Themes and Insights

Devoted to One

Devotion is Innate: Devotion transcends mere choice; it springs from a profound connection that resides deep within our souls. In our relationship, this devotion is effortlessly embodied by her, as she represents the truth of our shared experience and emotional depth.

A Shared Discovery: Just as a musician is drawn to the beauty of music, I have always felt an overwhelming truth that leads me to her. Our connection is an ancient realization that transcends time, and I recognize that my devotion to her was etched in my spirit long before we met.

Liberation Through Truth: In our past, we may have been tethered to relationships that lacked true devotion, but we have both embraced the courage to overcome those false attachments. Now, free from those constraints, we fully explore the love that binds us, discovering the boundless joy of our authentic devotion to one another.

An Unconditional Bond: My devotion to her is not contingent on hope, faith, or proof; it simply exists. She embodies the essence of my heart’s truth, and I am profoundly grateful for the clarity we have found in our united devotion, which has brought us closer to the divine.

An Eternal Connection: I understand that my devotion to her is timeless, and I could never feel the same way for another. Every day reveals new depths of our connection, reminding us that we are blessed with a love that transcends understanding, rooted in the purity of our shared truths.

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Devoted to One

Deep within all humans is the truth about their devotions. It is not a matter of choice, or a decision of what we are devoted to, because that lingers only in the mind. Devotion is a matter of spirit, emotion, depth and soul. Alone in the mind it cannot last, for it has no depth.

Devotion comes from a place of ancient personal truths. It is a discovery much like that of a musician who first discovers music, and then never departs from it. It wasn’t a matter of thought or choice, but an overwhelming experience of truth within them. Our devotions are the same for us.

In life we are given many ideas from others about what we are meant to be devoted to. We say we are to be devoted to our wives, devoted to our families, devoted to our children and even our jobs etc. In principle this is a beautiful idea. but this isn’t often how things turn out. There in us are stronger and more powerful forces we are devoted to, and they are attached to our innermost personal truths.

If we marry someone who was not right for us, we cannot be truly devoted to them. If we work a job that we do not like or love, we cannot truly be devoted to it. Devotion requires an earnest attachment, and to be earnest requires truth. More truth can be found in those things we want out of life, then in those things we think we are to have or be. To be devoted to something false in us will only lead to self destruction and failure.

This is where what we intuitively know can make a seriously important turn of events in our lives. I intuitively knew that deep within me was an idea of love, of God, and of a woman who shared these things with me. I was devoted to this emotional desire from a very young age. This woman in my heart I was devoted to long before I even met her.

When the day came that I finally met this woman, it was automatically true that I would not ever depart from her. I was profoundly attached to her without any effort on my part. There was no work, no need for explanation or no compromises to our selves required for our friendship to flourish. My devotion to her was not a choice, indeed we even tried to make a choice to avoid our immediate devotion. This too is impossible and was destined to fail.

Five years into our growing love, we both came to our startling truths. None of our former relationships have had our devotion, even though we tried so desperately to create that in them. Our principles and ideas of what is right or wrong could not stand in the face of the truth in our very hearts. In our hearts was always the truth, but the lies of our former lives took courage to overcome.

After we both became free of our previous entanglements, we were also free to explore the actual love we were both eternally devoted to. The experience is nothing short of being the greatest gift from God.

I am devoted to her, and this required no hope.
I am devoted to her, and this required no faith.
I am devoted to her, and this required no belief.
I am devoted to her, and this required no test.
I am devoted to her, and it didn’t even require proof.

I am devoted to this one woman, for reason that would take a lifetime to explain to anyone else, but is already known in her. It has always been known in her. It has always been known in me.

With our acceptance and surrender to our united devotion, we are receivers of life’s unexplainable and most blissful curiosities. It is so powerful that we say God has put us together. In truth we have always been together because of our real devotions, it just took time for us to find one another on earth.

Given our innermost truths, I see that I have been devoted to her since the dawn of man. Given our truths, I know that I could never be devoted to another as I am to this one. Given our truths… we are blessed beyond that which is even known to us now, and each day brings more profound revelations of this.

Devotion is an experience. I pray it is given unto everyone who seeks.

