the contrary?
And how can anyone persist in that opinion, even then, unless they also pursued all of the other colorful methods along with the contrary?
What gives anyone the right to speak of right, wrong, good or bad, when hardly anyone has ever actually experienced anything but ONE experience based on one dream of their family, one dream of their town, one dream of the region, and one dream of their country?
Most humans have only been exposed to one culture, one religion, one method of education, one political system, one structure of law, one set of morals, one construct of ethics, one cultural progression and even one weather pattern.
We are told that one thing is right and another thing is wrong… in that ONE paradigm.
Even though we are told this, we are not complete clones of our instructors’ beliefs.
Some people MUST marry their brother’s wife if their brother died. Other people would be shunned by everyone they know if they did so. Some people MUST wear a covering on their head when in their church, other people MUST keep their head uncovered.
Yet with all the FACTS found simply by accepting what takes place on this earth, we can only truly conclude that the variances of life are SO diverse that each and every person on earth has their very own unique life experience. That unique diversion is a basic foundation of human existence. We are separated by the facts of our own lives, and no one will ever live in every moment of your life but you. This is also true of Twins.
This also being Fact, wouldn’t we be forced to conclude that ALL life in ALL people is of equal value no matter how diverse? More so, wouldn’t we also be forced to ask, “Why do we so easily stick to only ONE way of life? Some places on earth are not very comfortable to live in, yet often people who have means to leave do not leave.
So what do we have in common?
We are born, we enjoy some things, we suffer some things, we die. All of us are subject to universal expressions of Life and Death. Within those expressions are sub-expressions that enhance our physical experience (like gravity), while others enhance our emotional experience (like romance) and others enhance our spiritual experience (like laughter).
All are also interconnected.
Some cultures do not allow the showing of teeth to smile… yet the smile is still created within that set of rules and we understand. Other cultures expect the showing of teeth in a smile, yet we still know it is a smile even when closed mouthed.
Some cultures respect physical death by celebrating someone’s life; other cultures respect physical death by mourning it. Yet all cultures know that it is physical death.
Most cultures celebrate the birth of children. Even someone who doesn’t celebrate birth still knows that they are witnessing a live baby.
Physically we all share pain and know it as pain, likewise pleasure. Physically we all know hunger and know it is hunger and likewise being full.
Where we get a little lost is our common understanding of emotional Pain or Pleasure, Hunger or Fulfillment. This is why we repeat the same 7 stories through history… in order to find common understanding that has become difficult to find.
Where we get a lot more lost is in our common understanding of Spiritual Life and Spiritual Death, spiritual pain and spiritual pleasure, spiritual hunger and spiritual fulfillment. This is why we have so many wars and opinions and judgments and condemnations of everyone other than ourselves.
And how could we ever believe that we would find universal understanding for such things when almost ALL of us hold onto our ONE way, ONE idea, ONE perspective and ONE experience of our ONE Cultural set of ideals?
Is it not obvious to us all that because of our extremely limited potential to understand ANYTHING… that we truly have no right to judge ANYTHING? Judgment is force, and it leads to greater force that must be imposed in order to justify itself.
Ahh… but what about life and death again eh?
I believe we fathom physical life and physical death with ease.
I believe we stumble when it comes to emotional life and emotional death
I believe we have failed, utterly, when it comes to comprehending, witnessing, exploring, understanding and fathoming Spiritual Life and Spiritual Death.
Our ancestors knew a LOT more than us today. We have grown more ignorant with every generation. Is it not also obvious that our stanch objection to (or simply our fear of experiencing) any way of life, other than our own, is the VERY reason for our de-evolution and regression into stupidity?
No one has to tell me if someone else is physically alive or dead. I just know.
Sometimes I need the experience of others to understand my own feelings.
And with Spiritual matters MOST people completely allow someone else to tell them… everything.
And it is true… without reservation… that the more I let go of any ONE way of anything… then the more I comprehend and intuitively know matters of the emotional and spiritual realms. It returns to us, re-awakens us and reminds of how simple it is. It becomes as obvious as a corpse, or a laughing, running, snot nosed living person.
All I must do, is to stop relying on the most ridiculous concept of all concepts…
That concept of: “my way is more correct than yours”
None of us have the time to experience everything. We don’t need to. We just need to stop thinking that our experience is greater than anyone else’s. We have to stop believing that everyone else is subject to our personal perspective. Likewise we have to stop believing that other people have it better than us.
