Themes and Insights

Fear or Faith?

The Dichotomy of Flesh and Spirit:The writing explores the inherent conflict between the desires of the flesh, which succumb to fear, and the spirit's eternal nature, which thrives in faith and love.

Lessons of Fear and Faith:Fear binds and limits the flesh, while faith empowers and awakens the spirit, revealing the contrasting pathways of survival and spiritual enlightenment.

The Journey of Growth and Revelation:Like a tree growing from a seed, the spirit's growth is gradual yet infinite, reflecting the boundless wisdom and love of God.

The Power of Choice:Humans are called to choose between the fleeting rewards of the flesh and the eternal gifts of the spirit, emphasizing the importance of faith, love, and righteousness.

Victory Over Darkness:Despite the hardships imposed by fear and oppression, the spirit remains untouchable, destined for redemption and union with the Creator.

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Fear or Faith?

Who would choose a belief
Based in fear?
Who would choose a belief
Based in faith?

The human wrestles the fate of flesh
While the spirit within departs from it
The mind comprehends not between
Placing stupor upon itself to protect

The flesh accepts the lesson of fear
For it is fragile and easily wounded
The spirit rejects the lesson of fear
For it is eternal and without need

The flesh rejects the lesson of faith
For it thirsts when it thirst in the now
The spirit accepts the lesson of faith
For it lives when it lives in the now

They who know only flesh and blood
Are not wicked and vain by choice
But he who chooses the flesh alone
Has marked himself for great sorrow

They who seek the spirit in all
Are not righteous and good by self
And he who chooses the spirit of God
Has marked himself for awakening

See the tree in how it grows
From a seed to mighty oak
Not all at once is the majesty made
But in each day is more added to it

This as all is also of spirit
There is no end to learning & growth
Forever and ever is more revealed
For the Father cannot be contained

Survival is made difficult & vain
By the will of the jealous dark
That we are mired and slave long
So that our spirit is forgotten

And they of the world
Who do desire to oppress all
That they may have so you shall not
Clearly display their chosen master

Life is made well and beautiful
By the will of the Living God
That we are freed and unbound to all
So that our spirit is alive and in awe

And they of the world
Who do desire to share love
That all may live in peace and life
Clearly display their chosen Master

Punishment and reward
Are the tools of the fearful
And curses and judgment
The folly of man’s ignorance

Redemption and understanding
Are the tools of the living
And blessings and acceptance
The gift of man’s Creator

The flesh has needs and wants
How beautiful to give to our temple
But darkness even curses that
In chains does it surround us

The spirit also has needs and wants
How beautiful it is to discover!
And darkness cannot touch that life
Its chains return instead to it

Listen not to they who preach fear
Listen not to they who scorn
For they are not of the living God
Who has already spoken for you

Fear not they who bind our flesh
Fear not the hardships they bring
For they are blinded by flesh alone
And have no power over your spirit

The flesh of all is bound for the dirt
And all fear and disease die there
Yet the spirit lives on for everyone
Awakened then to all truth of their life

Before the Throne of God so we return
And the faithful continue in love
Where the unknown will now know
And the wicked also shall reveal

Choose to have faith
Choose to give love
Choose acceptance, peace
and brotherly kindness

Choose joy and care
And power unlimited
Choose life and God’s spirit
Even now

Ryan o0o

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Fear or Faith?

Who would choose a belief
Based in fear?
Who would choose a belief
Based in faith?

The human wrestles the fate of flesh
While the spirit within departs from it
The mind comprehends not between
Placing stupor upon itself to protect

The flesh accepts the lesson of fear
For it is fragile and easily wounded
The spirit rejects the lesson of fear
For it is eternal and without need

The flesh rejects the lesson of faith
For it thirsts when it thirst in the now
The spirit accepts the lesson of faith
For it lives when it lives in the now

They who know only flesh and blood
Are not wicked and vain by choice
But he who chooses the flesh alone
Has marked himself for great sorrow

They who seek the spirit in all
Are not righteous and good by self
And he who chooses the spirit of God
Has marked himself for awakening

See the tree in how it grows
From a seed to mighty oak
Not all at once is the majesty made
But in each day is more added to it

This as all is also of spirit
There is no end to learning & growth
Forever and ever is more revealed
For the Father cannot be contained

Survival is made difficult & vain
By the will of the jealous dark
That we are mired and slave long
So that our spirit is forgotten

And they of the world
Who do desire to oppress all
That they may have so you shall not
Clearly display their chosen master

Life is made well and beautiful
By the will of the Living God
That we are freed and unbound to all
So that our spirit is alive and in awe

And they of the world
Who do desire to share love
That all may live in peace and life
Clearly display their chosen Master

Punishment and reward
Are the tools of the fearful
And curses and judgment
The folly of man’s ignorance

Redemption and understanding
Are the tools of the living
And blessings and acceptance
The gift of man’s Creator