Ryan o0o

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Devoted to One

Deep within all humans is the truth about their devotions. It is not a matter of choice, or a decision of what we are devoted to, because that lingers only in the mind. Devotion is a matter of spirit, emotion, depth and soul. Alone in the mind it cannot last, for it has no depth.

Devotion comes from a place of ancient personal truths. It is a discovery much like that of a musician who first discovers music, and then never departs from it. It wasn’t a matter of thought or choice, but an overwhelming experience of truth within them. Our devotions are the same for us.

In life we are given many ideas from others about what we are meant to be devoted to. We say we are to be devoted to our wives, devoted to our families, devoted to our children and even our jobs etc. In principle this is a beautiful idea. but this isn’t often how things turn out. There in us are stronger and more powerful forces we are devoted to, and they are attached to our innermost personal truths.

If we marry someone who was not right for us, we cannot be truly devoted to them. If we work a job that we do not like or love, we cannot truly be devoted to it. Devotion requires an earnest attachment, and to be earnest requires truth. More truth can be found in those things we want out of life, then in those things we think we are to have or be. To be devoted to something false in us will only lead to self destruction and failure.

This is where what we intuitively know can make a seriously important turn of events in our lives. I intuitively knew that deep within me was an idea of love, of God, and of a woman who shared these things with me. I was devoted to this emotional desire from a very young age. This woman in my heart I was devoted to long before I even met her.

When the day came that I finally met this woman, it was automatically true that I would not ever depart from her. I was profoundly attached to her without any effort on my part. There was no work, no need for explanation or no compromises to our selves required for our friendship to flourish. My devotion to her was not a choice, indeed we even tried to make a choice to avoid our immediate devotion. This too is impossible and was destined to fail.

Five years into our growing love, we both came to our startling truths. None of our former relationships have had our devotion, even though we tried so desperately to create that in them. Our principles and ideas of what is right or wrong could not stand in the face of the truth in our very hearts. In our hearts was always the truth, but the lies of our former lives took courage to overcome.

After we both became free of our previous entanglements, we were also free to explore the actual love we were both eternally devoted to. The experience is nothing short of being the greatest gift from God.

I am devoted to her, and this required no hope.
I am devoted to her, and this required no faith.
I am devoted to her, and this required no belief.
I am devoted to her, and this required no test.
I am devoted to her, and it didn’t even require proof.

I am devoted to this one woman, for reason that would take a lifetime to explain to anyone else, but is already known in her. It has always been known in her. It has always been known in me.

With our acceptance and surrender to our united devotion, we are receivers of life’s unexplainable and most blissful curiosities. It is so powerful that we say God has put us together. In truth we have always been together because of our real devotions, it just took time for us to find one another on earth.

Given our innermost truths, I see that I have been devoted to her since the dawn of man. Given our truths, I know that I could never be devoted to another as I am to this one. Given our truths… we are blessed beyond that which is even known to us now, and each day brings more profound revelations of this.

Devotion is an experience. I pray it is given unto everyone who seeks.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Devoted to One

Devotion is Innate: Devotion transcends mere choice; it springs from a profound connection that resides deep within our souls. In our relationship, this devotion is effortlessly embodied by her, as she represents the truth of our shared experience and emotional depth.

A Shared Discovery: Just as a musician is drawn to the beauty of music, I have always felt an overwhelming truth that leads me to her. Our connection is an ancient realization that transcends time, and I recognize that my devotion to her was etched in my spirit long before we met.

Liberation Through Truth: In our past, we may have been tethered to relationships that lacked true devotion, but we have both embraced the courage to overcome those false attachments. Now, free from those constraints, we fully explore the love that binds us, discovering the boundless joy of our authentic devotion to one another.

An Unconditional Bond: My devotion to her is not contingent on hope, faith, or proof; it simply exists. She embodies the essence of my heart’s truth, and I am profoundly grateful for the clarity we have found in our united devotion, which has brought us closer to the divine.

An Eternal Connection: I understand that my devotion to her is timeless, and I could never feel the same way for another. Every day reveals new depths of our connection, reminding us that we are blessed with a love that transcends understanding, rooted in the purity of our shared truths.