My opinion about anything ultimately matters to ONLY one life… MINE. To impose it onto others as law, or rule, or right (or wrong) is grievous proof of my own perpetual stupidity and ignorance.
I want to Celebrate your LIFE… all of it. Not just your physical life… but also your emotional and spiritual life as well. I want to accept and embrace all people as brothers and sisters… fathers and mothers… sons and daughters. I want to listen to WHY you enjoy something and why you do not enjoy another. I want to allow the Universe to continue to open my mind, heart and spirit… to a greater wisdom.
I want to rely on the wisdom of Infinite Diversity rather than rely on the isolated and vain burden of singular perspective.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Infinite Diversity
Universal Expressions of LifeDespite the vast differences in cultures, religions, and lifestyles, there are shared human experiences—such as birth, death, joy, and pain—that connect all people, highlighting the commonality of life.
Judgment and MisunderstandingThe writing critiques how limited experiences lead to judgment of others, suggesting that imposing one's perspective as superior causes misunderstanding and conflict.
Spiritual Ignorance and De-evolutionIt argues that modern society has regressed in spiritual understanding compared to ancient ancestors, due to a refusal to experience life outside one's comfort zone or familiar perspective.
The Celebration of Infinite DiversityThe central insight is the call to celebrate and embrace the diversity of all life—physical, emotional, and spiritual—as a pathway to greater wisdom and unity, moving beyond the arrogance of believing one's way is the only correct way.
Infinite Diversity
We have before us unlimited examples
Unlimited perspectives
Unlimited experiences
Unlimited reasons
Unlimited concepts
Unlimited paths
Unlimited creations
Unlimited interests
So why have we chosen the way of our life
When we have lived no other way?
Why are we steadfast in our choice
When we’ve made no other choice
And didn’t make the first choice, in the first place, either?
With 196 countries
Over 5000 religions
Over 6500 languages
Over 1.7 million species
An incalculable number of lifestyles
An inconceivable number educational models
A preposterous number of ideas
And an ever expanding list of cultural experiments
Why then did we accept one way?
And what did we do to test this way of life against the others?
How many Americans have purposely lived as Egyptians, for an equal amount of time, in order to evaluate the two ways of life with authority?
How many devoted Catholics have purposely devoted to Judaism, for an equal amount of time, in order to evaluate the two ways of worship with authority?
I simply cannot “read” about Egypt and proclaim that I understand what it is to be an Egyptian. I simply cannot watch a discovery channel show about Catholicism, pro or con, and proclaim that I am a Catholic. (or not)
And how can any theology be tried, without outright contradiction?
Could your religion, which you wholly and mercilessly defend, stand up to the test
If you wholly and without mercy went against it?
And if it couldn’t stand… what would be its worth?
How can anyone make a mature and educated evaluation of anything
Without also having self-accepted definitive experience to the contrary?
And how can anyone persist in that opinion, even then, unless they also pursued all of the other colorful methods along with the contrary?
What gives anyone the right to speak of right, wrong, good or bad, when hardly anyone has ever actually experienced anything but ONE experience based on one dream of their family, one dream of their town, one dream of the region, and one dream of their country?
Most humans have only been exposed to one culture, one religion, one method of education, one political system, one structure of law, one set of morals, one construct of ethics, one cultural progression and even one weather pattern.
We are told that one thing is right and another thing is wrong… in that ONE paradigm.
Even though we are told this, we are not complete clones of our instructors’ beliefs.
Some people MUST marry their brother’s wife if their brother died. Other people would be shunned by everyone they know if they did so. Some people MUST wear a covering on their head when in their church, other people MUST keep their head uncovered.
Yet with all the FACTS found simply by accepting what takes place on this earth, we can only truly conclude that the variances of life are SO diverse that each and every person on earth has their very own unique life experience. That unique diversion is a basic foundation of human existence. We are separated by the facts of our own lives, and no one will ever live in every moment of your life but you. This is also true of Twins.
This also being Fact, wouldn’t we be forced to conclude that ALL life in ALL people is of equal value no matter how diverse? More so, wouldn’t we also be forced to ask, “Why do we so easily stick to only ONE way of life? Some places on earth are not very comfortable to live in, yet often people who have means to leave do not leave.
So what do we have in common?
