Themes and Insights

Gateway of the Traveler

Duality of Light and Darkness: The poem explores the interplay between two realms—light and darkness—and how the traveler moves between them. Both realms coexist, and the traveler's experience in each shifts based on their inner perception. This duality represents the internal conflict between clarity and confusion, truth and ignorance, and the spiritual journey to reconcile both.

Perception Beyond the Senses: The piece emphasizes the limitations of human senses (sight, hearing) in grasping the true nature of reality. True understanding requires a spiritual "eye," a deeper perception that transcends the physical senses, allowing one to see the worlds within and beyond.

The Journey of Self-Creation: As the traveler moves between worlds, they realize that their external environment doesn't change; rather, they themselves are transformed. The poem suggests that we create our reality through self-perception and that spiritual growth is a process of self-creation, not of altering the outside world.

Mastery of the Spiritual Gateway: A key metaphor in the poem is the "gateway" that the traveler must master. This represents the inner door to spiritual understanding. Mastery of this gateway allows one to move freely between realms, not through force or command, but through internal balance and awareness.

Humility and Choice: The traveler’s journey is marked by humility in the face of vast spiritual realities and the choices they must make each day. Choosing "thy daily portion" signifies the importance of personal responsibility in shaping one’s path. The traveler learns that power comes not from controlling others or the external world but from understanding and aligning with their inner truth.

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Gateway of the Traveler

How can mankind see the perception
Of their perception
Between the common two worlds?

With eyes that cannot see
We seek
And with ears that cannot hear
Do we set our attention
More-so with knowledge we rely
Are we without knowledge

Yet there it is before us
Ever more
Within a step

Whereas within one of profit
And within one of loss
Is but a blink of an eye
To the open eye of the soul

As it is true
That I cannot deny what I already know
Without walking in the land of darkness
Which to the eye reveals no difference
To the land of light

As it is true
That from a time to a time
In little spaces
Do all men stand between
Facing east and west
North and south
Feeling the intense moment of humility
In their own stare
Before turning their way

As it is true
It is a blink of an eye
To choose thy daily portion

Upon the land
Where in darkness I find my home where it is
And in light do I also find my home where it is
And behold also do I find my wife and children
And flocks and cattle and coin and possessions
Upon the earth in both
It is instead that I find them not AS they were
Until I take another step
And find them as they were

Knowing always that they are always
Yet different
Do I then know it is I who have traveled
Between light and dark
Without knowing

Knowing also that they who stand before me
Without change in any way
May also step away
Into another world
Far from where we stood
Yet there still
For change has occurred without perception of change

Even so knowing of the perception
For such does thy heart require account

That in the center of my mind
Is that door imperceivable
Like spiritual wind
Knowing only the effect
Of my now commanded reality
Shown only to me
Through spiritual change
Claimed also in the heart

Whereas never shall it reveal itself to the eye
Until such time as one commands the door
Rather than the vanity of commanding
The worlds

As in one place of powerlessness
Is there no power to command
So to in the other of ultimate power
Is there no need to command

That it is not either world is created
As they are from ancient times
But that it is we travel there
Creating ourselves

Nor is either place forbidden to man
For it is the shunning of either
Making requirement

So now that when our brother comes to us
And when the eye of our Spirit is open
Do we see from which place he stands
Knowing until such time
We master our door
Can we not direct them to theirs

So much so that they who in darkness
Do approach
In order that we would enter in
And they who in light
Do approach
Thereby do we flee

It must be that we ourselves make no requirement
Of this world or that
Lest our perception again fail
Taking also with it our brother

And it is that it must be spoken

I alone am the master of my gateway
That I may pass from here to there
Exploring what has always been long before me
Building nothing in one without the other
Though they are different in each
Because of the creation of myself

Ryan o0o

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Gateway of the Traveler

How can mankind see the perception
Of their perception
Between the common two worlds?

With eyes that cannot see
We seek
And with ears that cannot hear
Do we set our attention
More-so with knowledge we rely
Are we without knowledge

Yet there it is before us
Ever more
Within a step

Whereas within one of profit
And within one of loss
Is but a blink of an eye
To the open eye of the soul

As it is true
That I cannot deny what I already know
Without walking in the land of darkness
Which to the eye reveals no difference
To the land of light

As it is true
That from a time to a time
In little spaces
Do all men stand between
Facing east and west
North and south
Feeling the intense moment of humility
In their own stare
Before turning their way

As it is true
It is a blink of an eye
To choose thy daily portion

Upon the land
Where in darkness I find my home where it is
And in light do I also find my home where it is
And behold also do I find my wife and children
And flocks and cattle and coin and possessions
Upon the earth in both
It is instead that I find them not AS they were
Until I take another step
And find them as they were

Knowing always that they are always
Yet different
Do I then know it is I who have traveled
Between light and dark
Without knowing

Knowing also that they who stand before me
Without change in any way
May also step away
Into another world
Far from where we stood
Yet there still
For change has occurred without perception of change

Even so knowing of the perception
For such does thy heart require account

That in the center of my mind
Is that door imperceivable
Like spiritual wind
Knowing only the effect
Of my now commanded reality
Shown only to me
Through spiritual change
Claimed also in the heart

Whereas never shall it reveal itself to the eye
Until such time as one commands the door
Rather than the vanity of commanding
The worlds

As in one place of powerlessness
Is there no power to command
So to in the other of ultimate power
Is there no need to command

That it is not either world is created
As they are from ancient times
But that it is we travel there
Creating ourselves

Nor is either place forbidden to man
For it is the shunning of either
Making requirement

