Themes and Insights


The Unmerited Gift of GraceGrace is an unconditional gift from God, freely offered to all, highlighting God's boundless love and wisdom. It cannot be earned or judged by human standards but is an expression of divine mercy meant to save us from darkness.

Transformation Through GraceGrace has the power to transform even the most broken individuals. Through the acceptance of this divine gift, lives are renewed, and purpose is found. This personal transformation inspires a commitment to seek God daily.

Faith and Works in HarmonyWhile faith ignites our spiritual journey, works bring it to fruition. By loving and serving others, we align with God’s purpose, fulfilling the command to uplift and support one another in grace.

The Universality of God’s LoveNo one is beyond the reach of God’s grace. Even the most flawed and fallen can rise to righteousness through love, humility, and acceptance. This truth fosters compassion and hope for all humanity.

Daily Gratitude and RenewalGrace is a daily necessity, a spiritual sustenance that must be sought with gratitude and humility. It reminds us of our dependence on God and calls us to live in constant thanksgiving for His transformative love.

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Many speak of the grace of God
For it is a most wonderful blessing
That we receive an unmerited gift
Because of the love of our Creator
And the source of all life in the universe

Grace is for all, offered to all
Without qualification or limitation
Save one – that we accept it
As it is our choice – given by God
For His great love is founded in wisdom

None can say who deserves grace
It is by God’s desire it is so
That not one life be lost
Has God presented His gift
Of His salvation from our darkness

Heavy handed do men speak
Such as I, of darkness and light
For it is the lie of darkness
That has deceived our fellows
Making enemies of our very brothers

Such things I do hate
For I love our brothers and sisters all
So in my flesh I accuse the dark
That inhabits our blinded family
That we may all see the difference

As I was once a man also in darkness
Must it be remembered
For tomorrow could I fall again
Unless I carry the grace of God
By choosing each morning that gift

But with God is there great gentleness
His words soothe our very bones
Filling our heart with hope and faith
Strengthening our minds with truth
As the law of love re-educates us all

This powerful grace goes before us
It is the start of our wonderful journey
To be opened to joy, serenity & peace
Given purpose and hope with blessings
Of all that God has in store for us

And why such a thing as this grace?
For all of us were deceived
Not one of us knew God’s full love
Our misery opened God’s heart
As He came to us to restore us

I remember the day well it happened
Drunken and vile I was
Selfish and fearful to my core
Arrogant and plotting schemes
Pride was my master

But even so, God approached
And spoke so that I could not deny
In the blink of an eye was I transformed
In an instant I saw myself as I was
In a second I desired to be free of me

God gave me grace I deserved not
For I was a liar to my brothers
And a thief and liar to my sisters
Yet my Father in Heaven loves us
And offered me what darkness took away

At once I set out to seek God more
Filled with faith was i – profound faith
Yet faith without works withers
And I wished not that seed
To be fallen on rocky soil

This though was no great task
For the work of God is to love
To help another in need
To lift up a sorrowful soul
To feed the hungry and thirsty

Each and every one of us
Have talents waiting for us in God’s work
Some are mighty missionaries
Some are excellent theologians
Others like me, are simple servants

Yet even the simple work
Is outstanding and profound
Rewarding beyond belief
Eye opening and exciting
Especially in the awakening of another

For with God’s grace is God’s power
Turning worthless men to greatness
Turning the blind to visionaries
Turning the sick into physicians
Turning the dead to living spirits again

And this that it is never forgotten
Do I write – that I myself cannot deny
For today was grace given again
As tomorrow I must ask again
That my spirit be fed daily by God

Even the most terrible man in all earth
Was paid for by God’s love
Through Christ’s great work
So that he also may have grace
If he so chooses it

And this too that I never forget
For tomorrow that man may rise
And we all gain a brother
For what I see is only now
But Gods love is never ended

And by the sharing of grace to him
May he desire it also sooner
As surely my force of it repels
But the offering of it is well received
Indeed deep down all men desire life

May God bless Himself always
And be forever as loving and kind
For His grace I wish to never dull
Nor walk my steps without gratitude
As that first gift raised me from the dead