The flesh has needs and wants
How beautiful to give to our temple
But darkness even curses that
In chains does it surround us

The spirit also has needs and wants
How beautiful it is to discover!
And darkness cannot touch that life
Its chains return instead to it

Listen not to they who preach fear
Listen not to they who scorn
For they are not of the living God
Who has already spoken for you

Fear not they who bind our flesh
Fear not the hardships they bring
For they are blinded by flesh alone
And have no power over your spirit

The flesh of all is bound for the dirt
And all fear and disease die there
Yet the spirit lives on for everyone
Awakened then to all truth of their life

Before the Throne of God so we return
And the faithful continue in love
Where the unknown will now know
And the wicked also shall reveal

Choose to have faith
Choose to give love
Choose acceptance, peace
and brotherly kindness

Choose joy and care
And power unlimited
Choose life and God’s spirit
Even now

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Fear or Faith?

The Dichotomy of Flesh and Spirit:The writing explores the inherent conflict between the desires of the flesh, which succumb to fear, and the spirit's eternal nature, which thrives in faith and love.

Lessons of Fear and Faith:Fear binds and limits the flesh, while faith empowers and awakens the spirit, revealing the contrasting pathways of survival and spiritual enlightenment.

The Journey of Growth and Revelation:Like a tree growing from a seed, the spirit's growth is gradual yet infinite, reflecting the boundless wisdom and love of God.

The Power of Choice:Humans are called to choose between the fleeting rewards of the flesh and the eternal gifts of the spirit, emphasizing the importance of faith, love, and righteousness.

Victory Over Darkness:Despite the hardships imposed by fear and oppression, the spirit remains untouchable, destined for redemption and union with the Creator.

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Fear or Faith?

Who would choose a belief
Based in fear?
Who would choose a belief
Based in faith?

The human wrestles the fate of flesh
While the spirit within departs from it
The mind comprehends not between
Placing stupor upon itself to protect

The flesh accepts the lesson of fear
For it is fragile and easily wounded
The spirit rejects the lesson of fear
For it is eternal and without need

The flesh rejects the lesson of faith
For it thirsts when it thirst in the now
The spirit accepts the lesson of faith
For it lives when it lives in the now

They who know only flesh and blood
Are not wicked and vain by choice
But he who chooses the flesh alone
Has marked himself for great sorrow

They who seek the spirit in all
Are not righteous and good by self
And he who chooses the spirit of God
Has marked himself for awakening

See the tree in how it grows
From a seed to mighty oak
Not all at once is the majesty made
But in each day is more added to it

This as all is also of spirit
There is no end to learning & growth
Forever and ever is more revealed
For the Father cannot be contained

Survival is made difficult & vain
By the will of the jealous dark
That we are mired and slave long
So that our spirit is forgotten

And they of the world
Who do desire to oppress all
That they may have so you shall not
Clearly display their chosen master

Life is made well and beautiful
By the will of the Living God
That we are freed and unbound to all
So that our spirit is alive and in awe

And they of the world
Who do desire to share love
That all may live in peace and life
Clearly display their chosen Master

Punishment and reward
Are the tools of the fearful
And curses and judgment
The folly of man’s ignorance

Redemption and understanding
Are the tools of the living
And blessings and acceptance
The gift of man’s Creator

The flesh has needs and wants
How beautiful to give to our temple
But darkness even curses that
In chains does it surround us

The spirit also has needs and wants
How beautiful it is to discover!
And darkness cannot touch that life
Its chains return instead to it

Listen not to they who preach fear
Listen not to they who scorn
For they are not of the living God
Who has already spoken for you

Fear not they who bind our flesh
Fear not the hardships they bring
For they are blinded by flesh alone
And have no power over your spirit

The flesh of all is bound for the dirt
And all fear and disease die there
Yet the spirit lives on for everyone
Awakened then to all truth of their life

Before the Throne of God so we return
And the faithful continue in love
Where the unknown will now know
And the wicked also shall reveal

Choose to have faith
Choose to give love
Choose acceptance, peace
and brotherly kindness

Choose joy and care
And power unlimited
Choose life and God’s spirit
Even now

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Fear or Faith?

The Dichotomy of Flesh and Spirit:The writing explores the inherent conflict between the desires of the flesh, which succumb to fear, and the spirit's eternal nature, which thrives in faith and love.

Lessons of Fear and Faith:Fear binds and limits the flesh, while faith empowers and awakens the spirit, revealing the contrasting pathways of survival and spiritual enlightenment.

The Journey of Growth and Revelation:Like a tree growing from a seed, the spirit's growth is gradual yet infinite, reflecting the boundless wisdom and love of God.

The Power of Choice:Humans are called to choose between the fleeting rewards of the flesh and the eternal gifts of the spirit, emphasizing the importance of faith, love, and righteousness.

Victory Over Darkness:Despite the hardships imposed by fear and oppression, the spirit remains untouchable, destined for redemption and union with the Creator.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