So now that when our brother comes to us
And when the eye of our Spirit is open
Do we see from which place he stands
Knowing until such time
We master our door
Can we not direct them to theirs

So much so that they who in darkness
Do approach
In order that we would enter in
And they who in light
Do approach
Thereby do we flee

It must be that we ourselves make no requirement
Of this world or that
Lest our perception again fail
Taking also with it our brother

And it is that it must be spoken

I alone am the master of my gateway
That I may pass from here to there
Exploring what has always been long before me
Building nothing in one without the other
Though they are different in each
Because of the creation of myself

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Gateway of the Traveler

Duality of Light and Darkness: The poem explores the interplay between two realms—light and darkness—and how the traveler moves between them. Both realms coexist, and the traveler's experience in each shifts based on their inner perception. This duality represents the internal conflict between clarity and confusion, truth and ignorance, and the spiritual journey to reconcile both.

Perception Beyond the Senses: The piece emphasizes the limitations of human senses (sight, hearing) in grasping the true nature of reality. True understanding requires a spiritual "eye," a deeper perception that transcends the physical senses, allowing one to see the worlds within and beyond.

The Journey of Self-Creation: As the traveler moves between worlds, they realize that their external environment doesn't change; rather, they themselves are transformed. The poem suggests that we create our reality through self-perception and that spiritual growth is a process of self-creation, not of altering the outside world.

Mastery of the Spiritual Gateway: A key metaphor in the poem is the "gateway" that the traveler must master. This represents the inner door to spiritual understanding. Mastery of this gateway allows one to move freely between realms, not through force or command, but through internal balance and awareness.

Humility and Choice: The traveler’s journey is marked by humility in the face of vast spiritual realities and the choices they must make each day. Choosing "thy daily portion" signifies the importance of personal responsibility in shaping one’s path. The traveler learns that power comes not from controlling others or the external world but from understanding and aligning with their inner truth.

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Gateway of the Traveler

How can mankind see the perception
Of their perception
Between the common two worlds?

With eyes that cannot see
We seek
And with ears that cannot hear
Do we set our attention
More-so with knowledge we rely
Are we without knowledge

Yet there it is before us
Ever more
Within a step

Whereas within one of profit
And within one of loss
Is but a blink of an eye
To the open eye of the soul

As it is true
That I cannot deny what I already know
Without walking in the land of darkness
Which to the eye reveals no difference
To the land of light

As it is true
That from a time to a time
In little spaces
Do all men stand between
Facing east and west
North and south
Feeling the intense moment of humility
In their own stare
Before turning their way

As it is true
It is a blink of an eye
To choose thy daily portion

Upon the land
Where in darkness I find my home where it is
And in light do I also find my home where it is
And behold also do I find my wife and children
And flocks and cattle and coin and possessions
Upon the earth in both
It is instead that I find them not AS they were
Until I take another step
And find them as they were

Knowing always that they are always
Yet different
Do I then know it is I who have traveled
Between light and dark
Without knowing

Knowing also that they who stand before me
Without change in any way
May also step away
Into another world
Far from where we stood
Yet there still
For change has occurred without perception of change

Even so knowing of the perception
For such does thy heart require account

That in the center of my mind
Is that door imperceivable
Like spiritual wind
Knowing only the effect
Of my now commanded reality
Shown only to me
Through spiritual change
Claimed also in the heart

Whereas never shall it reveal itself to the eye
Until such time as one commands the door
Rather than the vanity of commanding
The worlds

As in one place of powerlessness
Is there no power to command
So to in the other of ultimate power
Is there no need to command

That it is not either world is created
As they are from ancient times
But that it is we travel there
Creating ourselves

Nor is either place forbidden to man
For it is the shunning of either
Making requirement

So now that when our brother comes to us
And when the eye of our Spirit is open
Do we see from which place he stands
Knowing until such time
We master our door
Can we not direct them to theirs

So much so that they who in darkness
Do approach
In order that we would enter in
And they who in light
Do approach
Thereby do we flee

It must be that we ourselves make no requirement
Of this world or that
Lest our perception again fail
Taking also with it our brother

And it is that it must be spoken

I alone am the master of my gateway
That I may pass from here to there
Exploring what has always been long before me
Building nothing in one without the other
Though they are different in each
Because of the creation of myself

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Gateway of the Traveler

Duality of Light and Darkness: The poem explores the interplay between two realms—light and darkness—and how the traveler moves between them. Both realms coexist, and the traveler's experience in each shifts based on their inner perception. This duality represents the internal conflict between clarity and confusion, truth and ignorance, and the spiritual journey to reconcile both.

Perception Beyond the Senses: The piece emphasizes the limitations of human senses (sight, hearing) in grasping the true nature of reality. True understanding requires a spiritual "eye," a deeper perception that transcends the physical senses, allowing one to see the worlds within and beyond.

The Journey of Self-Creation: As the traveler moves between worlds, they realize that their external environment doesn't change; rather, they themselves are transformed. The poem suggests that we create our reality through self-perception and that spiritual growth is a process of self-creation, not of altering the outside world.

Mastery of the Spiritual Gateway: A key metaphor in the poem is the "gateway" that the traveler must master. This represents the inner door to spiritual understanding. Mastery of this gateway allows one to move freely between realms, not through force or command, but through internal balance and awareness.

Humility and Choice: The traveler’s journey is marked by humility in the face of vast spiritual realities and the choices they must make each day. Choosing "thy daily portion" signifies the importance of personal responsibility in shaping one’s path. The traveler learns that power comes not from controlling others or the external world but from understanding and aligning with their inner truth.

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