Ryan o0o

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Many speak of the grace of God
For it is a most wonderful blessing
That we receive an unmerited gift
Because of the love of our Creator
And the source of all life in the universe

Grace is for all, offered to all
Without qualification or limitation
Save one – that we accept it
As it is our choice – given by God
For His great love is founded in wisdom

None can say who deserves grace
It is by God’s desire it is so
That not one life be lost
Has God presented His gift
Of His salvation from our darkness

Heavy handed do men speak
Such as I, of darkness and light
For it is the lie of darkness
That has deceived our fellows
Making enemies of our very brothers

Such things I do hate
For I love our brothers and sisters all
So in my flesh I accuse the dark
That inhabits our blinded family
That we may all see the difference

As I was once a man also in darkness
Must it be remembered
For tomorrow could I fall again
Unless I carry the grace of God
By choosing each morning that gift

But with God is there great gentleness
His words soothe our very bones
Filling our heart with hope and faith
Strengthening our minds with truth
As the law of love re-educates us all

This powerful grace goes before us
It is the start of our wonderful journey
To be opened to joy, serenity & peace
Given purpose and hope with blessings
Of all that God has in store for us

And why such a thing as this grace?
For all of us were deceived
Not one of us knew God’s full love
Our misery opened God’s heart
As He came to us to restore us

I remember the day well it happened
Drunken and vile I was
Selfish and fearful to my core
Arrogant and plotting schemes
Pride was my master

But even so, God approached
And spoke so that I could not deny
In the blink of an eye was I transformed
In an instant I saw myself as I was
In a second I desired to be free of me

God gave me grace I deserved not
For I was a liar to my brothers
And a thief and liar to my sisters
Yet my Father in Heaven loves us
And offered me what darkness took away

At once I set out to seek God more
Filled with faith was i – profound faith
Yet faith without works withers
And I wished not that seed
To be fallen on rocky soil

This though was no great task
For the work of God is to love
To help another in need
To lift up a sorrowful soul
To feed the hungry and thirsty

Each and every one of us
Have talents waiting for us in God’s work
Some are mighty missionaries
Some are excellent theologians
Others like me, are simple servants

Yet even the simple work
Is outstanding and profound
Rewarding beyond belief
Eye opening and exciting
Especially in the awakening of another

For with God’s grace is God’s power
Turning worthless men to greatness
Turning the blind to visionaries
Turning the sick into physicians
Turning the dead to living spirits again

And this that it is never forgotten
Do I write – that I myself cannot deny
For today was grace given again
As tomorrow I must ask again
That my spirit be fed daily by God

Even the most terrible man in all earth
Was paid for by God’s love
Through Christ’s great work
So that he also may have grace
If he so chooses it

And this too that I never forget
For tomorrow that man may rise
And we all gain a brother
For what I see is only now
But Gods love is never ended

And by the sharing of grace to him
May he desire it also sooner
As surely my force of it repels
But the offering of it is well received
Indeed deep down all men desire life

May God bless Himself always
And be forever as loving and kind
For His grace I wish to never dull
Nor walk my steps without gratitude
As that first gift raised me from the dead

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights


The Unmerited Gift of GraceGrace is an unconditional gift from God, freely offered to all, highlighting God's boundless love and wisdom. It cannot be earned or judged by human standards but is an expression of divine mercy meant to save us from darkness.

Transformation Through GraceGrace has the power to transform even the most broken individuals. Through the acceptance of this divine gift, lives are renewed, and purpose is found. This personal transformation inspires a commitment to seek God daily.

Faith and Works in HarmonyWhile faith ignites our spiritual journey, works bring it to fruition. By loving and serving others, we align with God’s purpose, fulfilling the command to uplift and support one another in grace.

The Universality of God’s LoveNo one is beyond the reach of God’s grace. Even the most flawed and fallen can rise to righteousness through love, humility, and acceptance. This truth fosters compassion and hope for all humanity.

Daily Gratitude and RenewalGrace is a daily necessity, a spiritual sustenance that must be sought with gratitude and humility. It reminds us of our dependence on God and calls us to live in constant thanksgiving for His transformative love.