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Devoted to One

Deep within all humans is the truth about their devotions. It is not a matter of choice, or a decision of what we are devoted to, because that lingers only in the mind. Devotion is a matter of spirit, emotion, depth and soul. Alone in the mind it cannot last, for it has no depth.

Devotion comes from a place of ancient personal truths. It is a discovery much like that of a musician who first discovers music, and then never departs from it. It wasn’t a matter of thought or choice, but an overwhelming experience of truth within them. Our devotions are the same for us.

In life we are given many ideas from others about what we are meant to be devoted to. We say we are to be devoted to our wives, devoted to our families, devoted to our children and even our jobs etc. In principle this is a beautiful idea. but this isn’t often how things turn out. There in us are stronger and more powerful forces we are devoted to, and they are attached to our innermost personal truths.

If we marry someone who was not right for us, we cannot be truly devoted to them. If we work a job that we do not like or love, we cannot truly be devoted to it. Devotion requires an earnest attachment, and to be earnest requires truth. More truth can be found in those things we want out of life, then in those things we think we are to have or be. To be devoted to something false in us will only lead to self destruction and failure.

This is where what we intuitively know can make a seriously important turn of events in our lives. I intuitively knew that deep within me was an idea of love, of God, and of a woman who shared these things with me. I was devoted to this emotional desire from a very young age. This woman in my heart I was devoted to long before I even met her.

When the day came that I finally met this woman, it was automatically true that I would not ever depart from her. I was profoundly attached to her without any effort on my part. There was no work, no need for explanation or no compromises to our selves required for our friendship to flourish. My devotion to her was not a choice, indeed we even tried to make a choice to avoid our immediate devotion. This too is impossible and was destined to fail.

Five years into our growing love, we both came to our startling truths. None of our former relationships have had our devotion, even though we tried so desperately to create that in them. Our principles and ideas of what is right or wrong could not stand in the face of the truth in our very hearts. In our hearts was always the truth, but the lies of our former lives took courage to overcome.

After we both became free of our previous entanglements, we were also free to explore the actual love we were both eternally devoted to. The experience is nothing short of being the greatest gift from God.

I am devoted to her, and this required no hope.
I am devoted to her, and this required no faith.
I am devoted to her, and this required no belief.
I am devoted to her, and this required no test.
I am devoted to her, and it didn’t even require proof.

I am devoted to this one woman, for reason that would take a lifetime to explain to anyone else, but is already known in her. It has always been known in her. It has always been known in me.

With our acceptance and surrender to our united devotion, we are receivers of life’s unexplainable and most blissful curiosities. It is so powerful that we say God has put us together. In truth we have always been together because of our real devotions, it just took time for us to find one another on earth.

Given our innermost truths, I see that I have been devoted to her since the dawn of man. Given our truths, I know that I could never be devoted to another as I am to this one. Given our truths… we are blessed beyond that which is even known to us now, and each day brings more profound revelations of this.

Devotion is an experience. I pray it is given unto everyone who seeks.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Devoted to One

Devotion is Innate: Devotion transcends mere choice; it springs from a profound connection that resides deep within our souls. In our relationship, this devotion is effortlessly embodied by her, as she represents the truth of our shared experience and emotional depth.

A Shared Discovery: Just as a musician is drawn to the beauty of music, I have always felt an overwhelming truth that leads me to her. Our connection is an ancient realization that transcends time, and I recognize that my devotion to her was etched in my spirit long before we met.

Liberation Through Truth: In our past, we may have been tethered to relationships that lacked true devotion, but we have both embraced the courage to overcome those false attachments. Now, free from those constraints, we fully explore the love that binds us, discovering the boundless joy of our authentic devotion to one another.

An Unconditional Bond: My devotion to her is not contingent on hope, faith, or proof; it simply exists. She embodies the essence of my heart’s truth, and I am profoundly grateful for the clarity we have found in our united devotion, which has brought us closer to the divine.

An Eternal Connection: I understand that my devotion to her is timeless, and I could never feel the same way for another. Every day reveals new depths of our connection, reminding us that we are blessed with a love that transcends understanding, rooted in the purity of our shared truths.

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