We are born, we enjoy some things, we suffer some things, we die. All of us are subject to universal expressions of Life and Death. Within those expressions are sub-expressions that enhance our physical experience (like gravity), while others enhance our emotional experience (like romance) and others enhance our spiritual experience (like laughter).
All are also interconnected.
Some cultures do not allow the showing of teeth to smile… yet the smile is still created within that set of rules and we understand. Other cultures expect the showing of teeth in a smile, yet we still know it is a smile even when closed mouthed.
Some cultures respect physical death by celebrating someone’s life; other cultures respect physical death by mourning it. Yet all cultures know that it is physical death.
Most cultures celebrate the birth of children. Even someone who doesn’t celebrate birth still knows that they are witnessing a live baby.
Physically we all share pain and know it as pain, likewise pleasure. Physically we all know hunger and know it is hunger and likewise being full.
Where we get a little lost is our common understanding of emotional Pain or Pleasure, Hunger or Fulfillment. This is why we repeat the same 7 stories through history… in order to find common understanding that has become difficult to find.
Where we get a lot more lost is in our common understanding of Spiritual Life and Spiritual Death, spiritual pain and spiritual pleasure, spiritual hunger and spiritual fulfillment. This is why we have so many wars and opinions and judgments and condemnations of everyone other than ourselves.
And how could we ever believe that we would find universal understanding for such things when almost ALL of us hold onto our ONE way, ONE idea, ONE perspective and ONE experience of our ONE Cultural set of ideals?
Is it not obvious to us all that because of our extremely limited potential to understand ANYTHING… that we truly have no right to judge ANYTHING? Judgment is force, and it leads to greater force that must be imposed in order to justify itself.
Ahh… but what about life and death again eh?
I believe we fathom physical life and physical death with ease.
I believe we stumble when it comes to emotional life and emotional death
I believe we have failed, utterly, when it comes to comprehending, witnessing, exploring, understanding and fathoming Spiritual Life and Spiritual Death.
Our ancestors knew a LOT more than us today. We have grown more ignorant with every generation. Is it not also obvious that our stanch objection to (or simply our fear of experiencing) any way of life, other than our own, is the VERY reason for our de-evolution and regression into stupidity?
No one has to tell me if someone else is physically alive or dead. I just know.
Sometimes I need the experience of others to understand my own feelings.
And with Spiritual matters MOST people completely allow someone else to tell them… everything.
And it is true… without reservation… that the more I let go of any ONE way of anything… then the more I comprehend and intuitively know matters of the emotional and spiritual realms. It returns to us, re-awakens us and reminds of how simple it is. It becomes as obvious as a corpse, or a laughing, running, snot nosed living person.
All I must do, is to stop relying on the most ridiculous concept of all concepts…
That concept of: “my way is more correct than yours”
None of us have the time to experience everything. We don’t need to. We just need to stop thinking that our experience is greater than anyone else’s. We have to stop believing that everyone else is subject to our personal perspective. Likewise we have to stop believing that other people have it better than us.
My opinion about anything ultimately matters to ONLY one life… MINE. To impose it onto others as law, or rule, or right (or wrong) is grievous proof of my own perpetual stupidity and ignorance.
I want to Celebrate your LIFE… all of it. Not just your physical life… but also your emotional and spiritual life as well. I want to accept and embrace all people as brothers and sisters… fathers and mothers… sons and daughters. I want to listen to WHY you enjoy something and why you do not enjoy another. I want to allow the Universe to continue to open my mind, heart and spirit… to a greater wisdom.
I want to rely on the wisdom of Infinite Diversity rather than rely on the isolated and vain burden of singular perspective.
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Infinite Diversity
Universal Expressions of LifeDespite the vast differences in cultures, religions, and lifestyles, there are shared human experiences—such as birth, death, joy, and pain—that connect all people, highlighting the commonality of life.
Judgment and MisunderstandingThe writing critiques how limited experiences lead to judgment of others, suggesting that imposing one's perspective as superior causes misunderstanding and conflict.
Spiritual Ignorance and De-evolutionIt argues that modern society has regressed in spiritual understanding compared to ancient ancestors, due to a refusal to experience life outside one's comfort zone or familiar perspective.
The Celebration of Infinite DiversityThe central insight is the call to celebrate and embrace the diversity of all life—physical, emotional, and spiritual—as a pathway to greater wisdom and unity, moving beyond the arrogance of believing one's way is the only correct way.