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Many speak of the grace of God
For it is a most wonderful blessing
That we receive an unmerited gift
Because of the love of our Creator
And the source of all life in the universe

Grace is for all, offered to all
Without qualification or limitation
Save one – that we accept it
As it is our choice – given by God
For His great love is founded in wisdom

None can say who deserves grace
It is by God’s desire it is so
That not one life be lost
Has God presented His gift
Of His salvation from our darkness

Heavy handed do men speak
Such as I, of darkness and light
For it is the lie of darkness
That has deceived our fellows
Making enemies of our very brothers

Such things I do hate
For I love our brothers and sisters all
So in my flesh I accuse the dark
That inhabits our blinded family
That we may all see the difference

As I was once a man also in darkness
Must it be remembered
For tomorrow could I fall again
Unless I carry the grace of God
By choosing each morning that gift

But with God is there great gentleness
His words soothe our very bones
Filling our heart with hope and faith
Strengthening our minds with truth
As the law of love re-educates us all

This powerful grace goes before us
It is the start of our wonderful journey
To be opened to joy, serenity & peace
Given purpose and hope with blessings
Of all that God has in store for us

And why such a thing as this grace?
For all of us were deceived
Not one of us knew God’s full love
Our misery opened God’s heart
As He came to us to restore us

I remember the day well it happened
Drunken and vile I was
Selfish and fearful to my core
Arrogant and plotting schemes
Pride was my master

But even so, God approached
And spoke so that I could not deny
In the blink of an eye was I transformed
In an instant I saw myself as I was
In a second I desired to be free of me

God gave me grace I deserved not
For I was a liar to my brothers
And a thief and liar to my sisters
Yet my Father in Heaven loves us
And offered me what darkness took away

At once I set out to seek God more
Filled with faith was i – profound faith
Yet faith without works withers
And I wished not that seed
To be fallen on rocky soil

This though was no great task
For the work of God is to love
To help another in need
To lift up a sorrowful soul
To feed the hungry and thirsty

Each and every one of us
Have talents waiting for us in God’s work
Some are mighty missionaries
Some are excellent theologians
Others like me, are simple servants

Yet even the simple work
Is outstanding and profound
Rewarding beyond belief
Eye opening and exciting
Especially in the awakening of another

For with God’s grace is God’s power
Turning worthless men to greatness
Turning the blind to visionaries
Turning the sick into physicians
Turning the dead to living spirits again

And this that it is never forgotten
Do I write – that I myself cannot deny
For today was grace given again
As tomorrow I must ask again
That my spirit be fed daily by God

Even the most terrible man in all earth
Was paid for by God’s love
Through Christ’s great work
So that he also may have grace
If he so chooses it

And this too that I never forget
For tomorrow that man may rise
And we all gain a brother
For what I see is only now
But Gods love is never ended

And by the sharing of grace to him
May he desire it also sooner
As surely my force of it repels
But the offering of it is well received
Indeed deep down all men desire life

May God bless Himself always
And be forever as loving and kind
For His grace I wish to never dull
Nor walk my steps without gratitude
As that first gift raised me from the dead

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights


The Unmerited Gift of GraceGrace is an unconditional gift from God, freely offered to all, highlighting God's boundless love and wisdom. It cannot be earned or judged by human standards but is an expression of divine mercy meant to save us from darkness.

Transformation Through GraceGrace has the power to transform even the most broken individuals. Through the acceptance of this divine gift, lives are renewed, and purpose is found. This personal transformation inspires a commitment to seek God daily.

Faith and Works in HarmonyWhile faith ignites our spiritual journey, works bring it to fruition. By loving and serving others, we align with God’s purpose, fulfilling the command to uplift and support one another in grace.

The Universality of God’s LoveNo one is beyond the reach of God’s grace. Even the most flawed and fallen can rise to righteousness through love, humility, and acceptance. This truth fosters compassion and hope for all humanity.

Daily Gratitude and RenewalGrace is a daily necessity, a spiritual sustenance that must be sought with gratitude and humility. It reminds us of our dependence on God and calls us to live in constant thanksgiving for His transformative love.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

